The Cookies were running at the hallway in search of Sachertorte Cookie and the bandits. Marble Danish Cookie immediately stopped as he saw their path blocked.

GingerBrave: "Oof...! Ow, ow, ow!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Apologies for the sudden halt. But the path forward is blocked."

Wizard Cookie: "There must be another way around or..."

GingerBrave: "Let's get to work and get it outta the way!"

The cookies sweat dropped at GingerBrave's excitement.

Wizard Cookie: "Somehow, I knew you were going to yell that with your signature of enthusiasm..."

And so, the Cookies cleared the path.

GingerBrave: "We should keep moving and-."

Sachertorte Cookie: "My, my, my...."

She pulls out her umbrella.

Sachertorte Cookie: "You're 17 minutes late. Perhaps I've overestimated you lot."

Marble Danish Cookie: "There you are!"

But they suddenly fell into a trap and fall down.

GingerBrave: "We're gonna end up crumbs for sure!"

GingerBright: "NOOO! I don't wanna become crumbs!"

Wizard Cookie: "Hang on! We'll try and slow us down! Ready GingerCandy?!"

GingerCandy: "Right!"

GingerCandy and Wizard Cookie casted their spells. They somehow made them slowed down from falling and landed safely to the ground.

Wizard Cookie: "Ow, ow...! That was a bit rougher landing that I expected..."

GingerCandy: "Tell me about it..."

Wizard Cookie: "Is everyone alright?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Phew...! You saved us, GingerCandy and Wizard Cookie!"

GingerBrave: "Haha! We're all okay! That was amazing! But... where are we?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "By the looks of it... I believe we have arrived at the lounge, on the sixth floor. And to think, the Syndicate was within our grasp...!"

GingerBrave: "Everything's gonna be okay! Now that we know where we are, we just need to keep moving forward and find them again!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Yes.... Your optimism is not unfounded. But I must say, you and your sisters are a rather odd one."

GingerBrave: "We... huh?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Pursuit after pursuit, we've failed to properly apprehend these bandits. Yet your bravery and optimism gives me hope. I dare say that you are-."

But their conversation was cut off by Sachertorte Cookie.

Sachertorte Cookie: "Well, well. It would seem I've stumbled upon an interesting and heartfelt conversation. I wonder what'll happen if the young master's new friend is suddenly... removed from the equation?"

Suddenly she and GingerCandy were tied up.


Strawberry Cookie: "Sachertorte Cookie just...!"

Wizard Cookie: "What do we do?!"

GingerCandy: "Grr.... You fiend! Is this how you threaten innocent Cookies!?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Remain clam! We shall rescue GingerBrave and GingerCandy at all costs!"

Marble Danish Cookie then jumps up in the air and slices the rope with his sword. Freeing the girls.

Marble Danish Cookie: "She's... run off..."

Strawberry Cookie: "But at least GingerBrave and GingerCandy are safe...!"

GingerCandy: "Thanks Marble Danish Cookie. Without your help, me and my sister would be still hanging."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Yes. Most fortunate."

He then checks at GingerBrave.

Marble Danish Cookie: "Are you injured?"

GingerBrave: "Thanks to you, hehe! But Sachertorte Cookie managed to get away.... If only I was more careful... I'm sorry."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Why are you apologizing...? It wouldn't be honourable to ignore a Cookie in need and I travelled this far together for a common goal. I guess what I am trying to say is.... We are friend...."

The Cookies were touched by his words.

Marble Danish Cookie: "If I had been captured, then you would have done the same."

GingerBrave: "Of course!"

GingerCandy: "Your right."

Marble Danish Cookie: "So there's no need to apologize. Come, we must continue our pursuit."

GingerBrave: "Alrighty! Let's head out!"

GingerBright: "WAAIT!"

GingerBrave: "Huh? What's wrong?"

GingerBright: "Shouldn't we come up with a plan? We can't let the bandits keep escaping."

GingerCandy: "She's right, if we continuing searching them all like this, they will place more traps or capture one of us again. So we need to come up with something..."

GingerBright: "And guess what? I've got a plan!"

Strawberry Cookie: "What sort of plan...?"

GingerBright: "Its-..."

But suddenly, GingerBrave sneezed.

GingerBright: "As I was saying, its-..."

However she kept continuing to sneeze. She wasn't the only one, the others as well were sneezing.

Wizard Cookie: "Come to think of it, this place very du-duh-ACHOO-dusty.... This conversation isn't going anywh-wh-ACHOO-where!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Perhaps we should tidy up before continuing this conversation."

And that's what they Cookies did. They cleaned the place which now turned into a real lounge.

GingerBright: "Alright sneezies! Now listen up. The bandits keep escaping is because.... We aren't fast enough!"

Wizard Cookie: "And your point is...?"

GingerBright: "We need to be super-fast and catch all the bandit in one fell swoop! Tada! What do you think?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm, I am quite fond of that plan. After all, the best defence is a good offense."

"NOOOO!!" They then suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the other side.

Wizard Cookie: "Did you just hear that weird noise?"

Strawberry Cookie: "EEEK! Is it... a g-g-ghost?"

GingerBrave: "Huh... I don't think so..."

GingerCandy: "Same here."

GingerBrave: "Where have I heard that voice...?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Someone is nearby.... Let us spread out and search."

But just as they were about to find out, Witchberry Cookie came out of her hiding place.

Witchberry Cookie: "Myaha! It's time. Time for me to make an appearance!"

Wizard Cookie: "Oh, we've a tiny visitor?"

Witchberry Cookie: "A tiny visitor? Hmph! Speak for yourself, short stuff! Myehehe!"

Wizard Cookie: "Short stuff?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... And you are?"


Witchberry Cookie: "Myahaha! That's me! Tis I, Witchberry Cookie, the resident expert on everything about the Witch's Castle! I've been eavesdropping on your conversation. And I have one think to ask. Do ALL of you have crumbs for brains?"

Wizard Cookie: "So, the Cookie that helped GingerBrave was... really real?"

GingerBrave: "REALLY REAL!"

Witchberry Cookie: "Not everything is about speed, you slowpokes!"

GingerBright: "Oh? Then what is it?"

Witchberry Cookie: "Myahaha... ha.... *Sigh*. MYA! 'Eh, what is it'? PFFT! The leader of the Apricot Jam Syndicate is using a rope, but not just any rope! It's so sticky, that unless you've got nothing but butter in your dough, you'll be caught by it no matter what!"

Wizard Cookie: "Oh???"

GingerCandy: "I get it! And the only way to be free is by not getting caught in it."

Witchberry Cookie: "If you really want to catch those bandits off guard.... Then you need a secret weapon of your own!"

GingerCandy: "A weapon of our own? And what might that be?"

Witchberry Cookie: "Use something! Sprinkle baby powder in the air to blind them. SOMETHING!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh..."

Witchberry Cookie: "And after catching them? Well, you OBVIOUSLY need to tie them up!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I see...!"

Witchberry Cookie: "How did none of you think up any sort of plan for catching the bandits?!"

GingerBrave: "Witchberry Cookie..."

Witchberry Cookie: "Erm... perhaps I should've remained calm and..."

But they all smiled at her.

GingerBrave: "YOU'RE A GENIUS!"

This surprised her.

Witchberry Cookie: ".... Myeh?"

GingerBrave: "We should do as Witchberry Cookie said!"

GingerBright: "Let's find what we need!"

Wizard Cookie: "We should split up to save time!"

Strawberry Cookie: "O-O-OK! Let's do this...!"

GingerCandy: "Thanks again Witchberry Cookie!"

And so, the cookies left, leaving a shocked cookie witch.

Witchberry Cookie: "And they're off.... Maybe I should've just, erm... told them from the beginning.... Well, at least they've got an idea now."

Wizard Cookie and GingerBrave went to visit the Head Chef at the kitchen.

Head Chef: "OH! The heroes who saved our hotel! Are you perhaps looking for something?"

GingerBrave: "BABY POWDER! We're looking for baby powder, hehe! We're gonna dust ourselves with it so that we can catch the bandits!"

Wizard Cookie then corrected her.

Wizard Cookie: ".... No. We're not looking for baby powder. We're not looking for baby powder. We're searching for oil. It pains me to even consider using such a precious important element of cooking for such a purpose..."

Head Chef: "Hm, I've no clue to what sort of plan you've got cooking in your heads.... But if you seek oil, we recently received a shipment of the finest olive oil."

Wizard Cookie: "Olive oil! It's perfect! Thank you very much, chef!"

Head Chef: "Do not mention it, my friend. Once you're done with the Syndicate, how about I treat you all to a full-course, gourmet dinner?"

GingerBrave: "Gosh, that sounds SO AMAZING! But we can't stay! We need to keep moving right after we've caught the bandits."

Wizard Cookie: "We're currently searching for our lost friend, GingerDozer. Her brother."

Head Chef: "Alas, what a shame! Then let's make a deal. Once you've found your brother, make your way back here for a proper meal!"

Wizard Cookie: "Now THAT sounds like a deal!"

GingerBrave: "An excellent deal! Thanks!"

Head Chef: "Until then, stay safe, Cookies!"

Wizard Cookie: "Indeed we shall! We'll return one day, I promise!"

GingerBrave: "Thanks for the olive oil! See ya!"

With GingerBright and GingerCandy, they went to see Bellhop and the Worm Jelly.

Bellhop: "Oh! The heroes! My heroes! The Cookies who saved me!"

Worm Jelly: "Oh...?"

GingerBright: "Teehee! You still remember us? I'm so embarrassed!"

GingerCandy: "Me too, you can just call us GingerBright and GingerCandy."

Bellhop: "Of course I do! May I assist you with something?"

GingerBright: "Do you have baby powder? Because we need some baby powder. We're gonna use it to capture the Syndicate!"

Worm Jelly: "Baby powder...? Huh, there should be some... but.... The manager uses baby powder to trim and shave his moustache... I can't just, you know, give it away, like what if I get fired or..."

Bellhop: "Oh.... Erm, but when you think about it.... These Cookies and their friends saved the hotel and the manager might get mad if we don't help these heroes.... Who, you know, saved the hotel."

Worm Jelly: "Huh.... Maybe."

Bellhop: "What do you mean, 'maybe'? The manager gave the Golden Key as a gift! Do you know what that means?!"

GingerCandy: "Hey now, calm down Bellhop."

Worm Jelly: "*GASP* The Golden Key?! Then that means.... HERE! Take the baby powder! This all the baby powder we have stored here! Take it for your own good cause...!"

GingerBright: "Hooray! Thank you so very much!"

GingerCandy: "Thanks!"

Bellhop: "No need to thank us...! We're just doing our part! And please do be careful!!!"

GingerCandy: "Aw, how nice and sweet, hehe! Stay safe now, and bye-bye!"

And with Strawberry Cookie and Marble Danish Cookie, they were back at the auction sight. Then miss Beetle and the manager appeared.

Miss Beetle: "Oh, you're still here!!!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh, hello.... Yeah, we sort of... erm... lost the bandits."\

Marble Danish Cookie: "We have returned in search of a rope or some form of cordage to apprehend the Syndicate. But it is not an easy thing to find such an establishment."

Miss Beetle: "Perhaps I can be of some assistance!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh...! Yes, please...!"

Miss Beetle: "I may not look it, but I am quite strong and my pincers were just manicured! If I cut that barrier, perhaps it can provide some length of rope?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "A marvellous idea."

Strawberry Cookie: "You'd do that...? For us...?"

Miss Beetle: "Of course! Stay here, it'll be just a moment."

And so, miss Beetle managed to make a rope of the two Cookies.

Miss Beetle: "There! Will this suffice for you needs?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Yes...!!! Thank you so, so much...!"

Miss Beetle: "I am glad I was able to help. After all, I should be thanking you! Now go get those nasty bandits! And do be careful, sweetie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Thank you, and yes, I promise...!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Is something the matter, Marble Danish Cookie?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "No, it's nothing.... Well.... It's just.... It feels good to see someone grateful and appreciative of my deeds. It has been a long, long time since I've felt this way. But I digress. Let I linger no more and make haste."

The Cookies were soon gathered and met up with Witchberry Cookie who appeared out of nowhere.

Witchberry Cookie: "Already got everything ya need? I guess you're good at something after all!"

GingerBrave: "Okie dokie, time to use this oil!"

The cookies began to rub themselves with oil.

GingerBrave: "I feel... funny. Like I'm... much more aromatic...?"

But she suddenly slipped and falls to the ground.

GingerCandy: "Are you alright GingerBrave?!"

GingerBright: "Haha! I guess that proves how slippery you've become!"

Wizard Cookie: "I'm quite confident that Sachertorte Cookie's rope won't be able to bind any of us anymore."

Witchberry Cookie: "See? Now you're gettin' somewhere."

GingerBrave: "Hm..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Is something in your mind GingerBrave?"

GingerBrave: "I just started thinking.... Why are Marble Danish Cookie and Sachertorte Cookie fighting in the first place? They used to be good friends, right? Sharing candy, keeping each other's secrets.... There's just something I can't wrap my head around..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "What, exactly?"

GingerBrave: "I.... Well, I don't understand how such good friends can end up fighting like this.... It makes me feel sad. Maybe if we knew the reason, the two of you could just talk and be friends again?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm.... Unfortunately, I do not know why either."

GingerBrave: "Oh..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "But I do remember one thing, very clearly. The manor was empty. Only I remained, as I was feeling ill. That day, a band of thieves entered my family's vault. I tried to fend off with a sword.... But the bandits merely belittled and mocked my effort. And thus, here we are today."

Strawberry Cookie: "Stealing's bad, but.... That's just mean...!"

Wizard Cookie: "Grr.... We need to teach them a lesson!"

GingerBrave: "If that's really the case.... We should hurry and finish this! The chase is back on!"

GingerBrave then looks at Witchberry Cookie.

GingerBrave: "Hey, Witchberry Cookie! Wanna tag along?"

But she was nowhere to be seen.

GingerBright: "Huh??? She's gone! Where'd she go?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Fascinating.... Even I did not notice her absence. She's disappeared without a trace."

Wizard Cookie: "I get the feeling we'll bump into her again down the road. For now, we've got some bandit to apprehend!"

GingerCandy: "Wizard Cookie was right. We need to stop the bandits once and for all!"

And so, the cookies started searching for Sachertorte Cookie and the bandits. They soon spotted her at a fancy room.

Wizard Cookie: "Excellent. They're all in one place."

GingerBright: "Wizard Cookie! You're up."

Wizard Cookie: "Alright. Watch and learn, folks!" (Okay. You got this. Just throw it...)

And so he casted his spell.

Wizard Cookie: (Just throw it, and...) "POWDERIO!"

And so the baby powder were spread to the bandits and Sachertorte Cookie. However, they somehow didn't get affected.

Apricot Cookie 2: "They found us...!"

Apricot Cookie 3: "Those pesky dough brains!"

Apricot Cookie: "Sachertorte Cookie! Make a run for it! We'll buy you some time."

Sachertorte Cookie: ".... No. You go first. I... have something to finish."

Marble Danish Cookie: "You should have fled when you had the chance."

Sachertorte Cookie: "And leave my colleagues behind? Unlike you, we look out for each other."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Thick as thieves.... The saying must be true then."

Sachertorte Cookie: "Is it not natural to never abandoned your friends and colleagues? Ah, you wouldn't know, would you? You would rather accuse and blame instead of choosing the virtuous path."

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Explain yourself."

Sachertorte Cookie: "Aw, poor thing. You don't remember, do you? It matters not. All you need to remember is... I am always one step ahead!"

Once again, the Cookies were all tied.

Marble Danish Cookie: "This can't be...!"

Wizard Cookie: "Don't blame yourself. You were trying to protect us!"

Sachertorte Cookie: "Hmph. You are truly a masterpiece of absurdity. Give up. You will achieve nothing in your pursuit. Let us depart my friends."

And with that, Sachertorte Cookie and the bandits escaped once again.

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh.... We messed up again."

GingerBrave: "Yeah.... But we can't give up now!"

GingerCandy: "GingerBrave is right! Everyone stand back! I'm gonna use a spell to free us.... COMBO REALSO!!!"

Saying the spell aloud, the cookies were free from the rope and also with the help of the olive oil.

GingerBright: "That olive oil really helped though, huh?"

Wizard Cookie: "You'd think that Witchberry Cookie would pop up by now... I don't trust her..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Still, she gave us an idea..."

GingerBrave: "And she helped me all the way here!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We should thank her... the next time we meet..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Alas.... Despite having a plan... the Syndicate has managed to wriggle free from our grasp once more."

Strawberry Cookie: "Sachertorte Cookie is really smart... and tough."

Wizard Cookie: "I beg to differ. I think Marble Danish Cookie is more skilled and tougher."

GingerBrave: "Things could've ended up a lot of worse if you didn't cover us when the smoke hit, Marble Danish Cookie."

GingerBright: "Marble Danish Cookie would've won all by himself even without us here!"

GingerCandy: "You are strong and noble Marble Danish Cookie..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Perhaps... but.... Without you, I would not have made it this far. So do not fret. After all, friends have each other's back, no?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Hehe...!"

Wizard Cookie: "You know, I'll be honest.... At first, I thought of you were nothing but a strangely stubborn, snobbish Cookie. But you're not so bad, are ya, you big softy."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Shall we continue our pursuit and finally put an end to this?"

GingerBrave: "We're with you, Marble Danish Cookie!"

GingerBright: "I bet the rope that Witchberry Cookie told us to pack can get us out of here."

Strawberry Cookie: "But the ceiling's really high up there.... What do we do...?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Leave it to me. After all, you just considered me to be. 'very tough'."

Marble Danish Cookie took the rope and swung it high, making touch the ceiling.

GingerBrave: "Onwards!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Yes, and this time.... We will succeed."

They on top to see Sachertorte Cookie alone.

GingerBrave: "Over there! It's Sachertorte Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie: "But where are the others???"

Sachertorte Cookie: "If you're curious as to the whereabouts of my colleagues... I sent them off to pack up our valuables and belongings. And... I believe it is finally time to put an end to this little game of cat and mouse now. Here's how things will proceed, listen closely, little ones. I will make you stop this incessant pursuit. Then, I shall return to my friends. As simple as one, two, three."

Wizard Cookie: "I'm guessing that the compass is part of your so called 'belongings'? It might be a better idea for us to just ignore her and go straight for the compass."

Sachertorte Cookie: "Speak up; it's not manners to mumble. As for the compass.... Do you mean this?"

She pulls out the compass which the cookies were after for so long.

Marble Danish Cookie: "The compass!"

Sachertorte Cookie: "How very astute of you! I have the compass right here, and I will be keeping you busy until my crew is done packing. Now, tell me.... Shall we engage in a little fun?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "How arrogant and pompous. Do you really believe you can stop me, all by yourself?"

Sachertorte Cookie: "In the end? Maybe I can, maybe I cannot. But to answer your question, yes, I do believe I can."

Marble Danish Cookie: "I won't give you satisfaction."

Sachertorte Cookie: "As much as I am lividly enjoying this conversation... I must point out that everything you wished for is right here. And since we have everything we need, and all the parties are present.... Let us enjoy this night, slowly."

Marble Danish Cookie: "I will not permit you to stall for time. Your so-called colleagues will not escape. I will best you in combat and bring justice upon those who tarnished my family's name..."

He then pulls out his sword.

Marble Danish Cookie: "It is time to put an end to this!"

Cookies: "You got this Marble Danish Cookie!!!"

Sachertorte Cookie: ".... Well then. Prove it."

Marble Danish Cookie: "You.... You will.... Regert this..."

And so the two cookies began to battle. Sachertorte Cookie then told the story of Marble Danish Cookie's past to the young cookies.

Sachertorte Cookie: "Once upon a time, in a land very, very close here, there was a young master. One day the little master broke a valuable vase..."

Marble Danish Cookie however ignored her and continue to focus on battle. Sachertorte Cookie continued the story even when they are fighting.

Sachertorte Cookie: "After breaking the vase, the small bow was scared that his parents would be angry. The young master told his family's Treasure Keeper about the vase. 'I will tell my parents', he sobbed. 'I will tell them myself. Please keep it a secret until then'."

That was when GingerCandy managed to solve the puzzle in the history of the House of Danish and at the final battle.

Sachertorte Cookie: "Play time is over...! I grow tired of your incessant arrogance!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Ugh...! For once, I agree with you. Let's finish this!"

With a final blow, he uses his sword and tossed Sachertorte Cookie's umbrella away. She then collapsed on the ground.

GingerBrave: "Marble Danish Cookie! You did it!"

Wizard Cookie: "Haha! I knew you had it in you!"

GingerCandy: "Wayda go Marble Danish Cookie!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I did not win alone. We won, together. You had given me strength and courage. And...."

He looks at Sachertorte Cookie.

Marble Danish Cookie: "What you said before. Is it all true?"

Sachertorte Cookie: "Still avoiding the truth, are we?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "My parents.... They told me you faced a difficult burden. That you had no choice but to leave far, far away. In my search for you, with tears in my eyes, they told me this tale. To not be concerned with your whereabouts. I remember it clearly..."

Sachertorte Cookie: "Aw, such 'wonderful' parents. Had you managed to confess the truth, my option of them may have remained unchanged."

Marble Danish Cookie: "I... erm.."

Sachertorte Cookie: "I trusted you. I trusted you... and waited for you. I waited until the day I was banished. No.... Even after my shameful banishment, I kept waiting, every day and night. 'He'll come around and explain the truth to everyone! He'll make things right and apologize. The young master will say he's sorry'. Ah, the yesteryears of living in naivete and ignorance. And you? You buried every memory and lived life without a single worry or regret."

Marble Danish Cookie: "I..."

Sachertorte Cookie: "The Syndicate took me under their wing, became my new family. And you, oh good heir and young master of the family... I am not through with you yet."

She smirks which alerted Marble Danish Cookie to be ready. She immediately gets up and snatched her umbrella and charges at him. However he dodged it in time. Suddenly, Sachertorte Cookie looses her balance and was about to fall of the roof if Marble Danish Cookie had not grabbed her in time.

Sachertorte Cookie: "What are you doing...?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "The right thing to do. I have caught you... from falling."

Sachertorte Cookie: "You're a fool if you think this serves as penance."

Marble Danish Cookie: "No, I am just..."

Marble Danish Cookie struggles to pull her up.

GingerBrave: "We need to help those two, pronto!"

GingerCandy: "Don't worry Marble Danish Cookie and Sachertorte Cookie! We're coming!"

The cookies pulled the noble and the thief and eventually succeeded. Marble Danish Cookie then bows to her.

Marble Danish Cookie: "... I am sorry."

Sachertorte Cookie: "W.... What?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "You heard correct. I am sorry. My immaturity as a youth has caused you much pain. The fact that I had no recollection of such events has only magnified your pain. To make matters worse, I resented you without recognizing my own mistakes. And for that... I am truly, deeply sorry."

Sachertorte Cookie: "Hm. Time has passed far too long for your apology to hold any merit."

Marble Danish Cookie: "I am not asking for your forgiveness. Nor am I asking you to forgive my family. I wished to convoy, no... I needed to say it. I needed to say it a long, long time ago. You are entitled to reject it, but.... My apology has been long overdue."

Sachertorte Cookie: ".... Long overdue indeed. you never were the punctual sort."

She then smiles at him.

Sachertorte Cookie: "Did you know, young master... I used to be quite fond of you. Though you've grown up to be quite despicable. Let us part ways. Eternally, if possible."

She then drops the compass.

GingerBrave: "Huh? What's that?"

GingerBrave picks up the compass.

GingerBrave: "The compass?!"

GingerCandy: "We did it!"

She then shows it to Marble Danish Cookie.

GingerBrave: "Look! Sacher.... Sach... torte Cookie left the compass behind!"

Wizard Cookie: "Or maybe... she forgot to take it."

Strawberry Cookie: "Or maybe! Maybe she finally forgave Marble Danish Cookie...?"

GingerBright: "She has such a weird way for showing forgiveness!"

GingerBrave: "It doesn't matter. We found the compass! And... well.... Here, Marble Danish Cookie. You should keep it."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Pardon? But... your quest."

GingerBrave: "I'm pretty sure we can find GingerDozer on our own. I don't know why... but I just feel like we can and will! Besides, this compass means a lot to you and your family!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "... I cannot accept. You need this compass."

GingerBrave: "But why? It belongs to your family! Without it, House Danish is-..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "House Danish has sullied it's name by clinging onto relics and treasures, while hurting those close to the family. I will not let history repeat itself. Even without treasures and riches, I, as a member of House Danish, can still offer aid and assistance to those in need. Which is the path I am taking now. Take the compass. Save your friend."

GingerCandy: "Marble Danish Cookie...!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "You helped me through my turbulent quest. Let me.... Let me help yours."

GingerBrave: "Wow, thanks, Marble Danish Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie: "Well then! Shall we take a look at the compass?"

Just then, somebody calls out to them.... It was the manager.

Manger: "WAIT! Excuse me!"

The manger comes with the Golden Key.

Manger: "Phew, just in time!"

Wizard Cookie: "Is that.... THE GOLDEN KEY?! Where did you find it?"

Manager: "Well, I must say, that it's quite a conundrum! The Syndicate has left a hefty sum of Coins with a note saying, 'Fee and expenditures for an exquisite and entertaining stay."

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Hmph. Interesting."

GingerCandy: "I'll say."

GingerBright: "Hooray! So everything's worked out in the end!"

Strawberry Cookie: "So we can... finally use the compass?"

GingerBrave: "Yeah! Let's take a look! But er... how does this thing work?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Ah, I forgot to mention. Hold the compass tight and image where you wish to go. Then, with a heart full of hope, ask the compass to show you the path."

GingerBrave: "Oh? That sounds easy enough..."

GingerBrave closes her eyes.

GingerBrave: "Please! Tell us where GingerDozer is!"

The compass starts to glow and a beam of light points to where GingerDozer's location is.

GingerBrave: "HUH?! I-I-Its glowing!!!"

Strawberry Cookie: "The needle's moving!"

GingerBright: "It's pointing that way!"

Marble Danish Cookie and the manager gasped at this.

Marble Danish Cookie: "That direction is.... The.... The Syrup Garden?!"

GingerCandy: "What's wrong Marble Danish Cookie? You looked spooked?"

GingerBrave: "What's the matter? Is the Syrup Garden a scary place?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "There are dangers lurking around every corner near the garden."

GingerBright: "MEH! We've met worse! Probably, hehe!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I know not what creatures you will meet.... But the tales of that place.... They send shivers down my spine. Are you sure you will venture towards such danger?"

GingerBrave: "Of course! No matter how scary or dangerous, our friend needs us!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... You are indeed, a rather odd Cookie. Here. Take this with you."

He hands her a piece of paper.

GingerBrave: "What's this?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "My next destination. If you are in danger.... Send word to this location. Do not hesitate to ask for help. I shall answer the call immediately."

Wizard Cookie: "Well, well. That was quite a speech."

GingerBright: "So trustworthy too!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Thanks.... Marble Danish Cookie..."

GingerCandy: "We are grateful for your help."

GingerBrave: "Welp. I guess this is it! Goodbye, Marble Danish Cookie!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Goodbye, my friends.... May your dough remain crispy and fresh."

The five cookies waved goodbye to Marble Danish Cookie and the manger. As they left, the manger spoke up.

Manager: "The Syrup Garden.... A ghastly place..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Ghastly...? No, far worse. I hope they stay safe."

Manager: ".... Likewise. Though... their journey won't be easy."

The mysterious cookie which First Cream Cookie spoke was watching them from afar and overhearing their conversation.

Mysterious Cookie: "Won't be easy indeed. However, they solve every challenge that is given to them."
