Telling everyoneπŸ€°πŸ¦‹

~Sophia's POV~
I woke up to my stomach hurting again. I sat up and looked around. I was still in Noah's room. I get up to change and feel the barf rushing up my throat. I run to his bathroom and throw up. I end up crying again. I finished throwing up. I take a shower in Noah's room since it was the closest. I'm washing my hair when I feel hands rap around me.
N- good morning
S- good morning
N- I heard you throwing up this morning, are you ok
S- I'm fine, can you wash my back
N- sure
He grabs the soap and washed my back. I rinsed and finished my shower. Noah cleaned himself up and got dressed. I sat on his bed in a towel. He comes out and just stared at me.
N- do you need clothes
S- yeah
He went back and got me this

I put on the pants then sat there
N- why no shirt
S- I don't want one
N-Well you have to cover your boobs
S- fine
I covered myself with the towel and went to my room. I came back wearing this

N- so no shirt
S- this is the best your gonna get
N- ok
He laughed and picked me up
S- ahh
I squealed as he picked me up. He took me downstairs and put my on the counter. He stood on between my legs and smiled at me. I picked his lips then jumped on him.
N- ahh
I giggled as he put me on the couch. He put on a random show. I snuck away and went to grab a hoodie

I grabbed the keys then snuck out. I was going to target in Noah's car and clothes. When I got there I got a bun bread and cashed out. I went home and Noah heard me come in
N- wait when did you leave
S- like 20 minutes ago
N- ok your very sneaky
He went back to his show. I went to the kitchen and put the bun in the oven. I then hid a secret camera in the kitchen. I ran and jumped on Noah
N- wow if you would've jumped like 2 inches over I wouldn't have children. I giggled and sat on his lap. I stole the remote and turned of the Tv
N- hey what's that for
They came running down.
S- ok I hid something in the house and whoever finds it gets a surprise
They all got up and started looking.
J- can you tell us what room
S- ok fine, kitchen
They all went looking in the kitchen
S- dad is really close
He looked at me confused then looked in the oven.
S- you found it
Jo- a bun
J- oh shit
S- Jaden don't say what you think it is I'm waiting for everyone else to get it.
josh then realized, then Anthony.
N- wait a fucking min
S- peace together how I've been acting lately and what you found.
Noah came running and hugging me. He picked me up and spun in a circle.
D- wait for real
they all came and gave me a hug. Dad was crying.
S- oh don't cry
I got up and hugged my dad tight
D- how did you know
S- I took a test with Addison
N- wait so that's why you said the test under the sink was fake.
S- yeah
I was smiling so big.
S- ok so I'm gonna invite hype over and do the same thing I did to you guys, is that ok
D- of course, I still can't believe I'm gonna be a grandfather
N- shit I can't believe I'm the Dad
I called Thomas and told them all the bring there cameras. We waited for them. The whole time we were all waiting Noah kept talking to my stomach.
N- your gonna be so spoiled and loved!!
S- they probably can't hear you yet they are still a little blob.
He laughed and kissed me. Then the doorbell rung. I answered it and they all came and sat in the living. I stood in the middle of the room.
S- ok so I hid something in the house and whoever finds it gets a really good surprise.
K- what's the surprise
S- you have to find out, now start your cameras and go
They did and went looking. I was trying not to give it away so bad. I walked around the kitchen and smiled.
A- can you give us a hint
S- all of you were right by it. Not at the same time but at different times.
They looked confused. They have been looking for 10 minutes.
S- ok it's in either the living room or kitchen.
Most of them went to the living and started going through stuff. Chase, Alex, Mia, Ryland, and Patrick were in the kitchen
S- Ooo Ryland is really close
They all looked confused then Mia ran in and opened the oven.
M- is it this bun bread
S- yes now what could that mean
They all looked puzzled and confused. I saw the gears turn in chases brain. He went to speak but my hand went over his mouth.
S- don't say it out loud
He smiled and hugged me
S- what could this mean, a bun in the oven.
They all looked at me so happy. Noah came up behind me and put his hands on my stomach
N- yes
Kouvr ran and picked me up. Alex came running over and hugged me.
T- omg how far along are you
S- only a few days
Addison smiled at me cause she already knew.
I went over to Addison and whispered
S- do they know about you
A- nope but I plan on telling your dad in a little bit when we do a YouTube video.
She hugged me. I turned around and Noah was looking at me.
N- what was that about
S- nothing
Everyone went on doing what they do. Only a few of hype left. Most of them were in the living room. I was pulled aside by Addison.
A- so I think I'm gonna do the what's in the box challenge with bryce and then do it to everyone else first.
S- ok, are you putting the test on the box?
A- yeah
Ch- what test
Chase was behind us
S -ah nothing
Ch- what are you pregnant too!!
A- SHHH and yes don't tell anyone
Ch- Jesus you guys need to use protection
We laughed and went to go get the supplies.
I came back in the living room and stood on the table.
S- ok guys so we are all gonna do another video for Addison's Channel, it's a normal video called what's in the box challenge.
R- oh I did that once, I touched a snake.
Everyone looked concerned
S- ok there's no live things, now everyone go to the kitchen while we set up.
They left and me and Addison set up. I brought some normal items so it wouldn't look suspicious. First was Mia. She was kinda confused when she touched it.
A- need a hint
M- yeah
A- well it's a type of test
M- drug test? Shit I wasn't prepared
I laughed.
A- no not drug test
She then looked at Addison with wide eyes
A- shhh don't be loud but yes
She got up and hugged her
A few more people did it and got it right. Not everyone wanted to do the video so they got so see what it is at the end. Next was kouvr.
K- ok letting you know now if it's furry I'm gonna scream.
S- just put your hands in
She put them in and I could see in her face she knew what it was
K- do not tell me this is what I think it is.
She whispered her answer to me and I shook my head yes. She jumped up and gave Addison a hug. Dad was next and I was so excited for it. He came in and looked confused at how excited and happy I was about the thing he was about to touch. He put his hands in and moved it around
D- what the hell is this
S- ok no hints for you
D- what why
S- cause you'll find out.
He played with it for a little then started to spit out random guesses.
D- stick
S- no
D- vape
A- no
D- dog shit
S- what the hell no
D- drug test
A- close but no
D- pregnancy test
S- yes
D- anxiety pe- wait did you say yes
A- yeah
He pulled his hands out with it in his hands. He stared at the test with tears in his eyes
D- please tell me this is a prank
A- nope
Addison ran over to him and dad picked her up
D- holy shit you both are pregnant
Everyone was now allowed to congratulate and hug Addison all at once.
N- how the hell did you keep these babies a secret from me
S- well is was easier when I was testing you to see if you would be good at taking care of a baby.
N- wait that's why you were acting like that yesterday
S- yeah
Noah bent down to my stomach
N- I can't wait to see you
He kissed my stomach and picked me up like a toddler. I rapped my arms around his neck.
S- you know Before I was adopted by Bryce I couldn't imagine me being pregnant.
N- well are you happy
S- of course I'm happy, I'm just a little worried about social media and what they will think about a 16 year old being pregnant.
N- it'll be fine, so what they hate, if your happy that's all that matters
S- ok
I put my head on his shoulder as he walked around the house talking to people.
~3 hours later~
Almost everyone has left and it's only Alex, kouvr, and ryland left from hype house. All the sway boys are here except Anthony who went to Avani's house and Blake you went to Amelie's house. I was sitting cuddled to Noah in the living room. We were watching "The Grinch" and my stomach kinda hurt.
N- hey you ok
S- yeah it's just my stomach
N- do you need to throw up
S- no just hurts for no reason
He continued to watch the movie as I went on my phone. I decided to post.

He fell asleep❀️@noahbeck
Btw guys be ready for my new YouTube video tomorrow it's a big surprise πŸ¦‹

Brycehall: I still can't believe the big news
Kouvr: I'm so excited!!!
User677: I bet the surprise is new hair!
Sophia._.sunshine: I love their relationship #couplegoals

I posted it decided to got to bed. I woke up Noah and he went with me. I slept in his room again. I like his bed better than mine, because it smells like himπŸ₯Ί. I fell asleep wrapped in Noah's arms.
