The cookies were exhausted from moving and were now hungry.

GingerBrave: "So... hungry.... Hey, is there a spell to make food?"

Wizard Cookie: "There is.... But I can't cast it on an empty stomach."

GingerCandy: "Me neither.... Magicians like us have a limit at this...!"

Just then, GingerBrave and GingerDozer smelled a sweet aroma coming from the other side.

Gingerbread siblings: "Something smells good!"

But their path was blocked.

GingerBrave: "It's not coming from here..."

GingerBright: "OOOH! GingerBrave! The aroma is coming from back there!"

GingerBrave: "OH-HOO! Let's move this outta the way!"

GingerDozer: "Let's! Let's!"

When they finished clearing the place, they see a hidden door.

GingerBrave: "I smell food!"

GingerBright: "But there's no handle.... How do we get inside?"

GingerBrave: "We could try knocking?"

She uses her candy cane and hits the door.

GingerDozer: "Oooh! Me too!"

The two cookies started hitting the with their candy canes but nothing seems to work at all.

Wizard Cookie: (That's... quite a knock...)

Strawberry Cookie then notice a strange symbol on the wall.

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-wait! This is a puzzle!"

GingerBright: "A puzzle?"

GingerCandy: "Strawberry Cookie is right! It is a puzzle. We need to rotate it so that it can open."

The cookies tried rotating which head the body was connect. Till the mouse head was placed and the door slowly opened. As they entered, they see an inn with all sorts of food. But no one was there.

GingerBright: "It looks like an old tavern!"

Wizard Cookie: "There's no one here..."

GingerCandy: "Hm... I wonder what had happened?"

"Over there..." says Strawberry Cookie as she points a big mouse behind the counter.

GingerBrave: "Hello! We're hungry!"

Mouse: "I would give my whiskers to serve you.... But alas.... My Cheesehaven is no more. On orders of Shirff Whiskerton, my Squeakchelin Star tavern is closed!"

GingerBrave: "What?! Nooo!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Closed? But why?"

Mouse: "I, the Cheesemaster, have committed an infinite number of crimes."

GingerBright: "Huh.... You don't seem like a criminal."

Wizard Cookie: "What sort of... crimes?"

Cheesemaster: "By the plucking of my whiskers, many a wicked deed has been birthed in the tavern of mine. The crime of preparing a cheese sandwich sans a catnip garnish. The transgression of failing to accommodate the proper granules of sand in the facilities. The grave dereliction of duty for not providing a proper grooming service before the meal."

GingerBrave: "Those don't sound like rules at all! They sound like kitty litter!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Bad kitty..."

Cheesemaster: "The witch has left the kitchen in the care of Sheriff Whiskerton. And since that fateful day, I am not within the Sheriff's good books. The fault, my good friends, is not in the stars, but within my own self..."

GingerBright: "I wouldn't be too worried about it. We made the bad kitty go away!"

Cheesemaster: "Woe is me for I—Eh? Pardon?"

GingerBrave: "Yup! The cat's gone! You can reopen your tavern!"

Cheesemaster: "I can... save... my Cheesehaven?"

GingerBrave: "We'll help you reopen! What can we do?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Yeah, we're happy to help in any way we can...!"

GingerCandy: "I agree!"

Cheesemaster: "I have no words to express my gratitude...! First! These fiendish parchments must be discarded! These foul wanted posters drove off my customers..."

Wizard Cookie: "Doesn't sound too difficult."

GingerCandy: "Then you and I should clear that."

GingerBright: "The tavern could use a little cleaning too."

Cheesemaster: "My despair has caused such a shame..."

GingerBrave: "Let's get to work! Cheesehaven is gonna be back in business!"

Cheesemaster: "Fortune smiles upon me once again...! I am most grateful, young Cookies!"

The cookies then started cleaning up the place and took out the posters. When they were done, their eyes sparkled and awed at the place. Cheesemaster once again teared up and thanked them.

Cheesemaster: "Splendid! Cheesehaven's glory has returned tenfold! The tavern shines once again!"

Wizard Cookie: "So.... When'll the customers start rolling in? It's almost evening..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Wizard Cookie...!"

GingerCandy: "You have to be patient Wizard Cookie! These things take time!"

Cheesemaster: "Ah, you have much to learn! Micedom comes to life after sunset!"

And he was right, so many mouses appeared at the tavern packed.

Strawberry Cookie: "The Cheesehaven is packed to the brim with guests!"

GingerBright: "Oooh, I didn't know mice were nocturnal!"

Wizard Cookie: "It, erm... seems so. My books positively did not mention anything of the sort!"

GingerBrave: "Everyone?! PLEASE! Er... wait your turn, please!"

Cheesemaster: "HAHA! Be not afraid of such bustling night of business! For this is an unusually quiet night for my Squeakchelin Star tavern!"

GingerBright: "There's so many orders coming in all at once!"

GingerCandy: "Excuse me! Comin through!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Okay, so that's one strawberry cheesecake, one cream cheese sherbet, and one strawberry cheeseburger. Sorry, three strawberry cheeseburgers!"

Wizard Cookie: "GingerBrave! Hustle! HUSTLE!"

GingerBrave: "*Huff puff* I thought I was a good runner, but this..."

Cheesemaster: "Feast your ears upon their lively chatter.... Immerse yourself in the nutty and savoury aromas of cheese! This is all thanks to you, Cookies. My gratitude reaches beyond the stars themselves!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We're glad we could help...!"

Wizard Cookie: "Cleaning this place up has certainly brought some amazing results."

And when it was over.

Cheesemaster: "Come now, my friends. Rest your weary bodies and take a seat. I shall prepare a feast of cheese that you will reminisce on 'til the end of time!"

GingerBrave: "Finally! Hooray!"

GingerBright: "I'm famished!"

GingerCandy: "Me too."

"Thank you!" says GingerDozer who helped in cleaning the dishes.

As they ate, laughed, and rested. GingerBrave spots GingerDozer sleeping.

GingerBrave: "Hehe, look at GingerDozer!"

Strawberry Cookie: "He must've been really tired..."

Cheesemaster: "The room upstairs should suffice for a restful sleep. But it too remains in disarray."

GingerBrave: "No worries! We'll clean it up!"

GingerCandy picks up GingerDozer and carries him in the back.

GingerBrave: "C'mon, friends!"

The cookies entered fifth floor.

GingerBright: "Wow, this room is enormous!"

Wizard Cookie: "And definitely needs cleaning..."

Strawberry Cookie: "And some furniture too..."

GingerBrave: "Let's fix up this room, so GingerDozer can sleep!"

Cookies: "Alright!"

GingerCandy: "My and Wizard Cookie will summon the furniture while you guys clean the place."

Wizard Cookie: "Sounds good to me!"

And so, the cookies summoned furniture's and cleaning the room. GingerDozer then woke up and his eyes began to sparkle seeing the room.

GingerDozer: "Whoa.... So pretty...!"

But the little cookie started sniffling.

GingerBright: "GingerDozer, are you cold?"

GingerDozer: "No, I'm okay...!"

Strawberry Cookie: "The fire's gone out..."

GingerBrave: "I'll bring it back to life!"

She lights up the fire and the cookies cheered. Then GingerCandy puts GingerDozer to bed.

GingerDozer: "Can you sing me a lullaby, GingerCandy...."

GingerCandy: "Alright..."

She clears her throat and begins to sing.

Sleep little one

Close your eyes

Your body's cooling with the night

Let your worries slip away

Tomorrow is a brand-new day

Shimmering moon & satin sky

Soft wind breathes its lullaby

Your dreams are here to set you free

The dawn will bring you back to me

The dawn will bring you back to me...

And with the GingerDozer fell fast asleep.

GingerBrave: "Looks like GingerDozer's fast asleep again."

GingerBright: "As he should be! He had a really rough day, especially because of that no-good kitty cat! By the way GingerCandy, I loved your singing."

GingerCandy: "Teehee, thanks."

Wizard Cookie: "Where did ya learn to sing like that?"

GingerCandy: "I.... I don't know. Now and then when the voice comes... it would always sing to me. comforting me..."

GingerBrave: "Now that I think about it, SO MUCH has happened!"

Wizard Cookie: "We'll reach our destination quite soon. What do you plan to do once we get there?"

GingerBrave: "Huh? OH! I haven't told you yet, have I?!"

GingerCandy: "What is it GingerBrave?"

GingerBrave: "I'm gonna use that window to escape!"

Wizard Cookie: "*GASP* You're going to.... WHAT?!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Escape...?"

GingerBrave: "You heard me! I'm gonna to run and live far, far away from the witch along with GingerBright! We'll be in a place called Earthbread! Wanna come with me?"

Wizard Cookie: "I.... well, I er.... There remain much too many tasks for me to do here and.... My search for magical artifacts has yet to be concluded..."

GingerBright: "I'm gonna find all the fun things in the world!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I... I don't know... I haven't thought about it..."

GingerBrave: "Haha! I'm sure every one of us has their own idea!"

GingerCandy: "Well GingerDozer and I are happy to come along with you both."

GingerBrave: "Wait, really!"

GingerCandy: "Yes. Also, you said something about Earthbread. The voice also told me that there are lots Cookies there like us."

The four sisters laughed while Wizard Cookie hummed along with Strawberry Cookie.

GingerBrave: "You're all so cool! When we take our separate paths, I'll be rooting for everyone all the way! After all, we've made a pretty good team and some good memories!"

GingerBright: "Me too! I'll be rooting for you both!"

GingerCandy: "Same here."

Strawberry Cookie: "I will too...! Thanks!"

Wizard Cookie: "Hm.... As will I."

GingerBrave: "We should rest up as much as we can."

GingerBright: "Sweet dreams, everyone!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Good night...!"

GingerCandy leans next to GingerBrave. And with that, the cookies fell fast asleep. The next morning, GingerBrave was the first to wake, she looks around to see if the others are awake like her only for her to notice that GingerDozer was nowhere to be seen.

GingerBrave: "GINGERDOZER?!"

The cookies woke up from her yelling.

GingerCandy: "What happened?"


Cookies: "What...?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I... I didn't hear anything..."

GingerCandy: "GingerDozer has light steps. Maybe that is why no one could hear him."

Wizard Cookie: "Let's hurry and find him!"

They went to the sixth floor but he was not there.

Strawberry Cookie: "Not here either..."

GingerBright: "He couldn't have gotten far...!"

"GingerBrave..." an echo was heard which only GingerBrave heard.


GingerBrave: "He must be in between those bottles! Let's clear a path!"

They started clearing and removing the bottles. GingerCandy then spots GingerDozer on the ground behind the pepper bottle.

GingerCandy: "GINGERDOZER!"

GingerDozer: "GingerCandy!"

GingerBright: "He's back there!"

Wizard Cookie: "Leave this to me! Byebyeus!"

Casting the spell at the pepper bottle, however the spell was backfired and the pepper was spread everywhere. The cookie witch was watching the afar.

Cookie Witch: "MYAHA! What a show! Never thought they'd make it this far!"

And with that, she flies away. "Achoo! Achoo!" sneezed GingerDozer as he covers his face.

GingerBrave: "GINGERDOZER!"

GingerBright: "There you are!"

GingerBrave and GingerCandy run up to him and helped him get up. GingerCandy then hugs him.

GingerCandy: "Don't run off like that!"

GingerDozer: "Sorry..."

Wizard Cookie: "We thought you disappeared!"

GingerDozer: "Oh.... This powder.... It's not tasty..."

GingerBrave giggled for a bit but then she saw the window and her eyes sparked.

GingerBrave: "That's...!"

She the runs towards it.

Strawberry Cookie: "GingerBrave...?"

GingerBrave: "The window!"

The cookies eyes sparkled at this.

Wizard Cookie: "So we're finally here."

Strawberry Cookie: "We made it!"

GingerBright: "Hooray for us!"

GingerCandy: "This is wonderful! Not only will we leave this castle, but we can also find Earthbread!"

GingerDozer: "I wanna see too...!"

However, the ground starts to shake.

GingerBrave: "WAAH!"

Then a giant hand grabbed GingerDozer. It was the witch.

GingerBrave: ".... The witch!"

Witch: "Interesting. You are far too.... Small. Weak. Hmph. Ugly. I hope you are at least tasty, stale one."

GingerBrave: "STOP!"


GingerBrave runs and jumps at the witch's hand.

Witch: "Ah, there you are."

She then lifts the two cookies up.

Cookies: "GingerBrave!"

GingerBrave: "PULL!"

GingerBright: "PUUULLL!"

Strawberry Cookie: "P-p-pull!"

Wizard Cookie: "PULL!"

GingerCandy: "PULL!!"

"Yoohoo!" said a familiar voice which made Wizard Cookie and GingerCandy flinch. They looked behind them and saw Sheriff Whiskerton. Seeing him, made them jumped in fear making the cookies let go of the witch's hand. The witch laughed and took the crying GingerDozer away from them.

Sheriff Whiskerton: "Time for a random search, myahaha!"

The black cat attacks them but they dodge it.

GingerBrave: "Do we have any cans left to throw?!"

GingerBright: "Yup! SPECIAL DELIVERY!"

GingerBright throws the can at Sheriff Whiskerton. But he managed to hit.

Sheriff Whiskerton: "Pesky outlaws! Criminal Cookies! Let's add littering to your list of crimes!"

GingerBrave: "It's like he was expecting us!"

Wizard Cookie: "I don't see any weak spots either!"

GingerCandy: "Then how about we use this!"

GingerBright: "Hey, these things are...!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Pepper shakers!"

Wizard Cookie: "Yes! I remember now! CATS HATE SPICY, PEPPERY THINGS!"

GingerBrave: "Let's try throwing some pepper!"

They threw all the pepper shakers they could find.

Sheriff Whiskerton: "Not spicy! NOT spicy anymore!"

GingerBrave: "The pepper isn't working anymore!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We might need more pepper...!"

"We're gonna need a bigger bottle!" yelled Wizard Cookie, as he used his magic to make the bottle bigger.

Wizard Cookie: "ENLARGIO!"

GingerCandy: "Alright Cookies! Let's toss that thing and send the kitty back to the litter box!"

And with that, they sprayed a huge amount of pepper at the black cat.

GingerBrave: "We did it!"

But their celebration immediately stopped when the sheriff was still standing. They screamed as he raised his claw, when suddenly a voice yelled at them. "Stand back." A bright light appeared at the opened window. A beautiful cookie emerged and blinded the cat with her light magic.

Sheriff Whiskerton then left the Cookies. The cookies were amazed in what they saw.

Cookie: "Where is he?"

GingerCandy: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Cookie: "The small Cookie."

That was when GingerBrave immediately got when knew what the mysterious cookie meant.

GingerBrave: "We need to save GingerDozer! Hang in there!"

But the mysterious cookie stops her.

Cookie: "I believe.... Your adventure ends here."

GingerBrave: "No! Outta the way! We need to rescue GingerDozer!"

Cookie: "A freshly-baked Cookie such as yourself will stand no chance against the witch. And the one who was captured is of the First Batch..."

GingerBrave: "The First Batch? What's that supposed to mean?"

Cookie: "The witch seeks the Cookies of the First Batch... for within, they contain the most ancient secrets. The witch's vast legion of minions will keep a close eye on that Cookie."

"I'll find a way!" says GingerBrave with confidence. There was no way she was going to let her brother be eaten by the witch.

Cookie: "You? You could barely handle that domesticated feline."

GingerBrave: "But..."

Cookie: "Look behind you."

GingerBrave looks at the window.

Cookie: "I know why you are here. You wish to escape from this castle. And here you are. Few Cookies have made it this far. Now... run. Your life did not begin in the oven.... It begins now. You've done enough, fresh dough."

The cookies looked at GingerBrave in sadness, the mysterious cookie was not wrong and they were not strong enough to face the witch and her minions. Just then the voice in GingerBrave's mind appeared to her once more.

"GingerBrave. There are times to back down... but don't give up... for hope.... Is not lost."

Upon hearing those words. GingerBrave looks at the cookie with seriousness before smiling.

GingerBrave: "Erm... what's your name?"

Cookie: ".... First Cream Cookie."

GingerBrave: "My name's GingerBrave. And I'm not gonna run away."

First Cream Cookie was shocked hearing this.

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh wow...!"

GingerBright: "See, I knew she was fun!"

Wizard Cookie and GingerCandy were surprised in her action.

GingerBrave: "Just to let you know; I may have come out from the oven as a fresh Cookie. But it feels like I was alive all this time and woke up to find my sisters and brother..."

GingerBright: "Me too."

GingerBrave: "And I may not be the smartest Cookie around."

Strawberry Cookie: "That's also true..."

GingerBrave: "But I know one thing! I don't leave my friends or family behind! And GingerDozer... is our friend and brother!"

First Cream Cookie: "A lone Cookie such as yourself has no chance of-."

"She's not alone." Says Wizard Cookie who finally spoke. The words somehow touched each of their hearts.

Wizard Cookie: "There's a wizard by her side."

GingerCandy: "Make those two wizards!"

GingerBrave: "Wizard Cookie! GingerCandy!"

GingerBright: "And me too! GingerDozer is my brother as well!"

GingerBrave: "GingerBright!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I'm with you too...!"

GingerBrave: "Strawberry Cookie!"

First Cream Cookie was amazed at this.

First Cream Cookie: "GingerBrave."

GingerBrave: "Er, yeah?"

First Cream Cookie: "Do you see that faraway light?"

GingerBrave: "Yeah!"

First Cream Cookie: "The source of that light is a hotel."

GingerBrave: "What's a 'hotel'?"

GingerCandy: "It like an inn, but a finer quality."

First Cream Cookie: ".... Go there and seek out the Compass. It will aid in your quest to rescue your companion."

Wizard Cookie: "Wait! What's with the sudden change of demeanour?"

First Cream Cookie: "You remind me of two Cookies which I once served at Earthbread... a past of joy and happiness."

GingerCandy: "Wait! So Earthbread is real?!"

First Cream Cookie: "Yes. However, the Guardians of Light will allow you to seek refuge there."

Strawberry Cookie: "Guardians... of Light?"

First Cream Cookie: "The guardians are protecters of Earthbread. They will allow Cookies if their proven worthy when they pass the test that is given to them."

GingerBrave: "I didn't know that."

GingerCandy: "Me neither."

GingerBrave: "Oh well, once we rescue GingerDozer. We'll face the test that is given to us if we find the Gurdian of Light!"

GingerBright: "Wherever they are."

First Cream Cookie: "When life itself seemed sweet to be composed of sweets."

GingerBrave: "You have friends too, don't you? So you understand?!"

First Cream Cookie: "Go. Before it's too late."

GingerBrave: "Wait, don't go! Come with us!"

First Cream Cookie: "Perhaps the heat in the oven still radiates from within your dough.... For your heart is full of warmth. We shall meet again."

GingerBrave: "Thank you very much, First Cream Cookie! Alrighty then! Off we go!"

GingerBright: "TEEHEE! This'll be fun!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I'm so nervous...!"

GingerBrave: "Awesome, Temporary Adventure Team! For-."

Wizard Cookie: "Temporary is no longer necessary-."

Strawberry Cookie: "FORWARD MARCH!"

GingerCandy: "Haha! Looks like Strawberry Cookie is all hyped up about it."

And with that, the Cookies left.

First Cream Cookie: "A Cookie without fear.... Perhaps she truly can save the First Batch.... And you will be one step closer to your wish, will you not? My Mistress..."

A silhouette cookie was watching them from afar.

Cookie: "I am surprised you still hold on to that hope.... Which they kept."

First Cream Cookie: "Lord. Why did you make me save her...? Who is she?"

Cookie: ".... She.... She and her sisters are too.... The First Batch."

This surprised First Cream Cookie.

First Cream Cookie: "But how..."

Cookie: "They were hidden. The witch didn't make them. They were made by them... by her... who we will always remember."

And with that, the mysterious cookie disappears.
