His doctor

3rd person POV

"Are you coming with me or not?" Hiccup placed his hands on his hips and gave a done expression to Jack. "But..." Jack, who was sitting in front of Hiccup, on a chair, said.

"But what?" Hiccup was done with Jack. "What if they give me injection?!" Jack whined. "You're not 5 years old. So, shut up and come with me." Hiccup said to Jack.

"But this is not a major cut-" Jack said. "Your bone is almost flashing. This IS a major cut. So, you coming or I'm telling your secrets to Jackson?" Hiccup had no choice but to threaten him.

"No!!! Don't tell anything!! I'll go!" Jack rolled his eyes and stood up. "Okay! Let's go!!" Hiccup smiled and walked out.

Jack had no choice but to follow him.

Jack and Hiccup were bestfriends. They decided to cook at Jack's house because Jackson wasn't home. But, it just resulted chaos.

What happened was, Jack dropped the knife and was about to pick it up but slipped because of the water he spilled a few minutes ago.

His palm landed on the knife and because of his movements, he got a deep cut. As Hiccup said, even his bone were showing.

Hiccup was driving and Jack was sitting on the passenger's seat being sulky. "I hate you." Jack said and looked out of the window.

"Me too. To be honest." Hiccup said, focusing on the road. Jack hated the fact that he has a good friend who is taking care of him BY TAKING HIM TO THE DOCTOR.

Jack hates doctors and clinics. I mean he technically hates injections but anyways-

[At the clinic]

"Jack Frost?" A middle aged nurse called. Hiccup stood up and looked at Jack, sitting beside him. "Stand up, what are you waiting for?" Hiccup said.

"Can you not go on behalf of me?" Jack said. The other patients were looking at them and that made Hiccup embarrassed.

"Have you lost your mind? Stand up quick or I'll have to drag you." Hiccup caught a grip of Jack's hand.

Jack was struggling to take his hand back and Hiccup was struggling to make him stand. Just then, the doctor peeked outside from her room.

"I think the nurse called the next patient? Why aren't they coming?" The doctor asked gaining everyone's attention.

"Who is she?" Jack's jaw dropped. "The doctor? Duh!" Hiccup said. Jack snatched his hand away from Hiccup and stood up and pretended brushing dust off his clothes.

Hiccup looked at him with a are-you-serious? expression. Jack walked towards the doctor's room, followed by Hiccup.

"I am the patient." Jack said in a rather mature tone. "You know you shouldn't waste time, when there are many patients. Anyways, come in and I suppose he's your guardian? You can bring him in if you-" the doctor was saying but Jack cut her.

"Oh no no, he's not my guardian, he's just a random person. Let's go in." Jack followed the doctor in and slammed the door shut on Hiccup's face.

I'm never helping you again

Hiccup thought to himself.

[Inside the room]

"Sit." The doctor gestured to the seat infront of her and Jack sat down there.

Jack looked around and saw her nameplate. Elsa Arendelle.

'The name is as pretty as it's owner. But I don't think the surname will be Arendelle for too long.' Jack was in his own thoughts.

But then he snapped out of it when he heard Elsa calling his name. "Uh? Mr. Frost? Hello? I've been calling your name for long!" She said.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I zoned out. And call me Jack, you don't look much younger than me." Jack winked at her.

"I think you're here for medical help, right? What happened to you?" She asked.

"Haha yeah- actually, this happened." Jack showed her his palm. She asked him how it happened. Jack explained it to her.

"You need adult supervision." Elsa muttered to herself, finding Jack mischievous, troublemaker but also cute.

"What?" He heard mumbling but couldn't understand what she said. "Nothing." She looked at him.

"So? I don't have to get an injection? Right?" Jack was expecting a little hope. "You're right. You don't need to get an injection." Elsa said.

"Oh my God, you know, I was really worried that I would have to take injection, you know I'm afraid of injections and-" Elsa cut him.

"You need to take 3 injections and also need to get stitches." Elsa said to him.

Jack's smile immediately dropped. He was afraid. He was thinking of ways to get out of this.

Maybe he could do something perv to her, so she'd kick him out.

But then, he won't meet her again.

Maybe he can pretend to faint.

But what if she still does it.


His thoughts were interrupted by Elsa. "Don't worry. I'll help you out during it. I'll make the pain go away. Do you believe me?"

"Huh? How- but uh.... Okay... I believe you." Jack said. Even he didn't know why he said that.

"You shouldn't believe strangers tho. But don't worry. You can trust me." Elsa smiled. Jack felt his worries going away.

After some time. Everything was ready. Jack was sitting on a chair while Elsa was about to give him the injection.

"Look into my eyes." She said. Jack looked at her eyes. Both of them were staring at each other.

It might be awkward but both of them liked it in some way. "And.... Done!" Elsa said. Jack didn't even notice when it was done.

"But you don't have a-" Jack said but Elsa cut him. "The nurse gave it to you." Elsa said.

After some time, they were ready for stitches. The nurse was doing it while Jelsa were having a long staring into each other's eyes session.

Elsa was even holding his hands. Jack was surprised after finishing that he was so lost in her eyes that he didn't even feel anything.

After being done. Jack paid her the money but also sneaked his number with it and got out of the room.

Hiccup, who was sitting outside, waiting for him immediately came to Jack when he saw him.

Hiccup showered him with questions that if he was okay, did he scream or wanted to scream and bla bla.

While, Jack was staring into space with heart eyes and a smile. "Are you listening?" Hiccup waved his hands infront of Jack's face.

"Oh I'm so going to come here again. How should I hurt myself this time?" Jack ignored hiccup and went outside the clinic.

Hiccup still followed him. "Hey! What the hell are you speaking? Have you gone crazy? You're not hurting yourself again! Hey! Listen to me! Is it just to meet that doctor again? Don't even think about-"

But Jack was too much whipped to pay attention to his friend.
