did we just get abandoned in the bush?


🎧- lights up – harry styles

Amelia was sitting against a rock, looking through her bag to find thing's the group could share, Spider was standing over her, Amelia passed him a bottle of water and a box of tampons.

"That's all I have." She said, ignoring the snacks at the bottom of her bag, she knew she didn't want to share those, Spider nodded and walked over to the small pile of things he had collected.

"All righty! So, we have got, six water bottles, nine tampons, a chapstick, a lighter that if you rub it, the chick bikini comes off, um some muesli bars, and, well at least someone had a good time last night. Was it you?" Spider announced, Amelia stood up and ignored Zoe and Spider's arguing.

She pulled out her phone, trying to get some sort of signal, with no luck she sighed and walked over to Missy and Sasha, standing against the rock with Missy.

"Okay, we need to organise ourselves, I would like to nominate myself as the leader." Sasha called out, Amelia laughed, that was such a Sasha thing to do.

"Dream on." Spider snickered, Amelia looked over at him, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You have a better idea?" Sasha said back, playing with something in her hands.

"Yeah, I do actually, thanks dildo juice, who votes that we tie Amerie to a tree, and we follow me back to camp." Spider asked, Amelia put her hand up but them Missy pulled it back down.

"Well, who wants to follow Sasha and me? I have a deadly sense of direction, and Sasha secretly packed a bag of Maltesers." Missy said, Amelia raised her hand again, nodding with Missy and Sasha.

"Or hands up if you want to follow me?" Amerie said, everyone put their hands down, Quinni and Amerie were the only two with their hands up, Amelia laughed to herself.

"Great, there its settled, Amerie sucks, and we're going this way." Spider replied, stepping down from the rock, a few people following him. Amerie, Missy, and Sasha reluctantly started packing their things.

"That's the wrong way guys. Guys!" Missy yelled out, and then sighed when everyone followed Spider anyway, Amelia started walking, catching up with Ant.

"God my feet are fucking sore from running barefoot yesterday." Amelia complained, remembering how she was running over rocks when Jojo caught them all in the same dorm, plus, she was not really wearing suitable shoes for hiking, since she didn't know they were going to be left stranded in the bush.

"Suck it up." Ant said, Amelia was taken back by his attitude, she looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Um, no, I just don't think you really listen in class," Amelia told him, frowning up at him. "What makes you ask that?"

"Everyone seems to think I'm dumb." Ant mumbled, Amelia nodded at him, understanding where he was coming from.

"I'm not going to lie to you, you're definitely not a genius, but that doesn't mean you aren't good at other things, like sport, you're great at that." Amelia told him, Ant nodded and smiled at her. Amelia looked behind her, seeing Malakai and Rowan walking together.

"How are your feet?" Rowan asked, Amelia slowed down her walking so she was next to them, Ant sped up and walked with Spider.

"Really sore actually, these shoes don't help." Amelia told them, looking down to her feet, Malakai laughed and picked her up, putting her on his shoulders, Amelia screamed and laughed, clinging to Malakai's head.

Spider turned around at the scream, noticing what was happening, he felt jealousy creep up, he knew Malakai and Amelia were just friends, and Malakai was with Rowan, but he still wished he was the one to hold her.

Spider just sighed and looked forward, leading the group down a path, then eventually to an opening, Spider walked through and stopped in the middle of the area, everyone behind him doing the same.

"All right guys, lets, uh, let's just rest here, refuel a bit." Spider called out, Malakai helped Amelia off his shoulders, she smiled a thank you at him. "Ant, chuck some muesli bars."

"Oh, about that." Ant said, with a mouth full of food, Spider put his hands on Ant's face, showing he had eaten all the food.

"Seriously dude? What is wrong with you?" Spider called out, shaking his head at Ant.

"What? I faint if I don't eat every thirty minutes." Ant defended, Amelia laughed, knowing it wasn't true.

"Well, it's not his fault we're lost." Amelia stated, smiling at Ant, Spider looked at her raising his eyebrows and walking off.

"What time is it? Is it gonna get dark soon?" Quinni asked, Amelia walked over to Missy and Sasha, sitting down on a log with them.

"Judging by the shadows, I reckon it's about 3pm." Everyone looked at Rowan weird. "My mum made me, and my brother do cub scouts." He added, making some of the group laugh.

"Okay, we need a break." Sasha breathed out, tucking her legs up to her chest, Amelia looked around, feeling herself get tired from walking all day.

"No, we need to keep going." Zoe yelled out, Amelia looked over at her sending her a weird look.

"Zoe, my feet are killing me, I'm tired and I don't have my Invisalign here, so my teeth are going to get all janky and fucked up!" Sasha explained, starting to yell at the end, Missy bent down and rubbed her back.

"Shit, sorry dude." Zoe backed off, Amelia laughed a little, looking up to see Spider looking at her and Sasha sitting together.

"I just need a break." Sasha whispered, Amelia and Spider held eye contact, Amelia blushing a little then looking away.

"The safest thing for us to do is just to stay put, wait till we get found." Spider told the group, watching Amelia.

"Uh, Spider, that's not exactly true, the safest thing we can do is actually walk downhill, find a stream of water which'll lead us to agriculture-" Quinni called out, everyone looked over to her.

"Cumlords! Let's set up over here." Spider interrupted, pointing behind him and walking off, his group following behind him.

"Uh, sluts we're gonna set up over here." Amelia called, getting up and walking over away from the cumlords, her group followed her.

"What do we set up?" Harper asked, everyone looked to Amelia hoping she had some answers.

"Um, well I have some snacks, only if anyone is absolutely starving, I don't have enough for everyone so don't tell the cumlord's, and I have some water. I'm guessing we will be staying overnight so we will have to start a fire." Amelia explained, the group nodded and put all their bags into a pile. Amelia passed around some water bottles she had taken from Spider's pile earlier.

"Did someone want to go and try to find signal, try and call someone." Amelia said, Darren nodded their head and walk off, Cash following behind them, Amelia sat on the ground, watching the cumlords fuck around, Amelia started thinking about Spider again.

Last night left her feeling angry, she had come to the realisation that she can't keep letting herself get hurt, if something bothered her, she would tell him, rather than just brush it off, she can't tell him he's bad at communication when she didn't communicate with him.

She wanted to help Spider, rather then just break up and forget about it, she loved him so much, so she wanted to stay with him, but she still needed time, she didn't want to lash out at him and lose him for good, but literally being lost in the bush with him didn't help.

She missed being able to just walk up to him and kiss him, being able to spend time with him, Amelia had never missed someone this much, she sighed and looked away, taking a sip of water right at Darren came back, holding a handful of mushrooms.

"Guys! Look at this!" They yelled, everyone looked over as Darren and Cash put the handfuls of mushrooms on top of a rock, both groups got up and walked over, standing around the rock, and looking at the mushrooms.

"Woah, what if their poisonous?" Amelia asked, coming to stand between Missy and Ant, she went to touch them, Missy slapping her hand away.

"I don't think they are." Quinni said, Amelia could trust Quinni's judgement, she was super smart and seemed to know the most random facts.

"They look like a good time." Harper laughed, Amelia agreed, nodding her head.

"Do we think their magic?" Spider asked, looking around the circle.

"Oh, there magic, trust me." Cash told him, nodding his head.

"So, were not eating them, right?" Spider asked, Amelia looked around, everyone shrugging their shoulders.

"Wait what?" Ant said, everyone looked at him to see him chewing, Amelia's eyes widened, and she held in a laugh, of course Ant would eat them. The whole groups gasped and started laughing, some people patting Ant on the back.

"I think we should start a fire." Spider called out, pulling Ant to a spot to sit, Amelia went and sat with him to make sure he was okay, she started to get a little worried. Amelia watched as the cumlords made a fire, pulling logs and rocks for people to sit on. When they were all finished, Ant seemed to be fine.

"Ant, whatever you do, don't throw up." Cash told Ant, he was facing the other way, looking over in the trees.

"He would have died by now if they were poisonous." Missy called out to Amelia, seeing she was a little stressed out for her brother, Amelia nodded and looked over to Ant.

"I feel fine." He said, turning around and facing the group. "Maybe there just normal mushrooms?" Ant added, looking around the group.

"Okay, well we should use the fire to cook them, it's the only food we have." Sasha suggested, Amelia nodded but watched Ant as he stood up, walking away from the group.

"Uh, no, cumlords started the fire, and we're not sharing it. Why do you start your own fire with your farts?" Spider said back to Sasha, Amelia rolled her eyes at their arguing.

"Okay, well sluts found the mushrooms, so why don't you go find your own food?" Amelia said, raising her eyebrows at Spider.

"Maybe I will." He replied, Amelia sighed and got up, walking away to go and sit with Missy now Ant wasn't with them.

"Like I said, I don't feel anything, Mr. Snugglepot." Amelia heard Ant say, she looked over to him, he was talking to s tree. "But I don't have enough money to pay rent, do you accept a little kiss maybe?"

Everyone was watching Ant and laughing, he leaned into the tree and kissed it, Amelia burst out laughing, shaking her head at her brother.

"Oh my god, guys, Ant is high as fuck!" Darren called out, Ant looked over to them all, waving and laughing.

"Well, what else have we got to do?" Amelia called out, she raced over to the mushrooms, everyone else following her, grabbing three or four and shoving them in their mouths.
