one shot ayanokouji in minecraft

Ayanokouji pov

I just bought a console to play video games that were recommended to me by sotomaru snd Ike.

It was another day while not just any day as I had just beat up ryuuen at night.

I was playing minecraft when I saw an option when I wanted to increase the level of survival as I had increased my skill but I saw something strange it said irl experience I thought maybe I could have an experience in real life but then I was transported to somewhere unknown.

I tried to get up but slowly I lost my consciousness.

When I woke up everything around me was in blocks. I looked down and saw my hands were also blocks. I didn't know what happened but I know i was worried.

Could it be something the white room done to make me go back no I need to find more about it.

" what the fuck is happening to me. "

I looked to my side to find ryuuen the guy I just beat up yesterday in a minecraft way he was wearing his anhs uniform but everything was in blocks.

I wanted to see if anyone else was here since i didn't play mincraft a lot I could be considered a noob if there was someone else who played longer than me our survival would increase.

" hey monster what are you doing here "

I ignored him as I was deep in thought.

" what the hell monster why are you ignoring me "

" ryuuen do you know how you got here "

" I was sleeping on my bed checking my phone when all of a sudden boom I woke up here "

" more details might get us out of here "

" I closed my eyes for a few seconds then I woke up here "

He doesn't seem to know what happened, I can't be mad at him as I had a similar experience.

" we just got isekai into the minecraft world with the Mc "

I looked behind me to see sotomaru, some people also call him professor.

" hey fat weirdo, why the hell can't I get out of here "

" we have been teleported to a new world with the Mc "

Ryuuen looked doubtful at that but decided not to say anything as he probably realized that he didn't have much knowledge in this subject and that he could potentially be trapped in this world without a way to escape.

" Ayanokouji is that you "

I turned to see Manabu the president standing behind me.

" Yes it's me "

" do you know how we got here "

" I don't know but i think it's that we got teleported to a world or something. "

He seemed to understand that i did not have a lot of knowledge in the department.

Sotomura was looking around and found everything exciting at least that was what i thought as he had stars in his eyes.

Ryuuen seemed fed up with the situation.

" How the hell will we get out of here "

" we need to win the game "

Sotomura seemed to have found an answer until i realized that there is no way to actually win. I could think of many possible ways to consider winning for us which is most likely killing the ender dragon but that would take far too long so i hoped it would be something closer to survive a day or something similar.

" The hell, how will we win "

Ryuuen doesn't play but he seemed to realize we could not escape. I looked to see the older Horikita looking around in amazement, he could have been a player but i believe it's his first time seeing everything as blocks.

" We should first try to survive the night "

I presented us all a logical idea we could all agree upon to work together.

The sun was still high in the air but i knew we already wasted a lot of time.

" I agree with Ayanokouji "

With the president agreeing we got to work.

I and sotomura went straight to farming the wood as fighting zombies and other creatures they had in this game would be too difficult plus if we die we might also die in the real world.

But elder Horikita and ryuuen looked clueless on what to do.

" You guys should go hunt some animals. "

It was a good suggestion by sotomura.

" I normally wouldn't hurt animals but i suppose they don't look like animals that much.

It seems that the president with a good moral didn't want to hurt any animals.

" Now we're talking, i wonder how fun it will be killing a cow with my bare hands "

And then there is ryuuen.

We got to work right away behind me i saw elder Horikita taking down some pigs and sheep gently.

" Come here you fat cow. you should join your family "

I would prefer if i never saw that scene.

I went back to getting wood when i turned around after finishing one tree which took me almost 10 minutes. I turned to see sotomura struggling to take down even one blow.

He turned to me shocked.

" What Ayanokouji are you some perfect human who was trained since a child with a super terrible father your trying to kill and your whole live goal is to find ones inner peace. "

That was surprisingly close to what happened also what is a inner peace.

" I think maybe i got some cheats. "

" Sugoi, This makes everything so much better "

" I guess so"

It wasn't a cheat but my physical skill it seemed that elder Horikita and Ryuuen already took down a large number of pry. Elder Horikita was just there looking around intrigued while ryuuen.

" Come here you stupid cow, i need to milk then kill all of you "

His hands had blood i didn't even know that was possible. I was slightly disturbed by what he was saying.

" Hey ayanokouji do you have 4 pieces of wood, i nodded but i couldn't find it i felt like i was looking in my mind when i saw my inventory with that i clicked the wood and dropped them all on the ground for him to take.

If i remeber correctly four pieces of wood will get you a crafting table. With that we should try to get tools then a bed as we don't know how difficult this level is.

Manabu came over and asked what we were doing.

" What are you guys doing "

" we will make a crafting table "

It seemed to have picked his interest as he looked intrigued by what he was saying.

Sotomura closed his eyes and in a few seconds he opened them with a grin on his face.

Then our of nowhere a crafting table appeared, i looked shocked i think my facial muscles didn't move so i wasn't sure, The president had his mouth open while sotomura was excided. Then i saw ryuuen come to us with while carrying a bucket of milk, i did not even know he could do that where did he even get a bucket.

" Where did you get a bucket oh i got up with a system thingy that floats in the air. "

I decided not to pry any more while sotomura looked like he was in heaven to be honest i thought he was a pervert but it seems he just really likes anime and video game related stuff.

I walked away to get more wood while elder Horikita helped while that was happening i heard the sound of chickens screaming in the distance for some reason the animals actually have common sense here.

Over time we had to eat raw meat even though it was raw it was some of the best meat i have ever tasted and the blood was a bid disturbing, Manabu and sotomura just ate apples instead.

We built a small house out of wood and put four beds because the system ryuuen had gave him four beds if he could break one piece of wood from a tree. When we went to sleep ryuuen suddenly got up and went outside we all followed him to see a skeleton.

He shoot a arrow at ryuuen but he dodged it he picked it but and was about to throw it when he stopped.

" What the hell's an error "

It seemed even though we were able to get a bunch of stuff we shouldn't have gotten we were still couldn't go too far.

Ryuuen ran back and went to sleep when i woke up i found myself still in the Minecraft world.

"shit "

I turned to ryuuen.

" I lost my system "

Well that sucks that should mean we will now have a harder time.

" Well that means we lost our plot amour "

I had no idea what a plot armor is but if sotomura is despairing this much i could only imagine how hard our live in the Minecraft world will be.
