The four Cookies. Rosemary Cookie, Wizard Cookie, GingerCandy and GingerBright came out and saw GingerBrave collapsed on the ground.

GingerBright: "GingerBrave!!! Sister, are you ok?!"

GingerBrave: "Urgh..."

Wizard Cookie: "What happened?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "She's wandered the brush. Her dough is scratched."

GingerBrave then spoke up.


Cookies: "Wha...?"

That was when Rosemary Cookie noticed Radish Cookie was not there.

Rosemary Cookie: "Where's Radish Cookie?!"

Then Radish Cookie appeared.

Radish Cookie: "I'm here!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie...!!!"

The cookies went to her.

GingerCandy: "What happened Radish Cookie!?"

Radish Cookie: "I used every shortcut I knew but.... The Reaper.... She got away..."

Wizard Cookie: "Then Strawberry Cookie is...?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "This can't be..."

That was when Radish Cookie stood up.

Radish Cookie: "I'm not giving up!!! The Reaper can't have gotten too far.... We can do this if we fight together and-."

But Rosemary Cookie stopped her by her cutting off.

Rosemary Cookie: "Stop that rambling nonsense about fighting!!! You haven't changed at all...!"

Rosemary Cookie had flashback of her friends being taken away.

Rosemary Cookie: "I can't... I can't lose any more of my friends... I need to find a way.... Where no one gets hurt... I must save everyone.... No matter the cost.... This is the way..."

The she tells the Cookies what they must do.

Rosemary Cookie: "The greenhouse."

GingerCandy: "The greenhouse?"

GingerBright: "What that?"

Rosemary Cookie: "There's a secret greenhouse built in the garden. Within that greenhouse... is the answer to saving everyone."

GingerBrave: "Then let's gets moving...!"

GingerBright: "Um, are you sure you're OK???"

GingerCandy: "GingerBright is right, sister."

GingerBrave: "If we can... save Strawberry Cookie... a few broken crumbs won't stop me!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Come. Follow me."

The cookies then followed her.

Rosemary Cookie: "I won't lose anyone again.... Never again..."

Meanwhile, with Strawberry Cookie. She immediately woke and looked at her surroundings. It looked like she was in a sweet torture room.

Frightened, Strawberry Cookie starts to walk and avoided anything that was scary or harmful.

Strawberry Cookie: "Where...?"

That was when she saw the Reaper and hid behind a giant fruit.

Strawberry Cookie: "The R-R-Reaper...! I got... captured.... What.... What's going on...?"

She then gasped as she saw the Banana Butler who got angry at Radish Cookie. B. Rock'n 51. And the tomato siblings.

Reaper: "Something smells sweeter and riper than ever!"

Banana Butler: "Please! Fear will only make me age and rot faster! I will turn into browned mush! There's no reason to take me! you cannot offer such a pathetic, rotten specimen as I to the witch, can you?!"

Reaper: "Oh ho-ho? That only means produce such as yourself must be disposed of more quickly and efficiently!!!"

Banana Butler: "I-No, that's.... Oh dear...."

Reaper: "What else have we got here.... Ah! A vegetable!"

B. Rock'n 51: "A fair warning! No one likes broccoli! I'm no use, I should go free, no one likes fresh broccoli like me!"

Reaper: "But fresh broccoli is scrumptious in all types of stir-fry! Kehehe!"

B. Rock'n 51: "Cruel fate...!"

Strawberry Cookie: (She's taking the residents somewhere else...?!)

Reaper: "In you go! Nice and quietly, one by one!"

Bookworm Tomato: "Where are you taking us...?!"

Reaper: "OH!!! Well, you asked and you shall receive.... You're going to Mount St. Crème!"

Strawberry Cookie: (Mount St. Crème...?)

Reaper: "Such a lovely place! where eternal frost keeps everyone ripe and fresh! Aw, don't make that face, little tasty! You should feel blessed to call Mount St. Crème your new home!!! Well, technically speaking, a temporary home.... Because your final destination is the witch's dining table!"

Strawberry Cookie gasped at this.

Reaper: "So many recipes, so many appetizers and entrees! I wonder where you'll end up?! Maybe you'll all be part of a hearty stew served with Cookies for desserts?"

Banana Butler: "No!"

Reaper: "Or maybe as a healthy snack for the witch's minions?!"

Bookworm Tomato: "No-o-o!!!"

Reaper: "Or if you're super lucky, you might end up as part of the greatest supper with that sleepy Cookie? Oh, I heard that Cookie's a special one too.... So tasty, ripped dough.... But very sleepy apparently."

Strawberry Cookie: (A sleepy Cookie...? GingerDozer! She's talking about GingerDozer!!! I need to get out of here and find everyone! We need to save GingerDozer from the witch!!! Just gotta find a way out of here and...)

However she was caught by the Reaper.

Reaper: "You know, talking to yourself can often brin unwanted attention, sweet little Cookie."

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-where did you come from?!"

Reaper: "Were you thinking about whether you'd be snack or dessert? Maybe with tea? Or with coffee?"

Strawberry Cookie: "NO! NONE OF THE ABOVE!!!"

Meanwhile, the six cookies who were finding the secret greenhouse stopped from all the running.

GingerBright: "We've been running forever!"

Radish Cookie: "There's a greenhouse this far out...? Even the hardiest of residents couldn't make it this far..."

Rosemary Cookie: "Just a bit further. We're almost there."

GingerBrave: "We can't give up! Strawberry Cookie's counting on us! Let's clear this outta the way and keep moving!"

After clearing the path, Rosemary Cookie spots some of her hair.

Rosemary Cookie: "The greenhouse it just ahead."

GingerBright: "Finally!"

Wizard Cookie: "I'm quite curious as to what the greenhouse contains..."

GingerCandy: "Me too."

Radish Cookie was silent the whole time.

GingerBrave: "Something the matter, Radish Cookie?"

Radish Cookie: "Something smells funny..."

GingerBrave sniffs at herself.

GingerBrave: "Oh, is that me...? No.... Something else... I don't know."

Radish Cookie: "It's an unfamiliar smell.... Acrid, stinging.... Normally, wherever Rosemary Cookie goes, there's an aromatic scent of herbs left in her wake.... But this scent is..."

They soon arrived to the greenhouse.

Rosemary Cookie: "Come, let's head inside. Time is of the essence."

Wizard Cookie: "Looks like the path is blocked."

GingerBright: "Which means it's another job for teamwork!"

Radish Cookie: "*Sniff, sniff* Hmm..."

Radish Cookie was still finding suspiciousness as they the path that was blocking to the greenhouse. As they entered, they awed at the sight of so many medicinal herbs and the greenery of the place.

GingerBright: "WOW! This place is amazing!"

GingerCandy: "I agree. Look at all these herbs. They weren't in the garden where I come from!"

Wizard Cookie: "What's that? It's emitting a strange light!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Denatonium Hedera."

GingerBrave: "Dinner-toe-um.... Hedro?"

GingerCandy: "Denatonium Hedera."

Rosemary Cookie then pulls out a small glowing seed.

Rosemary Cookie: "I've been preparing for this day.... Everything here, I've grown from seeds..."

Wizard Cookie: "All by yourself? That's amazing!"

Rosemary Cookie: "This plant may not seem like much, but it will open the path to our garden's salvation."

Wizard Cookie: "Anything with the word 'nium' is usually powerful magic! It's quite common knowledge!"

GingerCandy: "Hm... I can sense magic in it. That to it's really powerful...!"

Rosemary Cookie then hands it to GingerBrave.

Rosemary Cookie: "Here. Give me your hand."

GingerBrave takes the seed from her.

Rosemary Cookie: "You must plant this in the garden. The fate of the Syrup Garden is in your hand."

They all then went outside. All except Radish Cookie and GingerCandy. As they saw Rosemary Cookie staying behind. When GingerBrave, GingerBright, and Wizard Cookie were outside the greenhouse. GingerBrave kneeled down.

GingerBrave: "Dinner-tonion Hairdo. Protect the Syrup Garden and all its residents!"

But then giant vines appeared and started sporing out purple poison gas.

Wizard Cookie: "Wh-What's happening?!"

GingerBright: "It's growing everywhere?!"

Radish Cookie and GingerCandy stepped outside and gasped in what they saw.

Radish Cookie: "The ground is...!"

Everything was now turning dry and in ruins.

Radish Cookie: "The soil and syrup are getting contaminated!!! Rosemary Cookie! ROSEMARY COOKIE!!!"

GingerCandy: "It's no use! Her job in the beginning was to make this place dry again...!"

Radish Cookie: "Wha...?!"

GingerCandy: "Don't you get it! That seed she gave to my sister was contaminated!"

The two gingerbread sisters and Radish Cookie gasped at this. That was when Wizard Cookie was stuck in the vines.

GingerBrave: "Wizard Cookie!!! It'll be OK! Hang in there, Wizard Cookie!"

Radish Cookie: "We need to get rid of the denatonium vines, quickly!"

GingerBrave: "Got it!"

Wizard Cookie: "HEEELP ME!"

The cookies worked together in getting rid of the vines. After getting rid of them, Wizard Cookie was free, safe and sound.

GingerBrave: "Did we kill it?"

Cookies: "Don't use that word!!!"

That was when they heard noises coming up.

Radish Cookie: "Up there!!!"

They decided to go up and see what was going on.

Wizard Cookie: "It's growing at an alarming rate!"

GingerBrave: (Oh jeez.... Did I anger it...?)

Radish Cookie: "At this rate, the garden'll end up like wasteland! And it just came back to life..."

GingerBrave: "Over there!"

GingerBrave and the Cookies spotted Rosemary Cookie.

Rosemary Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie.... Rosemary Cookie!"

Radish Cookie tried to reach out to her but the vines pushed her back.

GingerBrave: "Don't give up! These vines won't stop us! We need to find Rosemary Cookie!!!"

But as they continued to destroy the vines, more of them kept coming.

Radish Cookie: "There's no end...! But I won't give up!"

That was when GingerCandy and Radish Cookie saw their friends in danger.

Radish Cookie: "You guys!"

GingerCandy: "Sisters! Wizard Cookie!"

That was when the vines hit Radish Cookie and GingerCandy. Making reach to the others.

Radish Cookie: "No... I won't give up... I will... protect... this garden!!!"

GingerCandy helps Radish Cookie stand up while trying to balance herself. That was when Rosemary Cookie stepped out of the shadows.

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie. Stop."

Radish Cookie: "Rosemary.... Cookie..."

Rosemary Cookie then explained about the seed.

Rosemary Cookie: "The Denatonium Hedera was nurtured with one of the witch's potions. It will grow exponentially, and won't stop until all of the garden's syrup is transformed into the bitterest of concoctions."

Radish Cookie: "NOT ON MY WATCH! I'll keep fighting!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: "The garden we remember is gone! And nothing can ever bring it back! This garden! The residents! You and me! We can never go back!!!"

Radish Cookie: "You.... Why are you doing this?! Why won't you protect the garden and our friends?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "I AM PROTECTING THEM!"

GingerCandy: "But Rosemary Cookie, this isn't protecting! This more of locking of what's left of it!"

Rosemary Cookie: "How many friends have we lost.... We are helpless, useless. Our garden.... A stomping ground for evil and death."

She then points at Radish Cookie.

Rosemary Cookie: "And you.... Reckless and thoughtless as ever. I am protecting everything we loved. I am saving them. The garden we knew will be gone forever, but no one will ever hurt us again.... As long as everyone remains unharmed... I will do anything it takes."

Radish Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie..."

That was when laughter was heard. It was the Reaper.

Reaper: "Sorry for interrupting your moment, but.... Watching puny things like you being all serious was too much. First a haul of fresh produce, and now some Cookies! Ah! What an amazing harvest!"

She was about to take them when Churro Golem appeared and protected the Cookies.

Reaper: "Oh?"

Rosemary Cookie: "Churro Golem!"

Churro Golem made sure Rosemary Cookie and the others were alright and wanted them to run.

Rosemary Cookie: "Are you crazy...?! NO! I won't leave you...!"

But Churro Golem slightly pushed her. This saddened her as she watched him sacrifice for her.

Radish Cookie: "Churro Golem!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: "It's keeping our promise.... To protect the Syrup Garden..."

But then the denatonium vines went out of control and attacks the Cookies. Rosemary Cookie tries to save them but gets hurt in the process.

Radish Cookie: "LOOK OUT!"

GingerCandy then used a protection spell to keep everyone safe.

Rosemary Cookie: "Ugh...!"

Radish Cookie: "We need to get her out of here!"

GingerBrave: "OK! A couple more vines won't stop us!"

GingerBright: "IT'S GARDENING TIME! Teehee!"

But no matter how hard they tried, they were soon trapped.

GingerBrave: "We're surrounded...!"

Wizard Cookie: "It's no use... I'm out of magic..."

GingerCandy: "I only have a little to use the forcefield we're in...!"

Rosemary Cookie then collapsed on the ground.

Radish Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie!"

That was when the Reaper and the Churro Golem appeared. The Churro Golem collapsed on the ground, defeated by the hunter.

Reaper: "I'll remember this harvest for AGES! Fresh produce, Cookies, and a Churro Golem! My sweet, sweet, Syrup Garden, how I've missed you so!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie.... Take the others... and get away from here, as far as you can."

Radish Cookie: "Wha...?"

Rosemary Cookie: "And this time... don't look back."

Radish Cookie: "What're you saying? Snap out of it!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: "My leg is broken, I felt it crumble.... You and I both know that all of us can't make it."

Radish Cookie: "I won't give up! C'mon sis! The Garden, our friends.... They're all counting on us!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Just listen to me for once! Denatonium Hedera will take over the entire garden and there's no way to stop it. Once the garden is desiccated, no one will gaze upon us. The witch, the Reaper.... No more harm will befall our friends. The residents who have failed to flee the garden will be burrow into the ground... forever hibernating, forever hidden and safe.... Everyone will be perpetually unharmed.... And more importantly, alive."

Radish Cookie: ".... Safe? Unharmed? ALIVE? You think the residents will be thankful for being stuck in the ground, away from everyone they love? You think this answer to staying safe?"

GingerCandy: "Radish Cookie...!"

Radish Cookie: "You have no right to force such cruel isolation upon any of them, on ME! I've been alone, I've been isolated, I KNOW WHAT'S IT LIKE! You crumb skull!!! That isn't protecting life, it's living in fear! Sure, life can suck and be full of bruises and falling down, but it's also about getting back up and keeping at it!"

GingerCandy: "Radish Cookie is right! My sisters and I are not giving up in search of Strawberry Cookie and our brother, GingerDozer!"

Radish Cookie: "Having your friends backs! Giving a helping hand! Cheering each other on! Living free to chase dreams and hope for the better future! That's the real meaning of life! You call yourself old and wise? BAH! You're just... just a selfish coward!!!"

Rosemary Cookie gasped at this.

Rosemary Cookie: "... I.... Radish Cookie..."

Reaper: "BWAHAHA! Give this Cookie a ROUND. OF. APPLAUSE! Splendid! Marvelous! What an inspiring, insightful speech from our lovely flour brain here! Oh, I do wish to hear the rest of your fire-spitting debate.... But tut, tut, tut.... We have an appointment to keep... at the witch's dining table!"

The Reaper was about to take them when all of a sudden, something shot at it.

Reaper: "What on..."

More of them were thrown at her.

The Cookies then saw who threw it.

Radish Cookie: "Huh...?! The mushroom farmers! The sweet peas! Even the Cherry Twins?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "They're all taking a stand.... To protect the garden.... To protect each other.... To live and be free...!"

GingerCandy: "Rosemary Cookie! You say they are not ready to fight, but they are! They are standing up for Syrup Garden and for you and Radish Cookie.... You mean a lot to them and they mean a lot to you."

Choco Mushroom: "We're with you, Rosemary Cookie!!!"

Sweet peas: "You're not alone on this fight!!!"

Mushroom farmer: "We're done running in fear!!!"

Cherry twins: "Rise up, Rosemary Cookie! For our garden! For our home!"

That was when the Churro Golem stood up.

Choco Mushroom: "We're with you to the bitter end, so get up! Or Radish Cookie won't let you forget this day, ever!"

Radish Cookie smiled at this. Rosemary Cookie gave a small smile.

Rosemary Cookie: "More nagging from HER...?"

She then slowly gets up.

Rosemary Cookie: "I've had enough for a lifetime."

GingerBrave: "Looks like Rosemary Cookie's made a decision!"

GingerBright: "With a bright and a lovely smile too!"

"EWW!!! STICKY AND GOOEY!" yelled the Reaper who had sticky syrups all over her.

GingerBright: "The Reaper's slowed down!"

Wizard Cookie: "Syrup's our tickets out of this mess!"

GingerBrave: "Hang on, Strawberry Cookie!"

Rosemary Cookie: "It's time for a lesson!"

Radish Cookie: "You raggedy pumpkin face!"

That was when the heard Strawberry Cookie's voice. The sweet and shy cookie along with the residents were trapped inside the Reaper.

GingerBrave: "We need to save Strawberry Cookie!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Let's throw some syrup to slow the Reaper down!"

Radish Cookie: "And that should gimme enough time to free everyone!"

GingerCandy: "On it!"

Reaper: "Oh, so you have a plan, eh? WELL SO DO I!!! IT'S HARVEST TIME!"

They put all the straws on the ground to get more syrup. After throwing it all at her. She started to feel weak and sticky.

GingerBright: "Now's our chance!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Ready, Radish Cookie?"

Radish Cookie: "HAHA! Of course I am!"

And with that, they defeated the Reaper for good and freeing Strawberry Cookie and the residents. The garden was once again back to normal.

"G-g-guys...!" yelled Strawberry Cookie as she and the residents run towards them.

Cookies: "You're OK! WOOHOO!"

The cookies hugged Strawberry Cookie.

Strawberry Cookie: "Can't... breathe...!"

That was when Strawberry Cookie remembered about GingerDozer.

Strawberry Cookie: "GINGERDOZER!"

GingerBrave: "GingerDozer?! What about GingerDozer?!"

Strawberry Cookie: "When I was captures...! The Reaper said something about GingerDozer and where he might be!"

GingerBright: "Oh!!!"

GingerCandy: "Really?!"

Strawberry Cookie: "But... I don't remember the exact name of the place... I was too scared and couldn't concentrate clearly but.... The Reaper definitely said.... It sounded like Mount? Mont? Mountain?"

That was when Rosemary Cookie what she was talking about.

Rosemary Cookie: "Was it perhaps.... Mount St. Crème?"

Strawberry Cookie: "YEAH! That's it! Mount St. Crème!"

Wizard Cookie: "Hm, I'm not familiar with that area."

GingerCandy: "Neither do I..."

Rosemary Cookie: "Soils have mercy.... If your friend and brother is truly at Mount St. Crème, he doesn't have much time."

GingerBrave: "Not enough time? Why?"

Rosemary Cookie: "The entirety of Mount St. Crème was regarded as sacred ground. It's existed for ages, considered ancient before Radish Cookie and I were baked. It's said that those on the verge of spoil and rot... were able to exist in a state of freshest youth for all eternity."

Wizard Cookie: "Eternal freshness...? Is such a thing possible?"

GingerBright: "It sounds wonderful! That means GingerDozer is all fresh and comfy, right?"

GingerCandy: "There's more to fresh and comfy, isn't it Rosemary Cookie...?!"

Radish Cookie: "If it were the old Mount St. Crème we're talking about, then yeah.... But nowadays..."

Rosemary Cookie: "No longer is it sacred. It has been corrupted... a place of misery and doom."

The gingerbread sisters gasped at this.

Strawberry Cookie: "No...!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Mount St. Crème is now a perpetually frozen prison, where all become one with the frost or until..."

GingerCandy: "Until what...?"

Rosemary Cookie: "Until they meet their fate upon the witch's dining table as a meal for the witch herself."

GingerBright: "That sounds horrible!"

GingerCandy: "Horrible! That the worse! Our brother is trapped in frozen prison where the witch is planning to eat him at the last moment!"

Wizard Cookie: "If GingerDozer is really at Mount St. Crème, then it must mean..."

Rosemary Cookie: "Your friend, GingerDozer, may potentially be offered to the witch upon the dining table."

Strawberry Cookie: "No! GingerDozer!!!"

Radish Cookie: "Hey! Hey now! Don't give up!"

GingerBrave: "Huh?"

Radish Cookie: "You said it yourselves. There's nothing that you can't do as a team! And if I know y'all, you'll defiantly find a way to save your friend no matter the odds!"

Strawberry Cookie: ".... Radish Cookie's right!"

Wizard Cookie: "I-well... I must admit, despite the odds, we have had a remarkable winning streak so far."

GingerBright: "We can do anything! Together!"

GingerCandy: "We will save GingerDozer no matter what!"

GingerBrave: ".... We can do this! WE GOT THIS! I know we do! Thanks, Radish Cookie! Thanks, Rosemary Cookie!"

They waved goodbye to the two sister and continued their journey in saving GingerDozer.

GingerBrave: "Let's head out! To Mount St. Crème!"

"And save GingerDozer!" shouted the five Cookies as they left.

That was when Rosemary Cookie noticed a small snowflake appearing above. Could it be a sign of another hope... or danger...
