The Cookies arrived to the centre garden to fix the Sweet Heart.

Radish Cookie immediately stops as she some of the syrup leaking from the pipes.

GingerBrave: "Hey look! There's some syrup on that broken pipe!"

Radish Cookie: "It's the Churro Golem.... He must've run past here."

GingerBright: "The Churro Golem should apologize for breaking the faucet!"

GingerBrave: "This place is still sorta dry..."

Radish Cookie: "The Syrup Garden won't come back with just a single faucet."

Wizard Cookie: "Only the Sweet Heart is powerful enough to revitalize the entire garden, right?"

Radish Cookie: "Correctomundo. But we can't just leave the pipe broken like this. There's gotta be a broken faucet nearby. Let's handle that before we move on!"

GingerBrave: "Sounds like a plan! Just tell us what to do!"

GingerCandy: "Lead the way Radish Cookie."

Radish Cookie nods and leads them to where the broken faucet is. They found it and began to fix it.

Radish Cookie: "Three...!"

Cookies: "Two...! One...!"

Radish Cookie spins the wheel and gold syrup starts to fall.

Everything soon becomes fresh and green.

GingerBrave: "Woohoo! Another layer turned green!"

GingerCandy: "We did it!"

Wizard Cookie: "This is actually pretty satisfying!"

Soon came out more of the underground residence.

Strawberry Cookie: "Something sprung up again!"

GingerBright: "Hehe! What a funny hairdo! Who could it be this time?"

GingerCandy: "Whoever it is we need to pull them up."

GingerBrave: "I'm so curious! Let's pull' em out!"

The cookies pull them out only to see a musician broccoli and bean fans.

Radish Cookie: "HAHA! The Vegetable Residents! They're the happiest, cheeriest folk in the entire garden!"

Pea Fans: "Radish Cookie! Are you the one who woke us up?"

Radish Cookie: "Not just me, but these other Cookies too! They helped a ton!"

Pea Fans: "New Cookies! New friends! Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!"

GingerBright: "We're happy to meet you, too!"

Broccoli Musician: "Nice to meet ya, such beautiful greetings! Oh yeah!"

Wizard Cookie: (Er, what's with the singing?)

Broccoli Musician: "A syrup shower! Awaken the garden flower power!"

GingerCandy and Wizard Cookie sweat dropped at him singing like that.

Wizard Cookie: (Really? Is that the best rhythm you could come up with...?)

Radish Cookie then introduced the vegetable residents.

Radish Cookie: "This is the Vegetable Residents beloved performer, the legend himself, B. Rock'n 51! He's always strumming his guitar and sings instead of talking."

GingerCandy: "Ah, now it makes sense."

Wizard Cookie: (Why...? How come?)

Pea Fans: "Eek! B. Rock'n 51 is looking good!"

B. Rock'n 51: "Yeah! I could barely survive, all that time underground where I couldn't thrive!"

Pea Fans: "He's so cool! He's so cool! His lyrics are amazing as ever!"

Wizard Cookie couldn't understand music at all.

B. Rock'n 51: "Radish Cookie, got a question for you! How long were we in underground? Please give is a clue!"

Radish Cookie: "I tried to pay attention to the time at first, but now I have no idea how long it's been."

Pea Fans: "Eek! Then we better stretch our stiff bodies! Let's party! Party till the morning dew! Eek!"

Strawberry Cookie: "You JUST woke up minutes ago..."

Radish Cookie: "Haha! See? I told ya they're the most fun-lovein' folks in the garden!"

Pea Fans: "Let's go straight to the Sugar Beats Plaza! We're gonna dance to B. Rock'n 51's music!"

B. Rock'n 51: "Using my music to dance? You better not miss this chance!"

GingerBrave: "Woohoo! Should we go as well?"

GingerCandy: "Have you forgotten something important little sister?"

Wizard Cookie: "That's right! We have to go fix the Sweet Heart."

Radish Cookie: "That's alright! The theatre is on the way anyway, so we'll make a quick stop."

GingerBright: "Hehe! I think that's a wonderful idea!"

GingerBrave: "To the Sugar Beats Plaza!"

But when the arrived there, the whole place was a mess.

Pea Fans: "The Sugar Beats Plaza is a total mess.... The stage is gone! And the lights are broken..."

Radish Cookie: "Seems like it all dried up and wilted away..."

B. Rock'n 51: "Crushed are my dreams of a show! And no dancing for all my veggie fans, no, no, no!"

Wizard Cookie: "Don't look so sad! We can rebuild a new theatre!"

GingerBright: "Now that everyone has awoken from their sleep, you can all work together!"

Pea Fans: "Ah... so you're all just going to leave.... Okay then... everyone is leaving..."

Strawberry Cookie: (Erm.... This is awkward...)

Pea Fans: "It's not like we have to do the whole festival thing anyway.... It's fine... just go.... We get it, you're busy..."

GingerBright: (Oh, oh.... We can't just go now...!)

B. Rock'n 51: "Thought you were a friend, all cool and nice! but your heart's as cold as ice, ice, ice!"

Wizard Cookie: (He's really not giving up on the rhyming, is he...)

GingerBrave: "Uhm.... Well this doesn't feel great..."

Radish Cookie: "So, should we take off?"

GingerBrave: "Radish Cookie..."

Radish Cookie looks at her.

GingerBrave: "Let's help them before we go."

Pea Fans: "Eek! So cool, so nice!"

B. Rock'n 51: "That Cookie must be freshly baked! Her heart is still so toasty, warm; what a friend, so great!"

Wizard Cookie: "You just said we had hearts of ice!"

GingerCandy: "I think when we said that we would help his attitude changed."

Radish Cookie: "Haha! If that's what you want, then why not! Let's work together to rebuild the Sugar Beats Plaza!"

And so, they began fixing the plaza. When they were done, the plaza was good as new again. B. Rock'n 51 goes up on stage and begins to play his music. Choco Mushroom and his friends appeared and started cheering along with the Pea Fans.

GingerBrave: "Wow! This place is amazing!"

Radish Cookie: "Another success, thanks to you! The Sugar Beats Plaza is back in action!"

Then Choco Mushroom's friend called out to Radish Cookie.

Mushroom: "Radish Cookie! Can you give us a hand?"

Radish Cookie: "Sure, what's up?"

Mushroom: "We ain't got enough drops!"

GingerBrave: "Er, drops?"

Radish Cookie: "There's a tradition in of drinking syrup drops after a grand party."

Mushroom: "Our stock's literally run dry. With the garden in such rough shape, we couldn't find any in time!"

GingerBright: "Oh no! It's be shame to end the party without syrup!"

Radish Cookie: "Not to worry! Lookie here!"

She then pulls out aplastic straw and puts on the dirt ground.

A golden syrup drop then comes out.

Cookies: "WOW!!!"

Radish Cookie: "We fixed the faucet, remember? The ground around here is flowing with syrup! This'll be enough to end the party on a high note!"

GingerBrave: "That's so cool!"

GingerCandy: "This is indeed interesting."

Wizard Cookie: "I wanna try that too!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh, me too!"

They all placed the straws on the ground.

Wizard Cookie: "Absolutely fascinating!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Hehe, I did it!"

Radish Cookie: "Told ya there'd be enough for everyone, haha!"

GingerBrave: "Let's see could collect the most!"

Cookies: "Alright!"

But B. Rock'n 51 immediately stops Strawberry Cookie.

B. Rock'n 51: "You there! The Cookie with the hoodie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "H-huh?! M-me!"

B. Rock'n 51: "Your voice sounds like an angel! Please come, come up stage to sing with me!!!"

Strawberry Cookie hesitated at first and wanted to decline but seeing many of B. Rock'n 51's fans requesting her to join him... she didn't have much of a choice so she stepped up on stage.

GingerCandy: "You think she will be alright?"

Wizard Cookie: "Don't worry. I knew far too long. And let me tell you this... her singing is amazing!"

Strawberry Cookie takes a deep breath and beings to sing.

Let me hear you sing...

Sing it together, louder than ever
Forget everything, just sing
Like it's what we've been missin'
And they're gonna listen, listen
Forget everything, just sing

The whole plaza was silent when they heard her sing. She opens her eyes and starts to move and sing.

You think you've gotta hide it?
Don't keep it on the shelf
Let your waist start moving
Watch the way I do it, do it
See me do it like nobody else

B. Rock'n 51 smiles and joins in.

If we sing it all together (if we sing it all as one)
It's louder than yourself (all together, everyone)
Everybody's lookin' (see you lookin' now)
Watch the way we do it, do it (hold up, watchin' how I do it)
Cause we do it like nobody else

Then everyone begins to clap and sing along.

Let me hear you sing, don't you stop it, don't you fight it
Let me hear you sing, if you got it, can't deny it
Let me hear you, it's waiting for you
Already, you know that you do it like nobody else

Just sing, sing it together
Louder than ever, ever, forget everything
Just sing like it's what we've been missing
And they're gonna listen, listen, forget everything (let me hear you)

Hey, I've been right here where you standin' (I've been standin' on the ground)
And the walls are cavin' in (all the walls are fallin')
But my lips start movin' with the soul I put into it
And you never heard it done like this

리듬 타봐 멈추지마

si lo tienes, no lo niegues
Te quiero oír cantar
It's waiting for you
Already, you know that you do it like nobody else
Just sing, sing it together
Louder than ever, ever, forget everything
Just sing like it's what we've been missing
And they're gonna listen, listen, forget everything

Let me hear you sing
I said a one, two, three, and four
Let's go everybody get on the floor
Let me hear you
Uh, let me hear you sing it
Let me hear you sing
I want you to sing from your soul
I want you to reach with your elbow
Let me hear you
We can't hear you, way in the back (alright, alright, alright)

Let me hear you sing
It's waiting for you
Already, you know that you do it like nobody else

Just sing, sing it together
Louder than ever, ever, forget everything
Just sing like it's what we've been missing (like it's what)
And they're gonna listen, listen, forget everything
Just sing, sing it together (let's sing)
Louder than ever, ever, forget everything (louder than ever)
Just sing (sing) like it's what we've been missing (like it's what we've been missing)
And they're gonna listen, listen, forget everything
Just sing...

The residents and the Cookies cheered for them. Strawberry Cookie comes, and her friends gathered around her.

GingerCandy: "Wow Strawberry Cookie...! That was AMAZING!!!"

Strawberry Cookie: "R-really...?"

GingerBright: "Yeah girl! You were like whoa! And we were like wow!"

Strawberry Cookie covers her full face with her hood.

GingerBrave: "Wow! Look at how many syrup drops we've collected in such a short time!"

GingerBright: "Everyone looks happy!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I'm glad we helped...!"

Radish Cookie: "I can't believe we're gathered all in one place once more! I've been dreaming of this for a longest time.... Every time I fell asleep in the corner of the garden all by myself.... Every time I fixed the faucet all by myself... I dreamed of this reunion.... And now everything is back to how it's supposed to be! Thanks to you all!"

GingerBrave: "We're happy to help!"

GingerBright: "Seeing everyone so happy makes us happy too!"

Suddenly a Tomato holding books appears.

Tomato: "Help! Help! HELP!"

Radish Cookie: "What's going on???"

Tomato: "My-my little sister!"

Radish Cookie: "Calm down and tell us what happened."

Tomato: "My little sister is stuck on the ground over there! We have to get her out!"

Radish Cookie: "Looks like there are more residents that need our help!"

GingerBright: "Don't worry, we'll help you! We're getting super good at pulling up residents from the ground now."

GingerBrave: "Yay! Let's go meet the new resident!"

The Vegetable's name is Cherry-Cherry Tomato. However she wasn't happy to be awoken and said that she was some fruit instead of a vegetable. She goes to the fruit residents. The cookies followed her, when they arrived, they see the fruit residents awaken and scolded Radish Cookie for waking them up. Radish Cookie looks down feeling upset.

The Cookies comforted her and said that she didn't do anything wrong and will fix the problem. "This is it." Says Radish Cookie as they finally arrived to their destination....The Sweet Heart.

Radish Cookie: "The Sweet Heart."

GingerBright: "Looks like it's been broken for ages."

Strawberry Cookie: "This place is creepy...!"

Wizard Cookie: "Something's constricting the Heart..."

GingerCandy: "It seems the wilted vines are covering the pipes."

Radish Cookie: "*Tsk* The Churro Golem's work.... These pesky Churro Vines are stopping the production and flow of fresh syrup."

Strawberry Cookie: "But... but why?"

That was when GingerBrave spotted someone inside the Sweet Heart.

GingerBrave: "There's someone in there!"

Radish Cookie: "That Cookie is.... She's.... The Gardener. Our leader.... Rosemary Cookie. She's... my sister."

The Cookies gasped hearing this.

GingerBright: "Rosemary Cookie?!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We need to help her...!"

GingerBrave: "Not a moment to lose!"

Radish Cookie: "It's no use...! I've already tried everything I can to think of. These vines are practically impervious to everything. No matter what I throw at them... they just... won't come lose...!"

The Cookies felt sad hearing this.

Radish Cookie: "But not today! Cuz y'all're with me!"

GingerBrave: "Just say the word, Radish Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We're with you all the way!"

GingerBright: "We'll find a way, together!"

Wizard Cookie: "Where shall we begin?"

Radish Cookie: "First, we need to whack away these awful Churro Vines."

GingerBright: "But they're really tough and sturdy!"

GingerCandy: "We need some kind of tool to remove them."

Radish Cookie: "Yeah, but I have an idea...! These vines become much more pliable when exposed to syrup!"

Wizard Cookie: "So we'll need to fix another faucet nearby!"

Radish Cookie: "Yup! There are four faucets in the area. If you split up and manage to fix all four at once, the incoming flow of syrup should be enough to weaken the vines!"

GingerBright: "And then you can cut them away, easy-peasy!"

GingerBrave: "Haha! Sounds like a plan! It's time to split up and fix the faucets!"

As they leave, Radish Cookie looks at her sister.

Radish Cookie: "Just hand on. I'll save you...!"

And so, the Cookies began fixing the faucets and activating them. When all the Churro Vines are weakened, Radish Cookie cuts them all off.

Cookies: "The Sugar Heart is Free!"

Radish Cookie: "Haha! Y'all're miracle workers! Now let's wake up the Sweet Heart!"

Cookies: "And save Rosemary Cookie!"

"Let's do this!" yells Radish Cookie. Following the instructions which Radish Cookie gave them. They activated the machine. Golden Syrups started following and entering in the Sweet Heart through the pipes.

GingerBrave: "The Sweet Heart is working!"

GingerBright: "It's making syrup already!"

GingerCandy: "Everything is turning back to normal!"

Radish Cookie then noticed something wrong. For some reason, Rosemary wasn't waking up.

Radish Cookie: "It's too fast! Rosemary Cookie! ROSEMARY COOKIE! WAKE UP!"

But she wasn't.

Radish Cookie: "We need to get her out of there!!! She'll get too soggy if we don't save her!"

GingerBrave: "GAH! OKAY!"

That was when they heard a roaring sound.

GingerBrave: "That noise!"

GingerCandy: "Oh no!"

The Churro Golems appears. He looks at the syrup and gets very angry.

GingerBrave: "He looks really angry right now...!"

Radish Cookie: "No more! Leave the Sweet Heart alone! Leave Rosemary Cookie alone!"

The Churro Golem sees Rosemary Cookie and roars.

GingerBrave: "We won't let you hurt Rosemary Cookie!"

GingerBright: "Bad Golem! Shoo! Go away!!!"

Radish Cookie: "We need to stop him, before Rosemary Cookie get too soggy!"

GingerBrave: "Let's do this! You won't get through us, Churro Golem!"

GingerCandy: "That's right!"

And so the Cookies battled the Churro Golem. After the battle, the Churro Golem was finally defeated.

GingerBrave: "We did it! we won!"

GingerBright: "Look! Rosemary Cookie is sinking in the syrup!"

Wizard Cookie: "We need to make haste! We should fix the Sweet Heart and get her out if there!"

Radish Cookie: "Let's move these together! We'll need these giant pilers to fix the Sweet Heart!"

GingerBrave: "We're with you all the way, Radish Cookie!"

The Cookies managed to fix the Sweet Heart and pulled Rosemary Cookie out.

GingerBrave: "PHEW! We saved Rosemary Cookie before it was too late!"

Radish Cookie kneels down to her and checks her sister.

Radish Cookie: "Wake up! C'mon, wake up! Rosemary Cookie!!! Rosemary Cookie! ROSEMARY COOKIE!"

After calling out her name so many times. Rosemary Cookie slowly opened her to see her sister, Radish Cookie, crying in front of her.

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish.... Cookie...? Radish Cookie...?!"

Radish Cookie starts crying even louder.

Radish Cookie: "I thought I lost you forever!"

Rosemary Cookie: "I'm OK.... It's OK..."

Strawberry Cookie: "I'm glad she's OK..."

GingerBright: "Yeah! What a touching reunion!"

That was when she noticed the Syrup Graden back to normal.

Rosemary Cookie: "Wait.... Our Syrup Garden is... is awakened?"

GingerBrave: "Yup! It's all thanks to Radish Cookie!"

GingerBright: "She defeated the Churro Golem!"

Strawberry Cookie: "And restored the garden too!"

Rosemary Cookie: "You did... all this? You... the garden...?"

Radish Cookie: "Haha! It's a fresh new start! Now that everyone's up and awake, we can all get back to work and-."

Rosemary Cookie: "You.... How could you be so FOOLISH?!"

Then she starts to panic and kept saying no.

Rosemary Cookie: "No.... No...! NOOO!! The Syrup Garden.... Must not be awakened!"

Then she starts to run.

Radish Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie?!"

"Why is Rosemary Cookie so angry?" asked GingerBrave who was shocked to see this.

GingerBright: "Something doesn't feel right..."

GingerCandy: "Your right GingerBright."

Wizard Cookie: "Or something more is going on underneath the surface..."

GingerBrave: "Let's follow them! We need to know what's going on! They might need our help once more! I can feel it!"

GingerCandy: "Right behind you GingerBrave!"

And so, the Cookies started following the sisters.
