The Cookie now named GingerBrave at an area which is clean and filled with jars. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the window.

GingerBrave: "The window! I'm almost there! I need to find a way up!"

She slowly started walking and didn't hit anything since it was getting darker and darker.

GingerBrave: "It's getting dark.... There has to be a path I can follow..."

That was when she heard a soft humming at the other side.

GingerBrave: "That voice...? A Cookie! I'll ask them for direction!"

But when she took a step her body started to feel weak.

GingerBrave: "What's happening...? I feel... so weak..."

She collapsed on the ground. Then a Cookie appeared walking skipping and singing happily. Her hair is brown and tied into a ponytail with a cute tiara on top of her head and holding a big lollipop. She almost looked like GingerBrave.

(My ART)

Cookie: "Crunchy, crunchy makes me happy! Happy, happy makes me cheery! Oh?"

That was when she stopped GingerBrave laying on the ground.

Cookie: "I found a new carpet! Wait?! You're a Cookie! Deary, deary me.... you look so tired and crumbly. Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!"

She then looks closely at GingerBrave.

Cookie: "Now that look closely. She almost looks a lot like me.... *Gasp*! Could she be my twin sister!"

She then jumps with excitement.

Cookie: "Don't you worry sis! I'll save you! I'm gonna need some Life Potions! I wonder what's her name? Ooh, I just feel something fun is going to happen! I'm sure of it!"

She then started looking for Life Potion while GingerBrave was still laying on the ground. GingerBrave in the other hand was still out cold till she heard the voice again.

"GingerBrave.... Your sister will help you..."

GingerBrave: "Sis... ter...?"

"Yes GingerBrave. And you have more than just one.... Find your siblings, GingerBrave.... Find them..."

The happy cookie arrived and brought the Life Potion.

 She then sprays it at GingerBrave. The brave Cookie opens her eyes slowly, she then immediately gets up seeing the Cookie who save her.

Cookie: "Hey you! You're finally awake, teehee!"

GingerBrave: "Oh? Did you...? Wow, thanks!"

Cookie: "My name's GingerBright! What's your name?"

GingerBrave: "GingerBrave!"

GingerBright giggles and hugs her.

GingerBright: "Hehehe! What an easy name to remember!"

GingerBrave: "So is yours, hehe!"

GingerBright: "Yeah! Because we are sisters after all!"

GingerBrave: "Wait what?!"

GingerBright: "You heard me! Your my sister! Since we both have the same dough and Candy Jam."

GingerBrave: "Huh.... I guess you're right. But what's a Candy Jam?"

GingerBright: "See that shiny round candy on your cane. That's your Candy Jam! A voice told me that my Candy Jam in my tiara will glow if my siblings are found. See!"

GingerBright was right, the two Candy Jams started glowing a little.

GingerBrave: "Wait! You heard a voice too?"

GingerBright: "Yup! It was sounded so sweet and caring. Guiding me throughout the castle and all."

GingerBrave: "Uh-huh.... Erm, GingerBright? What did you use to wake me up? I felt so tired and weak.... But now it's like I'm full of energy!"

GingerBright: "Hee-hee, I gave you a Life Potion! Cookies like us need Life Potion handy at all times. If we don't..."

She walked closer to a jar. "We'll get all stale and icky!" says GingerBright as she taps at the jar showing the stale cookies which horrified poor GingerBrave.

GingerBrave: "Becoming stale looks so scary..."

GingerBright: "Yup, yup, yup! But don't worry. Once you take a good look... being stale doesn't seem so bad."

That shivered GingerBrave through her dough and shakes her head.

GingerBrave: "No thank you! Life Potions are the key...! I'll remember that..."

GingerBright: "Let's go looking for some potions together!"

GingerBrave: "Oh, great idea!"

GingerBright: "I know just the place! It's over there!"

She points at the crack on the wall.

GingerBright: "Ta-da!"

GingerBrave: "Oh! There's gotta be something here!"

GingerBright: "Right? Something exciting awaits us!"

GingerBrave: "Let's bust through that wall!"

GingerBright: "We need something strong to break it. Maybe a pickaxe!"

GingerBrave: "Then let's find ourselves one!"

The two cookie sisters started searching for a pickaxe or something to break the wall. GingerBrave found one and started hitting on the wall, and when the walls broke. It revealed a giant carnivores plant. The plant roars but GingerBright was not afraid and hits it with her lollipop.

GingerBright: "Oooh! What a pretty flower!"

GingerBrave: (That's not a flower!!!)

GingerBright: "Look! It's smiling!"

GingerBrave backed away a bit.

GingerBrave: (IT'S TERRIFYING!)

GingerBright: "Hey, GingerBrave, sis! I think sticking with you will lead to all sorts of fun!"

GingerBrave: "Likewise... but..."

GingerBright: "Wanna stay here in this part of the castle with me? We can have so much fun, just like now!"

GingerBrave sweat drops at this and stares at the plant.

GingerBrave: "Sorry, but... I'm heading to the highest window."

GingerBright: "Oh? Why?"

GingerBrave: "I'm gonna escape from this castle! Outside and free! And far away from the witch! A place called Earthbread!"

GingerBright: "Outside and free? Hmm. You're! Really! FUN!!! Hehe! Let me tag along, GingerBrave! Pleeease?"

GingerBrave: "Really?"

GingerBright: "Yeah! It will be so much fun together! Plus, we need to find the rest of our siblings."

GingerBrave: "Haha, alrighty then! We'll make a great team, GingerBright!"

GingerBright: "We'll be the bestest team ever! I think I know the window you're talking about. Follow me!"

GingerBrave: ".... GingerBright and me, a team! I can feel the power of friendship and sibling bond already!"

The two Cookies head on top which was the second floor.

GingerBrave: "We made it up another floor!"

Then GingerBright spotted a bunch of broken bottles.

GingerBright: "Oh? There's a broken Life Potion vial here. I wonder what happened?"

That was when they heard an explosion sound.

GingerBrave: "What was that noise?! Let's go check it out!"

They started searching for where the sound came from till, they arrived at a room filled with large jars that were storing jams.

GingerBrave: "The noise came from this way..."

GingerBright: "Look over there!"

GingerBright spotted a Cookie wearing a pink hoodie.

GingerBrave: "A Cookie!"

The Cookies gasped seeing new cookies which she hasn't met.

GingerBrave: "We heard a big noise! Are you alright?"

Cookie: "I.... There's..."

"Nothing to see here!" for some reason, the chest spoke up.

Voice: "No need for concern. Go about your business!"

GingerBright: "OOOH! It's a talking chest!"

Cookie: "No, it's erm.... My..."

She then starts to panic.

Cookie: "My friend is trapped in that chest!"

Voice: "Strawberry Cookie! I am NOT trapped! Watch and learn!"

The chest kept shaking, however nothing happened.

Voice: "AHEM! Watch and learn!"

"He's been saying that since yesterday..." said the Cookie named Strawberry Cookie who was about to tear up.

GingerBrave: "Don't worry! We'll help your trapped friend!"

GingerBright giggled as GingerBrave winked at her sister.

Voice: "I am NOT trapped!"

GingerBrave: "Let's shake it!"

The three Cookies worked together and started shaking that chest. The chest opened and popped out a magician cookie.

He looks at the twins.

Cookie: "If you just given me a few more minutes.... Anyhow, please to meet you. My name is Wizard Cookie."

GingerBrave: "I'm GingerBrave! And this is my sister, GingerBright!"

GingerBright: "Hello!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I'm... I'm Strawberry Cookie..."

GingerBrave: "How'd you get trapped in that chest, Wizard Cookie?"

Wizard Cookie: "First off, I'll have you know that I'm an expert at escape magic."

GingerBrave: "Eh?"

Wizard Cookie: "Second, I didn't want to waste my magic on such a trivial box. Which is why I was biding my time to make an escape."

GingerBrave: "Sure..."

Then Wizard Cookie explained his real reason.

Wizard Cookie: "I was checking the chest for these magical artifacts. The artifacts are required for a magical experiment of mine."

GingerBright: "A magical experiment?"

Wizard Cookie: "The ultimate spell of a lifetime! A spell to conjure Life Potions!"

GingerBrave: "That sounds so cool! Is that really possible?"

Wizard Cookie: "I'll soon be able to verify my hypothesis."

Strawberry Cookie: "Good luck, Wizard Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie: "We need to make take this artifact back to my laboratory."

GingerBrave: "A laboratory? Where is it?"

Wizard Cookie: "Well, I admit that I've never had any visitors other than Strawberry Cookie.... But you seem like trustworthy Cookies. You are cordially invited to visit my laboratory! Follow me!"

GingerBright: "A laboratory! This is all so exciting!"

The cookies then arrived at the laboratory.

Wizard Cookie: "This is the moment! The day... I create a Life Potion!"

The girls were getting excited as Wizard Cookie started chatting at the cauldron.

Wizard Cookie: "Magic circle!"

GingerBrave: "Oooh! It's started!"

Wizard Cookie: "Creatio Potionus!"

A blue smoke appeared from the cauldron then it turned purple before disappearing. However, nothing happened.

GingerBrave: "Erm..."

Suddenly a rainbow blast appeared from the cauldron. The Life Potion was finally created.

GingerBrave: "A Life Potion!"

Strawberry Cookie: "You did it, Wizard Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie: "Thank you! I knew that'd work." (IT WORKED! IT WORKED! IT WOOORKED!!!)

However some of the potion started leaking.

Strawberry Cookie: "Wizard Cookie...! Be careful!"

Wizard Cookie: "Huh? OH! The potion is spilling everywhere! My pristine robes are drenched...!"

GingerBright: "Yippee! Looks like we won't have to worry about finding Life Potions anymore!"

Wizard Cookie: "Well, yes, that is, if it doesn't keep spilling onto the floor!"

GingerBrave: "We should find something to store the potions in!"

Wizard Cookie: "Ah, there should be a few empty vials scattered around the laboratory! Find them quickly! We need to hurry before we lose more of the potion!"

GingerBrave: "Alrighty! Let's find those vials."

Strawberry Cookie: "Let... let me help too...!"

And so the Cookies started searching for vials to store the potion. "We did it! the potion has been stored in all the vials we found!" spoke GingerBrave.

Wizard Cookie: "And not a moment too soon. Erm... thanks."

GingerBright: "No, no! Thank YOU! Now we have all the Life Potions we'll ever need!"

Strawberry Cookie: "So... full..."

Wizard Cookie: "If you want, you can take the remaining vials."

GingerBrave: "Huh? But what about you?"

Wizard Cookie: "I have enough potions stored within my robes. After all, a wizard must travel light at all times."

GingerBrave: "Huh? Travel?"

Wizard Cookie: "I may have succeeded in creating a Life Potion.... But I must continue in my journey for magical knowledge! There are more magical artifacts to be found. And ancient spells of legend! And I won't be able to find them stuck here! So I must depart!"

GingerBrave: "You should come with us then!"

Wizard Cookie: "Pardon? With you?"

GingerBrave: "Yeah, with us! Together!"

GingerBright: "We're heading for the highest window!"

Strawberry Cookie: "The highest window...? Isn't that... really high up, and dangerous?"

GingerBright: "Sounds exciting, doesn't it?!"

Wizard Cookie: "Hm.... Very well then."

GingerBrave: "So you're coming with us then?"

Wizard Cookie: "Ah, yes, for the time being. At least until I find another magical artifact! Together, we may be able to find the artifacts much more quickly and efficiently."

GingerBrave: "Teehee! Welp! Whatever the reason, welcome aboard, Wizard Cookie!"

GingerBright: "How about you, Strawberry Cookie?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I... well..."

GingerBrave: "C'mon, Strawberry Cookie! Let's go, together! I may still be a freshly-baked Cookie, but I already know that with friends by your side, nothing's impossible!"

Strawberry Cookie: ".... OKAY. I'll go too."

GingerBrave: "Hooray! We'll make an awesome team!"

Wizard Cookie: "Ahem. A temporary team."

GingerBrave: "An awesome, temporary team!"

GingerBright: "Heehee! This is gonna be amazing!"

GingerBrave: "Then off we go!"

Strawberry Cookie: (It's a bit rowdy but... I feel warm and fuzzy inside! Is this what is like to have friends... papa...?)

GingerBright grabbed Strawberry Cookie's hand as GingerBrave lead the group. They soon arrived at the third floor. But as they explored there, the place was cold, dark and smelly.

GingerBright: "This floor feels so cool!"

Wizard Cookie: "'Chilly' is the correct term."

"Wait...!" yelled Strawberry Cookie who was feeling scared when she a giant cat bowl with a boned fish in it and empty cans.

Strawberry Cookie: "What're those things...?"

GingerBrave: "EW! It stinks!"

GingerBright: "Who left these here???"

Wizard Cookie: "An enormous someone, I assume."

Strawberry Cookie: "Everything's spoiled..."

Wizard Cookie: "Perhaps a quick tidying-up spell?"

GingerBrave: "We should get these out of our way."

GingerBright: "Clean-up, clean-up, everybody, everywhere!"

And so they started cleaning up the place so that they can move on. Suddenly, they heard a distant faint cry.

GingerBright: "Did you hear that?"

GingerBrave: "Someone's in trouble! Let's go!"

They ran to where the noise was coming from. "What's that?" says GingerBrave as they see an huge black tail moving up and down.

GingerBright: "It looks so soft! What's it feel like?"

Just as GingerBright was about to get closer, Wizard Cookie stopped her.

Wizard Cookie: "STOP! I've seen this in a book...! A long and elegant tail.... Soft, glistening fur.... This thing is a.... A CAT!"

Just then the Cookies spotted two more cookies. One wearing blue robes, with yellow round candy on it, and a night cap, she was holding a wand like candy stick while yelling at the cat.

(My ART)

Cookie: "Let go of my brother you stupid cat!!"

The black cat was holding a small child cookie who is wearing a night cap as well and a big sweater, he too also has a Candy Jam. He was crying and reaching out to the cookie.

(My ART)


Strawberry Cookie: "Over there! A small Cookie...!"

GingerBright: "And that Cookie is trying to save him!"

Cat: "You're under arrest, baby Cookie! The meowstress has eagerly been searching for you. You will be given as a tribute to the meowstress. And I shall receive a reward... a badge...!"

Cookie: "Over my Cookie Crumbs!!!"

GingerBrave: "The cat is toying with those Cookies...!"

GingerBright: "It's so dangerous, it's exciting!"

Wizard Cookie: "Alright. I have a plan. We'll have to-."

GingerBrave: "LEAVE THEM ALONE!"

The can and the Cookie saw them.

Wizard Cookie: "I said I had a plan...."

Cat: "Rogue Cookies! Skittering about in the meowstress' kitchen?! You're all under arrest, mrawr!"

He ties the small cookie with a rope and is hanging.

GingerBrave: "We need to save that Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "But... the cat is too big...!"

Wizard Cookie: "We'll need something bold to succeed!"

GingerBright: "Hey! What about those old cans?"

GingerBrave: "Great idea, GingerBright!"

Cookie: "Please hurry! That mangy cat is gonna take my brother!"

GingerBright: "Okiedokie then, here it comes!"

She hits the can with her lollipop like it was nothing.

Strawberry Cookie: (She... she threw that like it was nothing!!!)

Cat: "Ow! You'll pay for that you Cookies!!!"

Cookie: "My turn! Liftoff Droptop!!!"

Casting that spell, three cans floated the air and hits at the black cat's face.

Cat: "Is that all you got!"

Wizard Cookie: "There's more where that came from."

It was long fight, until the Cookies finally won and defeated the black cat.

Cat: "You'll be sorry, you batterbrains!"

And with that, the black runs away.

GingerBright: "We did it!"

Cookie: "Now let us free my little brother."

They cut off the rope, freeing the small cookie. When the cookie opened his eyes he looks around.

Strawberry Cookie: "He's awake!"

GingerBright: "How're you feeling?"

But the small cookie starts to cry.

Small cookie: "Wa.... WAAH!"

GingerBrave: "Oh, he's crying...?"

Small cookie: "My candy caane!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Maybe he lost it...?"

Cookie: "And it's all thanks to that no-good Sheriff Whiskertin!"

GingerBrave: "A truly terrible loss..."

Wizard Cookie: "Let's take a look around."

GingerBright: "Don't worry, little friend! We'll find it for you!"

But the little cookie continues to cry.

Cookie: "We better find it fast! Otherwise his crying could alert the witch!"

The cookies nodded and searched the room to find the little cookie's candy cane. "I FOUND IT!" yells Strawberry Cookie as she pulls out the green candy cane. Strawberry Cookie then gives the candy cane to the little cookie. He stops crying and starts to smile.

Little cookie: "My candy cane! Thanks...!"

Strawberry Cookie: "What a lovely smile!"

GingerBrave: "What's your name?"

Little cookie: "I'm.... GingerDozer..."

Cookie: "And I'm GingerCandy. His big sister."

Just then GingerBrave and GingerBright's Candy Gem started to glow. That was when they saw GingerDozer and GingerCandy's gem shinning as well.

Wizard Cookie: "Hey! W-what's happening?"

GingerBright: "Our Candy Gems only shine when our siblings are found!"

GingerBrave: "Could it be that.... GingerDozer and GingerCandy is our siblings as well!"

GingerCandy: "When you mentioned the Candy Gem. You must be my two younger sisters that the voice mentioned."

Strawberry Cookie: "A voice?"

GingerCandy: "Yes. I was somehow sleeping in the garden with no memory in who I am or where I came from. Till a mysterious voice called my name and said I have a family."

GingerBrave: "You heard the voice too! It said the same thing to me as well!"

GingerBright: "And me too!"

GingerDozer: "Yay! I have three big sisters now!"

GingerBrave: "Say, why was that cat bullying you?"

GingerDozer: "We don't know. I was fast asleep... and dreaming... when I woke up GingerCandy found me and we decided to explore the castle in search for you guys. But then this HUGE cat appeared!"

Wizard Cookie: "It was a close call.... Sounded like that cat wanted to take you to the witch."

GingerDozer: "Witch...?"

GingerCandy: "But why him though? He's a Cookie who was found in the witch's cabinet."

GingerDozer: "WITCH! Is the witch back?"

Wizard Cookie: "Huh?"

GingerBrave: "He's... smiling at the thought of the witch?"

GingerBright: "Maybe he thinks he's still dreaming...?"

Strawberry Cookie: "He might have been lonely when he was at the witch's cabinet."

GingerBright: "Does anyone else lived at the witch's cabinet?"

GingerDozer: "I... don't know."

Wizard Cookie: "We can't leave you two here on your own. It's not right."

GingerBrave: "Hm.... Hey, GingerDozer and GingerCandy. Do you want to come with us?"

GingerCandy: "Huh?"

GingerBrave: "I mean.... If you wanna..."

GingerDozer: "We'll go!"

GingerDozer runs up to her and hugs her.

GingerCandy: "But to where?"

GingerBrave: "We're going to a window..."

GingerDozer: "We'll GOOO!!!"

GingerBrave: "It might be dangerous..."

GingerDozer: "We'll GOO!!!"

GingerBright: "Hehe! Looks like our little brother and big sister are joining the team! And you guys have a new friend."

Strawberry Cookie: "You two look oddly similar too..."

GingerCandy: "I agree with there."

GingerBrave: "I guess I'm really good at making friends, haha! Alright! Let's get to that window, together!"

Unaware that a mysterious cookie was watching the on top.
