The Age of Magic remains but a tale of old. Soggy and bland desserts lay dormant, lifeless and cold. But a young witch, touched by the shadows, has entered the halls. In her hands, a secret, magical recipe no one recalls.

She lifts the dough and throws at the table, then presses it with her hands. Sugar. Salt. Flour. Yeast. The scent of fresh cream, once forgotten and vanished.

The Cookies who were hiding behind the shelves watched as the witch starts making something. Then, she uses the Cookie Cutter.

And from slumber awoken, the old oven is famished. Perhaps the oven remembered it's past. Of baking Cookies for witches, countless, en masse. Of an age where Cookies shared the tales of their lives, an age of delectable freedom, where magic once thrived.

Oh, sweet little Cookies. Sometimes soon, might perhaps may, you'll learn why the witches baked throughout night and day. But now is not the time for this truth to debut. The Cookies watched in horror as they saw the witch eating a lifeless Cookie.

They should probably run.... She is coming for them.

Our story begins, as a small young Cookie opens her eyes as felt something warm around her.

Cookie: "Why...? Why is it so warm...?"

The Cookie looked like she was in a hidden room filled with plants and withered flowers, next to her is a candy can with a mistletoe and a strange candy jewel on it.

(My ART)

 She then smelled the burning fire and a light not far. Since there was no other way out from this cuboid room, she picks up the candy cane and heads towards the light. Slowly, it was getting warmer and warmer, the light got even brighter. And when she reached the end of the line, she takes a deep breath, closed her eyes and steps into the light. When she opened her eyes, she gasped in horror as she saw crumbled Cookies with sad faces all dead and broken into pieces and fire surrounding the room.

Cookie: "What?! What is this place?!"

Scared and confused, she slowly backed away, wanting to go back to the place where she came from till, she heard a voice. A calm and gentle voice.

"Do not be afraid child. You need to escape!"

Cookie: "E-escape...?! But where?"

"Do you see those twin doors. Destroy it so that you can escape from the oven!"

Cookie: "Doors? Oven?"

Shaking her head, the Cookie understand and will get answers later. She hits the door with her candy cane. Ten minutes later the door is destroyed and she escaped. However, when she exited the oven, she saw the ruined kitchen. Suddenly, the witch's hand slammed on the table and tries to grab the Cookie. The poor tries to run for her life but was immediately caught by her.

With no other option, she once again hits the witch's hand with her candy cane and falls down to the ground. Just as she was falling, she sees the witch's face... smiling evilly at her. The Cookie harshly lands on the ground and was now unconscious, just then another Cookie appeared wearing a cloak and looks at her.

Later, the Cookie was still knocked out. She was then having a weird dream.

".... Wake up."

Cookie: "Who...?"

"Wake up."

Cookie: ".... A witch?"

"WAKE UP!!!" with a sudden yelling from another voice. The young Cookie wakes up. There in front of her was another cookie shaped like a cat witch, holding a spoon fork. 

The poor Cookie jumped in fear.

Cookie: "A WITCH?!"

Witch Cookie: "Meow haha! A WITCH! Do I look like a witch?"

Cookie: "Oh.... You're a Cookie.... Did you rescue me?"

Witch Cookie: "AS IF! The castle's been abysmally dreary for SO long, but then you showed up!"

Cookie: "The castle?"

The witch cookie uses her staff as a broom and flies.

Witch Cookie: "Welcome to the Witch's Castle! Nothing left but traces of the witches past! Oh, moldy scraps and crumbs too!"

Cookie: "How do you know so much about this place?"

Witch Cookie: "I wasn't baked yesterday! I've been here a long, looong time."

Just then they heard a screeching sound which make the two Cookies backing away.

Witch Cookie: "Okay, so the castle isn't ENTIRELY empty.... There are terrifying... minions of the witch. And they crave.... COOKIES!"

The cookie backed away from her in frightened. But she knew her fears cannot control her. Just then she stops a window on the highest point revealing the beautiful night.


The Cookie gasped as the voice appeared once more. Then images of an island that looks like cookie flashes before her and then she sees lots of different types of Cookies smiling and living together peacefully.

Witch Cookie: "Hey, you alright?"

Cookie: "A window!"

Witch Cookie: "Huh?"

Cookie: "If I can make it outside... I can get far away from here.... That window is my way outta here!"

Witch Cookie: "Out???"

Cookie: "I need to get to the place called Earthbread!"

Witch Cookie: "Wait! DID YOU SAY EARTHBREAD?!?!"

Cookie: "H-huh? Uh, yeah. You know something about it?"

Witch Cookie: "Some Cookies say it's a myth. Legend says that good witches who loved and cherished their creations and not eat them sent them there. But you're not created by the good witches."

Cookie: "Well I'm also not created by that evil witch!"

Witch Cookie: "What???"

Cookie: "I was behind the oven surrounded by plants and withered flowers."

Witch Cookie: "Huh, that is indeed strange."

Cookie: "Yeah. And even you say it's a myth I'm still gonna find it!"

Witch Cookie: "Bravo! Such bravado! Go do your thing fresh dough. I'll be watching! Let's see what that bravado of yours can do!"

Cookie: "Oh boy.... One step at a time! I need to clear a path!"

She pulls out all the broken stuff, sweeps the floor. When she was done, the room started glowing all of a sudden.

Cookie: "Huh?! What's happening?"

It was then turned into a beautiful room with stairs, carpets, neat tables, and candles. The young Cookie jumps in joy.

Cookie: "I fixed it! This is great! Window here I come!"

She goes upstairs and finds the exit. When she arrived at the first floor, it was chilly and quiet. The young Cookie found a big door.

Cookie: "OOH! A door! It might be a shortcut to the window!"

But when she tried to open it, for some reason it wouldn't budge.

Cookie: "It's frozen shut...! I'll try knocking!"

But instead of knocking it gently she uses her cane and hits it at the door. Suddenly, the door starts to shake.

Door: "Yer!"

Cookie: "GAAAH?!"

Door: "MMMRMPH! Dert herts!"

Cookie: "OH! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there. But... why're you talking all... weird?"

Door: "Mer merth ith hrozen."

Cookie: "Erm.... Oh?! Your mouth is frozen!"

Door: "Ned to thurw?"

Cookie: "Thaw? But how?"

Door: "See thert roo?"

Cookie: "A room? That frozen room?"

Door: "Irf yu culd hert urp thert roo, ir'd ee urch appeciaterd."

Cookie: "AH! So you want me to heat up that room! Okay, I'll do whatever it takes to help you! Time to heat this place up!"

Once again, the youngCookie cleans the place and makes it warm at the two rooms she has found. Andwhen she did, the ice and snow started melting and the door was finally free.

Door: "Greetings young one! I am Grandpa Doorstache!"

Cookie: "Nice to meet you sir!"

Grandpa Doorstache: "HAHA! If two witches were watching two batches, which witch would watch witch batch?"

The Cookie giggled at the riddle.

Grandpa Doorstache: "Ah, finally! To speak with such ease! Your assistance is most appreciated, young Cookie!"

Cookie: "Hehe, it's good to hear your actual voice!"

Grandpa Doorstache: "Ah yes, absolutely sublime. The warmth of the ages past been rekindled."

Cookie: "Ages past?"

Grandpa Doorstache: "These walls were once filled with the aroma of scrumptious feast and jubilant music. Before denizens escaped from the witch. Before the moonlight itself froze over. This warmth is undeniably a welcome sensation. I shall allow you to pass!"

Cookie: "Awesome! Now I can get to that window!"

Grandpa Doorstache: "Eh? What's that? A window?"

Cookie: "There's a window that's way, way up there. I'm going to use it to escape to a place with no witches! A place called Earthbread!"

Grandpa Doorstache: "*Grunt, cough, grumble* Escape?! It's dangerous! No one has ever managed to leave this castle's premises!"

Cookie: "Oh.... No, but I have to! Whatever happens, whatever get's in my way... I will find a way out of this castle!"

Grandpa Doorstache: "HAHA! You certainly possess a strange, unique for of bravery. The Witch's Castle is teeming with mysteries, with danger lurking around the conner. But your bravery may just.... Go forth, young Cookie. Step gingerly yet bravely!"


Cookie: "Huh...? Gingerly.... Bravely.... GingerBrave. I think that'll be my name!"

Grandpa Doorstache chuckled and opens the door.

Cookie: "I'm gonna be the bravest Cookie ever!"
