Chapter 7


"Hey man,what you thinking about" Andrew asked.

"Um.. nothing much, guys,i have to tell you something"I replied.

" Go ahead,we are all ears"Peter said.

" Um,there is this girl-"I started
But I was cut of by their annoying voices.

"Ohhh,His Majesty is in love" they both said with a stupid grin on their faces.

"Cut it out guys,its nothing like that,just shut up and listen." They shut up instantly.

" She's my new personal maid,she's beautiful,and am attracted to her" said quickly.

The just stared at me in shock because they knew, after what Jessica did I swore off girls.
I was always saying I didn't want my heart to be broken the second time.

"Wow that' cool I guess, to be able to feel something after what Jessica did"Peter said.

" Don't you mention that bitch name again" Andrew glared at Peter.

He had never liked her even when I started dating her,he always warned me about her, I should have listened but I was a stupid boy who made up his mind on  following his heart.

A heart that fell for the wrong woman.

"Calm down guys,I also intiated a plan for her to be my private tutor and help me with my grades so I can spend more time with her"I said

" Smart guy,am proud of myself for teach you so many smart tricks"Peter said proudly

" Shut up man"I said laughing.

We chatted the whole afternoon before I decided to return to my Angel-wait what I haven't known her for a month and am.... Ugh.

After saying my goodbyes to the twins and left for home to see my beautiful Malia.



At 4pm sharp the next day I made my way to the Prince's room for the tutorial I arranged . Thankfully he was there,seated with a goofy grin on his face,I have to admit,he looked so handsome.

I sat beside him with him staring at me as if it was the first time he saw me.

"Stop staring,it's rude"I told him.

" But you are just so beautiful"he replied.

I felt my cheeks turn red from his comment but I chose to ignore him.

I tutored him for about 2 hours before wrappeing up and returned to the kitchen to  join the other maids to prepare dinner although I would say he is to intelligent to have low grade at school.

"Where have you been Malia.You were suppose to help prepare dinner an hour ago " Tiffany asked

" Am sorry but the Prince asked me to be his tutor,so I would be tutor him every afternoon from now on"I replied.

Tiffany stared at me as if she wanted to say something but decided against 

"Fine. Now go set the table ,the king and queen will be down shortly,they want an early dinner".

I got to work immediately and set the table with the rest of the maids.

Shortly the king and queen came down  followed by the Prince who winked at me while passing beside me.

Dinner went on peaceful and nothing was heard apart from the chatter coming from the dinner table. After dinner we cleared up the table,after the washing the plates I retired to my room to rest.

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