one shot ayanokouji can see girl's through clothes

This story idea was taken from someone.( i forgot the name )

( I just made it since this had so much more potential. )

( kiyo may be a little oc )

In the room of our perfectly normal not trained high school student Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was ayanokoji.

He was sleeping dreaming about ice cream and his newly acquired yogurt maker.

His stomach was making weird noises. He was sweating in his sleep. He looked miserable.

Suddenly he woke up out of breath.

Ayanokouji pov

I just woke up I first looked around to see why I would wake up since when people wake up they don't understand why they first woke up till they find the answer.

It's a natural part if human nature to first find why they woke up and it's the same with me.

I then realized I was out of breath. 

I then started to feel unbearable pain in my eyes.

" ahh "

I fell back onto the bed losing all my strength. I them panted to gain back my energy. After a few minutes I felt normal.

I got out of bed then I went to the washroom to get ready.

I went into the bathroom and saw my reflection. I looked normal just the middle of my eyes have a small red dot. I looked closer but then it disappeared.

Did I text kei too much at night.

No I usually use protective mode at night.

Maybe it doesn't help that much.

I opened my phone and went to Google I searched.

' what should I do if my eyes have a red dot in it '

My first results was videos then I came to red dots In game and other stuff.

Maybe its some condition I'm not aware of. 

I turned on the news while I went to change. I first removed my pajamas then sitting in my underwear I walked over to my closet.

I took out my pants on and put them then I up on my shirt then tie then I put on my blazer.

I walked over to my drawer and took our my socks. I put them on.

I looked towards the scree  to see a completely naked woman on screen.

You could see her perky breast with pi- wait how can I see that.

I clicked onto another channel and saw the same thing. Wait can I see girls on television naked.


I quickly opened my computer and typed. 2007 Megan fox.

It popped up and the covers show her naked.

Oh my

I should go outside and find girls to talk to. Real life girls are better than online girls.

I quickly got to the front door and put on my shoes. Breakfast can wait.

I ran towards the school at full speed . I still can't see any girls.

I then turned a corner and saw fuka kiryuin of 3B.

" hi Kohei kun "

She was also completely naked.

She looked good no wait above good you could see her round breast .

" whre are you looking "

Oh I was looking too long

" eyes on my lips "

Since she was standing proud I was able to see her um other lip.

Not a bad sight definitely not a bad, sight. 

" hello Kohai kun "

" sorry I was nervous since I forgot to eat breakfast "

" if there's somewhere to go there's a new restaurant that opened "

" thank you "

" if you pay for my meal I'll bring you there "

" oh sure "

When she turned around some thing started jiggling.

Like I said not a bad sight.

She walked confidently which made her parts more visible.

When we reached i saw nobody was here. I wonder if I touched her would I feel her skin or her clothes. 

I should check sometime later with someone who would less likely to cut off my balls if I did   that.

" excuse me what would you like to eat "

I turned around to see a completely naked woman standing there.

She had short blonde hair with blue eyes with large breast.

" um hello sir "

" right sorry I was stunned with your beauty "

She blushed.

I suddenly felt a hand hit my head.

" oh my are you flirting with another girl in front of me "

I moved my heard to the left to look at her but since she was just moving with her arms.

Her breast were jiggling

" are you ignoring me "

She threw a kick at me but since I could see through her clothes I could see her but before I could react the waiter spook.

" there no fighting in the restaurant "

I turned to see the water from earlier.

" right sorry ma'am "

" it's fine "

" table for two please "

" alright follow me "

She brought us to a table on our walk here I didn't see any females I saw a bunch of boys but no females.


" what do you want "

" I'll take whatever the lady is having "

" when did you become a gentleman "

" only when I see you "

In your birthday suit.

She blushed and hide but that gave me a worse view.

" ayanokouji kun ? "

I turned around to see ichinose.

She ran at me.

Her chest was moving up and down .

Bouncy Bouncy.

She walked  when she saw a staff member looking at us.

" good morning ayanokouji kun "

" good morning ichinose "

She had a sly smile on her face. I looked down and saw that  she doesn't shave it was pink didn't know it was natural.

" are you eating here "

" yeah "

" oh can I eat with you "

" no, no you can't "

Kiryuin senpai glared at ichinose I personally would prefer her staying as she had one of the largest racks in the school.

" I was asking ayanokouji kun "

" well I'm here and I don't want you here " spoke kiryuin angrily.

" huff "

" Bye ayanokouji kun "

" Bye "

She left with her little jumping gesture.

I like that part of her.

" ding "

Huh I looked down to see a message on my phone.

I need help on this math equation.
I should help.

                                           Ayanokouji                      I'll be there in a bit about seven

" I need to go "

" I'll pay you can go quickly "

I walked outside and saw a few students walking outside. There was a few girls but they were plain with small breasts.

I went to keis room since I had a key card I went in. She was sitting on her bed with her phone. She usually would have pajamas on but my new godly ability made her naked.

" oh your here kiyotaka "

" yeah what do you need "

" there's a math question i don't understand "

" I'll help you "

" I knew I could count on you "

It was a pretty simple equation but for her it may be hard.

" uh im studying so hard right now "

" same "

I'm not studying

" huh "


" oh no we're going to be late "

I looked to see school was about to start.

" let's get going "

" yeah "

Kei quickly finished changing and we left.

Since we were running I couldn't see any girls and the ones I could were so plain. I wished the senpais would switch with our year. They aren't as good looking except kiryuin senpai and asahina senpai.

We went into class and chabashira sensei wasn't there yet.

" hi there ayanokouji "

I looked to see horikita walking towards me.

She looked good. Just like kiryuin senpai with her walking confidently i could see more but sadly she was a bit small. But it was the perfect size.

" tch pervert "

" huh "

" why are you looking at me "

" it's nothing "

" i don't believe it "

" I don't believe you "

She opened her school bag and took out a compass.

Shit I didn't expect this.

( yeah I'm ending it here might make a part two maybe a reaction with it censored )
