spider vs amelia.


🎧- I can fix him (no really I can) – taylor swift.

"Hello vice-captain." Amelia nodded to Malakai as she walked into school with him, Spider and Ant going in another direction, "God yesterday was so weird, I have to compete against my boyfriend." Amelia finished.

"I don't think it will be all bad, you always seem to keep your cool." Malakai said, putting his hands in his pockets, looking over at her.

"Do you know how many questions I got, Spider, Missy and Ant, those three talking all at the same time, I almost had an aneurism." Amelia laughed, holding onto her head.

"I can imagine." Malakai agreed, the two of them walked to sluts, Amelia noticed Spider and Ant hadn't shown up, she frowned wondering where they were. Amelia sat down with Malakai and Missy.

"Well, I am really glad to see you all, I was kinda worried no one would show up, and I'm pleased to see some new faces too," Jojo announced, the news of sluts becoming an elective shocked Amelia, but she loved the class, so she obviously chose to stay.

"Still your sluts miss." Amerie said, looking over at Jojo, making her smile.

"Oh, I thought you'd be too busy with your campaign to make time for sexual literacy," Sasha asked, Amerie ignored her as Harper can into the room and sat down.

"Well, I hope that making it an elective means we can have more constructive and healthy discourse, about sex and sexual-" Jojo continued, Darren raised their hand to speak.

"Now that it's just us girls," Darren looked around the room, clearly missing Malakai sitting behind them, "I was thinking maybe we could discuss why straight men don't know how to wash their assholes properly?" Darren finished, Amelia held in her laughter and looked to Malakai.

"I am really glad you stayed Darren." Jojo complimented, then she pointed to one of the new students.

"Hi, I'm Zoe, I'd like to commend you for inviting other less sex-obsessed students into this class, to shift it away from it being an echo chamber." Zoe finished, the girls sitting on her table all started clicking their fingers, Amelia furrowed her eyebrows and looked to Missy.

"Come get your cousin please." Darren whispered to Missy, leaning back on their chair, Amelia laughed to herself.

"Uh racist much? Not all black fellas are related." Sasha said, Amelia looked at Missy, laughing again.

"Uh, nah, she actually is my cousin," Missy replied, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Alright, lets pay attention guys, so today I thought we could go outside and do some little activities, just to try something different." Jojo announced, everyone picked up their bags and headed outside, Amelia and Missy linked arms, walking throughout the school.

"God what is that smell? Did they fucking cook something?" Amelia asked, pulling Missy's arm to see a group of boys standing on the oval, Amelia recognised Spider and Ant standing there.

"What the hell is that!" Amerie called out to them as they walked closer, the group of boys turned around and watched the sluts walk over.

"Um, excuse me, I think we've booked out this space for our values relay." Jojo said, tucking her clipboard under her arm, talking to Voss who was standing with the group of boys.

"I believe that there's plenty of room for both." Voss stated, Amelia looked to Spider, seeing him smiling with Ant.

"Yeah, but we shouldn't have to breathe in dead carcass while we're doing a school activity, Mr. Voss." Jojo explained.

"Well, it's a football field, Ms. Obah, not an arts precinct." Voss argued, crossing his arms, looking around the oval.

"Last time we checked it's not a farmers market, either." Darren added, blocking his nose from the scent of the pig.

"Rack off, this is lord territory." Spider called out, Amelia looked at him and held in her laughter.

"As candidate of sluts, I demand equal access to public spaces." Amerie yelled, Sasha looked at her funny, then looking back to Amelia.

"Well, as a Q-S-M-C-C-A-L-P candidate, I would like to also add that this is vegan hate, not to mention blatantly against the rights of the Hartley high's Jewish and Muslim students, is it even halal?" Sasha called out, Amelia rolled her eyes, listening to her ramble.

"Can pig be halal?" Ant asked, Amelia and Spider laughed at him.

"Get that pig off the oval!" Sasha yelled, pointing to the roast pig behind them.

"Why don't we get this pig off the oval first?" Spider laughed, pointing to Sasha, Amelia widened her eyes, looking back and for the between Spider and Sasha.

"The fuck you just say?" Missy yelled, stepping forward, closer to Spider, Amelia followed her, as Jojo and Voss stepped closer, having a heated argument.

"Put a leash on your man, Amelia!" Darren called out, Amelia looked over to them, giving them a sort of death stare.

"Shut the fuck up!" Amelia yelled, laughing afterwards as she flipped Darren off. "Your little group of lords-"

"Cumlords." Spider corrected; Amelia burst out laughing at the name.

"Right, Cumlords, so sorry your honour, you little group of cumlords, is going down, I wouldn't get too comfortable here." Amelia finished, trying her best to put a serious face on, but she couldn't stop smiling.

Suddenly Jojo walked off, towards the office, Amelia, Amerie, Sasha, and Missy followed her, they knew she was going to the office to talk to Woodsy, so she needed back up.

Spider, Ant, and Voss followed after them, when they got to the office, Amelia stood on one side of the room with Jojo, Amerie, Sasha and Missy.

"If this is about the comments thread, the IT guy is on paternity leave, and I have been on the phone for the last hour to the internet provider." Woodsy yelled out to them as the big group entered the office, she looked at them all confused, and Spider placed a sandwich on her desk.

"Ham sandwich? Its homemade." he said, smiling to Woodsy, clearly bribing her.

"That's a bribe! What its literally pork barrelling!" Amelia called out, pointing to the ham sandwich, Spider looked over at her and laughed, Amelia just rolled her eyes playfully.

"It's a tasty treat the boys and I whipped up as part of out outdoors activity program." Voss explained, pushing the sandwich closer to Woodsy, who picked it up and unwrapped the tinfoil.

"Thank you very much, Timothy, I am very peckish, as it happens." Woodsy took a bite from the sandwich and everyone watched her, the girls looking annoyed and the boys smiling. "Oh! That's very nice, what's your secret?" Woodsy asked, pointing down to the sandwich.

"Cum-in." Voss told her, Amelia snorted out a laugh, looking away and covering her mouth.

"If we could get away from the topic of cum, for one second that would be-" Jojo said sassily, nodding towards Voss.

"Cumlords!" Ant called out, covering himself with a cough, cutting Jojo off, Amelia sighed and shook her head.

"Thank you, Anthony, helpful as always. What is the problem?" Woodsy asked, pointing around to the large group standing in her office.

"I'm concerned Mr. Voss and his man squad feel like they've got a monopoly on all the sport spaces." Jojo explained, the girls nodded, backing her up.

"It's not my fault no one watched women's sports!" Voss argued, the girls looked at him funny, yelling out that it wasn't true, naming some famous women's sports. "Boys are sportier, all right? Its basic science."

"No, its gendered bullshit." Amerie called out, pointing to Voss and the boys.

"The eradication of which is one of my main campaign points." Sasha added, looking to Woodsy and smiling.

"And they're using the football ovals to make some tedious political point." Voss continued, holding his hands out in confusion.

"I'm not sure what roasting a pig has to do with any kind of educational curriculum." Jojo spoke, looking at Woodsy confused.

"Well done, Jojo." Woodsy pointed at her, agreeing with what she was saying.

"If you give a man a fish, he'll be hungry the next day, but if you teach a man to fish." Voss started, moving his hands around to back up his point.

"It's a pig." Jojo said stupidly, the girls laughed at them.

"Okay, if the boys think that their so sporty, why don't they face off against us? Game of footy, winner gets pick of the sport spaces." Amelia said, crossing her arms and looking up to Spider.

"Alright, your on." Spider said, leaning down and looking at Amelia in her eyes.

"Get ready to watch and learn how a real athlete uses her body, dickhead." Missy added, running her hands down her sides.

"Yeah, move that pig and we'll see you on the oval, mid-day tomorrow." Amerie finished, all the girls walked out of the room, giggling to themselves.

"Okay, out, out, out, out!" Woodsy yelled at everyone to leave her office. Amelia found Malakai and together they walked around the school, hanging up Amelia's campaign posters.


Spider was sitting in the library, looking through his phone, someone had sent him the link to the bird psycho thread, he was scrolling through it reading all the awful things people were saying about Amerie, his stomach dropped when he read the next line.

'Spider and Amerie hooked up after the festival, when Amerie knew Amelia liked him.'

Spider furrowed his eyebrows, turning off his phone and walking to find Amerie, she was at her locker, Spider leaned against it waiting for Amerie to finish, when she did, she closed her locker and jumped, scared by the guy standing so close to her.

"Amelia can't know about this." Spider said, turning his phone to Amerie, who nodded at him, they walked away from each other, they both had known it wasn't true, but Spider still didn't want Amelia to find out, knowing it would hurt her.
