reaction ichika revealed

The pouring rain had gotten stronger and the fog, thicker.

It was hard to hear or see anything due to the weather, but I could feel an ominous presence approaching us from behind.

Ryuuen and Arisu : Another island exam 

Manabu : I wonder what nagumo changed from normal island exams 

Hashimoto : He can sense people that well 

There was a deliberate, almost exaggerated sound of mud being trampled underfoot and strewn into the air.

It seemed that Nanase had immediately noticed it as well.

Ike : Why is he always with cute girls 

Yamauchi : It's so unfair 

Shinohara : tch these perverts 

Looking over my shoulder, I caught sight of a student who had come to an abrupt stop behind me, her red hair swaying in the wind.

Ibuki : Tch 

Horikita : That girl 

Kei : Why is she near kiyotaka 

"Seems it's gonna really start coming down, huh Sen~pai?"

Yamauchi : Her voice is so sexy 

Ike : I agree 

Sudou : It sounds like a child 

Ayanokouji : It sounds like peaceful life chan leaving me 

It was none other than Class 1-A's Amasawa Ichika, standing there in the rain.

Horikita : So class A huh

Nagumo : I knew it 

Manabu : It was expected 

Ryuuen : That isn't important maybe another fight 

Hashimoto : I expected something like that 

Kiriyama : Lucky 

While it had long-since been established that she had the same tablet as Nanase and I, this was by no means a mere coincidence.

Horikita : Why is the tablet important 

Arisu : It might ruin the future special exam if we knew everything it would be quite boring 

Ryuuen : I agree with the loli 

Arisu : It seems you don't know your place dragon boy 

Ryuuen : You wouldn't be able to get to my place without a cane loli 

Arisu : tch

There weren't any other students nearby, and she didn't have a backpack or tablet either.

This begged the question: How exactly did she make it all the way up here?

Ike : How did she 

Shinohara : She probably just ran or walked there 

One possibility was that she had simply hidden her things somewhere nearby before approaching us.

Alternatively, she could've been tailing us for an extended period of time, empty-handed from the start.

I suppose it was also possible that someone had been tracking us with the GPS and relaying our position to her via walkie-talkie.

Ryuuen : It seems that you got a lot of attention from our kohais monster 

Ayanokouji : Maybe 

Arisu : Fufufu

Nonetheless, it was probably fine to rule this out as simple coincidence.

Sae sensei : He usually uses coincidence as an excuse but he didn't deny it for others 

No matter the method, her arrival was not a welcome one as far as I was concerned.

Besides, it wasn't like Amasawa was completely empty-handed either. Clasped in her left hand was a thick wooden stick: one that was more than capable of being used as a weapon to bludgeon someone.

Kei and ichinose : Be safe kiyotaka 

Ryuuen : Will we see a fight scene 

Horikita : There is no chance he will win 

Was she trying to take us by surprise, only for Nanase and I to unexpectedly notice before she could do so?

But, in such bad weather, she could've been far quieter with her approach if she truly planned on attacking us.

"Please get behind me, Senpai."

As I thought about the reason behind Amasawa's sudden appearance, Nanase, despite still being exhausted from earlier, inserted herself in front of me.

Arisu : Fufufu

Hashimoto : What do you find funny princess 

Arisu : It's nothing i just thought of her as a puppy 

Ryuuen : He subjected that girl 

Kei : Why is she there with kiyotaka 

Ike : Why is she tired 

Yamauchi : Did they 

Ichinose : No way they did it 

From the brief look I had of her profile, her gaze was firm with a blatant sense of distrust written all over her face.

"Oh? Nanase-chan, shouldn't you be happy to see me? How aw~fully cold you are to a dear companion from your very own group. Wait, are you perhaps nervous about this little stick friend of mine~?"

Horikita : I hate people with that personality 

Yamauchi : Just imagine her saying this little stick friend of yours to you i would get hard immediately 

Ryuuen : Of course you said little stick, yours is probably smaller than izhizaki's 

Izhizaki : hey 

Ryuuen : kukuku 

She casually tossed the wooden stick down to the ground between us in what seemed to be a show of good faith.

Even so, Nanase didn't relax her guard whatsoever.

"You─ cannot be trusted."

"How me~an. How could you say something like that? I'm super-duper cute~!"

Ike : Yeah she is super duper cute 

Yamauchi : I agree 

Hondo : Me two 

Miyamoto : Me three 

Okitani : Me four 

I didn't think that being cute had anything to do with whether or not you were trustworthy, but that didn't really matter at the moment.

Kei and ichinose : Does he think she is cute 

"Why do you say that she can't be trusted, Nanase?"

There was certainly something about Amasawa that made it hard to tell what she was truly thinking.

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that she had extraordinary acting skills and the uncanny ability to put plans into action.

So while it was natural to be cautious of her, it's not like I wasn't already doing that at this point.

But that was no explanation for the excessive distrust and caution Nanase was showing her.

Of course, Amasawa clearly had a reason for showing up here.

One could assume that Nanase was just overreacting now that she had become my ally, but...

"Jeez. I'm not some bad guy, right Ayanokōji-senpai~? I just wanna chat for a bit, kay?"

Ryuuen : I wanted a fight 

Ibuki : Of course you would you psycho  

Nagumo : That chat will be interesting 

Ayanokouji : She is probably from the whiteroom 

"Please don't listen to her, she's dangerous."

Horikita : Of course she is 

Though Amasawa wasn't showing any hostility, Nanase remained merciless and firm, refusing to budge an inch.

Despite voicing complaints only moments earlier, Amasawa didn't appear to be bothered by Nanase's seemingly unwarranted accusation.

"Senpai... There's something I've been silent about for a while now... Back when Shinohara-senpai's group was attacked and Komiya-senpai and Kinoshita-senpai retired from the exam, do you remember how you left to climb the slope with Ike-senpai?"

Shinohara : Huh what happened 

Komiya : What happened 

Ike : Why am i in this 

Shinohara : You probably had something to do with this 

Ike : Obviously what i meant was why as in why am i in there 

Everybody looked at him either understanding or looking at him like he was the son of albert Einstein's bully 

She was referring to the fourth day of the exam, when Ike heard a sound coming from the top of the slope and took off in a panic, thinking that Shinohara might be there.

Shinohara : Don't find me if anything happen 

Ike : Of course i won't Ugo 

Having decided that it was too dangerous for him to go alone, I had followed after him.

Horikita : For him anything is dangerous 

Ike : Horikitaaaaaa why are you so rude to me 

Horikita : Because your name is ike 

Ike : What 

Manabu and Ayanokouji : What 

"While you were gone, I noticed that someone had been watching us from nearby, so I tried chasing after them."

"Is that why you weren't with Sudō and the others when we were making our way back after finding Shinohara?"

She gave a slight nod.

"So what happened?"

"They ran from me. And while I wasn't able to catch up with them... I did manage to get a good look at their hair."

Kiriyama : Getting a lot at someone hair isn't much but in this situation it will be very improtant 

With that, Nanase slowly lifted her right arm into the air and pointed at Amasawa.

"Back then, the one watching us from the shadows was you, wasn't it Amasawa-san?"

"Ahaha, so I was seen after all."

Ike : Was she looking at me as a potential boyfriend  

Shinohara : If she did something to me then i will slap her 

Horikita : Like you will get a chance to even touch her 

Rather than try to deny it, Amasawa laughed, admitting to it immediately.

She didn't seem remotely surprised about having been caught red-handed, her attitude the same as ever.

As such, it was probably safe to conclude that the presence I had sensed back then really had been Amasawa.

"You also hurt Komiya-senpai and Kinoshita-senpai, didn't you?"

Ryuuen : Hurt 

Komiya and kinoshita looked pale as they remebered her defeating ibuki and Horikita like nothing 

"Eh? Aren't you just, like, jumping to conclusions? Maybe I just happened to be in the neighborhood."

"Then you didn't need to run away from me, did you?"

"If a girl came running at you with a scary look on her face, who wouldn't run away? Plus, I didn't wanna be suspected."

Shinohara : Is she talking about me 

Ike : Of course your face is that ugly 

Shinohara : Yo-you 

"I don't believe you. Not at all."

Manabu : I don't think she is lying 

Horikita : I also wouldn't trust her 

Sudou : So smart Suzune 

"So in other words, Nanase-chan, you've just up and decided that I pushed those two senpais down the slope, is that right?"

Komiya and kinoshita paled even more 

"I'm sure of it. It's almost impossible that I'm wrong."

"You're soooo sure, and yet you felt the need to throw in an 'almost', huh? Wouldn't it, like, make more sense to say you've actually got no idea?"

The two girls, fellow group members, exchanged words back and forth, keeping one another in check.

Horikita : They're group members 

Sudou : They're stupid 

"Then, can you swear to me that you weren't the one who hurt them?"

"I can swear it, sure, but it doesn't really matter whether I keep my word or not, right?"

Amasawa was basically saying that, at the end of the day, a verbal promise didn't mean anything.

"Lemme just ask: If it really was me, what would you do? What then?"

Rather than try to escape from Nanase's incessant questioning, Amasawa instead dove in head-first of her own accord.

Nanase was probably feeling a little overwhelmed at this point, but she pressed on nonetheless, determined to find out the truth.

"I'd want you to tell me why you did something like that. To give me a reason. No, before any of that, why didn't your name come up back when the teachers investigated the surrounding GPS signals in the first place?"

This didn't seem like something that Amasawa needed to explain, so I spoke up instead.

"It's not that hard to get rid of a GPS signal. You just need to break your watch, that's all."

"Ding ding ding~ Correct~! Whether intentionally done or not, a broken watch is a broken watch. And you can get it replaced for free too!"

Ryuuen : A kohai fine with breaking the school issued watches 

Horikita : That is important information 

With a delighted expression, Amasawa showed us the watch attached to her right wrist.

"But even if you broke your GPS before the attack, wouldn't the school have taken notice?"

"Yeah prolly. But in this case at least, I think it wouldda been pretty tricky to notice with how much of a rush they were in at the time."

There were well over 400 GPS signals on the island. Even if one or two had been missing from the map, there's no way they would've noticed it back then, and it's not like they had the time to check everything either. The teachers rightfully needed to prioritize the safety and well-being of the students.

Mashima sensei : We always prioritize the safety of students 

Chairman sakayanagi : It would be difficult to check 

"The school would still conduct a thorough investigation later on though, right? It'd only be a matter of time before they found out."

Since Shinohara herself had testified that they had been attacked by someone, the school would definitely investigate the case in detail.

Shinohara who just realized that she also got hurt something she didn't realize earlier paled 

And, in the process, it was highly likely that they'd find out that Amasawa's GPS signal was the only one that had disappeared.

However, there in lies the problem.

"If Amasawa's GPS signal was the only one missing back when Komiya and Kinoshita were attacked, the school would definitely be suspicious. But that's it. Due to a lack of evidence they wouldn't be able to conclude that she's the culprit."


Having personally witnessed Amasawa's presence at the site of the attack, Nanase wanted to identify her as the culprit.

Nagumo : Something like that isn't enough to identify someone as the culprit 

Manabu : I agree if the school decided to look into it she would be considered a witness until further evidence 

Ryuuen : She has to have a bad reputation if this blonde chick is blaming her without much proof 

Ike : Wait that isn't enough proof 

Horikita : She could just be a witness 

However, proving a crime was much harder than she was making it out to be. No matter what, the school had to avoid forcing someone's retirement due to a false accusation.

Sakagami sensei seemed to look more intensely at the screen 

Sudou : Wait why if someone is dangerous then getting them removed is the smart choice right 

Manabu :it wouldn't work like that as if they were falsely accused and they get removed the class balance would shift far too much for the school to handle 

Ike : Why it's just one person 

Nagumo : Earlier we got to now in this test there are groups which means that the whole group would either get expelled or lose a lot of private or class points 

Manabu : Exactly like Nagumo said even just one person being removed puts one class at a huge disadvantage  

With two of the smartest students explaining most understood 

originally, the wristwatch had been meant as a way for the school to safeguard the rules of the exam and maintain order, and yet students could effectively circumvent that to their heart's content.

Hasebe : That's good

Satou : I agree 

In order to prevent students from abusing the system, the school would have to implement strong penalties for breaking the watches, such as limiting the number of times they can be replaced, charging points, or even mandating retirement.

Mashima sensei : We would probably do something like that 

Ryuuen : All someone needs to do is be smarter and just break it once or twice 

Manabu : It's flawed with a system like that 

However, the stronger the penalties, the more susceptible to abuse the system becomes as a whole. For example, it would open up the possibility of tampering with or breaking a competitor's watch to make them face the penalties. Furthermore, if students were forced to retire due to a genuine accident or software malfunction, it would probably make for a fairly unsatisfactory special exam.

Ryuuen : That two 

Arisu : Fufufu

Chairman Sakayanagi : The school still needs improvements 

"Poking holes in the rules is standard practice. If the school can't even find any evidence, you're free to do whatever you want."

Ryuuen : Ha, that is one of my main policies 

Horikita : Of course it is 

Although her phrasing was a bit awkward, what Amasawa was saying was correct.

"If they can't find any evidence, then I'll just have to testify that I saw you there, Amasawa-san."

"Same difference. Be it my broken GPS or my presence at the scene of the crime, it would only end with suspicion at best."

If it had been one of the more problematic students like Sudō or Ryūen, who had a history of highly violent behavior, the school might have been more suspicious. Amasawa, however, was a first-year high school girl with a spotless record. Given her character evidence, the probability of the school finding her guilty wasn't very high.

Sudou : why 

Ryuuen : I take that as a compliment 

Horikita : It's because they said he have a violent behavior 

Sudou : What i only got in one fight 

Horikita : Most people never fight 

What's more, Komiya and Kinoshita didn't even testify that they had been attacked in the first place, and Shinohara herself had only been able to make a vague statement, unable to say who it was she saw.

Shinohara : Now i know so she won't get away with it 

( Just so you know it was done by yagami not ichika ) 

Nanase's testimony of seeing Amasawa in the area would be treated no differently.

Without conclusive evidence, it would be impossible to get the school to punish Amasawa.

"That's how it is, Nanase-chan."

At the end of the day, we still didn't know the reason why Amasawa had come here.

The continuous back and forth between Nanase's questions and Amasawa's evasive wordplay didn't seem to be getting us anywhere.

As such, it was getting harder and harder to believe that she'd suddenly spring a trap on us at this point.

For the time being, we might as well set aside the matter of whether or not she was the one behind what had happened to Komiya and Kinoshita.

I figured that I should ask something to get past the current stalemate and steer the conversation back on track.

"What are you doing here Amasawa? No, how did you find us?"

Considering that there was still more than a week left in the special exam, it would be best for all of us to avoid standing out in the pouring rain like this.

We needed to pitch our tents and escape from the downpour as soon as possible.

"No need to be in such a hurry, Ayanokōji-senpai. Let's just appreciate that we could meet each other like this~!"

"Sorry, but the rain has been far more taxing on my stamina than I anticipated. Let's get this over with. Please."

"Well~, how about I help you pitch a tent and we spend the night together, just the two of us? How's that?"

Ike : So lucky 

Yamauchi : Noooooo

Sudou : At least it isn't suzune 

Manabu : He can get expelled 

Kei : who does this girl think she is 

Ichinose : Maybe when we go on the island exam i can sleep with him 

Ichinose was blushing so red right now it looked like the blood that goes to the T-rex when it's tissue stretches. 

Horikita : I hope he doesn't do anything stupid 

Boys and girls were expressly prohibited from spending the night together in the same tent, something that she too, should've been fully aware of.

Ike : Man. that sucks 

She was probably trying to stall for time by engaging me in a meaningless conversation.

"Ah, are you worried about breaking the rules? It's fine, it's fine. Even the school can't monitor everything, you know?"

Ryuuen : That's true 

Chairman sakayanagi : We need to change that 

As soon as Amasawa took a step forward, Nanase immediately closed in and grabbed her by the arm.

"What's with this, Nanase-chan?"

Satou : So protective 

"You were about to lay your hands on Ayanokōji-senpai, weren't you?"

"Since when were you his knight in shining armor? Weren't you like, plotting to get him expelled together with Hōsen-kun?"

"That... That has nothing to do with you. Why did you come here?"

"I just happened to get lost, so I came to try and ask you guys for help."

Amasawa told a bald-faced lie, seemingly without any intention of keeping up appearances anymore.

Had she perhaps come all the way out here to see the outcome of my fight with Nanase and survey the aftermath?

She'd probably be able to tell that Nanase had changed sides as well, given the way she was acting.

But that didn't add up. After all, there'd be little reason for her to stick around and take part in such a meaningless conversation if that were the case.

"I'd like to chat with Ayanokōji-senpai, so could you let go and step aside?"

"Why don't you just talk from where you are?"

"Well there's no way I could do that. It has to do with the White Room, after all~"

Ryuuen : What's that 

Manabu : Something about his past 

Kushida : Something useful 

Arisu : How does she know 

Ayanokouji : She is a whiteroom student 

Amasawa confessed, having apparently come to the conclusion that there was no point in hiding her true identity any longer.

Surprised, Nanase turned around and looked at me.

Throughout this first semester, the existence of the White Room student had always been on my radar, yet I hadn't been able to pinpoint their identity.

That being said, I had never imagined that I'd find out due to an outright confession.

"Do you get it now? Little miss outsider~"

Ayanokouji : I am sure she is a whiteroom student 

If Amasawa really was the White Room student, then it would certainly make sense that she would call Nanase an outsider.

"Let go of her arm Nanase."

Although clearly somewhat dissatisfied, Nanase obediently let go of Amasawa's arm just as I instructed.

"Wow, you're such a good girl Nanase-chan~! It's like you're his loyal dog; it's a better look for you than I thought."

Ike : She is like a dog 

Sudou : More like a puppy 

At that, Amasawa slowly began to draw closer to me, little by little.

Satou : It's getting hot in here 

Some students were shifting in their seats while perverts looked excited 

I was exasperated, but at least the conversation might finally get somewhere now.

"Sorry but given a prior misunderstanding with Nanase, I won't be jumping to any conclusions just because you brought up the White Room."

"That's fine, I'll prove to you that I'm the real deal. However... letting Nanase-chan hear it is a bit..."

She trailed off, mouthing the words 'You get it, right?' with that usual devilish grin of hers plastered onto her face.

I lightly motioned to Nanase, instructing her to distance herself. Although she was reluctant to leave me alone with Amasawa, she eventually gave in and followed suit. The pouring rain had grown stronger, to the point where she wouldn't be able to hear us if we talked quietly from a few meters away.

Treading the muddy ground below, Amasawa finally came within arm's reach.

"Now then, where oh where should I start~?"

She put her hand on her chin, a grandiose motion meant to signify that she was thinking over how exactly to go about explaining herself.

In any case, the fact that she came here in the first place really didn't make any sense to me.

For the past several months, the White Room student had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for their chance to get me expelled.

Ryuuen : Is whiteroom a school 

Horikita : Sounds like it 

Manabu : I think it's more than that 

And yet, Amasawa had appeared in front of me and revealed her true identity without so much as a single trick up her sleeve.

Ike : Why is it so important 

Sudou : We don't know 

Furthermore, the fact that she was of two minds over what to say at this point was strange to begin with.

It seemed fairly obvious that she was intentionally drawing this out and stalling for time.

Just as I began to contemplate whether or not to press her about that, Amasawa opened her mouth.

"Senpai, the curriculum you took back when you were 10 years old included Systems' Theory based on Project 5. And at the age of 11 it was the Theory of Relativity based on Project 7. I took part in both myself, so I remember them well."

Nagumo : Isn't that interesting 

Manabu : That is pretty advanced for anyone even more shocking it's for 10 year old 

Koenji : Almost as good as me 

( Koenji > Ichika ) in combat and physically.

Ike : What is that 

Sudou : I don't know 

Shinohara : There is no way that gloomy bastard learned with her 

Kei : So cool 

Matshuita : I thought i was talented 

Horikita : I am even worse at academics huh  

Kiriyama : That's good maybe he could beat nagumo 

Kanzaki : We should be wary of him 

Yuki : I agree 

Hashimoto : i should get in contact with him soon 

Arisu : Fufufu

She began mentioning specific pieces of information about the White Room to prove that we had come from the same place.

"The classrooms, the corridors, our assigned living chambers... everything was a world of pure white."

Sudou : That sounds sad 

Ike : I agree 

At the very least, it seemed Amasawa knew a lot more about the White Room than Nanase did.

And it was too hard for me to imagine that she had heard about it from Tsukishiro.

Ryuuen : Who is that 

Arisu : Another student or instructor 

He would never talk about the inner workings of the White Room with someone unrelated – an outsider.

As such, it was probably safe to conclude Amasawa's guilt.

From the things she knew to the way she conducted herself, she fit the image of a White Room student to a T.

Arisu : I can probably beat her as she is a failure 

( Ichika > Arisu ) Both mental and physical 

"Why would you go through the trouble of making yourself seem like a normal person only to reveal your identity to me like this?"

"Sure sure, I figured you'd be curious about that. It's cuz I wanted to tell you that I'm not your enemy, Senpai."

Airsu : Huh 

Ayanokouji : Not my enemy ? 

"That doesn't add up. The White Room student was sent here in order to force my expulsion. To say that you're not my enemy in light of that doesn't make much sense."

Ryuuen : So they are trying to get him expelled 

Nagumo : That is interesting 

Manabu : Why would they try to expel him 

Completely unconcerned with the fact that our clothes were being drenched by the rain, Amasawa continued to speak.

"You wouldn't know this as part of the fourth generation, Ayanokōji-senpai, but the later generations harbor immense feelings of jealousy when it comes to you. The higher-ups probably thought that they could select someone promising and manipulate this jealousy to force your expulsion. However, they chose the wrong person. They didn't predict that I was but a young maiden who secretly idolized you."

Kei : What 

Ichinose : Another opponent 

Horikita : Generations 

Satou : Maybe it's like grades 

Nagumo : The higher ups are assholes 

Ike : So lucky 

Yamauchi : Why would they be jealous 

Shinohara : Probably his gloomy aura 

"So, that's why you revealed yourself?"

She nodded with a quiet 'Mhm'.

"Then, wouldn't it have been better for you to do this back when you first enrolled here? You even managed to step foot in my dorm room on more than one occasion, so you should've had plenty of chances to tell me."

"Well, no matter how much you might idolize someone, that's just like, all in your head, you know? You've gotta talk with them and meet face-to-face before your admiration starts to feel justified. That takes time."

In other words, if I hadn't turned out to be someone Amasawa deemed worthy of idolizing, then it's possible that she would've moved to eliminate me. And based on the flow of our conversation thus far, that seemed fairly reasonable.

"Do you understand?"

"I guess. Only someone who's been at the White Room would be able to say so much about it."

"There we go~. It feels kinda strange, doesn't it? To pass the days at school as an ordinary high schooler."

Ayanokouji : It seems nice 

Before, I had been the only one to experience the strange, peculiar sensation she was talking about. But knowing that another White Room student was now going through the same thing had filled me with genuine curiosity.

"If you feel the same as I do, then surely you've also noticed how interesting this school is, right?"

"I know exactly what you mean, Senpai. I too have thought about how nice it'd be if I could just enjoy being a student like this up until graduation. I've thought about it several times, actually. I suck at making friends though, so I just don't have very many people to talk to."

Hondou : I would be her friend 

Yamauchi : I can always be her friend 

Ayanokouji : She is like me 

In a way, she was quite similar to me.

Kei : That's true 

( I stopped it here because the rest isn't that interesting ) 

Next chapter 

Reaction pictures part 4 

Reaction memes 

Reaction Ryuuen 

Reaction Arisu 

Reaction ichinose 

Reaction Horikita 

One shot kiyone 

One shot kiyo whiteroom harem 

one shot kushida x ayanokouji part 2 

one shot Ayanokouji mother part 2 

Any next chapter chosen will most likely be done in like 4 days as i am working on married to kei one shot and married to honami one shot.
