i'll take you down, biatch.


🎧- imperfect for you – ariana grande

Amelia and Missy had gone shopping after school, Amelia, with the help of Missy, had picked out the perfect lingerie set, Amelia had dropped Missy home and she hid it in her room, knowing her mum would find it somehow.

Amelia was at school standing with Malakai, they were handing out brochures for Amelia's campaign, she felt good about running for school captain, usually this wasn't something she would do, but she felt herself coming out of her shell the more she was with Spider.

The bell rang and Amelia said goodbye to Malakai and walked to sluts, she was bummed out that he had moved to cumlords, she thought the whole idea of it was stupid, but she didn't want to cause drama, so she never brought it up to Spider.

The people left in sluts made their way to the oval after getting changed into their footy gear, they enjoyed playing footy so much that it had become a new activity for them, Amelia walked over to Amerie, Harper, and Missy. She sat on the grass saying hello to them.

"Amelia, did you read the bird psycho thread?" Harper asked, Amelia looked over at her, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What thread?" Amelia asked, she noticed Amerie widen her eyes and subtly shook her head at Amelia.

"Nothing! Its nothing, it's all stupid." Amerie called out, trying to change the conversation, Amelia looked at Missy, suddenly really confused.

"No, tell me." Amelia said, not liking how left out she felt, she looked around the group, Missy not saying anything and Ameire looking scared, Harper was the only one willing to tell her.

"It's this thread someone ma-" Harper started, but Amerie cut her off, Amelia started to get nervous.

"Hey! What are they doing over there?" Amerie yelled, pointing behind Amelia, she turned to look at what she was pointing at, she saw all the boys digging a hole, she furrowed her eyebrows.

The girls got up and walked over to get a better view, listening to what Voss was saying, Spider caught a glimpse of Amelia and waved to her, she smiled and waved back.

"Are they? Burying their feelings?" Amelia asked, watching as all the boys were holding shovels and standing around a hole. "There literally burying their feelings."

The four girls watched, shaking their head, they turned around and went to sit back down, Amelia picked at the grass, looking back at Spider, enjoying watching him do manual labour, she had almost forgotten about the conversation before, and the conversation they were currently having, she was too busy staring at her boyfriend.

"So, what did he say exactly?" Missy asked, Amelia pulled her attention to the three girls in front of her, Harper laughing a little at Amelia.

"We don't need labels." Amerie answered, they were talking about Malakai. Missy and Amelia looked at each other, knowing about Malakai's predicament, the two girls had hung out with Malakai a lot over the holidays, Missy more than Amelia since she was always with her boyfriend.

"What does that even mean?" Harper asked, looking at Ameire with a confused face.

"I don't know, oral but no handholding. There's definitely something up with him, I just can't figure out what." Ameire explained, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, she was having the same situation with Spider.

"Maybe it's a guy thing, there confusing." Amelia said, shrugging her shoulders.

"No, we are supposed to be the confusing ones, maybe he's just got some personal shit going on." Missy told them, Amelia nodded her head, picking at the grass.

"Like what?" Ameire asked, shaking her head at Missy.

"Jesus Ameire, I don't know, what you think I've got hive mind or something?" Missy said, she looked to Amelia, and she looked back.

"It's giving situationship, you know what they say, eight out of ten situationship's end badly." Harper said, pulling her legs up to her chest.

"The other two?" Amerie asked, tilting her head to the side.

"End horrifically." Harper finished, looking around the group, Amelia and Missy nodded, Amelia zoned out a little, looking back at the group of boys, they were all sitting on the edge of the flower bed thing, writing down things on pieces of paper.

Amelia watched as they all got up and threw them into the pit, then covered the hole with the dirt, she watched as Malakai started to walk towards them, the four girls got up as Ameire walked over to him, giving him an awkward hug.

Amelia and Missy laughed at Ameire's attempts at being 'chill' Malakai excused himself and walked away, they watched him leave, Harper making fun of Ameire.

Suddenly Amelia felt hands on her waist, she jumped and turned to see Spider, she hit his chest and laughed, Amelia saw him look at Amerie, she furrowed her eyebrows but brushed it off, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Ant, Sasha and Quinni had joined their group and they all walked to lunch together, they found a table and sat down, then the PA system went off, announcing the current poll update.

"Good morning, Hartley high, welcome to another day in paradise. I'm Zoe Clarke with your election poll update. To no surprise Amerie Wadia and her whore party are trailing in the polls." Zoe said over the PA.

"What the fuck?" Ameire said, furrowing her eyebrows angrily, Amelia laughed a little.

"Spencer White and the C-lords party are sitting comfortably in the middle." Zoe continued. Spider cheered and gave Ant a handshake.

"Sasha So and her QSM-whatever it is party are just a little above the C-lords. And Amelia Vaughn and the Peoples Party leads by a healthy margin, this four-way race is anything but tight, but anything could change after today's fundraising competition. You stay deadly Hartley High." Zoe finished.

"I'm gonna whoop your ass, I did in footy, and I will in this election." Amelia said, nudging Spider's shoulder.

"You wish, we went easy on you." He replied, Ant called out and agreed with him.

"Oh, it's on Spencer. It's okay, you can admit you got beaten by girls." Amelia joked, nodding, and pouting her bottom lip, faking sadness.

"Mia, we should go get ready." Missy told her, Amelia nodded and followed Missy to the bathrooms with Sasha, Amerie and Quinni.

Amelia had borrowed some of her mum's office clothes, choosing the cutest items, she had picked out some plaid pants with a nice belt, she paired it with a turtleneck tank top, she fixed her hair up and walked out of the stall, showing Missy her outfit.

Missy stayed back with Sasha since they were partnered and Amelia went to find Malakai, he was waiting outside the girl's bathrooms, Amelia smiled at him, and they walked together to Woodsy's office.

"I already told Missy this but, the stuff we talked about on the holidays, can we just keep it between us?" Malakai asked as they walked together.

"Of course, can I ask you a question?" Amelia asked, knowing she could trust Malakai.

"Yeah, what's up?" Malakai responded, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What's the bird psycho thread? The girls were talking about it before, but it felt like Amerie didn't want me to know about it." Amelia asked, she looked up and him, playing with her necklace.

"It's some stupid thread with a bunch of people saying all the bad things Amerie has said or done, she didn't want me to know about it either, I'm guessing it's just because she doesn't want us to know all about that." Malakai explained, Amelia nodded her head.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense." Amelia said, they had just gotten to Woodsy's office, she invited them in and to sit down so they did, waiting for the others to get there. While they were waiting, Amelia pulled out her phone and decided to check out the thread.

She was never one for drama, and she should have stayed curious, some of the vulgar things people had written about Ameire were sad, but she kept scrolling, eventually finding something that made her stomach drop.

'Spider and Amerie hooked up after the festival, when Amerie knew Amelia liked him.'

Amelia stared at her screen for what felt like hours, before she heard the door open, she turned her phone off and put it in her lap, staring at the wall, barely listening to Woodsy explaining the event. Amelia decided then and there, she was going to take down Spider.

"The Sydney Inter-Outer East Women's Association Pitch Day is an annual tradition. You're talking points." Woodsy explained, passing around little cards. "These women provide campaign funding to the nominated school captains of underprivileged schools to help develop future leaders." Woodsy explained.

"So, networking and nepotism?" Sasha asked in a sassy tone, Amelia would have laughed but she was busy death staring the back of Spider's head.

"Yes, thank you Sasha, last year, each party raised over $1000 each, and historically, the party that raises the most amount of money, goes on to win the election." Woodsy continued, Amelia was now staring at her card, Missy had noticed her mood and watched her carefully.

"So, they'll just give us money?" Amerie asked.

"They will listen to your election promises, and if it sounds meaningful, they will give you some money towards your campaign. So shall we go?" Woodsy finished, they all got up and Missy grabbed Amelia's hands holding her back so they could talk.

"Watch out ladies, I'm going to wipe the floor with these MILFs, make sure you don't slip on the juices." Spider said, Amelia rolled her eyes, watching Malakai as he left.

"You're feral, no amount of lynx Africa can change that." Missy said sassily, Amelia desperately wanted to leave, she was so excited to go today, but now after reading that comment, she just wanted to hide.

"Okay, how about this? If you guys manage to raise more money than I do, I'll drop out of the election." Spider replied, stepping closer to Missy and Amelia.

"Done." Missy said, raising her eyebrows.

"What do I get if you lose?" Spider asked, stepping even closer to Amelia now, she watched him, not a single thought behind her eyes.

"You can suck my dick, cus I'm not losing." Amelia called out, being a little shocked at her own sassiness, Spider smiled and tapped her head with his card.

"Done deal." He finished, walking out of the room. Amelia watched him, feeling herself get a little angrier, it was all she could think about, she prayed that it was just a rumour, but she didn't know Spider had known about it.

"What's going on?" Missy asked, Amelia pulled out her phone and showed her the message. "Oh, what the fuck? You don't really think?"

"I don't fucking know, but I just want to forget about it, we weren't even together so it doesn't matter." Amelia said as they finally walked out of the office and to the bus waiting for them. 

"It's clearly bothering you Mia." Missy replied, looking over at her best friend, Missy could read Amelia like an open book, they never hid anything from one another.

"Can we just leave it for now, I need to take this bitch down a notch." Amelia answered, fixing her hair.

"God I love it when your mad, all I see is another me." Missy laughed, Amelia laughed too, throwing her head back.
