reaction Ayanokouji pet lion

One year before ahns

I was given freedom for a bit from that man as the whiteroom as shut down for a bit.

Horikita : Who is that man 

Ayanokouji : You don't need to know 

Kushida : More about his past 

Arisu : His father 

My life outside of the whiteroom was fine so far.

I had a butler named matsuo he was a nice man.

Ike : You have a butler

Ayanokouji : Yeah 

Shinohara : He must be rich then 

Satou : Is that why he rejected me 

Today was October 20 and I was sleeping in bed when I heard a light meowing sound downstairs.

I got up and left the bed. I was walking down the stairs when I saw matsuo there holding what looked like a large cat. It still looked young so I thought it could grow much larger.

Ichinose : That doesn't look like a normal cat 

Nagumo : I agree, it is probably an exotic pet 

" good morning kiyotaka Sama "

" good morning matsuo "

" happy birthday kiyotaka Sama "

It was my birthday today if I remember correctly people on their get gifts. Could he have gotten me a gift.

Ike : Why do you sound shocked 

Sudou : He doesn't sound shocked

Ike : You know the way he said it 

Manabu : He didn't grow up normally 

" what is that "

" today is your birthday so I thought I should get you something "

It was clearly a feline but since in the whiteroom we didn't spend much time in animals I wasn't sure what it was.

Horikita : The whiteroom 

Ryuuen : More information on monster 

" what is it "

" it is a lion cub "

Kei : What 

Ike : Will it eat him 

Sudou : That isn't normal 

Satou : isn't that kind of scary though

Ryuuen : Kukuku

Arisu : Fufufu

Nagumo : Isn't this interesting senpai

Manabu : I didn't expect this but he is ayanokouji. 

Nagumo : tch 

I think it has to be an African lion as the asiatic lion is only alive in idea and I don't even what to think about the Barbary lion as they only have 80 alive with zero in the wild.

Ike : Aren't they extinct 

Sudou : Yeah, that's what i heard 

Yukimura : They are no barbary lions alive but there are genes of them still in some lions. 

" I was able to purchase it online "

Ryuuen : One hell of a butler 

Sotomoro : I wonder how much it would cost 

" isn't it bad as lions are an endangered species "

Ike : That's what i thought 

Kiriyama : It's better to keep them in the wild 

Nagumo : Aren't you too narrow minded 

Kiriyama : You mean if he didn't buy it someone else would right 

Nagumo : yeah

Kiriyama : Let's say he didn't buy the lion it would take some time for someone else to buy it which would make the company or person to take less lions 

Manabu : That won't change much as the market for exotic animals is very large 

" that's true but I found it online so it was going to be purchased anyway so I thought better us than someone else "

Nagumo : Same thoughts as me 

" here you can hold him "

I walked forward and held him he was soft and was trying to bit me, I let him it didn't hurt .

Shinohara : What would happen when he is older

Satou : it would hurt 

Ichinose : He won't get hurt 

Kei : What does that mean 

Ichinose : He won't get hurt that's what i mean 

Slowly I lifted him up to my face where he bit on my nose.

I looked into his eyes and I felt my face feel a bit different but it didn't last long.

Arisu : His facial muscle twitched 

Ike : I don't see anything different 

Sudou : Yeah i can't see any thing different 

Kei and ichinose : His face it changed, why is my seat wet 

On the bus

I was sitting on a but sit with ace sitting on the floor.

Ike : I think that's his name 

Horikita : Ni san is better 

Ayanokouji : Ace huh, that's a nice name 

A lot of people were staring at ace some with fear and some with curiosity.

Ryuuen : Obviously 

I was resting when I heard.

" can you give your seat to this old woman "

I looked up to see a well built young man, he stood out because of his dyed hair.

I couldn't care less about giving my seat or staying but I heard growling.

shinohara : Why don't you care can't you see the old women trying to stand up 

Ayanokouji just stayed silent 

Arisu : Fufufu

Manabu : He heard growling ? 

I should get going for some reason ace likes helping people which is why sometimes I am forced into helping like carrying a seniors groceries.

Kushida : Such a nice pot

Hiyori : It's good to have such a nice pet 

Ryuuen : Forced, what else did i expect from the monster 

I raised my hand.

" you can have my seat "

The whole bus was shocked.

I stood up.

" really "

" yeah, I don't mind standing. "

" thank you "

" thank you young man "

" your welcome "

" you should be like him "

It seemed that even though the old lady got a seat the office worker was still going to be rude to the high schooler.

" it was very kind of you to give up your seat "

Ike : Kikyo chan 

Kushida : Hehe looks like i will make my entrance 

I turned around to see a girl with a nice figure and short brown hair.

" it was nothing I am sure if I didn't give up my seat someone else would have "

" it was still nice of you to give up your seat "

" thank you "

I didn't know if it was a complement but it sounded like one.

Kei : It was a complement 

Ayanokouji : Ok, i now that now

" oh, my name is Kushida kikyo class 1d"

" my name is ayanokouji Kiyotaka also from class 1d "

" really what a coincidence let's be friends "

" yeah coincidences can be freaky "

Ayanokouji : They could be freaky 

" I am OK with being friends "

" do you want to go to the entrance ceremony together "

" sure "

We walked together while ace was following me.

We got attention from students because a lion was behind us for some reason that only made kushida's mood even better.

Nagumo : They would get a lot of attention 

Ike : Why are you happier with more attention kikyo chan 

Kushida : Maybe because i felt more safe 

Was it because she felt more safe.

Kushida : See 

Ike : Sorry 

Shinohara : He can apologize 

The ceremony was boring I listened for like five seconds of the speech and decided to sit on ace while I used my phone.

Ike : Is was really boring 

Sudou : I did the same 

Satou : A portable bed 

Kei : So lucky 

Amikura : That's not nice 

" can ayanokouji of class d please come to the faculty office "

I didn't think I did anything wrong so I left with ace following behind me.

Shinohara : Did you do something 

Manabu : It sound be because he has a pet as we never had a pet in school history 

" excuse me is this the faculty room "

I asked.

I talked to a senpai who had blond hair and blue eyes.

Nagumo : It my turn 

Nobody looked excited 

" it's right next to this one "

" thank you "

" is that lion yours "

" yes "

" did you get permission from the school "

Matsuo had talked to the school and allowed it.

Ryuuen : I told you his butler is special 

Arisu : What did you expect 

They didn't insult each other.

I think luffy is finally full 

" my butler asked and they agreed "

" you have a butler "

" yeah "

He seemed intrigued

" is ayanokouji Kiyotaka here "

I turned and saw the chairman there

" yeah that's me "

" Bye Kohai "

" Bye senpai "

The chairman motioned me to follow him.

" is there a reason why you called out to me "

" I just called you here as we as a school have decided go allow someone to bring their pet to school. "

 I nodded at that 

" though yours could hardly be called a pet "

ryuuen : Of course it isn't 

Arisu : Fufufu

Ike : Ace is scary 

ichinose : That's rude 

Kei : A pet that is not normal for a person that is not normal 

I knew that ace wasn't a normal per but I still took offense to it but decided to stay quiet

Ayanokouji : Actually care about something 

Ryuuen : He can care

Horikita : So he actually cares 

Shinohara : He should 

" since you are the first to bring a pet we need to change the rules for you "

" there isn't much you need to know since I don't want you to miss out on introductions I will just give you this book it will have all the information you need "

I nodded at that

" now we will get to information for you "

" for stay purposes you will get a room that is larger than normal to keep your pet. "

Senpai  1: I would love to have a larger room 

Senpai  2: Same 

Nagumo : That normally would cost more than 20 million. 

Nagumo : I should check when i get back 

Ike : So lucky 

Kei : More space 

That seemed like a good rule it worked well for me as I would have the space for ace.

Arisu : He actually cares about his pet 

Ayanokouji : I actually care 

" and as for food when you go to the cafeteria you just line up and they will give him free meat to eat "

Senpai 3 : No more vegetables 

Senpai 4 :  I could maybe gain some muscle and get a girl 

 Female Senpai : Not when a pig looks better than you 

Senpai 4 : You look more like a turkey 

Female Senpai : What did you say 

Senpai 4 : Did you not hear me Ugoo 

Female senpai : Yo-you   

Chei sensei : Ahh Young love 

That was good for me as i don't have that man's credit card anymore.

Satou : i wished i had my father credit card 

" You can bring him to class just make sure he doesn't interrupt the teacher. "

" you can go to class now "

I left with ace following behind me.

When i arrived in class i saw that the same girl i saw on the bus was talking, i knew it was polite to not talk so i just stayed there.

Ichinose : Your so nice ayanokouji kun 

Ayanokouji : Thanks 

Kei : This bimbo 

" hi ayanokouji "

I was probably lost in thought when I heard kushida call out to me.

" hi kushida "

" may I know why you are here "

" I am in this class but I had to go to the chairman's office "

I walked in the class and ace followed me but then I heard.

" why is there a lion "

" I am sorry God that I didn't pray if I get our of here alive I will become a devoted worshipper of God. "

" I am too young to die "

" I am still a virgin "

" I didn't even get a girlfriend "

" I am have not even started my dream school life yet "

" if I survive I will start to workout "

" what if my face gets ruined "

Nagumo : There reactions are funny 

Manabu : You shouldn't make fun of your kohais 

Nagumo : What ever you say senpai 

I couldn't understand why they were over reacting.

Ike : I don't think we are over reacting 

Sudou : it should be natural to act like that 

Ryuuen : Kukuku

Airsu : Fufufu

Maybe the senpais were just better.

Nagumo : Of course we are 

Sudou : Suzune is still better 

Ryuuen : kukuku

" quiet "

It was kushida who Shouted

" I met his pet lion before, and he doesn't attack people "

When they heard that they stopped talking but they were still scared.

" hi my name is hirata Yosuke nice to meet you "

" nice to meet you hirata, my name is ayanokouji Kiyotaka "

" can you introduce yourself "

" uh, um , my name is ayanokouji Kiyotaka I like ace my pet and I dislike um studying I don't have many hobbies and I uh hope to get along with you all "

Kei : It's better i guess 

Nagumo : Is his normal introduction this bad

Sudou : yeah 

Satou : I mean he said he dislike studying and likes ace so it's a lot better 

I heard what I thought was pity claps but I felt something on my hand when I looked down I saw ace head muzzling against my hand.

Satou : So nice 

Matsushita : I agree 

I used my hand to scratch under his chin when I realized something the room was now silent.

Kei : so cute 

" huh "

I looked up to see everyone looking at me like I was an alien and some looked at me like I was a deity.

" isn't he kinda cute "

" yeah, plus he takes good care of his pet which means he would be a good father "

" he also looks mature "

" he must be strong to keep his lion under control "

I spent the rest of the day getting contact information from my classmates.

Ayanokouji : Lucky 

Ike : Tch, that ayanokouji  is an ike man at least our ayanokouji can't get girls 

Kei and ichinose glared at him but he didn't notice 

I needed to go to shopping but everything I tried I was stopped either by some people wanting to take pictures or some people curious on ace.

I even got some guy who got rejected 5 times and now needed a better profile picture.

Kushida : That's sad 

Hirata : I fell bad 

Ike : I've been there 

As the nice man I am I allowed it if he gave me 100,000 private points which he agreed to. The amount is more outside aren't I a generous man.

Yukimura : I mean it is cheaper than other options 

Satou : He is nice i guess 

Sudou : So many points 

I sadly had to go back to my dorm without anything.

Ichinose : So sad 

I would have to wake up early the next day to get everything I needed.
