This is a tale from ages past...

A tale of a princess from a faraway land,

The radiant and inspiring Witch of Light.

Ignorance and greed corrupted the fabric of the world.

Despite facing such despair, she knew there was still hope for the world.

Twelve witches bowed before her, sharing her wish.

To serve a greater purpose and cleanse the world from darkness.

They gathered Life, attempting to harness is very essence.

But a single heart, poisoned with pride was enough to ruin it all...

Their bodies crumbled to powder, their souls adrift in the wind,

The Witch of Light, desperate to save her companions, placed their souls into Cookies, fueled by her very own Life Essences.

"This will not be the end."

And it was not, for the prideful witch managed to capture her radiant essence.

The witches slumbered within the castle, a Cookies, their essence scattered across the world.

In its wake, new civilization flourished.

A world of desserts, born from the Witch of Light's wishes.

These living Cookies were proof of the greatest form of magic to grace the world.

And one by one, the slumbering Cookies awakened...

What other secrets lie dormant in the Witch's Castle?

Back to our story, the Cookies arrived at a place which was below Mount St. Crèmes.

Strawberry Cookie: "This place is yucky."

GingerBrave: "And it sorta stinks too...!"

Wizard Cookie: "A very stark contrast to how it was described. Far from 'perpetually frozen'."

Strawberry Cookie: "Nothing seems fresh at all..."

GingerBright: "Is GingerDozer really here...? Or did we make a wrong turn?"

Wizard Cookie: "If only we could ask for directions..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Rosemary Cookie did say this is a place of misery and doom.... It sure fits the description..."

GingerCandy: "It makes me feel even more worries for GingerDozer...!"

That was when GingerBrave suddenly stopped.

Wizard Cookie: "Oof! Hey? What gives?"

GingerBrave: "I thought I heard something!"

GingerBright: "Huh?"

Wizard Cookie: "Stop with that nonsense! This place is creepy enough already!"

"Y-y-y-you guys!" shouted Strawberry Cookie who was all a sudden frightened.

GingerCandy: "What is it Strawberry Cookie!?"

They then see a young moldy bread trying to run away from the gooey monster.

Strawberry Cookie: "It's a m-m-monster! And it's attacking someone...!"

GingerBright: "THAT'S NOT VERY NICE!"

GingerBrave: "What is that?! Why it's.... WHAT IS THAT THING?!"

GingerCandy: "It's so gross and moldy looking...!"

Wizard Cookie: "I've never seen such thing before, but I know it's angry!!!"

GingerBrave: "We need to drive the monster away!"

Strawberry Cookie: "But... how're we gonna do that?"

GingerBright and GingerCandy were looking around, wondering what they could find to defeat that thing.

GingerBright: "Did that...? Oh, I think it saw us...!"

GingerCandy: "Oh no...!"

Moldy Bread: "RRRUUNNN!"

Strawberry Cookie: "It's... it's coming towards us...!!!"

GingerBrave: "What do we do?!"

GingerBright: "Stop being silly, GingerBrave. We need to.... RRRUUNN!!!"

And so the Cookies started running for their lives. That was when a moldy jar was left behind and the monster was near it and shoots a gunk at it. the moldy jar thought it was over when suddenly a mysterious male Cookie appears and saves it.

Cookie: "Are you alright?"

Moldy Jar: "I... I think so!"

Cookie: "Flee now. And do not look back."

The moldy jar does what it's told and runs.

Cookie: (Just beyond is the Crème Refuge...! I must hold the line or it will be engulfed in chaos.) "You shall not pass. You've been warned. Begone, or face my blade. I gladly forfeit my dough to protect the innocent. And I'll take you with me."

The monster didn't listen and shoots three gunk's at him. The Cookie then charges.

Cookie: "As I was commanded."

"Not today." Said a pleasant and familiar voice. It was none other than First Cream Cookie.

Cookie: "First Cream.... Cookie?"

With her magic, the monster was gone.

First Cream Cookie: "It has been a long time. You've done well in my absence, Onyx Cream Cookie."

The cookie named Onyx Cream Cookie was surprised to see First Cream Cookie.

First Cream Cookie: "Onyx Cream Cookie."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "First Cream Cookie...! It is really you?!"

First Cream Cookie: "Yes. It is I, in the dough. Are you injured?"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "I remain in one piece...! Know that I am still eager to serve, regardless of the dangers set before me."

First Cream Cookie: "Though I would very much like to hear of your endeavours.... There is more pressing matters I wish to discuss. What has happened to Mount St. Crème? I must assess the situation in full. I've heard it has not fared well. But to see it for myself..."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Of course, My Lady. Shortly after your departure from Mount St. Crème, the temperature controller malfunctioned without warning."

First Cream Cookie: "How could that be? Such an apparatus has withstood the test of time for ages."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Alas, I know not how it happened... but despair rapidly descended upon the land. Once the winds changed, Mount St. Crème was already upon the precipice of ruin. It was already too late.... The frosted ground condensed into muddy sludge. Even the glaciers have subsided.... The landscape itself has melted away, with mold and decay creeping further with each passing day. My desire to repair the controller has bought me to this area.... But, so far, my efforts to restore it have only resulted in failures..."

First Cream Cookie: "You are not at fault, my friend. I am confident that you made a valiant effort each step of the way. And I am truly glad to see your resolve is unwavered."

Onyx Cream Cookie: (First Cream Cookie...) "Oh! My Lady! I almost forgot to mention. I've received a report that may be also of interest. There has been a sighting of an unknown, small Cookie."

First Cream Cookie: "A 'small Cookie'? Could it be...?"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Yes... I believe so. I shall continue to keep watch over this area. You should make haste and investigate!"

First Cream Cookie: "Onyx Cream Cookie.... Thank you for brining this to my attention. It does merit further investigation. Though I wish to discuss a great many things with you.... My calling lies elsewhere at the moment. Let us continue our conversation at a later time. Onyx Cream Cookie, please ensure the temperature controller is repaired... I must ask that you bring Mount St. Crème back to its former glory. Please... do this for me."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "You need not to ask, Your Radiance. I shall do as you command. No matter the cost."

Meanwhile, the five cookies arrived at an unknown area.

GingerBrave: "Phew.... Oh yeah, that was definitely quite a run...!"

GingerBright: "How long were we running?"

GingerCandy: "I... I dunno...?"

Wizard Cookie: "And seriously, what WAS that thing? I've never seen anything so ferocious!"

GingerBrave: "I wonder if they other fella made it to safety...?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I don't know.... I hope they're okay..."

GingerBright: "We could look for them? But... where would we start looking?"

GingerBrave: "Yeah, we don't know much about this place yet..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Is GingerDozer really somewhere here...?"

Wizard Cookie: "*Sigh* If only we could use the compass once more. It'd make our lives SO much easier..."

GingerBrave: "Do you think we can fix it?"

Wizard Cookie: "At this moment? No..."

GingerCandy: "There's got to be something that is useful...!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Hey, hold on...!"

GingerBrave: "Huh? What?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Over there...! Voices!"

GingerBrave: "Where?"

GingerCandy: "Wait! What's that sound?"

Wizard Cookie: "Hm, I think I hear it too.... Just beyond that lump of cream."

Strawberry Cookie: "Yeah, I defiantly heard something...!"

GingerCandy: "Me to!"

Wizard Cookie: "We should investigate. Let's see if there's a way around-."

GingerBrave: "Let's clear a path!"

GingerBright: "Haha! My favourite thing!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Um.... Okay."

Wizard Cookie sighed while GingerCandy patted his back in comfort.

Wizard Cookie: (I'm honestly surprised she didn't say that catchphrase of hers earlier...)

GingerCandy: (I wonder where that energy of hers come from...)

After clearing the path. The were shocked to the moldy bread and the others on the ground tired and injured.

GingerBrave: "So the voices were coming from around here, right?"

GingerCandy kneels down and checks on them.

GingerBrave: "Oh.... Everyone looks like they're in bad shape. Are they okay, GingerCandy?"

GingerCandy: "No.... Their bodies are suffering due to the amount of heat in this place. This... mold in them are damaging them...!"

Wizard Cookie went there and analysed them.

Wizard Cookie: "Hm.... They appear to suffering from sort of malady. It might be wise to help them before asking for directions."

GingerCandy: "Good thinking Wizard Cookie."

That was when GingerBrave noticed the moldy bread from before.

GingerBrave: "Oh! You're the one who the monster was about to attack!!! Are you alright?"

GingerBright: "You're in a really rough shape.... Is there anything we can do to help?"

Moldy bread immediately stopped them from coming near them.

Moldy bread: "GWAAH! No, no stay back! Don't touch me! The mold will... it'll infect you too...!"

GingerBrave: "Mold? What's that?"

GingerBright: "Get to it, Wizard Cookie! You know you wanna say it, hehe!"

Wizard Cookie: "I-wha—You make me sound like a know-it-all! But yes.... How did you know I was about to explain?"

GingerCandy: "GingerBright can read you like a book you know."

Wizard Cookie: "Anyway.... Mold is a type of fungal growth that form in environments saturated with moisture."

GingerBrave: "Hm, yes, I think I've heard of these words before."

Wizard Cookie: "Ahem.... Speaking plainly.... It's something bad and can cause rot and decay..."

GingerBrave: "That's sounds really bad! And Painful!!!"

Stale Cream Cake: "It does hurt, yeah..."

Unpleasant Jammy: "It kinda really hurts.... Ugh..."

Moldy Bread: "I got away from the monster, but.... In the end... it infected me..."

Wizard Cookie: "So that thing was a monstrous manifestation of mold...!"

Stale Cream Cake: "It's really bad... if all of us get infected.... First Cream Cookie will be so sad when she gets back...."

The cookies couldn't believe in what they were hearing.

Stale Cream Cake: "After so many years of waiting for her return... she'll be so disappointed in us..."

GingerBrave: "First Cream Cookie??? You know her?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I think we should let them rest..."

GingerCandy: "Strawberry Cookie is right. They're too weak to talk or move."

Wizard Cookie: "The mold is definitely detrimental to their health."

GingerBright: "Can't we do something? Is there a way to get rid of mold?"

GingerBrave: "Is there a way, Wizard Cookie, GingerCandy?"

Wizard Cookie: "Eh? Why're all of you looking at me?"

GingerCandy: "Well... 'cuz you're a wizard! You know things! And GingerCandy is a witch."

Wizard Cookie: "Y-y-you're not wrong there but..." (C'mon, think, think, think! Search your mind! Find the answer...!)

GingerCandy: (These guys need to be a place where there is cold...)

Wizard Cookie: "AH-HA!"

GingerBrave: "OH! You got an idea?"

Wizard Cookie: "Baking soda! That's the answer!"

GingerCandy: "Great thinking Wizard Cookie! Baking soda helps remove of mold...!"

Wizard Cookie: "It's an effective cleaning agent that can neutralize mold!"

Strawberry Cookie: "But where'll we find baking soda?"

GingerCandy: "This place has all sorts of things. So the baking soda must be here."

GingerBright: "I get the feeling we'll be able to find some nearby!"

GingerBrave: "That's the spirit, GingerBright! And you've saved the day once more, sister and Wizard Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie: "Well, I, erm... thank you. Now come, let's find some baking soda and get to work."

After searching for some time. The Cookies managed to find the baking soda and sprayed it at the ones who are moldy. They were back to normal.

GingerBrave: "It worked! Are you feeling any better?"

Moldy Bread: "It's... I can.... Oh wow! I feel so... normal!!! Thank you very much! Oh, and I should thank you for before too! I wouldn't be here if you didn't lure the monster away!"

Wizard Cookie: (We wouldn't be here if that thing caught us...)

Jammy: "Thank you for the temporary cure..."

GingerBright: "Huh? What do you mean by temporary?"

Jammy: "Mount St. Crème's temperature controller is broken.... We'll end up moldy once more..."

Wizard Cookie: (A temperature controller? Is that what I think it is...?)

GingerCandy: "So wait, your saying that this thing is the one that makes Mount St. Crème cold?"

Jammy nods.

Stale Cream Cake: "Hey now! You can't say something so depressing in front of the Cookies who just helped us!"

Jammy: "Oh? Then can I say it behind them...?"

Stale Cream Cake: "NO! That's even worse!"

Moldy Bread: "Hehe.... Pay them no mind. They're always in a bickering match."

Wizard Cookie: "Pardon me, but your friend just mentioned something about a temperature controller?"

Stale Cream Cake: "Oh, allow me to explain. It's the thing that makes Mount St. Crème so chilly and keeps everything fresh."

Jammy: "And it's broken..."

Wizard Cookie: (I get it now! Without the chilled air from the temperature controller, this entire region is subject to mold and decay!)

GingerBrave: "Hey, a while back you mentioned First Cream Cookie. Do you know her?"

Moldy Bread: "Of course we do! Everyone living in Mount St. Crème knows First Cream Cookie!"

GingerBrave: "OH! Hehe, we know her too! We're friends with First Cream Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "She'd know what to do.... We could really use her help again..."

The sweets were shocked in what they just heard.

Stale Cream Cake: "First Cream Cookie? She helped you? She talked to you?"

GingerBrave: "Yeah, she helped us find our way!"

GingerBright: "We're looking for our friend and brother of ours! His name is GingerDozer. And First Cream Cookie told us how to find him!"

Moldy Bread: "Oh."

GingerBright: "Do you know anything about GingerDozer?"

Moldy Bread: "No, the name's not familiar.... Sorry..."

GingerCandy: "That's alright. We'll keep searching."

Moldy Bread: "But someone at the refuge might've heard something about your friend? There's lots of folks there..."

Jammy: "And it's somewhere we can't go..."

Stale Cream Cake: "Cut it out! Stop moping!"

GingerBright: "Why can't you go there?"

Jammy: "Because we're moldy.... They call us Moldizens... and if we go... the mold might spread and infect the others..."

Strawberry Cookie: "But... the baking soda worked. You should be able to go, right?"

Jammy: "Mold is inevitable.... We'll be drowning in it soon..."

Stale Cream Cake: "HEY! Zip it!"

Moldy Bread: "Well.... It's true that we can't go there, but we can show you the way!"

Jammy: "*Sigh* You'd have to travel past the controller.... And there's definitely gonna be more monsters there..."

Moldy Bread: "That reminds me! Onyx Cream Cookie might be still there!"

GingerBright: "Who's that?"

GingerCandy: "Another Cookie, I guess..."

GingerBrave: "Monsters, huh? I think we'll be okay! After all, I'd say we're pretty good at running away from things now, hehe."

Moldy Bread: "Okay then. But you really should be more careful from now on!"

The cookies nodded and continued finding the refuge.

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh boy.... This place is was too creepy..."

Wizard Cookie: "And there's something foul and rancid in the air..."

That was when Strawberry Cookie gasped.

Strawberry Cookie: "*GASP* Everyone freeze...!"

GingerBrave: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I heard something... but... I dunno..."

GingerBrave: "Huh? I didn't hear any- I HEARD IT!!!"

The cookies looked around to see what it was, only to find small bacteria looking molds.

GingerBrave: "What're those things?!"

GingerBright: "Hi there, cute little thingamajigs!"

GingerCandy: "That is not cute at all...!"

GingerBrave: (SERIOUSLY?!)

Strawberry Cookie: "Are those things gonna hurt us...?"

Wizard Cookie: "If so, we'd better get out of here!"

The bacteria looking molds roared at them.


That was when, Onyx Cream Cookie appeared and saved them by killing the bacteria molds.

GingerBrave: "They're gone!"

GingerBright: "We're saved! But..."

They were frightened at Onyx Cream Cookie's sword.

Strawberry Cookie: "I don't think we're safe just yet...!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "It seems there was more than only spores here."

GingerBrave: "WAAIT! Wait-wait-wait! WE'RE COOKIES!"

GingerBright: "We're too cute to get crumbled!"

Onyx Cream Cookie puts his sword down.

Onyx Cream Cookie: "You're.... Cookies...?"

GingerCandy: "That's right and we're on a journey."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "You don't belong here. This area is dangerous."

GingerBrave: "We're looking for our friend!"

GingerBright: "We heard about some sort of refuge ahead. Someone there might know our friend!"

GingerBrave: "Um, if you're from around here.... You must know First Cream C-."

GingerBrave was immediately cut off by the sound of an alarm.

Onyx Cream Cookie: "The temperature controller! This conversation must wait. I must fix it with haste!"

Strawberry Cookie: "By yourself...?"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Hmph. Who else is here? Alas, my efforts have been fruitless.... No matter how often it's fixed, it'll never be the same. Now, scurry away. Mind yourselves and try to keep your distance."

That was when Wizard Cookie stopped him.

Wizard Cookie: "Wait. We can-."

GingerBrave: "We'll help!"

Wizard Cookie looked at her with annoyance.

Onyx Cream Cookie: "You...?"

Strawberry Cookie: "We've managed to fix a big machine before...!"

GingerCandy: "Yeah. So let us help you in fixing the temperature controller."

Onyx Cream Cookie: ".... Alright. Follow me."

Onyx Cream Cookie showed them the temperature controller.

Onyx Cream Cookie: "This is the temperature controller. It has been much, much better days.... In order to return the controller to a fully functioning state, we must collect the required potions of the matching color."

Wizard Cookie: "I see...! So essentially, this thing requires potions to power itself."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "You offered to help, and I accept. Shall we?"

The cookies nodded and started to get the potion that was required for the machine.

Onyx Cream Cookie: "The air is getting cooler!"

GingerCandy: "Wait! What's that!?"

Wizard Cookie: "The airflow is being blocked...!"

And soon enough the temperature controller was working again.

GingerBrave: "Haha! We did it!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Hooray! It worked!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "I appreciate your assistance. It was, without a doubt, extremely invaluable. Apologies for the late introduction, but name is Onyx Cream Cookie."

GingerBrave: "And I'm GingerBrave! These are my sisters, GingerBright and GingerCandy! And our friends Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie!"

GingerCandy: "So you are Onyx Cream Cookie the townsfolk mentioned."

GingerBright: "You must do a lot of amazing stuff with that sword!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Hmph. I would not say that my deeds are anywhere close to 'amazing'. Before we proceed any further, you mentioned something about Madam First Cream Cookie..."

GingerBrave: "So you do know First Cream Cookie?!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: (This insolent girl dares to speak of Madam First Cream Cookie as an equal? How dare she...!) "Yes, Madam First Cream Cookie."

GingerBright: "The folks we ran into a while back knew her too. She must be really famous around here!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Madam First Cream Cookie is.... She the wise and respected leader of Mount St. Crème. She is the Guardian Mother, our protector and saviour."

GingerBrave: "What? A grandmother?"

GingerCandy bonks GingerBrave in the head.

Wizard Cookie: "Dude.... Seriously."

Onyx Cream Cookie: (I may have judged this Cookie a bit too quickly... Perhaps she is just... simple.) "Her Radiance has left for the frozen lands to uphold her call. I... remained behind."

GingerBright: "So.... What now?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Wait! Did you say she went to the frozen lands? Is that where the prison is?"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "How is it that an outsider knows of the prison? Hmph. It matters not. Yes, it is where the sinister prison is located. The once pristine frozen lands have become a monolith of dread and misery..."

GingerBrave: "Then that's where we might find GingerDozer!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Ginger.... Dozer?"

GingerBright: "He's our brother! A small, tiny, and cute Cookie!"

Onyx Cream Cookie: (A small Cookie...? Does that mean...? Wait. The small Cookie from the reports? Was their name.... GingerDozer?) "I will show you the way to the refuge. They'll will be able to tell you more."

GingerBrave: "You're not gonna come with us?"

Wizard Cookie: "Oh, by the way...! Do you know is we can find a way to repair this compass?"

Strawberry Cookie: "It's really important.... If we can fix it, it might tell us exactly where GingerDozer is."

Onyx Cream Cookie: "Alas, I am afraid I cannot help you there. But.... Madam First Cream Cookie may be able to shed some light on it."

Onyx Cream Cookie showed them where the refuge is. Meanwhile, First Cream Cookie is trying to find a way to open the refuge gates.

First Cream Cookie: "The gate is colder than a frozen heart... close shut and impervious. It will take immense power to force it open. I must collect Light Shards to unleash my power...!"

She managed to collect all the Light Shards and opened the door.

Moldizens: "All hail First Cream Cookie!!! Our savior!!!"

Cream Guard: "There are truly no limits to her power...!"

First Cream Cookie: "Let it be known...! This land is Mount St. Crème! A sanctuary for all! A haven for all to remain fresh and pristine!"
