Chapter 17


Malia! Oh my God i can't believe am actually seeing her right now. I know she must hate me right now for what I did to her in the past,I hope she would just understand that I was so young and scared to be a father , i might sound selfish but I didn't wanna spend my youth days as a father , hell! I wasn't done with college.

I took years for realized my mistake of denying both the pregnancy and the woman I love, years after finishing college I still hunger for her, I couldn't even be with another woman without thought of her filling my head.I miss every inch of her.

"Malia"I said in a low husky voice.

I could feel her shivering in my arms.

She realized the position we are in and jumped out of my arms.

"Sorry" she said.

She moved to walk away but I pulled her back and hugged her tightly.

"Malia ,I missed you honey,I missed you so bad,I am so sorry for everything I did"

She drew back and slapped me.

" How dare you hold me like that, you've got the wrong person, please excuse me my fiance is waiting for me"

He glanced at her retreating figure in amaze.

Denying identity is what you doing now right? If you think for one moment that I will let you off so easily ,then you've got another thing coming.



"We have to go Martin,he is here" I started picking up my bag

"Who is here? What are you talking about?"Martin asked

"Anderson,I  bumped into him as I was going to the bathroom ,he recognized me and called out my name but I told him he's got the wrong person."

" You did good, let go!"he said.
We left hurriedly as soon as he settled the bill.

The drive home was silent, when Martin dropped me at my house he hugged me and told me everything will be alright and not to stress over a jerk like Anderson. I just nodded and hugged him goodbye before entering into my house.

The house was too silent for my liking probably because my kid are not here and are spending the night at their grandma's or maybe because i am in dire need of company to distract me from my stressful day,I wish I could just rush over and bring they back right now but it's quite late.

I went upstairs and went straight to take the the bathroom to have a long body-soaking in the tub

What a long and unexpected day..I hope I never have see him again.

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