Chapter 39


It's a week now since I got kidnapped by psycho Jessica. I miss my kids and Anderson so much. I wonder if he believes the lies Jessica and Tiffany told him about the letter they claim I wrote.

Jessica gives me food twice a day both in very small quantity with little or no water. If I didn't know better I would think she wants to stave me to death.

And the way she tortures me am scared to think if she's human, she beats me till I pass out,there are bruises all over my body am surprised I haven't had a miscarriage from all the torture. I keep praying everyday that Anderson will see a loophole in their plans and finds me because am so scared especially for my unborn child.

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" Why haven't you found her? It's been a week now,you all are incompetent,you are fired" I shouted over the phone and threw it across the room, worried.

The kids are asking so many questions about their mother that I don't have answers to especially since Malia's mother came to visit three days ago without Malia.

Am so confused,I don't know what to do.

As if Jessica knew that I found out about her plans she disappeared without a trace.

' Ring   Ring"

I picked up the telephone on my desk since my 4th phone this week is already destroyed.


"We found something sir"one of my tracker said

"Which is?"

"We found Jessica's location" he replied

On hearing the statement I waited a whole week to hear, I felt a rush of joy inside my body.

"Impressive,now tell me so I can write it down".
He told me the address I quickly wrote it down and called the police.

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The door opened and a young man entered holding the same portion of food they feed me with every day.

"Get up,it's time to eat" he said

I immediately sat up and collected the food and rushed it ,I was staved and I could feel the baby was hungry too.

After I finished eating he collected the plate about to go when I said

"Please help me, please am pregnant and if I stay here for one more night,I could die or worse lose my baby , please help me it's so cold here and am still starving, please I beg, I will pay you a large amount of money to restart a crime-free life  somewhere far away,just please help me."

He looked at me and I could have swore I saw a look of pity cross his face.

" I can't help you am sorry , Jessica will kill me but I will bring you more food please make sure she doesn't find out" he said lowly

" I can manage that, thank you" I said

He walked out and true to his promise he brought me more food and add a glass of fruit juice,I couldn't express how grateful I was.

After I finished eating I laid down to sleep when I heard loud gunshots outside. The door bust open and revealed two policemen with Anderson behind.

I rushed towards him and threw myself on his body, crying

"Oh Anderson,i thought you would never find me" I said crying

"Shhhh..don't cry too much Malia ,it's not good for the baby"he said

"How did you.."I looked at him with tears in my eyes

" I saw the test" he said

" It was suppose to be a surprise" I said crying, pregnancy hormones seems to get the best of me.

"Its okay baby ,you safe now let's get out of here"

" What about Jessica?"

The anger on his face was unmistakable.

"She has been arrested and she will be dealt with for putting these bruises all over you beautiful skin,don't worry too much,right now just focus on our baby" he said

I nodded too tired to speak as he carried me out to the car.

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