
Elsa's POV

~12 September, 00:00~

"Jack!! It's midnight! Hurry up and tell me what you wanted to tell me!" I said to Jack who was standing infront of me. He is my neighbour.

He called me to meet up at my rooftop at midnight because he had something to tell me. Bro, you disturbed my sleep.

I can feel the midnight breeze. We have been waiting here for 5 mins but looks like he can't get his words right.

"I like you."

Hehe...I didn't hear it right, I guess. My ears are hearing things, right? This can't be happening, RIGHT?

"I'm sorry, W-what?" I asked. "Come on! I know you heard me~" He said. "Yeah, I mean I did but I don't think I heard it right." I said, panicking.

He didn't say anything. But took a step forward. He was too close. He then lifted my chin to make me look at him.

Before I could say anything he placed his lips on mine. It was a soft and innocent kiss. But he pulled away before I could kiss back.

"I like you." He said, smiling at me. "I l-like you too." I said with a shy smile. He suddenly pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back. And the things that happened from that day may sound cliche but I started being more happy then ever.

~November 17, 00:00~

I woke up in the middle of the night due to a phone call. I was sleeping. URGH. I got really mad but the anger faded when I saw the name of the person who called.


I sat up and answered the phone. "Can I come over?" Jack spoke through the phone. "Didn't you just leave like 30 mins ago?" I chuckled.

"But I miss you!" He whinned like a baby. I sighed. "Fine, come over." He just lives exactly near my house and just left few minutes ago and misses me already?

I suddenly heard the doorbell. He's fast. I got up and went to the door. I opened it just for him to hug me tightly.

Times were going like this, months after months, we were happy, like every couple. But I always get worried about the problems in the relationship.

But Jack would always comfort me that we'll get through the problems together and will never ever leave me.

After the long hug, we went to the bed, cuddling. He drifted to sleep soon. But I was busy staring at his perfect face.

He is my everything.

~December 22, 00:00~

Yeah, it is midnight but I need to do the Christmas decorations as soon as possible. So, yeah, I'm doing these on midnight.

But Jack decided to visit me due to unknown reasons. I just placed the star on the top of the Christmas tree and glanced at him.

He was sitting there, zoning out. I climbed down the ladder and kneeled infront of him. "Jack.." He flinched and replied with a "huh?"

"Is everything alright?" I asked with concern. "Y-yeah, I just missed you so I dropped by." He said. "But you don't seem alright, you have been zoning out lately." I said to him.

"I'm just not well." He said. "Then you should rest!" I said, getting up. But he pulled my wrist making me sit on his lap. "But I want to be with you." He said as he hugged me.

I chuckled at his cuteness.

~December 31, 11:59~

Just a few ticks away for the new year. Everyone was happy to welcome the new year ahead but I wasn't.

Jack broke the promise of spending the holidays with me. And when I got mad he said I was just being selfish.

He said that I couldn't understand that he was busy with his work. But I know why he broke the promise, he wasn't busy with something, he was busy with someone.

He was yelling at me for being selfish. But then I couldn't bear it anymore. I threw all the things on the table. All the gifts meant for him.









"She is my girl." Jack said in the lowest voice.

It was 12 am. Fireworks lighted up the night sky. Everyone was making merry. But I was here, on the ground, crying.

I was broken, Jack was mad.  That's it. I couldn't do it anymore. "Leave." I pointed at the door.

"Listen, Elsa, let's talk it-" Jack spoke but I cut him. "I don't want to see your face!! Leave!!" I yelled.

Jack kneeled infront of me and was about to hold my arms saying, "Elsa, I'm sorry, I-" But I slapped his arms.

"Leave before I call the cops on you." I said. He sighed and slowly left the house. I was in the corner, being a crying mess.

~January 5, 00:00~

I heard he is doing well. I heard that he is with Katherine, his first love that he couldn't get over. I was just a distraction.

Both of them were very happy. I would often hear their laughs, their lovey dovey talks from my house.

Well I? I was still the way he left. I was just as hurted as before. There's no hour in the day that I don't think of him.

I have even cried over him. There's no nights that aren't spent without me crying over him.

But does he even remember me?

Does he think about me too?

I was living in darkness while he seemed to get the cause of his euphoria.

~ February 8, 00:00~

I just arrived home late from work. I don't cry anymore but it hurts the same. There's no more laughs or love dovey talks coming from Jack's house with Katherine.

Why? Because he moved to her apartment 1 week ago.

~ 12 September 00:00~

Guess who is getting married? Jack. I heard it from one of his friends who is also my friend.

He is damn happy with Katherine. But I? I still have not got over him. I still stalk his instagram.

I still ask his friend about him. He probably has already forgotten about me.

Oh Jack, you surely have caused a great wound.

Don't worry, Jack, one day, I'll surely get over you.

Jack's POV

~15 November 00:00~

It's been 1 week since Katherine's death. She got into an accident. I didn't cry. I didn't love her anymore.

I never did, since our first breakup. Why did I get together with her again? It's because she got pregnant with my child.

It was December 17, when I got drunk at the bar and she took advantage of it and the rest is history.

So because of that, she made me cheat on Elsa with her. I loved Elsa and I still do.

I never wanted to leave her, but situation made me to. Elsa came to Katherine's funeral. She is as beautiful as before.

She didn't talk to me, but she did talk to my child. I miss her, I sure do. I heard from my friend who is also her friend that she wasn't over me.

So I wanted to talk to her in the funeral, but that friend said that he is dating her. Hiccup.

I guess it's too late.

Someday, I'll get over you, Elsa Arens
