Fell for an alien 1/3

3rd person POV

"We're not gonna get salary if we don't get any news this week. And it's almost the end of the week." Merida panicked.

"I know, Mer, I just don't get it why nothing interesting is happening in the area around." Elsa sat on the bench beside Merida.

"Why can't something like a ghost, vampire, spirit, mermaid or alien or literally anything come to us?! So that we can get paid." Elsa was frustrated. [Trusfrated :)]

"Want some water?" Merida offered Elsa. "Oh ye- wait- come with the camera, something's happening there." Elsa's eyes looked at somewhere.

People were gathering on a spot. It looked like a fight was going on. Both the girls rushed there with their camera and microphone.

They went through the crowd to the front and saw the event. A man was beating the sh*t out of another man who had ash white hair.

People around don't have such hair until they're old. But that man didn't look too old.

Elsa and Merida did their job and captured the moment. The police came in no time and arrested the man with ash white hair because the other man said that he was stealing from his shop. He even had CCTV evidence.

Elsa and Merida decided to go there too. This small case of stealing can lead to something big. That's what Elsa thought.

Why did she think in that way? The man who was accused of stealing didn't say anything but was speaking gibberish.

[At the police station]

Elsa and Merida waited outside until the situation cooled down. They entered the police station. "Can I meet the person who was just arrested?" Elsa asked one of the police.

"That person? You are media? Right? Therefore I'm telling you, we don't think that he is in right state of mind. He's literally speaking gibberish. So, we can't let you meet him." The police said resting his face on his hands on the table.

"Please? We want to interview him. We'll take just a few seconds." Merida pleaded.

"Interview? You can interview me if you want, I brought him here after all and I'm the most senior officer here right now." The officer winked at Merida while she looked at him with a disgusted face.

But then, Elsa got an idea. "Okay, let's have a deal. You let me meet the person and we interview you and praise about your deed." Elsa said to him.

"Not bad. You know how to deal. Anyways, our senior will be here within 15 minutes. You can just stay there till then." The officer said.

Elsa agreed to it and the officer lead Elsa to the cell where that man was in. Elsa told Merida that she'll go there alone while Merida interview the officer.

Merida after complaining for some time, agreed to it. After Elsa entered the cell, the officer closer the door immediately.

Elsa flinched at it but then looked at that mysterious man who was sitting in one corner. He noticed her and immediately rushed to her.

Elsa was shocked at his sudden actions and stepped backward, hitting her back on the door.

As the officer said, he might not be in a right state of mind, so she was kinda scared.

The man got infront of her hand held her hands and closed his eyes and muttered something.

Elsa tried to get her hands away from his but stopped trying as she realised he wasn't doing anything bad to her.

She stared at his face. It looked so handsome and out of place. His ash white silky hair was adding to his looks.

After some seconds of Elsa staring at him, being attracted and whipped for some reason, he let go of her hand and opened his eyes.

He was too close to her. So, he took a step backward. "Sorry if I scared you, I was doing.... Something." The man said.

His voice sounded like something to die on, that's what Elsa felt, but then, she remembered he's a complete stranger and maybe also a crazy man.

But he wasn't acting crazy at that time. "Oh something? As in?" Elsa asked him. "Learning your language." The man shrugged.

"Learning what?! How can you do it while just holding someone's hand?" Elsa asked. "Don't laugh, okay?" He hesitated.

Elsa nodded. "Don't tell anyone, but... I'm an alien." The man said, serious. But Elsa burst into laughter.

"Yeah? And I'm an ice queen." Elsa laughed. "Don't believe me if you don't want to." That man rolled his eyes.

"Okay okay calm down-" but then something came to Elsa's mind. Back then he was being beaten by that man on the street, he wasn't speaking English, but Gibberish.

"Why weren't you speaking English then? When the man was hitting you?" Elsa asked.

"I hadn't learnt the language then." He said. Elsa was finding it really sus. "You were joking about that alien part, right?" Elsa laughed nervously.

"No." That man looked serious. "Proof it, then. I still don't believe you." Elsa folded her arms infront of her chest.

"Intertwine your fingers with me. I'll know what's going on in your life and literally everything about you." He said.

Elsa thought for a few seconds and then intertwined her fingers with his. The man closed his eyes and muttered something again.

After some time, he opened his eyes and left her hand. "You wanna hear? I saw everything." He said. Elsa nodded.

"Your name is Elsa. Elsa Arendelle. You are 26 years old currently. You are a reporter at Newslive channel. You are with the camerawoman named Merida. You haven't got a good story this week and are searching for one and right now you think maybe I can be that story and you kind of believe me." The man said.

It left Elsa's jaw drop. "Wait- wait- you're telling me, I'm talking to an alien, like an actual alien right now?!" Elsa said.

"Yeah." The man nodded. "I can't believe it. But what are you doing here?! How did you even get here and what's your name? Do y'all have names?" Elsa was curious.

"I do. I am Jack. Do you want to listen to my story?" The man laughed slightly, making Elsa feel something.

Elsa nodded. "I am Jack. I'm from the planet- sorry, I can't reveal the name, 3 years ago, I came to visit earth with my friends. There were like 100 of us. We were roaming around, just then, someone stole my stick, mg staff, that was really important to me, because through that, we can communicate with each other. So, I tried to catch that man and in that time, the spaceship left, without me. So, I have been searching for it since then. I roamed around many places, Paris, Korea, Philipines, Russia etc trying to find my staff, but I never found it. And I'm still searching for it." Jack explained.

"That's- that's- mind-blowing, like literally. Why did you steal tho?" Elsa asked.

"Steal? Oh I'm been accused about it many times and had been in places like this before. I don't know, I just take things I like and people call that stealing." Jack shrugged.

"You'll need some help in that case, then." Elsa muttered. "Did you say something?" Jack asked. "Nothing." Elsa replied.

"Okay, let me teach you some things, act like how I say and you won't be sent to the mental hospital and you'll just stay here maybe for a week or something. I'll meet you after it." Elsa said.

She taught Jack some basic manners and how to act like a human being. Jack was a fast learner and was able to learn everything.

But the police officer called her because it was time for the senior to come. Elsa was about to leave the cell but then Jack's words stopped her.

"Why do you want to help me?" Jack asked. "I don't know." Elsa said and left.

Since then, Jack has been feeling something. Something strange. His mind was always in the thoughts of Elsa.

He acted how Elsa taught him and wasn't sent to the mental hospital. After a week, he was released.

He got out of the police station, just to see Elsa waiting near the gate with another girl with her.

"Jack!" Elsa ran to him. "O-oh Elsa!" He smiled as soon as he saw her. "Let's go!" Elsa smiled at him.

"Where?" Jack was confused. "Home." Elsa said. "Home? I don't have a home." Jack said.

" I know. I'm telling about my home." Elsa said. "Oh okay- WAIT WHAT?!" Jack's eyes went wide.


Haha- cliffhanger-

So anyways, Idk why I had this idea of making Jack an alien-

I'm not sane ig-
