Chapter 27


During the car ride I couldn't help but imagine how happy of a family we would become once we get back to Haditla but first of all I have to fit my relationship with Malia,I could only hope she would forgive for what I did to her in the past. At the thought of that i glanced at her, she and the kids were fast asleep.

My mind drifted back to when she   kissed that stupid doctor I guess I have to teach him an unforgettable lesson for touching what is MINE.

The ride to my private airport was longer than usual due to traffic . As soon as we got there my pilot was waiting for me already. I woke Malia up while Michael assisted me in carrying the kids into the private jet.


I was amazed by the sight before me . I never knew he had a private jet
with his name written boldly on it . I guess he got it recently because when we dating he didn't own one.

"Malia get in here,we are about to take off" Anderson yelled at me from the top of the plane stairs.

" Don't tell me what to do" I shouted back.

Before I reluctantly entered the plane,strapped up and the plane took off.

I was dozing off when I heard his voice.

"This is an 8 hours flight and I expect you to change in to this dress after we land"

I glanced at the blue sundress he was showing me.

" Why do I have to wear that,I am fine by wjat I am wearing"

I glanced down at my ripped jeans paired with a pink top.

" You are meeting my parents after such a long time with my kids and you are not meeting them in that" he said glaring at me.

I glared back at him.
" Am not wearing that either"I said to him

"You won't right?. When we get to the Palace I will make sure you won't get see you kids for a week" he mercenary

My body stiffened
" please don't do that I will put on the dress"

He stood and peck my forehead then stroked my hair

"So beautiful and obedient" after saying that he walked away

I was so tempted to throw something at his muscular back to hurt him for threatening me but thought otherwise.

I stretched a little then relaxed back in the chair and slept off.


8 hours later.

As soon as the plane landed I woke Malia and the kids from their recent nap.

As we out of the plane my driver was nearby already waitingto pick us up.
Anderson instructed him to drive us to a nearby hotel so they can freshen up and change to the cloth I got for them before heading to the Palace to see my parent.

The kids came out of the bathroom first.

"Daddy,daddy we love the clothes,thank you Dad"

They both took turns and hugged him ,the happiness I felt that moment was unexplainable.

I looked up and saw Malia watching my interaction with the kids but she immediately looked away as soon as our eyes met.

I stood up and excuses as i went into to bathroom to freshen up and get dressed before we all stepped out of the hotel to to continue the journey to my parents house.

On the way,I heard Malia say lowly to me

"Just remember you forced me to come here and I have also not forgotten about your betrayal in the past something I would never forgive you for"

My heart felt heavy hearing what she just said. But I am determined to earn her forgiveness and make her fall back in love with me.

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