GingerBrave and the others started searching for Radish Cookie and Rosemary Cookie.

GingerBrave: "RADISH COOKIE! Rosemary Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I don't think they're here..."

GingerCandy: "We need to keep looking!"

Wizard Cookie: "They can't have gone far. We were right on their tails, after all."

That was when GingerBright saw the syrup pipe broken.

GingerBright: "The syrup pipe is broken.... Could it be the naughty Churro Golem again?"

GingerBrave: "If we leave the broken pipes as they are, all the precious syrup will go to waste. Let's fix' em up quickly and go find those two!"

They agreed and started fixing the pipe. When they were done, they continued searching for Radish and Rosemary Cookie.

That was when they spotted Radish Cookie.

GingerBrave: "There you are!"

Radish Cookie: "WAIT! STOP!"

GingerCandy: "What's the matter Radish Cookie!?"

Radish Cookie: "The residents in there are..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Are they hurt...?"

GingerBright: "Were they ambushed?"

GingerBrave: "Did they disappear!?"

Wizard Cookie: "What happened?!"

Radish Cookie: "They're... naked!!!"

They see a mushroom through the window not wearing anything. The cookies immediately looked away.

Cookies: "EEEK!"

GingerCandy: "Radish Cookie! Can you explain what's going on?!"

Radish Cookie: "The spa broke down while they were taking a bath. Their clothes are gone too.... So they're stuck inside. We need to fix up the spa!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We'll help!"

GingerBright: "Let's get to work!"

The cookies begun fixing the spa. The spa was good as new. But that was when Choco Mushroom's friend lost his hat.

GingerBrave: "We've looked everywhere... but it looks like your hat isn't here..."

The farmer named Rice Cake Farmer was sad.

Strawberry Cookie: "Maybe we could take another look...?"

Rice Cake Farmer: "But... I've already looked everywhere I could think of..."

Strawberry Cookie remained silent.

Choco Mushroom: "Hey, Radish Cookie? Could you ask Rosemary Cookie is she's seen our friend's hat?"

Radish Cookie: "Huh? Rosemary Cookie?"

Choco Mushroom: "The thing is.... Well.... Rosemary Cookie's the one who ruined our spa..."

Radish Cookie: "WHAT?! There's no way she'd do that! She loves taking care of the garden and everyone here!"

GingerBrave: "Um.... What exactly happened?"

Choco Mushroom: "We were relaxin' and chillin' here after we called it a day, but then Rosemary Cookie showed up. Mind you, we hadn't seen her in forever! So we called out to her, to say hi and stuff!"

GingerCandy: "And then...?"

Choco Mushroom: "We said 'Hey, Rosemary Cookie! The spa's back in business!'. She then took one look at the spa and all the hot syrup... and got all angry and frustrated!"

Radish Cookie believe what she was hearing.

Mushroom Cookie: "She flew into rampage, I tell ya! Started to pour up all the syrup over the floor! The place was ruined in the blink of an eye!"

GingerBright: "Huh.... Why'd she do that?"

Rice Cake Farmer: "Was it a distraction to steal my hat?!"

Wizard Cookie: "All that for a farmer's hat? If she were after MY hat, I'd understand..."

GingerCandy: "Wizard Cookie, think rational! Rosemary wasn't interested in the hats."

Choco Mushroom: "Anyways... y'all should probably find her, and quick. Can't shake the feelin' that something big's gonna go down soon."

Radish Cookie: "Don't worry! I'll find her!"

GingerBrave: "Don't worry Radish Cookie! We'll help you look for her."

Wizard Cookie: "Maybe Rosemary Cookie's confused or something...? She's been sleeping for a long time, hasn't she?"

Radish Cookie: "Thanks, y'all. I'm really glad all of you are here with me!"

GingerBrave: "We're happy to help! Now let's keep moving!"

The cookies continued searching for Rosemary Cookie.

GingerBrave: "Rosemary Cookie!"

Radish Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie!!!"

That was when GingerBright found something on the ground.

GingerBright: "Huh? What's this?"

GingerCandy: "Let me take a look at it GingerBright.... Hm, it looks like a leaf."

Wizard Cookie: "There's a distinct fragrance in it..."

Strawberry Cookie: "This aroma... it's so relaxing..."

Radish Cookie took a close look at the leaf and realized something.

Radish Cookie: "This is...! One of Rosemary Cookie's hair!"

GingerBrave: "Oh???"

Radish Cookie: "This aroma is still fresh.... She can't be far!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Hey, look! There's more...!"

Wizard Cookie: "They're heading behind that wall! She must've gone that way!"

GingerBrave: "We should follow her trail!"

Radish Cookie: "Let's move!"

The five cookies followed the trail and saw Rosemary Cookie.

GingerBrave: "Over there!"

GingerBright: "Found ya!"

Just as they were about to go near her, Strawberry Cookie stopped them.

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-w-wait! LOOK...!"

They spot the Churro Golem next to Rosemary Cookie.

Radish Cookie: "The Churro Golem.... Here...?"

GingerBrave: "Rosemary Cookie's in danger!"

GingerBright: "We need to save her!"

GingerCandy: "Wait, stop!"

Wizard Cookie: "Pipe down! Look...!"

Churro Golem was sad and was in pain.

Rosemary Cookie: "Stay still. You're too injured and brittle."

Churro Golem was also communicating to Rosemary Cookie.

Rosemary Cookie: "Think before barging into a fight. Running away is always an option."

Churro Golem then thought if she was disappointed in him.

Rosemary Cookie: "No, I am not disappointed in you. You were just trying to keep our promise.... Our promise to keep the garden dry and barren.... Where everyone would slumber peacefully, forever..."

Radish Cookie couldn't believe what she was hearing and went up to her sister.

Radish Cookie: "You did this on purpose...?"

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie..."

The Churro Golem roared at them.

Radish Cookie: "The Churro Golem breaking the faucets... making the garden bone dry. That was all your doing?"

Rosemary Cookie sighs and looks away.

Radish Cookie: "Days and nights alone, trying to wake you and the residents. My endless failures to irrigate the garden with nothing but scrappy old parts. And all that time.... It was you?"

The Churro Golem roars at her.

Rosemary Cookie: "Calm down, Churro Golem."

Radish Cookie: ".... How could you do this to me?! How could you do that to our garden?! WHAT SORT OF GARDENER ABANDONS HER GARDEN!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: ".... A cowardly gardener."

Radish Cookie: "Wha...?"

Rosemary Cookie: "I was afraid, Radish Cookie. I was afraid..."

Radish Cookie: "Afraid? Afraid of what? TELL ME!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Have.... Have you forgotten? The Reaper."

GingerBrave: "What's a 'Reaper'?"

That was when one of the fruit residents started to scream.

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-who was that?!"

"It can't be...!" spoke Rosemary Cookie who starts to panic.

Rosemary Cookie: "Churro Golem, follow me!"

The Churro Golem follows her.

GingerCandy: "Now where is she going?"

GingerBrave: "What's going on?! What's happening?!"

The Cookies decided to follow them. Then GingerCandy saw Radish Cookie not moving.

GingerCandy: "Radish Cookie, are you alright?"

Radish Cookie: ".... No, I haven't forgotten at all. The Reaper... I hate the Reaper!!!"

This surprised GingerCandy, so Radish Cookie knows about the Reaper. Then she saw her moving and decided to move as well. Rosemary Cookie saw the three peas on the ground wounded. The peas then mentioned about the Reaper.

"Mushy, mush! It's been a while! Fresh, syrupy muddy mud, mud!" said a creepy voice.

The fruits and vegetables ran for their lives.

???: "Swingity, swing! Scythe goes slash and fwing! Come now, into the bags you go!"

"THE REEEAPER!" yelled B. Rock'n 51 as he was attacked by it.

Reaper: "Ah, the smell of fresh dirt. The garden has awakened! Who has fixed the faucets??? I LOOOVE you for it!"

She captures the mushroom farmers.

The Reaper then reveals itself.

Reaper: "You'd be great in a glass of juice!!! MWAHAHA!"

The cookies were frightened in what's happening.

Rosemary Cookie: "Snap out of it. Pay attention! We must flee, immediately. But we must get this residents to safety first."

Wizard Cookie: "Let me help."

GingerCandy: "I'll join you as well Wizard Cookie."

GingerBright: "Me too!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: "As for the others, you-."

That was when the nerd tomato called for help.

Radish Cookie: "Bookworm Tomato?!"

Bookworm Tomato: "*Huff puff* I need... your help...! There are... others... trapped... up... there...!"

Radish Cookie: "Wha...?"

GingerBrave: "Let us help!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Me too...!"

Rosemary Cookie: "It's already begun.... The garden is in danger once more...! But this is too soon. Churro Golem! Find out where the Reaper has gone. And tell everyone to get to safety!"

The Churro Golem nodded and goes.

Radish Cookie: "We need to stop running!"

Rosemary Cookie: "What?"

Radish Cookie: "We can fight back! The residents are healthier than ever! We've got new friends who can help! We can do this, TOGETHER!!!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Is that really all you can think of? Together?"

Radish Cookie didn't know what to say.

Rosemary Cookie: "Wizard Cookie. GingerBright. And GingerCandy. With me. the more time us wasted, the more lives are at risk."

The cookies moved.

Radish Cookie: "URRGH! That coward...! I'm sorry, kiddo. I.... You didn't need to see that."

Bookworm Tomato: "It's.... It's alright."

Radish Cookie: "Lead the way, sport! We're here to help!"

Bookworm Tomato: "Y-y-yeah! Follow me...!"

With Rosemary Cookie and the others. They were helping the fruits and vegetables that were injured.

"This won't hurt... will it...?" spoke the small bean as she was laid on the weighing scale which is now a table.

Wizard Cookie: "Don't worry, it's simple and quick procedure. You'll be snug inside the pod in no time."

Small Bean: "Okay... I believe you. But I'm still nervous..."

GingerCandy: "There, there... it's alright to be scared. So, why don't we try thinking something good like the thing you like."

Small bean nods at this and tries to think of something good.

GingerBright: "This'll be our first time helping with something like this! But everything'll be alright!"

Small bean: "Oh... I, erm... I see.... Wait.... WHAT?!"

GingerCandy: "GingerBright!"

Wizard Cookie: "If I may interject? I've no hands-on, practical experience, but trust me when I say I am familiar with the procedure thanks to my extensive reading."

Small bean: "A Beginner's Guide to Gardening...? ROSEMARY COOKIE! NO SURGERY! NO SURGERRRYYY!"

GingerCandy gave a dark aura to shut Wizard Cookie and GingerBright up. And it worked.

Rosemary Cookie: "Rest assured; I will be the only one performing the procedure. You're in good hands.... These Cookies are here to aid me with minor tasks."

Small bean: "No! I don't trust them, except for GingerCandy! CALL IT OFF!"

Rosemary Cookie: "I think your... enthusiasm... was a bit too much for her."

GingerCandy: "We're sorry Rosemary Cookie."

Wizard Cookie: "We, erm.... We just wanted to reassure her that everything'll be fine..."

Rosemary Cookie: "Here, take some of my hair and scatter it around our friend. It should calm her down."

GingerBright: "Oh? Like this...?"

GingerBright places it around the small bean.

Small bean: "Ahh.... So aromatic.... So fragrant.... So soothing..."

GingerCandy: "It worked!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Now's our chance! Pull from both ends of the pod and don't let it go!"

Wizard Cookie and GingerBright did it.

Small bean: "Eh? Rosemary Cookie? Rosemary Cookie! ROSEMARY COOKIE?!"

GingerCandy: "Calm down dear. You're gonna be alright."

After some time, the beans were together again.

Peas: "A-one! And a-two! AND A-THREE! We're back together again! Thanks, Rosemary Cookie. You're the best gardener ever!"

Rosemary Cookie: "I couldn't have done it without the help of these three. Thank you, GingerCandy, GingerBright and Wizard Cookie. I meant it when I said I couldn't have done it without you."

GingerCandy: "Happy to help, Rosemary Cookie."

GingerBright: "You're really good at gardening and taking care of the residents!"

Rosemary Cookie: "I try.... But it's always better if no one gets hurt in the first place."

Rosemary Cookie then sighed.

GingerCandy: "Is something the matter Rosemary Cookie?"

Rosemary Cookie: "If only Radish Cookie hadn't restored the garden..."

GingerBright: "But everything Radish Cookie's done so far was to help the garden, wasn't it?"

Wizard Cookie: "Pardon me for asking so bluntly but.... Why mustn't the Syrup Garden be awakened?"

GingerCandy: "Yeah, and who is the Reaper you guys speak of?"

Rosemary Cookie: ".... You've seen much of the garden already, haven't you? And you've familiar with how verdant it can truly be. The flow of sweet syrup, the rich soil, the heartiest of residents.... Everything within the garden is fragrant and aromatic, healthy and robust. You probably think it's the sweetest of blessing, don't you? But you're wrong. In reality, it's bitterest of curses."

GingerCandy: "Huh?"

GingerBright: "A curse? But why?"

That was when the beans spoke up.

Beans: "The witch knows that our garden is special. That we're special. And because of the syrup... we taste special."

The Cookies then gasped.

Wizard Cookie: "Wait.... Then you mean...?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "We've always tried to avoid the witch's attention, hiding and lying low. The sweetest of residents must always take extra care. Everyone was quite skilled in hiding amongst the leaves and bushes, but we lived in peace. That is... until the Reaper appeared."

Wizard Cookie: "I see..."

Rosemary Cookie: "The witch offered rewards for our capture. Raiders and hunters swarmed the garden in droves to offer us to the witch. And the Reaper was the worst of them all. Many of our friends were captured and sacrificed to the witch. Foul rumours and horror stories soon reached our ears, of how the witch enjoyed her meals..."

GingerBright: "That's horrible...!"

GingerCandy: "Indeed...!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie wanted to resist, fight off the invaders. She built all sorts of gadgets in her attempt to keep them and the Reaper at bay. But I know it was futile.... With each passing day, we lost more and more of our closest friends.... Then one day, Radish Cookie left the garden, claiming that the answer to defeating the Reaper might be out there somewhere. As she ran off into the distance, I told the Churro Golem my plan. Something that I had been thinking over for a long time..."

GingerCandy: "To make the Syrup Garden dry... isn't it."

GingerBright: "That's when you asked the Churro Golem to break all the faucets, right?"

Wizard Cookie: "Hmm.... Making the garden a dry and barren place and removing the Syrup Garden from the Reapers sights."

Rosemary Cookie: "Yes. I thought it was the only way to ensure our survival.... The garden, the residents, myself, and Radish Cookie..."

Wizard Cookie: "You knew she wouldn't dare face the Reaper alone..."

Rosemary Cookie: "It was a solid plan, and it worked. But I did not take into an account one major variable..."

Wizard Cookie: "Which was...?"

Rosemary Cookie: "I knew Radish Cookie was persistent and stubborn. But I didn't know that her persistence would succeed in restoring the garden."

GingerCandy: "Rosemary understand this. All Radish Cookie ever wanted was to see you and the residents again. After all, she's been all by herself and couldn't bare to see the ones she loved gone forever."

Rosemary Cookie's eyes widened.

Rosemary Cookie: "I.... I didn't think of that..."

Wizard Cookie: "She is-Wait, did you hear that?"

That was when they heard GingerBrave's voice.

GingerBrave: "Rosemary Cookie!!! ROSEMARY COOKIE!!!"

Wizard Cookie: "Is that...?"

GingerBright: "It is! It's GingerBrave!"

GingerBrave: "Rosemary Cookie! Where are you?! Rosemary Cookie!!! We need your help!"

Wizard Cookie: "Something's definitely wrong! We should find her quickly!"

Rosemary Cookie: "*GASP* Radish Cookie...!"

GingerCandy: "I hope they're alright...!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Enough chatter! Come, quickly!"

Back with GingerBrave and the others. The Cookies were helping Bookworm Tomato search for the residents.

Radish Cookie: "The residents.... Where are they?"

GingerBrave: "Huh, I don't see anyone."

Bookworm Tomato: "I swear they were right here! Maybe they're hiding in there...?"

Radish Cookie: "Are you sure this is the right place?"

That was when a shadow loomed at them. It was the Reaper. The cookies gasped.

Bookworm Tomato: "You said to b-b-b-bring sweet ones here so I did! NOW LET MY SISTER GO! DON'T HURT HER!!!"

The cookies then realized it was a trap.


"I.... AM.... FRUIT...!" yelled his sister.

Bookworm Tomato: "That's the worst thing you could say right now!"

Reaper: "HAHA! What a brave tomato you are. But not very smart, are you?"

Bookworm Tomato: "I... wha...?"

Reaper: "Think outside the box! If I bathed in sugar, sprinkle-sprinkle! I'd be sweet no matter who I am!"

Cherry-Cherry Tomato: "She's got a point!"

Then she captured Bookworm Tomato.

Radish Cookie: "Let them go!!!"

Reaper: "Oh! YOUUU!"

That was when she noticed Strawberry Cookie.

Reaper: "You smell like lovely lil' strawberries! The Witch will enjoying tasting you!!!"

Strawberry Cookie panicked.

Strawberry Cookie: "The.... WITCH...?!"

She then snatches poor Strawberry Cookie away.


Strawberry Cookie: "G-G-G-GINGERBRAVE!"

And with that she leaves. GingerBrave was about to go after her but Radish Cookie stopped her.

Radish Cookie: "Wait GingerBrave, I'll go! I know the paths and shortcuts!"

GingerBrave: "I'll go too! I'm a pretty good runner!"

Radish Cookie: "No, you need to find Rosemary Cookie! Tell her what happened and she'll know what to do!"

GingerBrave nods and finds Rosemary Cookie. "I won't run away from fear!!! Hang in there, Strawberry Cookie!" yelled Radish Cookie as she chased after the Reaper.

With GingerBrave.

GingerBrave: "Rosemary Cookie! Where are you?! Rosemary Cookie!!! We need your help!"

And off are heroes go to save another friend.
