hartley highs number one.


🎧 – two ghosts – harry styles

"Where have you been all weekend?" Amelia asked Malakai, who was holding a balloon and flowers, Amelia looked at what the balloon said, 'will you be my girlfriend Amerie' "Oh, I'm guessing you have been spending time with Ams."

"Yeah, just hanging out, you know." Malakai said, Amelia could tell he wasn't telling the full truth by his body language, she just laughed and nodded at him.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't go to the district tryouts?" Amelia asked as they walked into the courtyard, Malakai looked over at Amelia and shook his head.

"Spider would have beaten me, Hartley high's number one." Malakai said in defeat, Amelia frowned at him, watching as Amerie walked in, he turned and puffed his chest and smiled, Amelia stepped away from him, letting Amerie approach Malakai.


"My man, acting all gentle and shit. get em' huh." Ant said to Malakai, walking into the change rooms.

"Haven't got her yet bro." Malakai huffed as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Isn't that what the flowers are for?" Ant asked, sitting down, and digging through his bag.

"He's a simp not a pimp." Spider called out.

"Congratulations Spider, you made A-grade, you happy?" Malakai retorted, sitting down, and watching Spider.

"Well, maybe, if you put as much effort in training, as you did tryna cop a root, you'd have made the team too." Spider argued, everyone in the change rooms laughed.  "At least there you had a chance bro."

"Ah, see when I play, I always score, on and off the court." Malakai scrunched up his face, turning his head at Spider.

"Oh, so you did hook up with Amerie?" Dusty asked, putting his hand on Malakai's shoulder.

"Bullshit, when?" Spider asked, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms. Malakai shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't be jealous because a girl picked me, how is it going with Amelia anyway?" Malakai joked. Ant looked at Spider with a confused and angry look, wondering what Malakai was talking about.

"I don't give a shit about Amelia, wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole." Spider spat, denying Malakai, and proving to Ant that nothing was happening.

After joking around, the coach came in and yelled at everyone to go into the gymnasium, Spider got up and death stared Malakai as he walked out.

"Hey, what was Malakai talking about?" Ant asked Spider as he caught up with him. "You and Mia aren't hooking up are you?"

"No, it's just shit about the map, Malakai must think we like each other or something." Spider lied, he definitely liked Amelia, but he wasn't going to tell Ant that.

"Good, because that's my sister bro, it's just gross." Ant said, scrunching up his face is disgust, Spider faked a smile.

"Yeah, aye." Ant walked away and Spider stood staring at where Ant just stood.


It was time for sluts and the class got split into two groups, all the girls went to the gymnasium and all the boys went outside, the girls were currently learning about how to defend yourself against a sexual assault offender.

"This program is a young woman's guide to survival, we call it, Rack off. Sexual assault is a sad reality for far too many young women. And Rack off is designed  equip you with the tools and the knowledge to assist in preventing it." Kurt said, Amelia stopped paying attention as soon as he finished his speech, not understanding why girls must learn to defend themselves, when boys should be taught to not be assholes.

"Now you know the psychology of an offender, their selection process, it's time to learn how to get them to..."  Kurt said, wanting the group to finish his sentence.

"Rack up?" Darren joked, no one was really interested in presentation, feeling like it was a waste of time.

"Rack off." Kurt corrected, "Uh, so now, I'm going to demonstrate some simple self-defence moves, than you can practice on each other, so who wants to be a volunteer." No one put their hand up. "Come on guys. How about you at the back?" Kurt pointed to Harper, who reluctantly got up.

"So, a man has a strong grip on you, okay, you can't pull down or back, but the weakest part of the grip is the thumb, so you need to cross grip." Kurt explained, Harper getting more and more uncomfortable, suddenly she pulled out her lighter and burned him, everyone gasping.

"Did you just burn me?" Kurt asked, looking at Harper, holding the arm she burned.

"Got you to rack off didn't it?" Harper said, raising her eyebrows and looking back at him, Darren started clapping loudly.

"Uh, okay, I think that's a really great point to finish up, thank you so much," Jojo said, getting up and walking over to Kurt, Harper walked off, grabbed her bag, and left the courts, Missy following behind her, leaving Sasha and Amelia sitting by themselves.

Everyone got up, grabbing their bags and heading back to classroom 5D, when they got back the boys were back too, already sitting in the classroom.

"Alright, okay, um, tell me something you all learnt in here today," Jojo asked as she walked into the class, Amelia had her head in her palm, being extremely bored.

"Ten thousand steps miss, that's all it takes for me to become a tank." Ant answered, flexing his arm, Amelia turned and looked at him, rolling her eyes.

"Wait you guys didn't get the same sexual assault thing we did?" Amelia asked, looking over to Ant and Spider, they both shook their heads.

"That's bullshit!" Amerie said, looking around the room, and then to Jojo.

"We don't need it, alright, we are all feminists here, yeah? We know how to ask for consent, we use protection, I mean, hey, Malakai the pullout king, he just comes on himself. How's that for equality Amerie?" Spider said, pointing over to Malakai and Amerie.

"Go climb a waterspout Spider, it'll be the closest you'll come to getting your dick wet." Harper argued, Amelia laughed to herself, Spider turned and flipped Harper off.

"Okay, that's enough. Thanks, thank you," Jojo said as the bell rang, Amelia picked up her bag and walked out with Missy, linking arms, and talking about class, "Thanks everyone, enjoy your lunch break." Jojo yelled as everyone left.

"Hey, do you wanna skip the rest of the day? We both have free's after lunch, we should go outfit shopping for the ball." Missy asked, as they walked to their lockers.

"Yes, please, I'll just have to tell Ant." Amelia said, putting her books back in her locker, slinging her bag over her shoulder waiting for Missy to pack her things. When they were both finished, Missy and Amelia walked around trying to find Ant, he was standing with Spider and Dusty, she jogged up to them with Missy, saying hello.

"I'm ditching with Missy, you three will have to find your own way home." Amelia stated, looking around the group of boys.

"What, that's dog." Ant said, Spider and Dusty protesting.

"Well unless you want to come shopping with Missy and I?" Amelia laughed, raising one eyebrow at Ant.

"God, I couldn't think of anything worse." Ant argued, Amelia smiled at him and turned to leave with Missy, linking arms and walking towards Amelia's car. Spider watched her walk away, admiring her from a distance.


"Okay, what about this?" Amelia asked, walking out in a bodysuit with a mini skirt, the body suit was had heaps of cut-outs, barely covering Amelia's boobs.

"Love it, but it needs a jump test, I can guarantee you'll have a nip slip if you were drunk and dancing." Missy said, looking over the outfit.

"You're so right, I think I'm going to get it, but not wear it, I love it too much." Amelia said, going back into the change rooms, taking off the pieces of clothing, and putting on her next outfit.

The next outfit was a colourful knitted dress, it was see through so Amelia was going to wear a bikini underneath, but for now she just slipped it over her underwear.

"Okay, I don't love this as much as I thought I would, it just looks a little boring." Amelia said, "Plus this fabric is really uncomfortable." She said, pulling it and tugging it to sit right.

"Yeah, no, if it's going to bother you then it's not worth it, you need to feel good to look good sis." Missy said, borderline checking her out. Amelia walked back into the stall, feeling a little defeated, but she had saved the best for last, and she was excited to show Missy her next option.

The other outfit was a pink chrome top with a matching mini skirt, Amelia liked it a lot, it was backless, which she loved, she pictured it with some long white boots and her hair done up, she walked out of the stall, not saying anything.

"Yes, definitely, you look deadly." Missy said, nodding her head, pointing towards her, Amelia modelled it for her, pulling her hair up to show Missy her vision, Missy just kept nodding her head and clapping.

Amelia walked back into the stall, put her clothes back on and grabbed her items she was purchasing, Missy doing the same, and then they left, driving back to Missy's, after picking up some things Amelia needed for her outfit.

After an hour of laying around on their phones, and talking about boys, Sasha came around, bottles of alcohol under her arms, all the girls got ready together, helping each other out with their makeup, then getting changed and doing a fashion show for each other.

Amelia was in the bathroom, finishing up her makeup when she heard the boys arrive, she could hear them cheering and she laughed to herself, she added the last gemstone to her eye and grabbed her bag, looking herself over before she left the bathroom.

When Amelia entered the lounge room, the girls and Ant cheered, complimenting her on her outfit, Spider just watched her, speechless, he looked at her up and down has she spun around in circles, showing herself off.

"When the fuck did you get your belly pierced?" Ant asked, going serious, Amelia stopped spinning and looked at him, then down to her belly.

"I did it before the festival." Missy said, Amelia looked a Spider and laughed, remembering how she showed it off to him that night.

"Let's get drunk sluts!" Amelia yelled, reaching down, and pulling a drink out of her bag, going over to the speaker, and turning the music right up, everyone cheered and lifted their drinks in the air.
