one shot kushida x ayanokouji part 1

Kushida pov

I was now having big problem I want to expel ayanokouji but when ayanokouji said that he prefers my dark side it made my heart skip a beat and now I want to try to expel him I feel guilty before it even happened.

Ayanokouji pov

I was going to class now it was only a few days after the island exam and the zodiac exam.

I told kushida that I preferred her other side it wasn't false though as I did think she looked better as her darker self.

I went to class there we were announced a brand new special exam it was called the paper shuffle.

We needed to have study groups.

I was put into a study group with someone named hasebe, yukimura and Akito.

When we able to go to the Cafe for our first study group kushida stopped us.

" is it OK if I can join "

Kushida for some reason wanted to join.

I didn't say anything.

" are you sure, your grades are fine "

Yukimura didn't see a reason why kushida should even study.

" I think it would be better to be safe than sorry "

It was logical so yukimura agreed.

" kushida your first name is kikyo right "

" yup, my first name is kikyo "

" then ki chi it is "

( I suck at nicknames )

" is that a nickname for me "

" yes do you like it "

Kushida will probably say it's very good of something

" hehe it's alright I guess "

Nevermind it seems that kushida is revealing her true feelings.

" I'm glad you like it "

We arrived at the Cafe so we found a table for us were we ordered our drinks . Both hasebe and kushida got drinks with high amounts of sugar . I wonder if high sugar equals to larger boobs as they both got the two highest amount of votes for who had the biggest.

( I'm not sure who got the most votes)

We had a good time studying and talking together until ryuuen came.

" kukuku which one of you got my email "

Nobody spoke up until

" what the hell are you talking about "

Yukimura not understanding anything spoke up

" shinna see anything special "

" they all look so boring I could forget them "

"Kukuku we will get going "

Then he stomped on the cup hasebe was using when she dropped before he came.

After that kushida got up and brought another cup if coffee for hasebe but when she came back the class c girl already got one and gave it .

" I have an extra cup of coffee now."

" do you want it ayanokouji "

She sounded nice but it could have something in it but it did also come from a cute girl so I took it.

" sure "

It tasted sweet but nothing our of the ordinary.

" you look like you thought it would be poisoned ayano "

" ayano ?"

" it's the nickname I got you "

I nodded my head

" wait do you not like it how about kiyopon "

" what "

I could not understand this girl

We finished studying with kushida helping.

We went to the convenience store where we bought ice cream. 

" this Is actually kind of fun "

" Yeah I agree "

Kushida spoke

" why don't we make this a thing even without study groups "

" if we keep studying I don't see why not "

" Yeah that sounds fun "

Kushida agreed.

" what about you miyatchi "

" I personally like it "

" what about you kiyopon "

" it's nice "

" great why don't we turn this into an actual group for us to hang out with "

" I see no problem with that "

" im fine with it as long as everybody still studies"

Then after that Sakura airi came we became the ayanokouji group.

It seemed that kushida was not going to betray the class it was something I didn't understand but it made my life easier so I was thankful.

It seemed that horikita wanted to make a deal with kushida but she declined and left.

It was now nearing Christmas time.

( because kushida didn't go against horikita, ryuuen will not be able to find out kei works for the mastermind which means the fight didn't happen)

I was now going on a date with kushida while it happened because.


" horikita "

" what do you want kushida "

" I want to have peaceful winter holidays so I need your help "

" why would I help you "

" because.if you don't I will destroy the class "

" sigh what do you need help with "

" I don't want to deal with idiots asking me out so I need you to find a boy to pretend as my boyfriend "

And after that I am now her new boyfriend I am getting a lot of glares from people I have never met before.

We ended going to an arcade where I got her a few different toys.

Later we went to eat.

It was after the date where I got a message.

What the hell are you doing to my kushida chan
  I don't remember her being yours

I told you during swimming
                                                   I forgot
I just closed my phone.

I would now have to deal with the other boys in my class.

( I will be making a part two for this which is why it's short )
