3rd Person POV

"Mom! I'm home!" Jack says as he enters the house. "Mom! He bought another CD!!" Yelled, Emma, Jack's sister as soon as she saw Jack.

"Why would you-" Jack gave a 'I am doomed' expression. Their mother comes to the room. "Is it true, Jack?" His mom asked.

Jack gave her a guilty smile. "Do you even have the count of which number CD this is?" His mother raised a brow. Jack shook his head in a no.

His mother sighed. "It's the last month, can't you spend some time with your family, instead of that damn CD store? You visit it everyday!" His mom said.

"Yes, it's the last month, I want to spend it the way I want!" Jack yelled and went to his room with his CD.

No, he doesn't have a weird obsession with CDs but with the girl who works in the CD shop. Yes, Elsa. She works as the receptionist there.

Jack has liked her for over a year now. But he's too shy to go tell her how he feels. So instead, he goes to the shop with the excuse to buy a CD, just to talk to her.

He tries to tell her how he feels but everytime he looks at her, he gets flustered.

What was he talking about 'a month'? He has cancer and it's his last month. He also had not confessed because of this reason.

He wants her to know how he feels but at the same time he doesn't want to know if she feels the same, cause if so, she'd just be heartbroken after he leaves her.

He looks at the CD in his hand. He sighs and just goes to sleep.

A month later, after Jack's death

Elsa had not seen her regular customer for a week. Jack would go there everyday, but had not visited the shop for a week.

When he bought the last CD, as Elsa did not have a change, he told her that he'd take the rest of the money next time he visits, but he had not visited yet.

Elsa knew his address. So, she took the excuse of the money and went to his home.

She went in just to see Jack's family and friends in the living room. His mother told Elsa about his death. It did hurt her, but she was trying not to cry.

"You..." A brunette guy said. "You know me?" Elsa asked confused. "You're the CD shop girl, right? .....what was the name.... Elsa!" He said.

"Yes, I am.... How did you know?" Elsa asked. "I'm Hiccup, Jack's bestfriend, I'd probably know about it." Hiccup said.

"I actually have something to show you." Hiccup said. Elsa was confused but went with him. He took her to Jack's room.

She saw all those CDs filling the room, most of all, they were unopened. Elsa couldn't try anymore, she broke into tears.

She cried on Hiccup's shoulder. "you're probably sad because you realised he liked you..." Hiccup sighed. "No..." Elsa said.

"I mean I'm sad about that, but the sadder part is that he didn't open the CDs" She cried louder.

"Why?" Hiccup asked, calmly. "There were letters in it...there were confessions in those letters... I loved him too." Elsa cried
