sex dreams and sex maps.


🎧 – carolina – harry styles 

Amelia's alarm jolts her awake, she rolls over and basically throws her phone off the bed, groaning and stretching, she pulls the covers off her body, reluctantly getting out of bed, she pulled on a shirt and made her way to the kitchen, banging on Ant's door as she passed. She made herself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, thinking she will need it to get through her first day of year 11, Ant walked out and grabbed breakfast, joining her on the couch.

"You excited to go back to school?" Ant asked her, seeming to be in a good mood, which was normal for him, he was always cheerful, Amelia, on the other hand, didn't get that trait, she was a little more reserved and shyer compared to her brother, preferring to stay out of drama rather than know everyone's business.

"I guess, I just wish the first day wasn't so stressful, also are we picking up Spider and Dusty?" she asked, usually they would pick them up on their way to school, just not on the days they had practice since Amelia couldn't drive them home, Ant nodded at her while shovelling cereal into his mouth, milk dripping down his chin, Amelia looked at him in disgust and got up to put my dishes in the sink.

"I call dibs on first shower," Amelia yelled, disappearing down the hallway and into the bathroom, she closed the door and locked it behind her, pulling her clothes off and turning her speaker on, blasting music to fully wake herself up, she hopped in the shower letting the warm water spray over her face, singing quietly to her favourite songs. Suddenly a song started playing, she recognised it, but she couldn't tell where from.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming?" Amelia yelled out to Spider, he smiled as she stumbled over, clearly drunk, he admired her face, the makeup she had on made her look gorgeous, his eyes wondered down to her outfit, she was wearing a pink sparkly top with a matching skirt, white boots to match.

"Wow, you look so different." Spider finally said, finishing up his gawking, he offered her a drink, which she gladly took, brushing her hand against his, "This isn't your type of scene, who are you here with?" He asked, looking around to see anyone he might know.

"Oh, Missy, she's been begging me to go out more." Amelia replied, taking a sip of her drink, she spun around looking for her, "She's just over there." She said, pointing to a girl in line for drinks, Spider nodded at her, not even looking to where she was pointing. "Wait, look at this." She said excitedly, pulling he top over her belly button, to reveal a belly piercing.

"Your mum will kill you if she sees that." Spider said, raising his eyebrows, and chuckling to himself, he was right, Amelia and Ant's mum was insanely strict, Amelia rolled her eyes playfully, hitting his arm.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, you can keep a secret right?" Amelia asked, raising her eyebrows, pointing up at him, Spider just stared intently at her, drinking her in.

"I can definitely keep a secret." He nodded, not breaking eye contact with her, he flashed her a smile, she turned away from him when Missy came over, Missy looked at him weirdly, not liking how he was eyeing up her best friend.

"I have to pee; can you hold this." Amelia asked Missy, passing her the drink Spider gave her, Missy nodded and took it from her, turning her attention back to Spider when Amelia walked over to the portable toilets.

Amelia was pulled out of the memory by Ant banging on the door telling her to hurry up, she hopped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, leaving the bathroom and entering her room, her head was spinning from the memory she barely recognised.

Amelia quickly picked an outfit, choosing style over comfort for her first day, then she sat down to do her makeup and hair, keeping both light. When she was done, she looked over herself in the mirror, feeling good about her outfit choice, she packed her bag and waited for Ant to finish getting ready, she scrolled on her phone, texting her friends, feeling more and more excited to go back to school.


Amelia and Ant arrived at school, picking up Dusty and Spider on the way, Amelia looked around to find her own friends, not that she didn't enjoy hanging out with the boys, Dusty was always nice to her, he's like a second brother, which was better than it sounds, Spider, on the other hand, had been cold towards Amelia since the festival.

Amelia saw Missy, Sasha, and Amerie walking in, Dusty said something to Amerie, and Amelia smiled, knowing Amerie had a huge crush on him, Amelia walked over and linked arms with Missy, telling her about her summer, the group of four continued to walk through the courtyard.

"Who's that?" Missy pointed out, nodding her head towards a guy, Amelia looked in that direction, the guy was cute, he had short brown hair and brown eyes, he looked like he needed help, so she walked over to him, he smiled at her as she walked over.

"I'm guessing your new, I can show you around if you like." Amelia said, watching her friends walk on, the boy smiled and nodded as she spoke.

"That would be great actually, I'm Malakai." He said, Amelia told him her name and they started to walk into the school.

"Oi! There's a fully gacked sex map in the old stairwell, it's called the incest map!" Someone yelled, everyone looked at her and started running in her direction, Amelia gasped and turned to Malakai.

"I'll show you the old stairwell first." She laughed, speeding up her walk to catch up to everyone, Malakai laughed and followed behind her, "I can already tell your first day here is going to be eventful." Amelia and Malakai laughed together as they followed everyone. Amelia pushed through the crowd of people, getting to the front of the group, seeing a bunch of names and lines all over the wall.

"Darren jerked you off? Nice bro, you into dudes now." Spider taunted Ant, Amelia turned to look at them, then back at the wall to see Darren and Ant's name with a double line between their names, She looked for more names, that's when she found her's, four lines off of it, two were black going to two different boys she had hooked up with ages ago, and two gold one's going to Spiders name. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows and looked over to the key, trying to figure out what they meant, one was 'sex dream' and the other was 'destined', She burst out laughing, looking over at Spider.

"Oi, Spider you perv, you had a sex dream about me?" Spider's smile dropped, and he avoided eye contact with Amelia, Dusty slapped him on the back, cheering for him while Ant gave him a disgusted look.

Amelia turned back to Malakai and rolled her eyes and laughed, he followed her back outside just when the PA system went off, telling everyone to go to the basketball courts for an assembly. "I promise I will actually show you around the school, all this usually doesn't happen." Amelia joked, walking with Malakai.

"Nah, all good, nothing like a sex map to take the attention off the new kid." Malakai laughed, shoving his hands into his pockets, Ant, Spider and Dusty caught up with Amelia and Malakai, walking towards the basketball courts.

"That's one way to put it." Amelia joked back, they walked through the doors of the courts, finding a chair as everyone piled in, the map had already stirred some drama, Spider and Ant seemed angry with each other and Missy and Sasha were visibly angry with each other, Amelia turned in her chair to see Ant sitting directly behind her.

"Did one of yous do it?" She asked, Spider ignored her, and Dusty and Ant shook their heads, Amelia knew it couldn't have been Dusty, and Ant can barely spell his own name, so it definitely wasn't him. "This is Malakai by the way, he's new." Malakai turned in his seat as well, waving hello to the three boys, Spider gave him a dirty look, but Dusty and Ant said hello back.

Just as Amelia was turning around, she saw Harper walk in, she had buzzed all her hair off, so she didn't recognise her at first, the room went a little quiet, apart from quiet whispers about her hair, Amelia saw Amerie get up and start walking to her, Harper just ignoring Amerie calling for her.

"Sit down Amerie!" Woodsy yelled, the whole room went quiet, we all stared at her for a few seconds waiting for her to speak. "I am a woke woman. I enjoy sex as much as the next person." Amelia's jaw dropped and she started laughing, Malakai looked so confused, poor thing, it was his first day here.

"But reputation is everything, and this map, has jeopardized your reputations, and the reputation of our school, and on the first day back. We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map, and have strongly suggested there are no more parties, shindigs or gathos."

Everyone started protesting at Woodsy's last words, Amelia just laughed, knowing her year level was going to have them anyway.

"Hey, Hey! Unsupervised parties equals alcohol, alcohol equals poor choices." Woodsy continued yelling into the microphone, Amelia zoned out, playing with the hem of my skirt, not really wanting to be there, when Woodsy finally wrapped up the assembly, Amelia got up and grabbed her bag, turning to Malakai.

"What class do you have first? And with what teacher?" She asked, Malakai pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Amelia, she took it from him and read it over, they started walking out of the hall and into the courtyard area, "Oh cool you have PE, you will be in there with Ant, he's my brother so if he gives you shit just slap him up."

"Will do, thanks for your help Amelia," Malakai said, laughing at Amelia's statement and nodding his head.

"You can just call me Mia, everyone else does." She told him, Amelia walked towards the doors, walking backwards through them.

"Well thanks Mia, I'll see you around." Malakai called out, smiling at Amelia, he turned to walk with Ant and the others into the change rooms.

"See ya!" she said back, turning and walking out to the courtyard, Amelia saw Harper pass her, she gave her a small smile, which Harper returned, Amelia didn't want to bother her since it looked like she had a lot going on.

Amelia kept walking on as she heard people chanting 'fight' behind her, she turned to see what was happening, everyone started rushing back into the basketball courts, Missy and Sasha pulling Amelia with them, Amelia saw Amerie pushing Harper against the wall, Amelia gasped and covered her mouth, Harper then pushed Amerie off her and then headbutted her in the face, making Amerie fall to the ground.

Harper then turned and stormed out of the courts, Amelia turned to look at Missy and Sasha, who went to check on Amerie and take her to the nurses office, Amelia followed Harper to see if she was okay, Amelia found her around the corner, sitting with her legs pulled up to her chest, she didn't want to berate her with questions so she just sat down next to her, Harper placed her head on Amelia's shoulder.

"You okay Harps?" Amelia asked, Harper lifted her head and looked at Amelia with an obvious look on her face, she started laughing, "Okay, obviously not, but are you hurt?" Harper shook her head and placed her head back on Amelia's shoulder, they stayed like that for a while.

Harper and Amelia were close friends, but Amerie was always Harper's number one, Amelia loved them both to pieces, so seeing them be so cruel to one another broke her heart, she wanted to know what was going on so they could try and fix it, but by the looks of things, it was beyond repair.

"Remind me to not get on your bad side." Missy said as her and Sasha came around the corner, Harper and Amelia laughed, standing up to walk with them, "Seriously though, Amerie deserved it, with all that shit with that map thing, real fucked up thing to do."

Amelia knew instantly that it wasn't only Amerie who created the map, Harper and Amerie did everything together so why would this be any different, Amelia did agree that it's a little fucked up, but for the most part she truly didn't care what others did with their lives. She also knew that there was a deeper problem then the incest map between Harper and Amerie, there was no way a stupid little map could make two soulmates hate each other so much.

The group all walked towards their lockers, putting their stuff away and grabbing out their books, Amelia heard Ant call over to her, she closed her locker and said goodbye to her friends and walked over to Ant and Spider, she leaned against the wall, watching Amerie walk down the hall, a little blood still in her nose, Amelia gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Why'd she do it? Crazy bitch." Spider said as she passed, "Mums gonna kill me cause of her." Amelia rolled her eyes and scoffed at their words, she watched as Amerie stopped in front of Harper, Sasha and Missy, Harper slammed her locker shut and stormed off. 
