Chapter 20


It didn't take long before we got home,the kids had fallen asleep in the car.

Luckily for me I met Martin at the front of my house so he helped me carry the kids to their room.

"You didn't tell me you were coming"

He wrapped his arm around my waist

"I wanted to surprise you honey ,I got off work quite early so I said to myself 'why not spend the rest of the day with my world most favorite people' so here am i"

He finished and started kissing me on my lips and every where on my body ,I shivered as he carried me up to my bedroom.

Well one thing led to another,the summary of it all is I got laid that night.

Knock knock

Who could that be at this hour,I mean it 2am in the morning,i tapped Martin who is still lying snoring beside me to wake him up.

"Martin,Martin,wake up" I shook him there's someone at the door"

" Who??"he asked sleepily

" I don't know,I hope they are not robbers"I said scared

" Nah I don't think so,robbers don't knock when the want to rob they  break in" Martin said

" Let me go and check the kids while you check who is at the door"I said.

" Okey dokey"he climbed out of bed and went to get the door.

I rushed upstairs to check the kids luckily they were still fast asleep. Then I heard a loud noise downstairs I ran quickly to see what caused the noise, i received the shock of my life.

Anderson had a tight grip on Martin's neck .

"What do you think you are doing Anderson,get you hands off him right now"I shouted.

" Keep you voice down, I don't want you waking up my kids"he demanded lowly while removing his hands from Martin throat who started coughing profusely.

My mouth widened in horror.

How did he know??

"Ohhhhhhh surprised are we?Yeah I found out. After you pulled that stunt pretending not to remember me at the restaurant I knew  for sure something was up so I asked my private investigator to run check on you then I got the shock of my life you have two of my kid with you that you didn't bother to tell me about"

"All those feelings I had about someone following me it was you all along"I said in shock

" Of course,so you remember me now right,and the fiance you mentioned is Martin,my family doctor??"he said angrily

" I owe you no explanation,get out of my house before I call the cops"I told him.

" Am not leaving here without my kids"he said

" Don't go there, don't you dare,what kids are you talking the kids about,the kids you denied,the kids your mother told me to abort" I shouted loudly

" Mommy why are you shouting so loud and who is that man over there"
I looked up and saw my two babies looking at me wide eyes.

"Nothing baby, mummy is just stressed ,go with Uncle Martin he will tuck you back in bed"I said purposely avoiding their second question.

Martin took the kids back to there room while I faced Anderson.

"Anderson please leave,I need to sleep and remember this clearly my kid don't need you"

" Don't say that baby,I missed you and I never forgot about you all this years. Am sorry for how I treated you in the past I was young and stupid."he said

" Baby??really Anderson? Nothing is happening or going to happen between us,I have moved on okay? Am getting married very soon,you are welcome to attend but please leave now"

" I will leave but I will be back to make you mine that I promise you".

He strode out of the door majestically.

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