From whore to wifey


This is kind of a part 2 for the oneshot 'Not a whore' in the previous oneshot book. So yeah, it was requested.

Elsa's POV

It's been 3 years since that incident happened. Queen Toothiana walking in on me and king- I mean Jack... cuddling.

After that happened, they divorced. But it wasn't easy to explain to the subjects that why they split up.

But queen Toothiana took all the blame on herself and left the country and married the man she loved.

Jack and I have been together since that. We became really close. But the problem is that he couldn't tell the subjects that he is dating a girl who is a whor- I mean was a whore....

So, he introduced me as a princess from a far away kingdom and the subjects believed him. Well, I don't know how or why.

2 months ago, he proposed me. We're engaged now. But I still can't believe I'm getting married to the king.

I seriously can't believe it!!! Today is our wedding. I'm the most nervous I can ever be.

I am dressed in the wedding dress and standing in front of the mirror. This dress did make me pretty.

I'm finally getting married and it's none other than the king. I really miss my mom and dad at this time. I wish they were here with me.

I wish dad was here to walk me down the aisle. Without me realising, tears started to form in my eyes. But then someone entered the room. I turned around wiping my tears away.

"Elsa!! You know- WAIT- YOU WERE CRYING?" Anna, my sister entered the room with a joyful face but that expression faded after seeing tears in my eyes.

"Huh? Oh no I mean..... I'm kind of missing mom and dad. I wish dad was here to walk me down the aisle-" I said as tears started to form again in my eyes.

"Elsa! We talked about this. I'm walking you down the aisle, so don't be upset! Mom and dad wouldn't be happy seeing you crying on such an important day in your life." Anna said and hugged me.

I hugged back. After a while, we broke the hug. " Now show me that smile!" She said. I forced a smile.

"You know you really sound like a big sister sometimes." I laughed. "Yeah I do, little sis." She said and laughed too.

"Now come on!! You're getting married!!" She said dragging me out of the waiting room. That excited little sis is back again. I thought to myself.

Anna, even though was also poor has learnt to adjust in this royal environment really quick. While I'm still not good at it.

She is dating Prince Kristoff, Jack's younger brother. They are engaged and will be marrying soon too.

~At the venue~

The gates are gonna open soon. I'm outside the gate, with Anna, arms linked with hers. I am so nervous. My heartbeat is literally at the highest level possible.

I feel like my heart will come out of my chest right now. But then, the door opened. Anna forced me in as my legs were frozen because of nervousness.

I was looking around. People everywhere. Everyone's eyes on me. I need to act elegant. I was trying. But, I was panicking.

I was nervously watching everyone, until my eyes met another pair of eyes. And the time seemed to slow down.

I feet weren't frozen anymore. My nervousness was gone. A smile crept my face instead of that nervous expression.

Jack was standing there, as royal as everyday. I feel like I don't wanna leave this moment anytime.

Not after long, he took my hand from Anna's and now I'm standing infront of him. He flashed a smile which could make any girl's heart melt.

I could stare at his perfect face forever. Soon all the vows ended and exchange ring and Everything ended, it was time to 'kiss the bride'.

We haven't kissed in front of people before, so I started panicking again. He stepped forward and lifted my chin. He stared into my eyes with his eyes and then flashed a smile before placing his soft lips on me.

I slightly kissed back because I was still nervous. And the rest of the events went on.

~In Jelsa's room~

The event took longer than expected. So we were so much tired. I came to the castle and took shower and I kind of feel okay now. Jack is now showering.

I went to the balcony and started to watch the stars but suddenly someone hugged me from back and rested his head on my shoulder.

I thought why was he being so clingy. But then I remember again,it was the first night after wedding, if you know what I mean.

I felt kind of nervous again. I mean we have done it several times but he still gives me goosebumps.

"Elsa..." He spoke in his husky voice snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I tried to act cool but no I wasn't okay!!!

And guess what , I realised he was half naked. Like he was just wearing a towel. Gosh, I'mma die.

"We're finally married!! I've been waiting for 3 years for this!" He spoke like kid. "Oh really?" I chuckled.

"I can't believe a whore like me has married you, the king!" I said it like a joke. "Shut up! You're not a whore! You're my beautiful wife!" He said as he kissed my neck.

"But seriously this journey of having sex in the first meet to us being married is still magical to me." I said eyes closed.

"I remember something because of that, isn't it our first night? You know the rules, Mrs. Frost." He said and turned me around and smashed his lips on mine.

After a make out session he picked me up and placed me on the bed and hovered above me. And he started kissing me again. And you already know what happened next!

So yeah.....

I'm thankful I met him.
