i miss you dickhead.


🎧 – male fantasy – billie eilish

"Please can you come with me, you're not doing anything, plus Spider might actually say yes to you." Amerie begged as her and Amelia were walking out of their class.

"I think you have just as much luck as I do Ams." Amelia told her, looking over at her, raising her eyebrows at Amerie.

"That's so not true, I'm map bitch, and you and Spider are meant to be, I didn't put it on the map for no reason." Amerie said, with a pleading look on her face, Amelia just stared at her blankly. "Too soon?"

"Yeah, but fine, I'll come with you." Amelia said, Amerie's face brightened, and she gave Amelia a side hug.

"Thank you, you're the best Mia." Ameire exclaimed, pressing a kiss to the side of Amelia's face, and laughing, Amelia joined in as they walked towards the basketball courts.

Amerie and Amelia stood on the sidelines, waiting for the right moment to approach Spider, as the ball came down their end, Amerie walked right up to Spider, Amelia saw Malakai walking over to the bleachers.

"Hey, how are your balls?" Amelia asked, causing Malakai to choak on his water, Amelia started laughing, holding her stomach, and throwing her head back. Spider watched them from a distance, feeling jealousy creep up.

"Uh, my balls are better, thanks." Malakai chuckled, "What's happening with Amerie and Spider?" Malakai asked, pointing over to the two of them in a visibly heated argument.

"She's trying to get a slap band; she also thought it was a good idea to bring me along." Amelia said, still watching Amerie and Spider.

"Listen you mayonnaise fuck, what if your problem with me." Amerie raised her voice, clearly getting annoyed with Spider, Amelia walked over to them, Malakai following but keeping his distance.

"You're the reason we're in sluts, map bitch." Spider said, getting right in Amerie's face.

"Well sluts is cancelled, okay." Amerie argued, everyone around started mumbling about what she has said.

"You really want to come?" Spider asked, looking down at Amerie, softening his expression, Amelia crossed her fingers praying Spider would give her a slap band.

"Yes, please." Ameire replied, Spider sighed and looked over to Amelia, staring right into her eyes, then looking back down at Amerie.

"Hundred bucks then." Spider finished, taking the basketball, and throwing it through the net, Amelia watched him, getting memories of when they would play basketball together, Amelia frowned and left, not waiting for Amerie, wanting to get away from Spider.

Amelia wanted to talk to him about what was happening, but Spider was so distant and cold towards her every time they spoke, she planned to meet him when no one else was around so she could try and talk to him.


"Amelia?" Spiders voice pulled her out of her thoughts, she looked up at him, raising her eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" Usually, they would be in sluts right now but that was cancelled so Amelia thought it was a good time to talk.

"Can we please talk." Spider turned and looked at her, he seemed calm, Amelia didn't see the usual hate in his eyes when he looked at her.

"About what?" Spider asked, his voice calm, Amelia was thrown off by this, she had become so used to Spiders rude remarks or attitude.

"What happened between us, I remember what happened that night." Amelia answered, picking at her fingernails, Spider picked up on this, knowing that it was what she does when she was nervous, "I mean I remember seeing you at the festival and then getting lost but then finding you, Spider, I was really drunk that night, whatever I did, I'm sorry."

Spider kept watching her, taking in her words, looking over the emotion on her face, she looked sad, and his heart ached at that, but she had hurt him, and she didn't even know what she had done.

"I think you need to try and remember what else happened that night," Spider said, still watching her, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Can we at least be friends again?" Amelia asked, Spider desperately wanted to say yes, but just friends wasn't good enough for him, he stepped forward and leaned down, whispering in her ear.

"I don't want to be your friend." When Spider pulled back, she had a confused and sad look on her face, Spider just smiled at her and turned to leave, leaving her alone in the hallway.


Amelia had arrived at Dusty and Spider's gig, walking in, and showing the guard her wrist band, he let her in, she was a little early since Ant wanted to be dropped off early, she walked in to see a small crowd of people already here.

Spider was setting up the instruments, he turned and looked over at Ant and Amelia, taking a deep breath when he saw her. She looked beautiful tonight, she was wearing a short, strapless denim dress with her hair curled with half of it tied up, she had long black boots on, and her makeup done simple, Spider watched her walk around people and grab herself a drink.

Amelia walked around trying to find someone she knew, but with no luck, none of her friends had come yet, she sat down and scrolled on her phone, drinking her drink quickly, when she finished, she went back for a second, her head still reeling from Spider's words.

"I don't want to be friends."

What did that mean? How can something change so quick, as if conjured by her mind, Spider walked past, watching her as he did, Amelia noticed how handsome he looked, she always thought she was an attractive boy, but being her brother's best friend, she never saw him that way.

Amelia skulled the rest of her drink, getting up quickly, and going to find Ant, she found him in the kitchen with Dusty, Ant was already drunk, having had pre drinks at home, so she grabbed the bottle from his hands, pouring a shot and downing it, Ant looked at her funny.

"You're supposed to be driving us home." Ant reminded, pulling the bottle back out of Amelia's hands.

"We can walk, or you can stay here, I'll get a lift with someone." Amelia smiled, really wanting to let loose, she didn't think she could be around Spider sober. Ant just nodded at her.

After about an hour, more people had shown up, including Missy and Harper. Sasha was out on a date with Quinni, they were standing outside next to the pool talking about Harper and Dusty, Amelia wasn't active in the conversation since she was thinking about Spider.

Amelia started to get nervous with all the people around, so she walked inside and finding a quiet room to sit in, she sat on the end of Dusty's bed, pulling her legs up to her chest with her head on her knees. Spider was in the kitchen when Dusty told him to get something from his room, When Spider walked in, he was surprised to see Amelia there.

"Amelia? Are you okay?" Spider said, walking over to her, her head whipped around at the familiar voice, she visibly relaxed, knowing she had someone to help.

"I lost Missy, I don't know where she is, we were pulled away from each other and she's not answering her phone." Amelia rambled, still feeling panicked, Spider listened to what she was saying, noticing the smudges under eyes.

"Hey, it's going to be oka-" Spider started, but he was cut off by Amelia's phone ringing, He watched as she pulled it out and answered it instantly.

"Omg! Missy! Are you okay?" Amelia yelled into the phone, her face relaxing more and more as Missy spoke, "Oh cool, I'm with Spider so I can chill with him, get that dick girl!" Spider laughed at what she said, finding her excitement for her friend cute. "No, it's fine, I'll be okay, I promise." She said before hanging up the phone.

"So, Missy found a guy she knows, she's going to hang with him, so you're stuck with me." Amelia said with a huge smile, Spider smiled back at her.

"I'd love that." Spider whispered, Amelia didn't hear him over the loud music surrounding them, Spider just nodded at her.

"Amelia?" Spider called, the girl raised her head, looking at him, her eyes widened a little, and she got up, walking towards the door, Spider caught her arm before she left, Amelia looked up at him, looking right in his eyes, Spider was drunk and so was she, they both stared at each other for what felt like hours.

Eventually Spider let her go, not wanting to kiss her, in fear of the night of the festival happening again, when Amelia left the room, Spider leaned against the wall, rubbing his hands over his face, he grabbed the guitar from Dusty's room, then leaving.

Amelia went back outside, grabbing another drink on her way out, she saw Cash standing there, two people with him, she walked over and smiled at him, Cash knew what she wanted, and he pulled it out, Amelia passed him money and took the joints from him, smiling again and walking to go smoke them.

After she has finished smoking, she felt calmer, just in time for the band to start playing, she walked into the room where the stage was set up, to see Amerie and Harper storming out of the room, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, also watching Malakai leave after Amerie.

Amelia listened to the music, standing with Ant, who was also high, the twins were giggling with each other, enjoying the music coming from the stage, dancing around stupidly with each other, Spider watched them, smiling seeing Amelia happy.

"Why did Harper and Amerie leave?" Amelia yelled over the music to Ant, they were both still dancing and smiling.

"Dusty and Harper fucked, Amerie got upset and they both left." Ant yelled drunkly back to Amelia, laughing at the situation.

"Far out," Amelia said, raising her eyebrows, looking up at the stage, seeing Dusty and Spider singing and playing guitar, Amelia watched Spider intently, noticing the way he seemed relaxed playing guitar, she smiled to herself.

When the band wrapped up after a couple more songs, Spider and Dusty went over to Ant and Amelia, they all started talking about the band and Amelia suddenly felt like leaving, having had too much to drink, and being high on top of that, she said bye and Spider walked her out. Amelia pulled out her car keys, walking towards her car, Spider grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"You're not driving home drunk and high Mia." Spider spoke, Amelia looked at him and smiled, she started laughing uncontrollably, Spider just watched her and laughed with her. "What's so funny?"

"You called me Mia." Amelia giggled, poking his chest, Spider threw his head back, shaking his head.

"Come on, Amelia, I'll walk you home." Spider said, walking off and Amelia following behind him, she felt bad that he was leaving the party because of her, but she felt a familiar feeling as they started walking down the street.
