i want to be with you again.


🎧- fine line – harry styles

Amelia looked around for Spider, she wanted to talk to him, she found herself back at the drink's table she poured herself some punch and skulled it, shaking her head at the taste, she walked around some more, deciding he probably went home or something, she walked to the bathroom, overhearing Amerie and Harper's conversation.

"But you know, Rowan is such a sweetheart, so it's whatever." Amelia heard Amerie say, Amelia rolled her eyes and walked towards them.

"Ha! Men, ugh!" Amelia said, laughing, she maybe had a few to many of Ant's punch, Harper and Amelia laughed at her, nodding their heads. "Forget about him." Amelia added, nodding to Amerie.

"Who? Rowan or Malakai?" Amerie asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Malakai, didn't even have the guts to stick around, just disappeared into thin air." Amelia said, taking another sip of her drink.

"What are you talking about?" Amerie asked, Amelia stopped herself, realising Malakai hadn't told Amerie he was leaving. Amelia heard 'Untouched' by the Veronicas playing outside the bathroom.

"This punch if fully fucked hey. And this is my song, I have to go, nice talking to you." Amelia said, trying to run out of the room, Amerie followed her.

"Amelia! Mia, disappeared where?" Amerie called after her, Amelia sighed and looked back at her.

"Switzerland." Amelia said, looking sadly at Amerie.

"Switzerland? I need to call him; I need my phone." Amerie freaked out, Amelia grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Ams, he's flying already, he's gone." Amelia told her, she saw her face drop, Amelia felt so bad.

"Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he say any of this to me?" Amerie asked, shaking her head.

"He might have been trying to." Harper called out; Amerie turned to look at her with a confused face.

"What do you mean?" Amerie asked, "Harper what are you talking about?" Amerie pressed when Harper didn't answer her.

"I had a conversation with him this morning. He said that he loved you." Harper told her, Amelia watched them both with a frown on her face.

"And what did you say to him? Harper, what did you say to him?" Amerie pleaded.

"I sort of told him to leave you alone, I thought that's what you wanted." Harper told her, her eyes full of regret.

"And now he's gone, I can't believe you did that, I can't believe you made that decision for me?" Amerie said, it sounded like she was about to cry, and Amelia's heart dropped.

"I'm so sorry." Harper mumbled, shaking her head.

"Omg this is the second time you've ruined my relationship with him!" Amerie yelled, looking back up to Harper, Amelia's eyebrows raised.

"What relationship? You didn't have one with him, you didn't want one. That's why I said what I said, what you think he would of stayed?" Harper argued.

"Maybe?" Amerie yelled.

"Bullshit, the world doesn't work like that." Harper said, shaking her head.

"Classic, more of your downer bloody attitude." Amerie yelled, shaking her head at Harper.

"It's called reality Amerie." Harper yelled back, also shaking her head.

"Well, at least I have a heart, yours is just a piece of dog shit. That sounded better in my head. Fuck you!" Amerie yelled, shoving Harper away from her, everyone around them gasped, Amelia stepped forward and held Amerie back.

"Stop it, I'm not gonna fight you. All term you've been saying you're over the drama, you're over the way he's been treating you, and now what? you're in love with Malakai again?" Harper yelled, walking closer to Amerie.

"Yes! I love Malakai! I never stopped. And now he's gone." Amerie yelled, tears streaming down her face, Amelia and Amerie noticed Rowan watching them at the same time. "Rowan!" Amerie called out, running after him, Harper following too.

Amelia watched them leave as she took the last sip of her drink, shivering at the awful taste, walking around trying to find Missy, she found her at the drinks table, completely hammered, she pulled her to dance, wanting to forget about the argument between Amerie and Harper.

Just as they got to the dancefloor, Spider ran on stage, picking up the microphone, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows and pushed through to the front of the crowd, watching him with a confused face.

"I'm sorry, to all of you, I know I've been a prick to pretty much every single one of you at some point." Spider said, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, holding eye contact with him.

"Piss off Spider!" Cash yelled out, Amelia looked over at him, then back to Spider.

"I'm trying to fucking apologise! Okay? I fucked up. And im not gonna make excuses, um, im gonna own it, and I know you probably don't believe me, but I wanna be... better. And not because I expect anything from you, that's not what this is, I need to do this for myself, because otherwise." Spider said, Amelia held eye contact with him.

"Look, I know you're probably never gonna want to speak to me again, and I completely understand why, I just...I hope I can be worthy of your respect, one day. You're always telling me to shut the fuck up, so, I think it's time I actually did, starting now." Spider finished, dropping the microphone onto the stage, Amelia smiled sadly at him.

"Oi! There's a bunch of Ned Kelly's on the oval!" Someone yelled from the back of the gym, everyone around Amelia ran out of the gym, going to look at what was happening, Amelia stayed in her spot, watching Spider.

Amelia walked forward, climbing up the steps of the stage and running to Spider, wrapping her arms around him, and pulling him into a hug, making him stumble back a little, Spider immediately wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you so fucking much Mia." Spider mumbled, kissing the top of her head, Amelia giggled and pulled away, grabbing both sides of his face and pressing a light kiss to his lips.

"I love you more Spencer." Amelia whispered against his lips, Spider smiled and grabbed her hand, leading her outside to see what was happening.

"I said this is our last stand! We will not be silenced! You have overseen untold injustices on the males at Hartley High! And you have ruined their future opportunities and destroyed this school!" Voss was yelling out, holding a stick with fire on the end.

"Right! Nothing to see here. Everybody back inside to out lovely formal!" Woodsy yelled out, motioning for everyone to head back inside.

"Even boys you thought were immune can fall prey to the relentless campaign of the woke brigade." Voss said, pointing the stick to Spider, Amelia squeezed his hand as he shook his head at Voss.

"Why are you all still here? Come on." Woodsy said, turning back around to everyone, ignoring Voss.

"Let's not listen to cumlord or the rings out there. Back inside!" Jojo instructed; Amelia pulled on Spider's arm leading him back into the gym. Amelia smiled up at Spider, being happy that they were on good terms again, she pulled him onto the dance floor, forcing him to dance.

They were laughing together, spinning each other around and dancing to the music, until the power went off, the whole room went dark and the music stopped, Spider pulled Amelia closer, looking around the room but seeing nothing.

Until a literal fire started in the corner of the gym, Amelia gasped and gripped Spider's hands tighter, he pulled her out of the room, Amelia ran with him, trying to find anyone else, not wanting to leave people behind.

The two of them found Ant and Missy and ran out of the gym, onto the oval, watching as the gym went up in flames, suddenly, something inside the building exploded, Amelia flinched, and Spider pulled her tighter into him, Amelia wrapped an arm behind his back, tucking her head under his arm.

"Where is Amerie and Harper! Has anyone seen Amerie or Harper? Or Rowan!" Woodsy called out, Amelia watched as her high school burned down right in front of her, she also saw Quinni run forward, obviously trying to get Harper Amerie and Rowan.

Amelia watched in suspense, hoping Quinni could save Harper, Amerie and Rowan, she bit on her fingernails, her whole body was shaking in fear, Spider rubbed her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

The firemen drove up behind the group, running forward to put the fire out, Amelia watched as Quinni ran out with just Harper, Amelia widened her eyes and gasped, she almost fainted in fear for Amerie and Rowan, Spider held her up, looking down at her as tears were streaming down her face.

Then, Amerie walked out with Rowan, Amelia smiled and took a deep breath and ran forward with Darren and Cash, going to see if they were okay, Amelia helped Quinni carry Harper to an ambulance, which had also arrived.

When the paramedics were taking care of Harper, Amelia walked back over to Spider and Ant, grabbing his hand and smiling up at him, then smiling at Ant.

"A deals a deal Ant." Amelia said, nodding to Harper who was sitting in the back of an ambulance.

"Yeah, I already did, she's not into it." Ant said, looking over to Harper sadly, Spider reached forward and slapped his arm, Amelia smiling sadly at him.

"Well, you might be in luck." Amelia whispered as Harper walked over to them, Amelia pulled Spider away, letting the two of them talk.

"Do you want to dance with me Spencer?" Amelia asked, holding out her hand to him, Spider looked over at her, smiling and nodded, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in, Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm glad you're not dead." Amelia joked.

"I thought you might want me to be." Spider laughed, shaking his head.

"Then I'd never find out if you're capable of shutting the fuck up." Amelia laughed, maintaining eye contact, Spider laughed and shook his head again, Amelia leaned up and kissed him deeply.

"Look at that, that's what happens when we fight." Amelia laughed, looking at the school burning down in front of them, Spider laughed.

"Let's not fight, ever again, deal?" Spider said, raising his eyebrows.

"Can't make any promises, you like being yelled at remember?" Amelia laughed, running her hands through Spider's hair, Spider laughed and rolled his eye's playfully.
