New girl

Jack's POV

This whole freaking thing called school is boring. It was gonna be math class, the first class of the day and I'm already tired.

I decided to sleep. I was just drifting to sleep until Hiccup woke me up. "Jack! Jack! Wake up!" He said. I look at him just to see the teacher had arrived.

I somehow sit properly even though I didn't want to. "Okay! So first of all, we have this new student with us today!" The teacher, Mr. North smiled.

Everyone cheered. Except me, guys, it's 9 in the morning, how are y'all so ready to start your bullshit?! "Is it a girl?" One of the boys asked .

The teacher smiled at him and nodded. Heh, another slut I guess? Every boy started to whistle.

Why are y'all so excited. It's not like your favourite filmstar is coming here?!

"She must be sexy!" One of the boys said. While others made some noise. "Okay okay, calm down and let's welcome, Elsa Arendelle!" The teacher clapped.

Now, everything was in slow motion. A beautiful gir- sorry, A GODDESS with Blonde hair and blue eyes came into the room.

The boys started to whistle again while the girls were staring at her with jealousy but still clapped.

"Hi, I'm Elsa Arendelle, hope we'll be good friends!" She smiled. Her voice, her smile oh gosh- WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

"Okay so Elsa, that's your seat, beside Toothiana. Toothiana, raise your hand." The teacher said as Tooth raised her hand with a smile.

I think she'll take good care of her. WHY DO I EVEN CARE?!

"And, Jack, the class president will give you a tour around the school." The teacher said. "Raise you hand, Frost."

I raised my hand. She looked at me and smiled. SMILED. It just melted my heart. I put my hand back. Then she went to her place.

[Time skip]

"And we're done! So? How's the school?" I turned towards Elsa. "It's nice!" She smiled.

I smiled back. "I actually gotta go, I have some work. Toothiana must be at the cafeteria, you can go to her." I said to her .

"Okay." She smiled. I nodded and was about to go but came back. "I actually had something to ask you." I scratch the back of my neck, I do that when I'm nervous.

"What is it?" She said in a calm voice. "Can we be friends?" I said. She nodded and pulled out her hand for a handshake. I accepted it and then went to do my work.

[Time skip, after school]

I went to the library to keep the books the teacher gave me to. But then I saw Elsa studying there. I  quickly keep the books and then go to her.

I sit beside her. "Hey! What are you reading?" I smiled at her. She didn't speak but show me the book that she's reading. I nodded and told her to continue.

"Why are you here anyways?" She asked calmly.  "We're friends, right? So I wanted to ask if you want to hang out after school?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Okay then, wait for me at the gate. For now, bye~" I said as she nodded. I left the place. She doesn't talk much.

[Time skip]

School is finally over. I run to the gate hoping Elsa to be there. And yes! I saw her. I run to her and stop near her.

"Did I make you wait for too long?" I asked as she shook her head. "Oh okay! Let's go then!" I gesture her to walk along.

We were walking beside each other. She spoke. "Where are we even going?" "Somewhere." I put my hands in the pocket.

"You sound like a kidnapper." She chuckled. "And what if I am. And I'm trying to kidnap you?" I smirk at her.

"I'm a black belt." She looked at me with a straight face. "I was joking!" I say. "I know." She looked at the road.

"So? Will you tell me where are we going?" She asked. " A café! One of my hideouts!" I smile at her. "Your what?" She looked at me with a what-the-hell face.

"Hideout. It's my uncle's café! Whenever I have a fight or something at home, I go there." I say and she nodded.

And finally we reached the café. It's not really far from school. We go inside and order some drinks for us and sit on a table.

We talked a LOT. She did too. We got to know each other more and more. I learnt new things about her and she did about me.

[Time skip to after 4 months]

I and Elsa have become bestfriends. And I think I have feelings for her but I don't know how and when to confess and whether she feels the same.

She makes me happy. She makes my heartbeat faster. Everyday, I fall for her harder.

Today, I'm gonna take her to the tallest tower in the town. It's fun going there. It's one of my hideouts as well.

I go to her locker and stick a sticky note there

Meet me in the library.

- Jack

And I run towards the library. The school is over and she'll come here any minute. After 15 minutes she reached here.

"What took you so long?" I ask her. "The teacher was blabbering something." She rolled her eyes. I chuckle.

"What do you want now?" She said. "You don't have extra classes today, right?" I said and she shook her head.

"Come on! I have something to show you." I took her hand and take her out of the room, then out of the school.

"Leave my hand, I'll just walk beside you." She said and started walking beside me but I still held her hand.

She didn't complain again... Just about holding hands. But she did complain about how far it is. When are we gonna reach there.

And finally we reached the stairs. "Why did you stop? Are we there?" She asked. "Yeah just a little far." I said pointing at the stairs.

She gave me a 'SERIOUSLY?' face. " It's better to just go home! I'm done!" She whined. "Oh okay then if you don't wanna climb the stairs, then." I said.

"Yeah yeah." She was about to leave but I picked her up in bridal style. "What do you think you're doing? People will think-" she said, hiding her face.

"Let them think." And I took her to the tower in that way. I had reserved the tower, so no one was there. Just the two of us.

Elsa really liked the sight. We talked a lot and went home after it became a little dark.

Elsa' s POV

Time is skipped. Today is the prom day. No, I don't have any partner. I'm going because I'm forced to look after my younger sister, Anna.

I wear some dress my mom picked me . And some shoes and somehow did my hair.

[At the prom]

Anna quickly separated from me as soon as she saw Kristoff. I was asked by some random guys to be their prom date but I declined.

I wanted Jack to ask me, but he never did. He doesn't even have the feelings for me that I have for him. I sigh.

I was looking around but then I saw Jack. He was looking so handsome. But he was with someone.... A girl.

She had brown hair. Her back was facing me, so I could see her face. Jack was fixing her hair, smiling.

Suddenly, out eyes met. I quickly turned away and ran towards the rooftop. Like Jack has hideouts, I do too, it's the rooftop for me.

Whenever I have a stressful day at school, I come up here. There is a bench on the rooftop. I sit on the bench and started crying.

I don't usually cry. But this made me sad, heartbroken. So this is what heartbreak feels like huh? I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

But then I suddenly hear the door of the rooftop open. "Elsa..." It was Jack's voice. I didn't turn around.

"What are you doing here? You should be in the prom!" She kneeled down in front of me.

"Wait, you're CRYING?! Why?" He looked worried, as a friend I think. " I saw something I shouldn't have." I gave him a weak smile.

"What did you see?" He asked. "nothing. You should go to your date, you shouldn't keep her waiting." I said.

" Who date? I don't have a date." He looked confused. "The girl you were with?" I raised a brow. "The brown haired one?" He asked.

I nodded and he started laughing. "That's my sister, Emma." He said. Oh shit, I feel stupid.

"Actually I wanted to ask you  if you wanted to be my date." He scratched the back of his neck.

I wipe my tears and nod happily. We stand up. "Wait, is THAT the thing you weren't supposed to see?" He suddenly asked.

I nodded, embarrassed. " Were you jealous?" He asked and I hit his arm. "Don't be, I like you anyways." He said.

I blinked twice not sure about what k had heard. "S-shit no I mean-" he said but I suddenly kiss him. More like peck him on his lips.

"I like you too." I didn't look at him. He suddenly held my face and kissed me deeply.
