
I woke up still in the hospital. No one was in the room. I reached to my side table and grabbed my phone. I texted the group chat

Hey guys I'm awake

Ok baby we will be there in a sec we are getting food

My daddyπŸ˜ŒπŸ’¦
Oh I'm so glad your awake πŸ₯Ί

Joshy bearπŸ¦‹

Yeah he's a simp

I know Blake isn't talking, do I need to call Amelie


Hurry up guys I'm hungry

Almost there give us a sec, we're in the elevator

I went out of the room and made a TikTok.
It was just basically explaining what happened and why I haven't been posting. I uploaded it then just sat there bored. Then the doctor came in

D1-hello Sophia's how you feeling
S- better, when can I go home
D1- well I'm here to talk to you about that. I'm gonna check on your head and if it's fine then you can go home.
S- ok

She walked over and moved my hair. She went to the bump on my head and felt it a little bit
D1- does this hurt
S- no
D1- ok
She continued touching it.
D1-well it looks like you can go home today
I looked over and saw my dad in the door of my room.
N- yes!!!! Now I can finally cuddle you again
Noah ran over and sat next to me on the bed. He hugged my sooo tight. I looked over at dad, he was looking concerned.
D- hey Noah how about we eat so she can breathe
He got off of me and brought food over to my table.
S- yesss pancakes
I ate all my food and started to get changed
Into my clothes.

I didn't wear makeup and put on my white Air Force ones. I packed up all my stuff.
D- you ready, I sighed all the release papers
S- yep
The other boys were already at home. Dad called an Uber and they took us home. When we got there I struggled up the stairs.
N- need help
S- sure
Noah grabbed my bags while I tried to navigate the crutches up the stairs. Noah was already in my room. I was barely up the stairs.
S- Ahhh
Noah came out my room and just stared at me.
N- want me to carry you
I sighed and shook my head yes. He came and picked me up. I hated asking for help but I only had one working leg at the moment.
N- you know we can install one of those railing chairs.
S- those are for old people
N- and handicapped
S- I'm not handicapped it's just healing
N- what ever you say crippled
I rolled my eyes as he set me on my bed. I grabbed the remote and turned on the PlayStation.
S- can we play fall guys
N- sure
I started the game and it was so fun. I was in the last 10 people.
S- come on please be an easy one
It was the hexagon one
S- ahh I suck at this one
N- let me see it
I handed the controller to Noah and he started to play it and he was really good.
S- how do you do that
N- idk practice I guess
He ended up winning.
N- let's gooo
I love to see him happy and smiling. I just stared into his eyes. He looked back into mine. We looked at each other for a while. Before I just smashed my lips against his. We were kissing and I felt his tongue against my bottom lip wanting entrance. I let him in. Me made out for a few more minutes. He pulled back out of breathe
N- baby what age do you want to get married
S- I don't know. I'm 16 now so probably like 17 only because I'm inpatient
N- deal
He smiled to himself. I stood back up and crawled onto his lap.
S- baby
N- yes
S- I turn 17 in 5 months
N- and?
S- it's along time
N- yes it is
S- so I was thinking
N- I know what your thinking and no you can't get married at 16 years old
S- fine
I just laid my head on his shoulder.
S- I wish I could be older
N- well you must be patient
That's when dad walked In
D- hey baby how you feeling
S- fine
D- you seem sad what's up
S- well I'm 16 and I'm too young to get married
D- well technically you can get married with a parents permission
I shot up and looked at Noah
S- so we can get married!!
I got up and twirled in a circle.
D- I said with parent permission
S- do you give me permission
D- well.....
I looked down cause I knew he would say no
D- if you two don't argue of fight for the next week I'll allow it
I shot up and had the biggest smile on my face. I looked over at Noah and he also had a smile on his face. I ran over to him and jumped on him.
N- I love you too baby
He kissed me then I layed there silent. Dad left the room and I decided to take a nap. Noah laid with me.
N- so no fighting no arguing and this will be easy
S- yep

~2 hours later~
I woke up and I was really cold. Noah was already gone and I was lonely. I grabbed my crutches and used the bathroom. I went back to my room and decided to read a book. It was a Harry Potter book.
N- what ya reading
I looked up and Noah was shirtless and in sweats again.
S- Harry Potter
He came and sat next to me on the bed. He put his head on my shoulder. I put the book down and turned so snuggle into him.
S- your so warm
N- yeah it's hot in this house
S- I don't know what your talking about I'm freezing
He wrapped his warm arms around me.
S- ah

N- your so tiny
S- I know
We sat there for 5 minutes then we heard a knock.
N- who is it
Jo- it's me josh
S- come in
He walked in and came over to my side
Jo- hey I just came to give this back to you
I went red. In his hand was my vibrator.
S- w-where did you get that
Jo- it was in the bathroom under the sink and every time I got to get toilet paper I don't wanna see it.
Noah grabbed it from him.
N- thanks
I looked at him confused. He laughed and josh left
N- you know you can't just leave these things laying around.
S- it was under the sink I didn't think anyone would see it
N- well now that I know your a dirty girl I'm probably gonna tease you often
S- really
N- really
He came close to my ear and whispered
N- how many times have you used this
S- only once
N- hmm that's gonna change
I instantly got butterflies πŸ¦‹
Noah put it in the drawer and got up. He looked back and smiled at me.
S- go out and lock the door
N- why lock
He said raising his eyebrows
S- you know why
He laughed again and went up to the door and locked it.
S- hey wait you have to get out first
N- nah
S- what do you mean you can't see all this till I'm ready
N- I think I can change your mind
He came up to me and started to kiss my neck. He found my soft spot and I started to moan a little. He moved farther down and took off my shirt.
S- baby I said-
N- we're not having sex I promise
He continued to kiss down my stomach near my waist band. He pulled down my pants jut a little. He looked up at me and I shook my head yes. He pulled down my pants and played with the edge of my underwear. It made my stomach feel weird when he did that. He slowly pulled off my underwear he he sat up and stared at me from above. I was now only in my bra. He ran his hands up and down my body. He got on his knees and put his head between my legs. He kissed up my thighs and stopped right before my 🐱. I could feel his hot breath. He lightly licked my clit. 
S- Mhmm
He started to go faster and I was already soaked. He took his middle finger and played around my entrance. He only put the tip of his finger then he would pull it out. I felt amazing. Then without warning he put his finger all the way in and moved it fast back and forth
S- Aha daddy
N- you like that
He then put two fingers in me. He made my legs shake a little. I could feel I was at my high till He stopped and looked up at me.
S- baby
N- yeah
S- do it
He looked at me With wide eyes
N- are you sure
S- yeah
He slipped off his pants and underwear l. He was already hard and he stroked it a couple times. It was bigger than I thoughtΒ  it was like 9 inches and I was worried. He rubbed his dick around my clit and entrance. He slowly slid the tip of his dick in. It kinda hurt. He slowly put more and more of his cock in and it hurt. My eyes started to water and he noticed
N- do you want me to stop.
S- no just go slow
He did as I said, after I got used to his size he went a little faster. He kept going till he was going super fast
S- Ah Ah Ah
Each time he put it farther in I moaned
S- Ahhhh I'm gonna cum Ah Ah
N- right behind you baby
He kept his pace till I felt a not in my stomach!! I couldn't hold it anymore
N- Jesus fuck Sophia I'm gonna cum
He went after even after I came. He pulled out and cum shot all over my stomach. He laid next to me, both of us out of breathe. I licked the cum off my stomach. Noah stood back up and stood over me. He just smiled at me.
N- I love you
S- I love you more
Before he went to the shower he slid his dick in one more time. Slamming into me, felt amazing.
He left to take a shower. I grabbed the vibrator and played with myself again. Putting it over my clit made my legs shake. Not as much as Noah did but still shake. I pushed it into me a couples times before I came again. I cleaned it and went to take a shower.
I stood up and fell straight to the floor.
N- haha yes baby
He looked down at me with his hair still wet.
S- can you help me take a shower.
N- of course
He helped me up and washed me. I took a normal shower and I didn't have to cover my leg because it was only in a boot not cast. I finished my shower and Noah went to get me clothes. He gave me his tee shirt and comfy pants. He carried me downstairs and put me on the couch. No one suspected a thing because my leg is already broken.
J- hey Sophia how's your back
S- my back?
J- well yeah I assumed the moaning was coming from you
S- well you assumed wrong
Jaden laughed at me then pointed at my leg that was still shaking.
S- ok ok but you tell no one
J- I don't need to, I'm pretty sure they heard you.
S- whatever I'm going to bed, Noah
I look to him and he comes to bring me back to my room. He tucked me in and went on his phone. I fell asleep in less than 5 minutes
