Chapter 21


After Anderson left I returned back to bed with Martin who tried to get  to distract me to get me to sleep but I was unable to sleep I tossed side to side till dawn before getting up to proceed with the activities of the day.

I went to the kids room woke them up, bathe them, prepared breakfast for them then drove them to school which is just 10 minutes away before I came back home to prepare for work. Martin was long gone he said he had a very early appointment to catch.

I was about leaving the house when I heard a knock at my door. I went and opened it to find Anderson standing at my doorstep.

"What do you want again?"I asked coldly

"You darling plus my kids" he said smiling

" Stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point, am late for work"I said

"No you not, you own the boutique and you can go whenever you want" he said smugly

I looked at him narrowing my eyes.

He laughed and said

"Okay okay,am here to take you to work"he said

"No thank you I have a car that works properly"I replied

" I wasn't asking ,I am telling you"

"As I said earlier I am not going with you so let yourself out so I can lock the door and go to work not all of us are born with silver spoon in our mouth"I said

He glared at me then he went to sit on the couch putting his legs on the table like he owns the place.

"Get out Anderson I have to go to work"

"Nope I am not going anywhere till you agree to go with me"he said

I glanced at my wrist watch. Am late.

" Fine let's go"

"You should have said that earlier and saved some time "he said winking.

I forgot he was so stubborn and loves when things goes his way.

The drive to my office felt longer than normal and the air around us was thick with tension.

We got to the front of my office, I jumped out of the car thankful the ride has come to an end then hurriedly walked inside .

I don't want to see him ever again I wish he stops bothering me.


I watched as she walked inside her office I couldn't help but stare at her round a$$ which had gotten rounder and bigger within the years.

I want to slide in-between that ass and watch it as it bounces up and down my....

I shaked my head to get rid of the dirty thought .I looked down and noticed a boner. I hurriedly drove to my office and called one of my service who*e Caroline to come take care of what Malia just caused.

Within 5 minutes I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in"

Caroline walked looking slutty as ever.

"I knew you will always call me back even when you keep lying to yourself that you don't want anything from me apart from s*x."

" Shut up and get to work"

This is going to be a long relieving day.

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