Chapter 10


Its been 6 month since Malia started working here. I have been searching for ways to confess my feeling for her. I really do like her  a lot but am scared if me confessing my feelings to her will scare her away.

Am really not ready to lose her but I have decided to tell her how I feel and ask her to be my girlfriend today.

I went downstairs to have breakfast,I knew my parents won't be around by the time i got up,Father has to go to work early even though he is the owner of the damn company and many other companies under him,he still tries to be punctual while Mother is probably out on a shopping trip.

My family is one of the richest family in the country,that means  I have a lot of responsibility by the time I officially become King.

Malia came out of the kitchen and served me my breakfast ,as she is about to go,I called her to join me.

"Malia join me,let have breakfast together"

" Thank you Anderson,I have eaten already"Malia replied

As if on que,her stomach made a rumbling sound that exposed her lie.

Anderson look at her sternly,she blushed and looked down before joining him to eat breakfast.

They talk very little throughout the breakfast.

After they were done,she stood up and cleared the plate to the kitchen before arranging them in the dishwasher for washing.

"Malia,the Prince want you to join him in the garden" a fellow maid announced to me.

" Okay thanks. I will go after i finish with the dishes" Malia replied her.

"No,go see the Prince now,it's sounded quite urgent. Don't worry, i will complete your chores for you"she said.

" Thank you"Malia told her before walking out to meet the Prince.


She continued with the chore while I went outside to see the what Anderson wants.

I saw him standing by the lake his back facing me. My breath caught in my throat as I admired his firm shoulder and back that I wish I could run my hands through,neck I wish to kiss.....I really need to stop these dirty thoughts from slipping into my mind.

"Anderson" I called him softly.
He was still for sometime before he turned around and gave me a rose I  didn't notice he was holding.

"Anderson what is this" I asked confused.

With his signatory smirk on his face he answered.

" A rose!?"

" I know it a rose,why are you giving it to me?" I asked

He paused for a moment as if he was deep in thought

"I have something to tell you Malia" he said

" Am all ears"i said.

He took a deep breath before saying

" Malia I have been watching and spending a lot of time with you ,hell I even asked you to be my tutor because I can't help but want to spend all my time with you.I feel a lot of things for you but the one I recognize is the love I have for you. So Malia Brown I ask you right here and now"he got down on one knee" Will you be my girlfriend?"

I stared at him shocked,I can't believe my ears as tears of joy started gathering my eyes,I did my upmost  best to blink it back .

Did Anderson no-did a Prince just asked me to be his girlfriend. I don't know what to feel,i don't know what to say.

I won't lie that I don't feel the same way about him but I just can't date him. We aren't right for each other,gossip are already traveling round the Palace about the time we spend together every day and also for sitting at the Royal dinning table to have breakfast with the Prince.

If the Queen I can't afford to lose this job that has done so much for me and my family.

I looked away from him and replied sourly.

"Am sorry Anderson .I can't date you."

He mouth and eyes widened in shock for turning him down. I bet no girl has ever turned him down i probably was first girl to ever do that .

I dropped the Rose into his hand and walked away..Sad.

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