spiders must be squashed.


🎧 – so hot you're hurting my feelings – caroline polachek

The days after the cemetery party flew by, when Amelia went back home, Ant told her that he got caught by the cops, but they only let him off with a warning, she spent the rest of the weekend catching up with homework and reading her books.

It was a few days before Dusty and Spider's gig, Amelia already had a wristband by association, she also begged Dusty, Ant, and Spider to give her friends some, which thankfully they did.

"Mia! Let's go!" Ant yelled out to Amelia, she rushed out of her room, shoving things into her bag, she has slept in this morning, having stayed up all night reading, Amelia grabbed her car keys and ran out to the car, unlocking it and getting in, she pulled out of the driveway and started to drive towards Dusty's house,

"Mums leaving again on Thursday, so we won't have to stay anywhere after Dusty's gig." Amelia told Ant, he nodded his head, pulling out his tin of weed gummy's, Amelia rolled her eyes playfully, laughing at his antics, Ant passed the tin to her, "No dickhead, I'm driving." She said as she pushed them away.

After picking up Dusty, Amelia drove to Spider's house, pulling in the driveway and honking to let him know they had pulled up, Spider came out of his house, slinging his bag over his shoulder, walking over to the car and getting in.

Amelia drove off, not waiting for Spider to even put his seatbelt on, he scoffed and complained but Amelia ignored him, reminding herself of the words Missy had said to her.

"You seriously just have to ignore him, he will eventually stop trying to get to you, spiders must be squashed."

"Can you turn this shitty music down." Spider yelled over the music, Amelia just turned it up louder, feeling a little petty today, she was getting sick and tired of Spiders attitude, Dusty and Ant laughed a little, which annoyed Spider even more.

"We are so going to be late." Amelia said to Ant, who nodded at her, she looked in the rear-view mirror to see out the back window, she saw Spider staring right back at her.

"Are you worried about your new boyfriend, Malakai." Spider spat, looking out the window with a scowl on his face, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows. "How does Ant feel about you hanging out with him." He finished, leaning forward so Amelia could hear him better.

Amelia ignored him once again, instead she pulled the car over to the side of the road, putting it in park and just sitting there for a minute.

"What are you doing?" Spider was obviously the first to complain, Amelia turned and looked at him.

"Oh, I thought you would want to get out? Considering how much you are complaining." She said, Dusty snickered next to Spider, looking over at him to see his reaction. Spider just sat back in his seat and rolled his eyes, Amelia turned around and started to drive again, Spider didn't talk for the rest of the drive to school, which she was thankful for.


Amelia was sat in sluts next to Sasha, Jojo had put on a video for them all to watch, it was insanely weird, something about noodles and how you shouldn't give them to everyone, Amelia and the whole class were confused.

"Okay miss, I have literally no idea what that was trying to teach us." Darren said, putting their hand up.

"Also why was it the girl that was forcing everyone to eat her noodles." Quinni added.

"It's because it's misogynist propaganda, Women aren't such dick obsessed idiots." Sasha answered, looking around at the girls sitting at her table, Amelia nodded her head agreeing.

"Uh, all the ones I've met are." Spider said, looking over at Amelia's table.

"Your sims girlfriend doesn't count Spider." Amelia replied, looking over at him, he stuck up the middle finger at her, Amelia just turned around.

"Was it supposed to be a joke?" Malakai asked, scrunching his face up in confusion.

"Uh, no, it's supposed to be about the dangers of sharing intimate-"

"Noodles" Dusty finished for Jojo.

"No, forget about the noodles." Jojo said, closing the book she was holding.

"I'm trying miss, but it's hard to unsee." Ant added, Amelia laughed at all the people adding to the conversation, Jojo was trying so hard to get the class back on track.

The class continued to go back a fourth with Jojo, who eventually agreed with the class that sharing nudes it a type of love language, and that people have been doing it for century's, Jojo taught us that there were smarter ways to share intimate photos, making sure we are being safe online.

Amelia looked around the room, catching eyes with Spider, she quickly moved them away, catching a glimpse of Woodsy standing at the door, Amelia raised her eyebrows and went to tell Sasha, soon enough the whole class saw her except Jojo, who was in the middle of telling us to send nudes without our faces in it.

Woodsy walked into the classroom, Jojo still on her rant, not yet realising the principal was in the room, Woodsy cleared her throat, making Jojo realise she was standing there, Jojo quickly changed the subject, wrapping up the class and telling us to put any questions in the box she was holding. Amelia got up and grabbed her bag off the floor, leaving the classroom, catching up with Malakai.

"Hey, how did you pull up after the cemetery?" Malakai asked Amelia, weaving through the crowd of students leaving other classrooms.

"Not bad, had a small hangover but not the worst I've ever had." Amelia stated, finally leaving the building, Malakai brushed a hand through his hair and Amelia noticed the slap band on his wrist. "Oh, you're coming on Friday night, I'll see you there." Amelia finished.

"Hey what's even going on with you and Spider? Malakai asked, noticing Spider walking past us, watching us intently.

"Your guess is as good as mine, there was this festival a few weeks back and ever since then he has had it in for me." Amelia told him, watching Spider fucking around with Dusty and Ant.


Amelia changed into her sports clothes, which was some running shorts and a white crop top, she tied her hair back and slipped on her running shoes, walking out with Missy to the school oval, the class was playing cricket and Missy, Sasha and Amelia were on the bowling team, so they stood in the shade watching the game.

Missy and Amelia were doing cartwheels and handstands to 'warm up' which quickly turned into Missy teaching Amelia to twerk, Amelia kept messing it up, but she eventually got there, getting Sasha to watch them both twerk on the side of the oval.

Amelia saw Spider watching them as he was running, he was so distracted by the girls that he ran face first into Ant, Amelia sat there and laughed at him falling over, she kneeled on the ground, holding her stomach, Missy laying over her, laughing with Amelia. 

"What the fuck was that." Amelia heard Ant yell as they both got up, Amelia watched as Spider just shake his head, looking over at her with a hard look on his face. The teacher yelled at Amelia and Missy for not paying attention, so Amelia got moved to be wicket keeper. It was Spiders turn to bat and he walked towards Amelia.

"Don't do that again." He mumbled as he got to the stumps, she watched him, she did feel a little bad, she didn't mean to distract him, but her and Missy were just having some fun.

"Fuck off." Amelia said back, Spider turned and walked over to her, getting closer to her.

"What did you just say?" He spat, staring down at her with an angry look in his eyes.

"I told you to fuck off, are you deaf." Amelia said, putting her hand on her hip, standing up to him rather than avoiding him, Spider just shook his head and walked back to the stumps.

Spider whacked the ball, which went straight to Darren, who also wasn't paying attention, Amelia yelled out to them, they picked up the ball and threw it to Amelia who threw it at the stumps, getting Spider out, Missy ran to her cheering and giving her a huge hug, jumping up and down.

"Alright, switch teams!" The PE teacher yelled, Amelia and Missy walked over to grab the bats, Sasha deciding to sit this one out, Spider passed Amelia the bat as he walked past her, brushing past her shoulder, bumping her.

Amelia brushed it off and walked back over to the stumps, waiting for Malakai to bowl the ball, when he did she hit it with her bat, she immediately yelled at Missy to run, they were both safe before the ball got back to Malakai.

"Your good you know." Malakai said to Amelia, smiling at her and tossing the ball around his hands.

"Thanks, Ant and I play every Christmas with our cousins." Amelia told him as he was walking backwards to get a run up, Malakai just smiled and laughed, running up and bowling the ball to Missy who hit the ball right to Amelia and Malakai, missing Amelia but hitting Malakai right in the balls.

Malakai bent over holding his balls, Amelia ran over to him to see if he was okay, the teacher, Missy, Spider and Ant joining, Malakai rolled around on the grass while Missy apologised profusely, Malakai held a thumbs up to her, showing her that he wasn't mad at her.

After a while, Malakai got off the grass and limped over to the sidelines, sitting out for the rest of the game, the teacher told Spider he had to bowl now, and he seemed visibly annoyed.

Amelia grabbed her bat off the ground, walking over to the other end of the pitch, watching Spider run towards her and bowl the ball, she smacked it again and it went further than the first time, her and Missy ran back and forth multiple times, Missy ending up at the batter's end and Amelia ending up next to Spider.

"God, even when they hate each other, they have so much sexual tension." Harper said to Sasha, who nodded slowly with wide eyes, fully agreeing, they continued to watch the game in awe of Spider and Amelia.

"You won't get me out, I'm too good." Amelia said, a little out of breath from running, Spider looked over at her and laughed.

"You want to see me try?" He said, looking Amelia up and down, Amelia nodded, so Spider pulled of his shirt, Amelia looked away, certain she wouldn't be distracted by his toned chest, "It's fair game."

Amelia focussed on the game, watching as Missy hit the ball, it going a long enough distance for them to run, Amelia was on the other side, she had no choice but to look at Spider, she sighed a heavy breath and waited for the ball.

Spider ran up and threw the ball fast, Amelia barely had time to think before the ball was in front of her, she swung her bat and hit the ball, sending it flying, she looked to Spider and smiled, knowing he couldn't get to her, Missy was running right for her and Amelia snapped back, running back and forth a couple times before the ball was back to Spider.

It was Amelia's turn again and Spider threw the ball, Amelia sent it flying, but Dusty had caught it, Amelia dropped her bat down and walked to Missy, laughing, and shaking their heads.

"Spider, how do you feel?" Amelia asked, looking to Spider, and not even hiding the way she checked him out.

"Great, got you out didn't I?" Spider replied, putting his shirt back on, Amelia looked behind him, seeing Dusty walk over.

"No, actually, Dusty did." Amelia laughed, giving Dusty a high-five.
