Chapter 11


I can't believe Malia turn me down after confessing my feeling to her like a love-stuck fool, I can't believe she shut down my feeling without any remorse.

She's the only girl I have confessed my feeling to, she is the only one I have loved since Jessica, and she is the only one who turned down my feeling for her heartlessly. I feel so foolish, l feel so stupid. I was on the spot where Malia left me still shocked and angry.

I am angry at myself and at Malia for playing with my feelings like that. I called the family driver to drive me to a bar where I can drink and forget my heart break.


After I left Anderson, I went straight to my room and cried my heart out,
I really want to be with Anderson but I just can't his parents will never accept no matter what I do .

I will just be seen as a maid who works in their high class reputable home. I can't stand the thought of being hated by his parents especially his mother.

I already have a feeling she hates me since the day I spilled water on her precious son during dinner,and this family have helped me  by giving me this job where I use the money I earn to start my mother's treatment and send my sister back to school .

I feel like I am betraying them if I date their son after all they have done for me I will feel so ungrateful.

Later that day.

I went downstairs to join the other maids to prepare dinner for the Royal family.

"Malia,Tasha,Anne go set the dining table while Maria and I will bring out the food and serve,the rest of you stay back and clean up the kitchen"Tiffany gave out orders,and we all got to work immediately.

After I and the other maid set up the table,the King and Queen came down while the Prince was nowhere to be found. They both looked stressed and worried because no one has heard from him since this morning and he is also not the type to stay out late,he comes home even before his Father arrive from work which could be late most times or early at times but he came back late today and still the Prince is not back yet.

I wonder where he could be at this hour I hope...

"Has any of you seen the Prince anywhere."shouted the Queen

Every body shook from her cold voice that penetrated the room like ice.

The Queen has always been feared by the servants because of her unfriendly, arrogant and harsh behavior towards the servants, every body tries their best to stay out of her way because staying out of her way is like staying out of trouble.

The King is her exact opposite friendly and kind to the servants even sometimes he stay to chat with them when he is free.

"Calm down honey,he will be back soon beside he is not a child anymore"said the king softly

" How can you say that,you know it's not like our son to come home this late,and you are telling me to calm down?."the Queen shouted

Speaking of the devil,the Prince walked in,in his charming self.

The Queen stood up and rushed to his side

"Where have you been dear,I have been so worried about you"the Queen said to Anderson hugging him

" Out"Anderson replied coldly

"What do you by 'out',do you know how worried we were about you"the Queen said withdrawing to look at her son's face.

" DROP IT,MUM"Anderson shouted shocking everyone.

His mother looked at him also shocked.

"Don't speak to your mother like that again,now come and sit,let's have dinner"the King said

The Prince obediently went to the dinner table and settled down. Tiffany served him his food as he ate his food while stabbing the plate in anger.

"Get me some water" he said angrily.

I just stood there looking at him painfully knowing I was the cause of his anger because I turned him down,now he is taking his anger on people and things around him.

"Are you deaf? My son said he wants water" the Queen shouted at me.

"Am sorry Your Highness"I apologised

I quickly rushed to the Anderson side to give him water when I tripped in the  process spilling the whole water on him.

"Are you out of your mind" Anderson stood and shouted at me

I am suprised because Anderson has never spoken to me or anyone like that.

"Am sorry Your Highness,it was a mistake. It won't happen again"I looked down as a spoke,ashamed of myself.

"It better not" with that he stood up and left.

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