The Cookies soon arrived at the vault. That was when they saw a crying Jelly Worm coming out of the desk.

GingerBright: "Are you alright???"

Jelly Worm: "T-t-thank you! Everything's... a blur..."

GingerBrave: "We're here to help!"

Wizard Cookie: "Luckily, no one was injured. Have you seen Marble Danish Cookie's sword?"

Jelly Worm: "A sword...? Ah! Let's see here.... Are you looking for this oddly-shaped and heavy blade? This blade is so unique, it's hard to forget."

GingerBrave: "That's it! We've found it!"

GingerBright: "Hooray! That was easier than I thought!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We should get back to the auction...!"

The cookies too the blade and went back to the auction house.

Marble Danish Cookie: "So you've found the blade!"

GingerBrave: "It's so heavy...! You must be really strong to carry this all the time."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Strength alone cannot wield this blade. Only those of great honour and responsi-."

Wizard Cookie: "Pardon the interruption, but.... Let's get you untied first."

GingerBrave goes behind him and cuts the enchanted ropes with the blade. She then hands the sword back to him.

Marble Danish Cookie: "Thanks to you, I have been freed."

GingerBrave: "Don't mention it ! it was the right thing to do!"

Wizard Cookie: "Now that things have quieted down here, I suggest we make a run for it. Who knows when those bandits might return?"

GingerBrave: "That's right! The bandits! They've taken over the entire hotel!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Bandits? Are you perhaps referring to the Syndicate?"

Strawberry Cookie: "D-d-do you know something about the... *gulp* Apricot Jam Syndicate?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "No, I do not know anything about them specifically.... But this.... Syndicate is infamous for terrorizing the neighbourhood."

GingerBright: "Does that mean the other guests might be in trouble too?"

GingerBrave: "Maybe.... We can't let them get away with this!"

That was when the bandits spotted them.

Bandit: "How...?! How'd they get loose?! Don't just stand there! Grab' em!"

GingerCandy: "Look out!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Fortuitous timing. Begone, you whelps!"

The bandits known as the Syndicate Grunts charged at them.

Syndicate Grunt: "We ain't got nothing to be afraid of! We outnumber them!"

GingerBrave: "Yikes! We're surrounded!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "'Nothing to be afraid of'? I beg to differ.... You will learn to be very, very afraid. Are you ready for a lesson of fear?"

And with a one go, Marble Danish Cookie knocks them out without a blink of an eye.

Syndicate Grunt: "You'll be sorry...!!!"

GingerBrave: "Whoa! Marble Danish Cookie is really strong and tough!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I have been training and honing my skills... ever since that day. And I vowed.... To never be bested by a band of scoundrels."

That was when the manager appeared, half injured.

Manager: "Is everyone uninjured...?"

GingerBright: "Are you okay?"

Manager: "I shall be fine.... Some of the staff and guest were taken away.... But.... There are no bandits in this part of the hotel...?"

GingerBrave: "We took care of them!"

GingerCandy: "With Marble Danish Cookie of course!"

Manager: "*Gasp* Then you must be skilled in combat and quite formidable. Then.... If I may, I have a special request I wish to ask of you. Please...!"

He then starts to break down.

Manager: "Please save our hotel...! This hotel is the life's work of our staff and myself...! We've tried to make everything perfect...! If word got out that we cannot keep our guests safe.... It'd be disastrous! Our Grand Cabinet Hotel would be ruined! Ruined, I say!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm.... GingerBrave, was it? let us call a truce on our bidding war for the compass. I believe we have, how do say.... Bigger fish to fry."

Wizard Cookie: "The compass is with Sachertorte Cookie, so we'll have to confront her one way or another."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Will you and your friends help me save Grand Cabinet Hotel? This place is... precious to me. I do not wish to see turmoil and despair haunt this place ever again."

Wizard Cookie: "Seems like there's a long story involved..."

GingerBrave: "Yeah.... We don't know the whole picture but.... We'll help you save the hotel! And make these bandits think twice before causing more trouble!"

GingerCandy: "I'm with you there sis."

Strawberry Cookie: "L-L-Let's do this! I like this hotel too!"

GingerBright: "And don't forget the compass!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I—Ahem.... Well, I too need the compass but.... Let us cross that bridge when we come to it."

GingerBrave: "Okay! Let's do this!"

GingerBrave lifts her candy cane up while Marble Danish Cookie lifts his sword, hitting them like they are keeping their word after the battle. They left the auction room in order to stop the bandits from causing more trouble. As they were running, a paper flies at Marble Danish Cookie's face.

Marble Danish Cookie: "I thought it was an enemy attack.... But it's only a piece of paper."

Strawberry Cookie: "What is it...?"

Wizard Cookie and GingerCandy checked it out.

Wizard Cookie: "A wanted poster."

GingerCandy: "And it's from the Apricot Jam Syndicate."

GingerBrave: "Whoa... check out the bounty...! It's really high!!!"

GingerBright: "Does that mean the bandits who sacked the hotel are really, really dangerous?"

GingerBrave: "Is there a quicker way around the hotel? We need to hurry up and search for the other hostages!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm... I have a plan. Come, follow me."

Marble Danish Cookie brought them to another but it was all messy. GingerBrave fell down as she stepped something slippery.

GingerCandy: "GingerBrave! Ae you alright?"

GingerBrave: "Wah?! It's so slippery... and sticky...!"

Wizard Cookie: "How can something be slippery and sticky?"

GingerBright: "Is that... apricot jam?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "This is... not going according to plan. This chaotic mess prevents us from finding what we need."

GingerBrave: "Sounds like a job for the best cleaner in the hotel! ME, hehe! Alright. Roll up your sleeves, everyone! It's time to clean!"

Wizard Cookie: "She's... she is excited as ever..."

And so, the cookies began cleaning up the room. Once they, it was brand new again... well, except for the portrait which was hung on the wall.

GingerBrave: "This gunk won't come off easily..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Syndicate scoundrel.... This is unforgiveable."

Strawberry Cookie: "We can't just leave it like this..."

GingerBright: "Let's try scrubbing it more!"

GingerCandy: "Great idea GingerBright!"

After a few scrubs,the portrait was now clean.

GingerBright: "We did it! The painting is smiling again, hehe!"

Wizard Cookie then observed the painting.

Wizard Cookie: "A child? A very... wealthy child, it seems. I wonder who it might be?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Me."

GingerBrave: "WHAT?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "This hotel is.... Well, there's no simpler way to put it. the Grand Cabinet Hotel is my childhood home. Most of the décor, the antiques, the furniture you see here today belonged to my family."

GingerBrave: "Wait, so you used to live here? Were you in charge of decorating? Or cleaning?"

GingerCandy: "GingerBrave! That is very rude of you!"

Wizard Cookie: "No, no, look at the portrait. Anyone with a portrait must have been rich. Or his parents must've been the owners of this hotel!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Wrong on all accounts. This grand hotel was once the House of Danish's—What I meant was... my family manor was refurbished to become this hotel."

Strawberry Cookie: "What happened? Why did your family home become a hotel?"

Marble Danish Cookie looked down in sadness.

Marble Danish Cookie: "A great many things happened. But now is not the time to share this tale. Now, if we shifts this portrait aside.... Voila. A secret passage."

GingerBright: "Are those voices at the end of the passage?"

Wizard Cookie: "Huh? That voice! It's the chef!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Sounds like he's in trouble..."

GingerBrave: "*Sniff sniff* Something smells awful!"

GingerCandy: "Your right. It smells like rotten food!"

GingerBrave: "Ruining food is unforgivable!"

GingerBright: "There's another voice.... The bellhop!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "They sound distressed.... And out of breath."

GingerBrave: "Do they need water?! We need to help them!"

Strawberry Cookie: "The barbershop.... It's Miss Scarab's voice."

GingerBright: "She sounds really frightened."

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Or, perhaps, threatened."

GingerBrave: "We need to hurry!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Where should we go first...?"

Two minutes of thinking. They decided to go to the kitchen and save the chef first. The Apricot Cookie was feeding the fish something disgusting.

Apricot Cookie: "Open wide!"

Chef Fish: "For the love of all cuisine.... STOP!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hold it!"

Apricot Cookie: "Hm? You're interrupting my mint chocolate battered fried ham with salted licorice glaze taste-test!"

GingerCandy: "Yuck! Who would wanna eat that?"

But Apricot Cookie was more interested in Marble Danish Cookie.

Apricot Cookie: "Wait, I know you. Yeah, the boss hates your guts. Mar.... Mar.... Wait, wait-wait- I know you, hang on... I wanna say.... Marshmallow Cookie?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "It's Marble Danish Cookie. I am the heir to.... Eh? Ahem! Release these employees at once!"

Apricot Cookie didn't listen to him.

Marble Danish Cookie: "I beg your pardon?"

Apricot Cookie: "You're interrupting an important taste-testing session here, pal! Ya think you can beat me? ME?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I will vanquish with ease. En garde, you scoundrel!"

Apricot Cookie: "Eh? En garde? NAW, nuh-uh! I'm talkin 'bout a cooking contest!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "A contest...?"

Apricot Cookie: "A fair and square contest of skill! And what's the first step in cooking, hm? Gathering ingredients!"

GingerCandy: "Can you give us a moment!"

The Cookies hurdled up.

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh... oh...! What should we make?"

GingerBright: "Any ideas, Marble Danish Cookie?"

Wizard Cookie: "Yeah, you probably know a lot of dishes and desserts!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I... erm... I have no knowledge in cooking."

Strawberry Cookie: "Eh...?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I've tasted many dishes before.... But I've never made any of them myself. If it were an eating contest, oh, I could probably..."

Strawberry Cookie: "What do we do? None of us know how to cook either!"

Wizard Cookie: "Step aside!"

GingerBrave: "Huh? Are you going somewhere? I'm pretty sure we should stay and-."

Wizard Cookie: "No, silly! I meant that I know how to cook! I'll take up the mantle and win this competition! After all, I have first-hand experience as a part-time chef! Let's find some ingredients to work with!"

And so, the cooking contest began. The Cookies managed to find waffles and pumpkin candy, when they were out of ingredients Wizard Cookie had no other option but to use magic. They eventually won the contest. The Apricot Cookie left, dropping something. GingerBrave picked it up and showed it to the Cookies.

GingerBrave: "Whoa, there's a lot of Cookies in this picture!"

Strawberry Cookie: "They're wearing something like... uniforms?"

GingerCandy: "Maid and servant uniforms."

Marble Danish Cookie: "They are indeed. These are the Cookies who were once in the service of House Danish."

Wizard Cookie: "From your name.... Am I correct to assume that you too are part of this 'House Danish'?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Indeed, but my family has fallen so low that it can no longer regain its former glory."

Wizard Cookie: "I.... Oh... I think I hit a nerve..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "In the past, the House of Danish had amassed much wealth and authority. The entirety of the witch's cabinet was once the family manor. *Sigh* Was once.... Hmph."

Strawberry Cookie: "W-what happened...?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Bandits pilfered our collections of treasures, relics, and family heirlooms. No one was hurt, but the family lost everything, and our employees had no choice but to leave."

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh.... At least no one was hurt...?.... Hey, doesn't this Cookie here seem a bit familiar?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Hm...? Perhaps one day, you will be able to meet these Cookies.... Those who have left the manor..."

Wizard Cookie: "So this is why you've such a strong resentment for bandits.... And righty so, I would say."

GingerCandy: "Wizard Cookie! You don't want he has been through...!"

GingerBrave: "We can't let them get away with this! C'mon, let's keep moving!"

The Cookies arrived at the gymnasium where they see poor Bellhop on the treadmill running like his life depended on it.

Bellhop: "No more! Please!"

Apricot Cookie 2: "Run, run as fast as you can!"

Bellhop: "*Huff puff* I can't feel my legs...! Please! NO MOOORE!"

Apricot Cookie 2: "Work those muscles! WOOORK THEM, HAHAHA!"

That was when our heroes arrived.

Marble Danish Cookie: "Cease this madness!"

Apricot Cookie 2: "Eh? Who're you?"

Bellhop: "HEELP ME! GAAH!"

Bellhop collapsed and fell off the treadmill. GingerBrave looked around to see if she could help poor Bellhop, she then spots an energy drink and gives it to him as Strawberry Cookie helps him out, while the others face the Apricot Cookie bandit.

Marbel Danish Cookie: "You heinous fiend! How could you do such a thing?!"

Apricot Cookie 2: "Well, it was really easy. And... because I can! Wanna see what else I can do?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I will not sit idly by as you inflict pain upon innocents, you scoundrel!"

Apricot Cookie: "Hoho? Such big words! Or are you just all bark and no bite? How about a contest of strength, eh? A deadlift contest! Stand in front of those barbells!"

Wizard Cookie: "A test of strength! A big Cookie like Marble Danish Cookie has got this in the bag!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Hm."

GingerCandy: "Wait, don't tell me...!"

GingerBrave: "What's the matter Marble Danish Cookie? Is something wrong?"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Dirty."

GingerBright: "Hm? What was that?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "The barbell is absolutely filthy. I dare not to touch such a foul object."

Strawberry Cookie: ".... Eh?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I've never seen such a horrendous object. This barbell has more dust on it than a swarming sandstorm. And I've been in a sandstorm.... A mask is a vital for survival."

GingerBrave: "It looks like Marble Danish Cookie is confused!"

Wizard Cookie: "He's become rather... talkative."

GingerCandy: "I'll say..."

Strawberry Cookie: "What do we do?"

GingerBright: "Simple! We just find a clean barbell!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "But that's not all..."

GingerBrave: "Not all?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I have never heard of this 'deadlift'. Nor have I performed such a deed before."

GingerCandy: "You're kidding... right?"

Wizard Cookie: "Do you even lift, bro?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Uh oh.... We're in real trouble now, aren't we?"

GingerBright: "Oh, is that all? Then I can do it! it seems so fun!"

GingerBrave and GingerCandy looked at their sister in shock.

GingerBrave: "Will you be alright, GingerBright? It looks really heavy..."

GingerBright: "Teehee! I'll be fine! Let's find something sturdier that this flimsy thing though!"

Apricot Cookie 2: "You? Against me? BWAHAHAHA! You're in a world of pain! There's only one rule! Keep adding choco weights until one gives up! Or do wanna just save us some time and give up now?"

GingerBright: So, only that one rule then? Just keep adding weights? Okay then!"

And so, the Apricot Cookie and GingerBright lifting up the barbell. As the Cookie added more choco weights, they were surprised to see such strength in GingerBright.

Strawberry Cookie: "GingerBright's gonna be... okay, right?"

Apricot Cookie 2: "BWAHAHAHA, the fun's just getting started! Time to add more weights!"

But little did the Apricot Cookie bandit knew is to never mess with GingerBright. As soon as she lifted up the heaviest barbell, she was still standing and was all cheery. "Impossible..." yells the bandit as he tries but fails miserably.

Apricot Cookie 2: "This can't be.... How?"

GingerCandy: "Are you gonna give up now? Or do you want GingerBright to beat you even more~...?"

Apricot Cookie 2: "Fine, I'll admit it. you win, I lose. The end...!"

The bandit cookie then runs away in defeat.

GingerBrave: "Now that we're done, we should keep moving!"

But then suddenly, they heard noises.

Strawberry Cookie: "W-W-What was that noise?"

GingerBright: "Did something break?"

GingerCandy: "Over there!"

They see the treadmill moving, so they went to take a closer look.

Strawberry Cookie: "Something's stuck..."

GingerBrave: "Let's see what it is!"

GingerBrave turns the machine off and checks what the problem. She then pulls out another portrait. It was a picture of the compass, Marble Danish Cookie's blade, and a pretty golden jar.

GingerBrave: "Hm, what's this?"

GingerBright: "What an awesome painting!"

Strawberry Cookie: "The sword in this painting.... It looks like Marble Danish Cookie's sword...!"

GingerCandy: "And there's the compass as well!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "You are correct. Painted in this portrait are the three greatest heirlooms of House Danish. The Blessed Vase is broken and long gone.... The other is the very sword I wield today. And the last one is..."

GingerBrave: "The compass!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Yes, the compass, and the reason for which I attended the auction. If only I could afford it... I would have bid on every single family heirloom being sold at the auction.... Not just the compass."

GingerBright: "The compass must be really important treasure."

Marble Danish Cookie: "A truly and priceless treasure that may perhaps revitalize our family's standing."

GingerBrave: "Hm.... Sounds like that compass is really, really important then."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Now is not the time to dwell on such thoughts. We must rescue the hostages without fail."

Wizard Cookie: "Agreed. Let's get moving!"

They arrived at the barber shop where they hear miss Beetle screaming. "Save me, someone! Anyone!" yelled miss Beetle. They looked to see the third Apricot Cookie laughing while holding a pair of scissors.

GingerBrave: "STOP! Don't hurt them!"

Apricot Cookie 3: "Hurt? Me...? I would never do such a thing!"

GingerCandy: "And why would we believe that?!"

Wizard Cookie: "What do you think you're up to, you lair?!"

Apricot Cookie 3: "Well, the hotel.... We took over it because.... Sachertorte Cookie was hurt by someone evil.... And now? I'm waiting for that evil Cookie.... But these guests kept talking about a ball.... So I'm decorating the place."

The cookies were silent after hearing this.

GingerBrave: "Erm.... This has taken a strange turn."

Wizard Cookie: "Why does it feel like we're talking to Strawberry Cookie?"

Strawberry Cookie blushed in embarrassment.

GingerBright: "OOH, OH! I know why! It's because they're both shy!"

GingerCandy: "I don't think that it, GingerBright..."

Apricot Cookie 3: "But you're here now.... And you seem... evil. Sachertorte Cookie doesn't like evildoers.... You are bad, bad Cookies. So erm... I'll erm.... Erm..."

Wizard Cookie: "... I take it back. You're nothing like Strawberry Cookie."

GingerBright: "I agree! Strawberry Cookie is much cuter and nicer!"

GingerCandy: "Plus she wouldn't harm a single person without reasons!"

This made Strawberry Cookie blush even more hearing the complements from her friends.

Strawberry Cookie: "Erm.... This is all a bit embarrassing..."

Apricot Cookie 3: ".... Cute? Nice...?"

Strawberry Cookie: "I... wha...?"

Apricot Cookie 3: "I see it now.... You're a bit... like me? You're too shy... and the way you talk is cute, like me.... But... your cuteness is no match... for mine.... You, in the pink hoodie... I erm... I... I'm the cutest! And I'll prove it to you!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Wha...? Me?"

Apricot Cookie 3: "You aren't allowed to be cuter than me...! You're evil...! Let's settle this the right way.... By out-cuting the other!"

Wizard Cookie: "What does that mean.... 'Out-cuting'?"

GingerCandy: "It means he challenges her to a cute contest. Whoever wins is the cutest."

Apricot Cookie 3: "SSSHHH! It means what it means.... We'll need a mirror... and accessories. Bring them. Now."

GingerBright: "Looks like we have a cuteness competition!"

GingerBrave: "Will you be alright Strawberry Cookie? You don't have to do this is you don't want to. We're here with you, okay?"

With those words, Strawberry Cookie felt a bit confidence in her. It was like what her fathers have told. 'If they see your fears they will eat you alive. So be strong, you are never alone'.

Strawberry Cookie: "Thanks, GingerBrave.... But I think... I can do this! We need to save the guests...! Let's find that mirror!"

GingerCandy: "I think I spotted over there! Let's hurry up and win this contest!"

And so, the cuteness competition began.

Apricot Cookie 3: "If this pink hoodie is cuter than me.... Which isn't true... but if she is... I will leave, quietly.... But I'm cuter. And if I win... hehe... teehee.... HEEHEE!"

Wizard Cookie: "I don't like to hear the end of that sentence.... We better win, no matter what!"

Strawberry Cookie: "But... but... I'm not cute...! I'm not cute at all...! If I lose... then everyone will..."

GingerBrave: "It's alright, Strawberry Cookie! Just remember, we've got your back, okay?"

GingerCandy: "You can do this Strawberry Cookie!"

Wizard Cookie then pulls a bottle out and gives it to Strawberry Cookie.

Wizard Cookie: "We're with you all the way! Here, let me conjure up some encouraging charms in these bottles!"

GingerBright: "That's a good plan! Let's gather up some extra bottles!"

And thanks to the encouraging charms, Strawberry Cookie was doing her best in becoming cuter.

Strawberry Cookie: "I got this.... Everyone's counting on me..."

She makes a cuter and cheery face.

Strawberry Cookie: "I can do THIS...!!!"

However, in the end she bends down and starts to make a cute cry.

Strawberry Cookie: "I CAN'T DO THIS!!! Oooh, I'm sorry..."

Everyone remained silent till GingerBrave and GingerBright started cheering.

GingerBright: "Strawberry Cookie! The shyer you are, the cuter you are!!!"

Miss Beetle: "EEEeeep, she's so cute!"

GingerBrave: "You're the bestest, cutest Cookie ever, Strawberry Cookie! HOORAY!"

Strawberry Cookie: "T-T-Thanks, everyone...!"

Apricot Cookie: "No.... Lies.... It can't be.... But... but.... Oh! How can you... be so cute...? Not fair.... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"

He then begins to cry and finally runs away.

GingerBrave: "You're so awesome, Strawberry Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "No, I don't think I am... I was really, really nervous.... But... I just wanted to help and keep the guests safe.... And.... GingerBrave.... Thanks for believing in me.... you helped me be brave, just like you!"

GingerBrave: "What're friends for? We've got your back!"

Wizard Cookie: "An excellent display of courage! Now, shall we continue on our way?"

GingerCandy: "I agree."

That was when the mirror breaks causing Wizard Cookie to jump in fright.

Wizard Cookie: "AGH?!"

GingerBright: "Teehee! Silly Wizard Cookie, you're not supposed to break mirrors! It's bad luck!"

Wizard Cookie: "I wasn't trying to break it, I almost accidently bumped into it."

GingerBrave: "Something fell out from behind the mirror..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "If the mirror is damaged... then..."

Wizard Cookie: "It's not damaged!!! A painting fell out from behind the mirror is all! I swear, it's not- Wait... a painting?"

GingerBrave: "Oh! It really is a painting!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Another painting?"

GingerBrave: "Hey, check this out! This is a really cool picture!"

GingerBrave shows the picture to everyone.

Wizard Cookie: "If I'm not mistaken.... Is that smaller Cookie you, Marble Danish Cookie? And there's another Cookie too..."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Our family's Treasure Keeper."

GingerBrave: "What's a Treasure Keeper?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Relics and heirlooms are quite difficult to manage. Sometimes they are damaged, or victim to forgeries. Therefore, only the most discerning and clever Cookies could manage the family treasures."

GingerBrave: "Oh, I see! So... were you friends with this Cookie?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "As a young Cookie, I often attempted to play with the relics. I admit, back then, I whined and begged to see them. But the Treasure Keeper would always give me some candy, with a warm smile. I confess, I was the one who broke the Blessed Vase and feared a harsh scolding. But the Treasure Keeper kept this a secret. With a warm smile, I was advised that I myself should tell my parents of what happened and asked for forgiveness."

GingerBrave: "So, what happened when you told your parents?"

Marble Danish Cookie gave a nervous look.

Marble Danish Cookie: "I... I, erm... I completely forgot to tell them.... This is the burden I bear... I was so afraid of being scolded; I did not confess the truth to my parents..."

Wizard Cookie: "Sounds like this Treasure Keeper Cookie was a very kindhearted and wise Cookie who thought highly of you..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Does this remind of you someone...? I feel like we've seen..."

GingerCandy: "You're right Strawberry Cookie."

Wizard Cookie: "Well, it is Marble Danish Cookie in the painting, but it was when he was a child."

GingerCandy: "That not..."

Strawberry Cookie: "No, never mind... I must be mistaken..."

GingerBrave: "That was an interesting history lesson, but we should keep moving!"

That was when the manager arrived as saw how the place was back to normal.

Manager: "You did it! You save our hotel... I have no idea where to begin in thanking for your hard work and effort..."

GingerBrave: "It's okay! We're just really glad that no one was hurt!"

Manager: "But... but... I really must insist on giving you some form of compensation and reward. You've saved the Grand Cabinet Hotel, our guests and staff, in addition to tidying up the mess around here.... How can we ever repay you splendid, noble deed...?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "There is no need for compensation. Having saved this place is reward enough for me."

Manager: "No! I truly insist!"

Wizard Cookie: "Gyah?! Calm down!"

Manager: "This hotel has been passed down to my grandfather, to my father, to myself! It is a place history and very dear to my heart. Moreover, we rabbits NEVER FORGET! I refuse to accept your refusal of a just reward! I cannot possibly let heroes such as yourself leave empty-handed. I won't be able to sleep if I can't express my gratitude...!!!"

Strawberry Cookie: "He.... He's really insistent..."

GingerBright: "Welp! I guess we've got no choice but to accept a reward with a big, bright smile! SO! Whatcha got?"

Manager: "I—Oh.... Well, ahem! Yes, yes, I've just the thing! Yes, there is definitely something in here of extraordinary value that I can present to you! But I... I seem to have misplaced it, somewhere.... If you don't mind, would you please assist in my place of search for it?"

Wizard Cookie: "The only way we're going to receive a reward... is to look for a reward? How interesting."

GingerBright: "TEEHEE! It's like hide-and-seek! C'mon, let's find it!"

And so the Cookies started searching for their reward.

Wizard Cookie: "Nothing here. Nope. There's nothing but..."

GingerBright: "WANTED POSTERS! Any luck over there?"

GingerBrave: "We found..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Something here..."

GingerCandy: "Here Strawberry Cookie, let me help you out."

The two cookies pulls out a key.

Marble Danish Cookie: "This is... a key?"

Manager: "Ah, you've found it. You have found the piece of irrefutable proof that certifies the Grand Cabinet Hotel as the greatest there is. Only the finest establishment are bestowed such trophy! The Golden Key!"

Wizard Cookie: "Gold? Wait, so this is like, real gold?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Wizard Cookie... calm down."

GingerBright: "Wizard Cookie must really like shiny, valuable things, hehe!"

GingerCandy: "Can you blame him? Wizards such as us can't wait to get our hands on ancient artifacts."

Wizard Cookie: "No! It's fascinating! Gold is one of the primary catalysts used in many wizarding spells and formulas!"

Manager: "Yes, it is indeed pure gold. In normal circumstances, this Golden Key would remain in my office.... But as the saviours of our hotel, I would like to present this to you as a gift of gratitude."

GingerBrave: "OH WOW! Thank y-."

Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Tut, tut, tut! Things are just starting to get fun." An explosion appeared and Sachertorte Cookie appeared. Marble Danish Cookie wasted no time and pulled his sword.

Marble Danish Cookie: "You...!"

Sachertorte Cookie: "Your hospitality is quite lacking. So uncouth and undignified. Of course, such traits are somewhat necessary for survival. But I do not condone such delinquency upon my colleagues. Move aside before you get hurt. Or does the heir of the house wish for some harsh reprimanding like the one he received in the past?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "The past...?"

That was when Strawberry Cookie and GingerCandy realised something.

Strawberry Cookie: "Oh! OOOH! I remembered something!"

GingerCandy: "Me too!"

GingerBrave: "What is it GingerCandy and Strawberry Cookie?"

Strawberry Cookie: "One of the portraits...! Sachertorte Cookie was in the one of the portraits!!!"

GingerCandy: "Two actually. Where she and the maids and butlers were together and one holding Marble Danish Cookie's hand."

Marble Danish Cookie couldn't believe.

Marble Danish Cookie: "You... you were.... Our family's Treasure Keeper...?"

Sachertorte Cookie: "You always had such a dull memory. But bravo, bravo. You've finally remembered. Yes, in the past, I was once known as the Treasure Keeper for the House of Danish. But did you know... I was also the one who successfully procured your family's treasure from the vault, with the help from my friends."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Wretched fiend...! Then that means you were.... You.... FOUL VILLAIN! Your betrayal has kneaded chaos and ruin into the very dough of my family!"

GingerCandy: "M-Marble Danish Cookie c-calm down! She is trying to provoke you!"

Sachertorte Cookie: "Oh, I'm absolutely quivering with fear. Alas, I'm not here for such a barbaric altercation. Because you see... I've bought just enough time for my Syndicate to escape!"

Just then a bright light suddenly appeared and blinded the Cookies. Sachertorte Cookie and the Syndicates disappeared.

Marble Danish Cookie: "NO! She escaped?!"

GingerBrave: "The bandits are gone too!"

Wizard Cookie: "And the Golden Key.... GAH! The compass has been stolen as well!!!"

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-what do we do?!"

GingerBrave: "We need to go after them! We can't just stand here...! It's time to put an end to this!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Such brave words. I too shall follow. My family's honour is at stake...!"

GingerBright: "Okie-dokie then! Time to get that compass and key back!"

GingerCandy: "Off we go, running once more!"
