fucking second place.


🎧- cuff it – beyoncé

Amelia was at school the next day, standing with the captains and their vice captains, waiting to find out who had won the most money yesterday, she had her fingers crossed behind her back, standing next to Malakai as Woodsy started announcing.

"So, the moment you have all been waiting for, this generous check was given to Spencer White! Congratulations Spencer." Amelia sighed and clapped her hands, Woodsy passing Spider the very large check. "The runner up is Amelia Vaughn, following closely in second, though it might not look like it."

Amelia smiled and walked over, shaking Woodsy's hand, taking the check and seeing she had won $1100, she went and stood with Spider, listening to Woodsy tell them Sasha had won $500 and Amerie didn't win anything. Amelia stood with Spider, Sasha, and Amerie, smiling for a photo.

"Don't worry ladies, I'll get you a bunch of cutom cumlord's t-shirts made, everyone gets one, even the losing teams." Spider told them, Amelia rolled her eyes playfully and nudged his shoulder, when the photo was finished Amelia walked over to Malakai, celebrating with him.

"So, when are you going to deliver on our bet?" Spider asked, walking over to Amelia, Malakai excused himself and left the two alone.

"Get fucked." Amelia said, tilting her head and smiling at him.

"Name a time and a place." Spider replied, Amelia blushed a little, maintaining eye contact.

"In your dreams, again." Amelia joked, laughing at Spider, who smirked and shook his head.

"Alright, I'll see you there." Spider added, Amelia huffed and walked away, going to stand with Missy, who was standing with Sasha. Amelia saw Woodsy walk in, Cash following closely behind him, Amelia smiled and nudged Missy to watch.

Amelia's heart warmed as Darren ran over and kissed Cash, but her face quickly dropped as she saw Voss walk over with an angry face.

"Alright, who did it? Who did it!" He yelled, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, he explained what had happened, someone had dug up all the slips of paper in the feeling pit, putting them on display for the whole school to see.

Missy grabbed Amelia's hand and pulled her to it, they started jogging with the rest of the school, when the two girls got there, they were laughing at some of the things written.

"I'm sexually attracted to Bluey's mum, that's actually insane." Amelia read, she laughed with Missy and Sasha. Amelia read one that said, 'I don't belong here.' And then saw Malakai reach forward and pull it down, scrunching it up in his hands.

"Betrayed by my dick, actual lol." Sasha read out another, Amelia saw Spider walking over with an angry look on his face.

"I bet it was you and the sluts? No this is a dog move, even for you." Spider yelled at Sasha, Amelia widened her eyes and looked back to the pit, seeing a photo frame sitting on the side in the dirt, she walked over to it and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're the ones dumb enough to put your secrets in public accessible spots," Missy argued back, Amelia picked up the frame and saw a photo of Amerie, holding one of the pieces of paper, it wasn't from today, so that meant she could have done it.

"Spider, look at this." Amelia called out, Spider walked over to her, standing behind her, he looked at the photo and took it from her hands, Amelia turned and looked at him with a sad look, she didn't like the idea of the feelings pit, but they still didn't deserve this.

"Surprise, surprise. Look who's responsible." Spider called out, showing the crowd the photo of Amerie, the crowd all turned around and looked at her, Amelia saw her shaking her head quickly, she stepped back down, standing with Missy, watching everything.

"No, no, no, it wasn't me, I swear." Amerie defended, Amelia raised her eyebrows, knowing there was literally a photo of her doing it.

"Right, explain this then?" Spider argued, pointing to the photo frame.

"Okay, why would I leave a photo of myself doing the crime at the crime scene?" Ameire yelled, looking up at Spider, widening here eyes.

"So, you admit it, you did do the crime?" Ant asked, he sounded annoyed, Amelia linked arms with Missy, secretly enjoying the altercation.

"No, you don't understand, we were putting the secrets back, this is bird psychos work it has to be." Amerie pleaded, everyone just watched her, not believing her at all.

"It was pit cunt, pit cunt did it!" Someone called out, Amelia laughed with Missy at Amerie's new name, everyone started chanting the new name, and Amelia saw Malakai walk away, she watched him leave, deciding to follow him.

"Malakai? How are you doing?" Amelia asked, they didn't really talk all that much, but she cared for Malakai deeply, knowing he was going through some shit, she knew he would need someone to talk to.

"I think Amerie knows, I mean, I don't want to hide it from her, I just want to figure it all out first." He explained, stopping his walking, Amelia pulled him a little further away from the crowd, standing under a tree so no one could hear them.

"Yeah, that's understandable, hey, you're not doing anything wrong, you're figuring out your sexuality and that's completely okay." Amelia said rubbing Malakai's arm and smiled and nodded at her.

"She's just freaking out, thinks I'm grossed out by the bird psycho thread, but I don't care about that, I haven't even read it for fuck sakes." Malakai said, shaking his head in annoyance.

"I have, I shouldn't have, because I found out something shitty, but really don't worry about it, everything will be okay, I promise, I'm always here too." Amelia told him, Malakai furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"What did you find out? About Ameire?" Malakai asked, seeming curious as what she was talking about. Amelia looked over to Spider, frowning as he was talking with Woodsy.

"Um, apparently Spider and Amerie hooked up after the festival, it really shouldn't bother me as much as it is, we weren't together, I don't even know if it's true or not." Amelia explained, still looking at Spider.

"Amerie and Spider? That's a shock, don't they hate each other?" Malakai replied, looking over at the two.

"Well, I think, but Spider 'hated' me when he actually liked me, wait, no, stop, I don't want to think about it." Amelia said, stopping herself from her thoughts, shaking her head and closing her eyes.

"I think I'm going to go, Amerie is coming, and I just don't think I can deal with that right now." Malakai said, Amelia nodded and gave him and quick hug goodbye.

Amelia walked back over to Missy, walking back to class with her, her mid was racing, did Spider like Amerie? Did Spider ever like Amelia? Or was she just a replacement for Amerie? No, that can't be true, Spider loved Amelia, right?

"Missy, I think tonight is the night." Amelia said, grabbing Missy's hand, there were walking off the oval, Missy looked at Amelia with a confused look.

"I don't know why everyone thinks I'm some sort of mind reader, what are you talking about?" Missy said, still looking at Amelia.

"The plan, I need to seduce Spider. And I need to do it tonight." Amelia said, feeling confidence growing in her chest.

"But why tonight? I mean we have school camp tomorrow, and we have to be up early, do you really want to be fucking him all night?" Missy asked, looking at the ground while she was walking.

"Well, yes I do, but I think he likes Amerie, or has some type of feelings for her." Amelia said, Missy stopped her in her tracks, looking at her with a stupid expression.

"What the fuck did you take? Spider is head over heels for you, not Amerie, what made you even think that?" Missy asked, Amelia watched her.

"The bird psycho thread, I mean it makes sense, if he's not attracted to me then that clearly shows he's not interested, and if he doesn't explain himself tonight, then it's over, I'm done with him." Amelia ranted, nodding her head at Missy.

"Woah, slow down, what happened to not pushing him into something he's not comfortable with?" Missy asked, they kept walking on, realising they were already very late for class.

"I won't do that, but I want to at least know if he's attracted to me." Amelia told her, they were finally off the oval, so her voice quietened a little since there were people around.

"Okay, I clearly can't stop you, but I'm just saying, I think he's definitely attracted to you." Missy told her, Amelia looked at her and nodded, hoping she was right. "Are you really going to break up with him though?"

"I mean, if he doesn't even like me, then yes, I'm not wasting my energy fighting for a guy who wanted me first, I don't chase, I attract." Amelia said, laughing a little.

"You certainly do, maybe you should try therapy, because I think you have lost the plot." Missy laughed, walking into the classroom, Amelia laughed back, nodding at her, agreeing.


As Amelia's last class was finishing, she felt nervousness creep up, she was starting to have major doubts, but she picked up her stuff and walked out of the class once the bell rang, Amelia drove Spider home and walked right to her room when she got home, pulling out her lingerie and laying them on her bed.

She stared at them for a moment, wondering if this was really a good idea, Amelia sighed and walked to the bathroom, having a long shower, shaving her whole body, and lathering herself in moisturizers, making herself smell the best she could.

She walked back to her room and sat down in her towel, doing her hair and makeup the way she knew Spider liked. She stood up, walking over to her bed, staring at the lingerie again, she put it on, wondering if she should wear normal clothes over it. She was really stuck on what to wear, so she facetimed Missy.

"What the fuck do I wear over it? Do I put normal clothes on?" Amelia asked as soon as she answered, she placed the phone on her vanity, showing Missy the outfit.

"I reckon just a long jacket thingo, why waste time taking all your clothes off you know." Missy laughed, looking at Amelia through the phone. Amelia widened her eyes and nodded at Missy, pulling out a long trench coat, throwing it on over.

"Thank you, my love, I have to go!" Amelia called out, picking her phone back up.

"Have fun getting railed!" Missy called out, Amelia laughed and hung up after they said their goodbyes, she slipped on some sandals, grabbing her car keys, she went and sat in her car, feeling sick from how nervous she was. On the drive there she cancelled out her thoughts by blasting music.
