one shot nanase x ayanokoji

It has been a few weeks since I had been brought to that man's house under the care of a butler names Matsuo.

Today he left early because he needed to restock the fridge so I was left alone.

I just worked out and then started practicing the piano. When I heard the door bell i thought it was Matsuo who might have forgot the keys or maybe he had too much in his hands.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

There instead of Matsuo I saw a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes with a nice figure.

I saw her eyes widen.

" hi who are you."

I spoke.

" umm do you know someone named Matsuo?"

I nodded and let her in but she didn't come in.

" are you going to just stand there "

" can I really come inside "

" yes "

She followed me inside she took in everything like the paintings on the wall and lights.

" why are you looking for matsuo."

" I am looking for him to give him his sons documents to allow him to go to a good high-school. "

I didn't think she should have came but maybe he wanted it done as soon as possible which is why he wanted to get it as soon as possible.

" he isn't home right now "

" I can wait "

" is there anything you want to drink "

" no its fine "

I nodded.

" do you want to see the house "

" really, can I?"

" Yeah my dad owns this house"

We walked around the house where I showed her everything it was actually fun and I realized I enjoyed her company.

( even if ayanokouji is a little ooc he didn't fall in love with kei for so long and I can't write romance if they don't feel anything for each other. )

Later matsuo can and took her home after that every Sunday she would come visit Me we also talked over the phone over time I even told her about my past.

She cried and said she was glad I was alive.

When I told her I was going to ahns she said she was also going to join a year later since she was younger.

I knew I held feelings for her though probably for the opposite gender.

I was too scared to confess as what would happen if that man gets to her first, I shouldn't think about it as tomorrow I need to go to school.

Year later

It has been a year since I had meet nanase and i was actually feeling quite sad or at least I think I am sad.

Today we got information on a new special exam where we need to team up with a first year if nanase kept her promise than I can just team up with her.

Maybe I will be left alone again I felt  pain I'm my heart when I thought about it.

We also got something call oaa app hirata got the highest score of 78 which was a b +.

I checked the first year's and saw at 3 place nanase Tsubasa 93.5 .

I checked and saw she scored 99 on social 99 on adaptability a perfect 100 on physical 76 on academic.

I was impressed if she was in our grade she would have gotten the highest score.

I saw that horikita was talking with the class while trying to ignore yamauchi and Ike screaming talking about how they were going to fail.

( instead of yamauchi being expelled some random girl did.)

I was going to go find nanase when horikita stopped me.

" where are you going "

" I have a friend I am searching for "

She glanced at me before saying.

" what is your friend's academic score. "

I was confused at the question.

" a 76 "

When she heard this she nodded before calling Ike over.

" Ike ayanokouji has a friend a year younger with a academic score of 76 go with ayanokouji and par up with them. "

She said this out loud so everyone heard.

" what suzune what about me "

Sudou seemed to think that horikita didn't get him a partner.

".76 is too small of a score for someone like you "

I personally would be fine with Ike teaming up with nanase but I also had to take in account I don't know any if I will get pared up with an whiteroom student.

Maybe I wanted to team up with nanse as well.

" horikita I am going to par up with nanase. "

" is that the name of your friend."

" yes "

".why won't you allow Ike to team up with her "

" I want to team up with her "

She seemed frustrated but I didn't want to hear it from a brocon especially since I could find my nanase I meant to find nanase.

I walked out of the room before anything could happen.

I started to walk over to first year hall where I saw some Kohei i walked over to a girl with blonde hair with a lollipop in her mouth.

" do you know of a nanase Tsubasa."

" She should be in class a "

( she doesn't hold back as she won't try to expel ayanokouji. I don't know if her oaa is about her full power but I think she isn't the best academic but is very strong, in the light novel she does join the student council which is why I think she has good social skills. She did pretty good in the island exam even though she was trying to get rid or ayanokouji she was also able to adapt to the school at a very high rate which is why she has such a high score on adaptability. )

I walked to her classroom when I knocked the door nanase opened it.

She looked shocked before hugging me.

I hugged her back.

" do you want to team up for the special exam "

" sure "

Now I didn't have to deal with any chances of finding a whiteroom student.

I should maybe buy Armour for my arms as i don't want any scars.

I looked down to see nanase looking at me, she is so cute it should be illegal.

I lead her to a restaurant where we ordered food.

" how is life going  for you nanase."

" it's been rough "

" huh what happened are you OK do you need help "

" no its fine "

We continued earing when I heard.

" ayanokoji "

It was horikita.

" huh what do you need "

" I needed to find you so we can get Ike a partner "

" I already picked.her partner "

" what you have good enough grades why do you need a top student as your partner "

A worker came and.kicked her out for making too much noise.

I knew I liked her so when we went I brought her to a tree.

" nanase there is something I want to tell you "

"  what is it "

"Nanase I really like you can you go out with me "

She looked shocked and had tears coming out of her eyes before knew it she was hugging me.

" I love you kiyotaka"

" I love you too Tsubasa "

( it's my first one-shot any suggestions to improve would be appreciated)

( if there is any one-shots you want you can just comments them and the ones I like I will make )
