Ayankouji goes back in time 2

" My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, my hobbies are piano and calligraphy and I'm confident in my academic abilities " 

That was much better than before. 

I got some claps from others. 


After the introduction, I got numbers from a few classmates mostly girls for some reason. 

I was walking towards class A to see if Sakayagani still remembered me while I was walking there I looked around since I hadn't checked this hallway when I was first in the school I saw that all the senpais were avoiding the Kohais most likely trying not to possibly tell them information on the s-system. 

When I was getting closer I bumped into someone 

" Oh sorry " 

" It was my fault you don't need to apologize " 

" My name is Ichinose Bara " ( I don't know her real name ) 


" I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka " 

" Hi Ayanokouji " 

I looked closer at her, she had brown hair and a cute face. 

" Who is that " 

I looked behind me to see that Yamamura was taking Ichinose 

" Oh I accidentally bumped into him " 

" Oh " 

" Well, can I get your number? " 

" Sure " 

Getting her contact would be nice.

After handing her my number, she left with Yamamura. 

I'm glad Yamaura isn't alone in this timeline 

I then remembered my original goal so I went to class A. 

When I was near I found that Sakayagani was outside talking with Hashimoto. 

" Excuse me may I know what you are doing here " 

I saw that Sakayagani stopped talking and was now asking me a question 

" I am looking around for a friend " 

" Is she/he in class A " 

" No, I'm going to go now" 

I didn't know if she knew who I was as she didn't show any emotions but considering her abilities she could be hiding her emotion. 

I probably made myself look like a fool just now. 

I walked away to buy some groceries.

I decided to order a Yogurt maker online. 

When I entered the convenience store I realized that Sudou was now starting trouble with the worker. 

It's good that I came on time. 

"Hey, just wait a bit! I'm looking for it now!"

"Hurry up! Everyone's waiting!"

"Oh, really!? Tell them to complain directly to me!"

Sudou was starting trouble 

" Excuse me " 

" Who are you? " 

"I'm Ayanokouji from the same class. I spoke up because I thought there was trouble here."

After explaining, Sudou lowered his voice after understanding the situation.

"Oh... I remember you. I forgot my student card. Forgot that that thing is practically money from now on."

"If it's fine with you, I can pay for it now. It'd be troublesome to go back to get it—I don't mind if you use my points.

"... That's true. It's annoying. Good thing you're here, thanks."

"... I'm Sudou. I owe you one."

"Nice to meet you, Sudou."

I took the cup noodles from Sudou and then walked over to the hot water dispenser.

I left with Sudou to eat outside. While I was eating. 

"... Are you actually trying to eat here?"

"Of course I am. It's common sense, where else would I eat?" 

Horikita is going to cause trouble again. 

"I'm going to go home. It feels like my dignity is slowly degrading away here.

"What dignity are you talking about? You're just a normal high school student. Or are you some kind of ojousama?"

"Ahー? Listen to people when they speak. Hey!"

"What's up with him? Suddenly getting angry."

" It might be you attitude " 

I decided to speak my mind. 

" huh " 

" See Ayanokouji agrees with me " 

" Tch you're both idiots " 

" Hey where are you going " 

Without even looking back, Horikita headed back for the dorms.

"What kind of person acts like that? Dammit!"

"There are many different types of people, you know."

"Hmph. I hate that kind of person."

He was watching me cautiously. Sudou grabbed the cup noodles, tore off the cover and started eating.

Changing both their attitudes will be difficult and take so much time. 

 A group of three boys walked out of the convenience store carrying similar bowls.

"Who are you guys? We're using this spot right now. You're blocking the way. Fuck off."

"Didn't you hear him? Scram. Some cheeky first year brat."

The three laughed at Sudou. Sudou stood up and threw his cup noodles on the ground. Soup and noodles splattered onto the ground.

"The first year's trying to fight, ha— what!?" 

This again, I could get private points from them. 

The second year senpais put down their stuff right there too. And then they began to laugh.

"Yup, we're here too. So scram, this is our spot."

"You guys have some nerve, you shits."

I knew that a fight was most likely going to happen so I decided to step in. 

" Excuse me senpai " 

" Huh who are you " 

" I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from class D " 

" A defect? " 

The other two started to chuckle to themselves 

" Huh what are you laughing about " Sudou as if unable to understand the situation cried out 

" Nothing " 

" hahaha " 

The boys turned around most likely going to leave like in our timeline. 

"You guys running away!?"

"The dog's barking! Anyway, you guys will face hell soon enough anyway."

That was a huge hint on the s-system that they shouldn't have mentioned. They can't be class A or B probably class C students.

"Dammit, if it were girls or nice second-years it would've been fine, but we got that stupid bunch."

Just like Ryuuen said before he got a crush, he was a dog in heat. 

I needed groceries so I went back and bought what I needed. After I was done I left to go to the dormitories. 

Around 1pm, I reached the dorms that would be my home for the next three years.

After the first floor receptionist gave me a card key for the room 401 and an information manual, I got on the elevator.

It has all the same information like no sex or anything sexual. 

It gives free water and electricity like in my timeline. 

I should just call it a different timeline as the two worlds are clearly different. 

The room is about 8 tatami mats big. This is my house starting from today. It's also my first time living alone. Until graduation, I would have to live without contacting anyone outside of school.

I then remembered what I thought was my first time coming to high school, ah I went to high school twice. 

I came to this school the first time for an escape from the outside world but now I guess I'll just make my high school life the same but better. 

Anyway, I plan to have a fun student life from now on.

Not caring about my uniform, I jumped onto the bed. Feeling far from tired, I tried to calm myself down, looking forward to my future school life.


Yeah, it's pretty short. 

I decided to just make Ichinose sister in class A and Sakayanagi not knowing about him. 

Next chapter will include him spending more time with ichinoses sister. 

And I'm also planning on making another change but it will be small. 

Vote down below 

1 ) Manabu is a girl 

2 ) Nagumo is in Kiriyama class and still class A 

3 ) Ichika and Takuya are in class B 

4 ) Housen is in class C 

Going to use two of them 

Tomorrow I'm going to make Ayanokouji vs Ichika. Its from year 2 vol 7 during the maid cafe special exam 
