one shot ayanokouji mother part 1

( we don't know what she actually looks like, so in this story it's non cannon)  ( Mika will be very oc )

Mika pov
Two years before ahns

I was thinking about how great my life has been after I given birth to kiyotaka. I invested my money into some safe stocks and it paid off. I now have more than enough money for myself even if I don't work anymore.

I was looking back at it and now I deeply regret it.

I need to get him back but I don't know how.

I called my friend plot chan and asked for assistance.

" can you help me get my son back "

" of course "

She never failed anything I hung up before we could say good bye as I was too nervous.

A week later

Mika pov

I was sitting on my couch when I heard my phone ring.

" hi Mika I was able to get your son back but he was experimented on by his father "

When I heard that I felt anger but I knew that it was also my fault and I will try to make it up to him.

" I am now bringing him to your house "

" Ok "

" Bye Mika "

" Bye plot chan "

Now that I think about it that name is very random and sounds like a name given to anime characters, it doesn't matter anyways.

I was looking out the window to check if they arrived yet but I never saw anything until I saw her car pull up.

I was shocking from excitement or nervousness or maybe both.

I heard the door bell and went ny hand was shaking a bit.

I looked outside to see a boy with brown hair and golden eyes looking at me emotionless.

" hi "

It was awkward

" hi "

I didn't know what I should do

I opened the door and he came inside, I looked back outside to see plot chan driving away.

Nooooo, i thought I could trust you.

" hi, my name is Mika ayanokouji and I am your mother "

He looked at

" why were you not there for me when I was a kid "

I don't know how I should answer.

" your father he was a very powerful man "

" but now you are safe from him "

He nodded, he didn't seen to talk a lot actually he didn't talk at all.

" um, do you want me to show you your room "

" sure "

He didn't talk much

I brought him to his room

" do you like it "

" yeah "

" is there anything you want to eat "

" no "

I just left

I should get a job if I am going to support both of us.

Even if I had more than enough money I still wanted both of us to live a luxury lifestyle.

I decided to get a modeling job.

I was able to get a job for modeling but I didn't sign a contract with any agencies.

I went to sleep excited for the future.


I sitting home as my son just left to go to school, I miss him so much.

I should get a job there, I mean it's only an elite school it shouldn't be to hard right.

Timeskip ( timeline is the summer time so before Ike plan to spy )

It has been almost a few months since then and now I can finally get a chance to teach there.

I was outside the door waiting to go inside to teach my sons class.

" oh, there is something I want to tell you now you will have a different math teacher from now on "

I waited for the teacher to leave.

The teacher left and now I needed to teach the class.

I went into the class to see most males students staring at me.

Before Mika came into class.
Ayanokouji pov

I was just sitting in class like usual when the teacher announced we would get a different teacher for math.

I miss my mother so much that I crossed my fingers and hoped that it was my mother that is our new teacher.

Then the door opened and my mother walked in.

" isn't she kinda hot "

It was Ike who said that even though she was almost 40 she looked like she was still early 20.

I wanted to go up and hug her but I think that we would loss class points which would then made horikita mad and I will get attacked by the devil.

Mika pov

" hello class I am your new teacher "
" ny name is ayanokouji Mika "

When I said that all the students looked at my son.

" do you know each other "

It was a boy with green year if I remember correctly his name is hirata yosuke.

" yes he is my son "

When I said that some students nodded and looked forward while others looked back between him and me.

I started class and it went normally.

After class ended I stayed most people also stayed and looked at what I was going to do to my son.

I walked to his desk and put down a paper inside I put my new number.

Ayanokouji pov

My mother gad already left when that happened classmates asked a lot of questions.

" is your mother single "

That was one of the worst questions I could have heard and I saw it was yamauchi who said it i wanted to punch him so badly but if I did that I would get in trouble.

" why are you asking that she already has a son "

It seemed that not everyone in this  class is that stupid.

" yeah my mom is single "

I didn't even know why i said that

The class looked at me

" my mother only had a one night stand with my father and she decided to raise me herself. "

" that must have been horrible " spoke satou

It was said by satou a girl who hung out with Karuizawa and her group of friends.

" it was fine my father had money and wanted to be in my life "

I hopped he never wanted to be in my life it would be so much better.

" so what is your mother type "

It sounded like a normal question if maybe it was somebody's sister but there mother .

" can I not answer that "

" come on we're friends aren't we "

" I just don't feel comfortable "

I actually did fell uncomfortable as that was my mother they were talking about "

" if ayanokouji feels uncomfortable then we shouldn't pry "

It was hirata who said that

" thanks "

" no problem I am always happy to help "

I walked out the classroom and took out my phone and paper.

I typed in her phone number and waited.

" hello "

" hi mother "

" kiyo chan "

I didn't like the nickname but it was whatever.

" can we meet at the Cafe to talk "

" sure "

I went to the Cafe and waited.

" hi kiyo chan "

" hi "

We went inside where I ordered just a normal black coffee with some bread filled with cream inside while my mother got some really long named drink with like twenty ingredients.

" Why did you come to this school "

If I remember correctly she didn't have the best grades jn high school even if she went to college.

" I missed you "

" how did you get the job "

" I studied really hard for three months and got the job "

I felt happy at that and I smiled.

The rest of the day was spend with my mother it was fun and I rally enjoyed it.

( I will be making a part 2 of this which is why this is so short )

Next chapter

Reaction childhood friend reunion

Reaction ayanokouji blitzing ichka

Reaction ichika revealed as whiteroom student

One shot kiyone ayanokouji

One shot kushida x ayanokouji part 2
