Chapter 1

Hey guys, this is the very first story I'm writing, I hope y'all enjoy it. And please kindly support me by Voting and commenting. Thank you🤗.

English is not my first language so please kindly forgive the errors. 🙏🏻🙏🏻.


"Mum I need to get a job as soon possible to help with the bill and also your medications"i said

" I thought I told you not to worry about that I got it covered" Malia mum Mrs Brown said

" You always say that mum, have you forgotten the doctor said you need more rest and less stress, you don't have to work so hard mum I got it covered I saw a job on the newspaper and I applied for it already, I am sure I will be called in for interview real soon so you have to stop working and stay at home and rest besides Gina is always around to take care of you"I replied.

" Young lady you better stop treating me as if I am unable to take care of myself"said Mrs Brown

" I didn't mean it like that mum and you know it" I replied.

'Ring Ring Ring'

I walked over to the telephone and picked it up.

"Hello"I said

"Hi this is Amanda,am I speaking to Miss Brown?"

"Yes,yes you are what can I do for you?" I asked.

" You applied for a maid job at the Hunter's Mansion and you have been offered the job so you are expected to resume on Monday"said Amanda.

" What!! What about the interview?"I asked.

" The Queen has decided there would be no interview because the Prince is coming home soon and she needs extra hands as soon as possible to put few things together before his arrival"replied Amanda

" Thanks so much!!I will be there"I screamed in joy.

" Oh before i forget ,it is a live-in job and you will be given a place to stay as soon as you arrive on Monday.Bye"

She hung up.

I got the job! OMG I can't believe my luck.
Now am just going to have to convince mum to let me go for this job,she probably be against it since it's a live-in job.but I have to do this convince her,I can't let such an opportunity slip away especially when i have finally gotten a way to support mom and Gina" Malia thought.

I went over and sat beside my mum, holding her hands gently.

"Ummm... Mum I got a job at the King's Palace but it a live-in job"I said

" What?! Forget it you are not going" shouted Mrs Brown

"I knew you would react like this,but listen mum,you are sick and there isn't much you or Gina can do to get the bills paid.I am going for this job so I can provide money for the family,you've done you best in taking care of us,let me try and return the favor and also besides i am legally an adult and also a hard worker, mum just let me do this please"I said frustrated.

Mrs brown thought deeply before agreeing,

" Okay I trust you, go ahead and accept the job offer,I just want the best for,I love you my sweet baby"said Miss Brown

" I love you too mum"I replied

*. *. *. *. *.

I felt so excited about this job.

I spent most of my weekend packing my clothes and some other important stuff i would be needing during stay in the palace.

'Honk Honk Honk'

"The car is here,mum I have to go,I promise to send you and Gina money from time to time"

" Am going to miss you sis..I love you"said Gina

"I'll miss you too..I love you, love you mum. Bye"

I hugged my family so tight as if I was not going to see them again..

" I love you baby,bye."

I got into the car and waved till I couldn't see  them standing outside the house anymore.

I was so attached to my family and this was literally my first time leaving home. Am going to miss them badly.

Hope y'all enjoyed Chapter 1
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