One shot Class D goes to Zoo 2

Ayanokouji pov 

We were walking around the place looking at animals. 

" Look the elephant's poop is so big " Cried Ike 

" Yeah it's like 20 kg " Agreed Hondo 

It's average is 18 kg for adults but that was a good guess 

" Hey Sudou can we use that " 

" yeah yeah that sounds so cool " 

" No " 

" Huh why " 

"We should find something that is more difficult to find " 

" How about we enter the cage of an animal " 

I knew that was a terrible idea, the second it came out of Ike's mouth. 

" That's a great idea Kanji " 

" Wait that's a terrible idea, come on Ayanokouji agree with me " 

" Yeah I agree it's not a good idea " 

" Why " 

" Remember what happened when we opened the door on the lizard " 

" Yeah " 

" Then what do you think would happen if we entered it " 

" Yeah that sounds worse " 

" let's get food " 

" Yeah that's going to clear our minds " 

We went to the closest restaurant. 

After ordering our food, we went to eat. 

" The food here isn't bad " 

" No, it's terrible " 

" What " 

" It's not bad " I spoke my mind 

"  I think it's good " 

" Same " 

Both Ike and Hondo thought the food was good 

" It might be because you guys waste your points so you guys like anything " 

" Possibly " 

" I still like it though " 

I can't believe Sudou changed so much to dislike burgers. And it's better than the one at our school's cafeteria

While we were eating, Hashimoto and his group came. 

" Hey Ayanokouji " 

I looked to see Yamaura, Hashimoto, and Morishita from class A along with Maezono from our class. 

" Hi " 

" Hello Kiyotaka Ayanokouji " 

And there is Morishita's weird way of talking. 

" Hi Ayanokouji " Spoke Yamaura softly 

" Can we eat here " 

" Sure " 

Hondo looked excited to talk to two single girls.( Morishita and Yamaura ) 

" Hi " 

" Hello Ryotaro Hondo " 

" You know my full name? " 

" Of course why wouldn't I " 

" N-no reason " 

Hondo looked bashful 

" So can I sit here " 

" Su-ure " 

Morishita sat next to Hondo ( Not a ship ) 

As she sat down Hashimoto and the rest also sat down. 

" Excuse me may I ask for your names " Asked Hashimoto 

Hashimoto didn't ask because he wanted to know but it's to be nice. 

" My name is Sudou ken " 

" Nice to meet you Sudou " smiled Hashimoto 

" My name is Ike Kanji " 

" Nice to meet you Ike " 

Even though Hashimoto smiled it was clear he wasn't as interested. 

" So what's your class like " 

"It's great we are rising the ranks fast " 

Hashimoto looked interested 

" So who is the main reason " 

" Well there's Horikita, Hirata and Ayanokouji " 

" Oh and also Koenji, he gained us about 300 class points but he also lost some " 

" That's good " 

I looked towards Hondo and Morishita and I saw that he was answering all her questions. 

" I think we should leave now " I suggested 

" Same I agree with Ayanokouji " 

" Oh ok bye bye " 

" Bye " 

" Here's my number " Morishita spoke to Hondo 

when we left I saw Hashimoto actually eat his meal. 

" Hey look over there " 

I turned to see the lion enclosure. It was large since this zoo gained money from the government which is why the lion enclosure can be so big. 

" Look the door isn't locked " 

I saw that the lock they use wasn't locked and Ike was holding it. 

" Let's go inside " 

" That's a bad idea ' 

" Trust me it's not going to be that bad " 

" It can be dangerous " 

" You can empress Horikita" 

" Let's go " 

When I saw Sudou walk forward I knew we were going in. 

I walked forward with them. 

When we entered we heard a roar. 

" Shit I think we should go " 

" Yeah I'm scared " 

However, when Ike tried to open the door it was locked 

" Shit it's locked " 

" What " 

Hondo tried and it didn't open. 

" Roar " 

I looked up to see a male lion standing in front of us 

" Shit we're dead " 

" There's a few sticks pick them up " 

I picked up a stick while looking at the lion. 

" Roar " 

He mocked charged at us 

" Ahh he's so scary " 

I couldn't fault Ike for being scared 

" Growl " 

He charged at us again but Sudou used the stick to hit him 

" Growl " 

he backed off but was now circling us

" Why did we even come in here " 

Hondo and Ike were so scared they started crying 

" Growl " 

He charged at Ike and Hondo as lions are opportunistic hunters. 

I ran at him and hit him on the head. ( Btw its self defense, don't go around attacking animals ) 

" Growl " 

he backed off again 

" there's a tree near here Ike, Hondo climb up me and Sudou will protect you " 

Sudou nodded 

" Ok " 

Ike and Hondo climbed the tree. 

" Sudou go up now " 

" What about you " 

" I will come back after you " 

" Alright " 

he jumped up and held on a tree branch which he used to climb up. 

" Growl " 

the lion was now looking angry 

he ran at me and I hit him away with the stick. When he stopped to recover I jumped up and held on to the tree where I started to climb up. 

When I climbed up, the lion jumped and tried to catch me but Sudou kicked him. Since we were human all our damage was minimal on the lion. 

" Are you sure we'll be safe " 

" Lions can't climb right " 

" They can " I spoke 

" They just aren't good if we kick him when he jumps up we'll be fine " 

( Don't try at home ) 


Got bored and decided to end it 
