Bye Baby😭🧸

I woke up and Noah was already gone. I was still in yesterday clothes and smelled. I went and took a shower then got dressed into this

Then my hair

I walked downstairs and no one was awake. Then I realized if no ones awake, where's Noah? I called his phone and I didn't get an answer. I looked around the house and didn't see him. I check the other boys rooms and he wasn't in there. I went back up to his room and continued I call him, till I finally got an answer
N- calm down I went to the store
S- why weren't you answering your phone
N- it was on vibrate
S- please don't do that again you had me worried
N- I'm fine ok I'll be home in a few minutes
S- ok I love you
N- love you too bye
S- bye

I hung up and sat down in relief. I hate when he does that to me. 5 minutes later I heard the door open so I went downstairs. I hugged Noah as he was holding some groceries. I helped put them away and went to make breakfast.

I called them all downstairs and they ate. I cleaned up a bit around the house and was really bored. I felt arms rap around my sides. I knew it was Noah because he always puts his hands on my stomach ever since he found out.
S- did you like breakfast
N- very much
He held me for a minute till he picked me up over his shoulder. I squealed
S- ahhh what are you doing
N- we are gonna go on an adventure
He was carrying me to his car. He set me in and put my seat belt on
S- where are we going
N- I told you we're gonna go adventure
S- I hate surprises
N- I know
He smiled at me then started to drive.
S- how long till we're there
N- like 30 minutes
S- uhhhh
I slouched in my seat as he drove. I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw teatalk post

@sophiahall_baddie posted this saying there's a surprise about there relationship. Is it marriage, pregnancy, you guys vote what you think it is.

User7659: if she's pregnant I'm gonna freak out
Hater8990: ah I hope it's a breakup surprise
Sophiahall_baddie$: why is this considered dramaπŸ™„ it's just a surprise for my followers

S-Noah tea talk really posted saying they know my surprise, how is that drama
I shoved my phone in his face and he looked at it.
N- yeah idk
In seconds of him looking at my phone a car had came face to face with us and crashed into us.

~Bryce's POV~
I was editing a video when I get a random call

??- hello is this bryce hall
B- yeah who is this
??- this is the LA emergency room we have your daughter and her boyfriend in here
??- it looks like a car accident and Sophia is pretty badly injured
B- ok I'm on my way

I yelled for the boys
They came running with their shoes on. We all got in my Tesla and drove there fast as possible. When we got there I ran to the receptionist.
B- hey I'm looking for my daughter Sophia hall and her boyfriend Noah beck what room are they in
R- can I see some ID
I gave her my ID
R- room 213 they requested to be in the same room
Me and josh went in first. Sophia was sleeping but Noah wasn't.
N- hey I'm so sorry it-
B- hey it's fine tell me what happened
N- umm Sophia was talking about how tea talk posted about her surprise and really mad because it wasn't even drama. Then she showed me her phone and the split second I looked away from the road it all went black and I think that when these people hit us.

~ Sophia's POV~
I woke up in a hospital bed hearing my dads voice.
S- d-dad
D- hey hey I'm here
S- what happened
D- you were in a car accident
S- how
D- well Noah says you were showing him something on your phone and the split second he looked away a random car hit you guys.
S- s- so it's my fault
N- no no it not our fault it was an empty road and a drunk driver hit us out of nowhere

That's when a doctor came in
D1- hello mr Hall is it ok if I speak to you outside.
Dad left and went to talk with the doctor. I was worried because why can't she just say it infront of me. I saw dad start to cry and I was so scared of what she was about to tell me. Dad came in crying hugging me
S- what happened
D1- umm so when we came and checked you out there was blood coming from your abdomen and we checked and Um your baby passed away during the crash.
I burst into tears. I couldn't believe it, I lost my baby and it was my fault
D1- your body was already small for the baby but when you were crashed it crushed the baby too
I was balling my eyes out into my pillow. I didn't think this was real. I looked at Noah and he was tearing up too. I got up and sat in Noah's bed, curled up to him and cried. The doctor left and so did dad. I was still in shock and it was horrible. I must have been crying for an hour till I fell asleep. I woke up still in the hospital. It was dark outside and I was next to Noah. I grabbed my phone and posted on Instagram

Ok you guys need a lot of explanation. Today I was going to post a big surprise for all of you. Now there is no purpose of that surprise. I was pregnant with Noah's baby and we were all so happy. The video was me telling everyone about the baby. Sadly this morning me and Noah were in a car accident and things aren't ok. The baby passed away and it is dancing around in the sky with my birth parents. Now we are recovering in the hospital so we might not post much. I'm sorry for not telling you guys soonerπŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ

Kouvr: omg I'm so sorry I'm omw to the hospital
Sophia._.sunshine: I'm so sorry for you, they are in a happy place now❀️

User37984:I sorry this happened to you, I hope you guys are okπŸ’•

I looked up at Noah and he was faintly awake and looking at my phone.
N- it's gonna be ok
He kissed my head and I laid back down.Β 

-next day-

I woke up to the doctors coming and switching my IV.
D1- sorry didn't mean to wake you
S- it's fine
She put the new IV in then left. I grabbed my phone and decided to go to TikTok. All I saw though was posts about me and Noah. I started to tear up again. I heard Noah start to move around and stuff so I quickly wiped my tears and acted normal. He looked at me then smiled
N- good morning baby how you feeling
S- soar but fine
N- emotionally?
S- I-I don't know
I started crying again. He hugged me till I stopped.
N- it will be ok, we can always make another.
S- but she was apart of me she was my baby and I loved it every second I knew it was there.
N- I did too but I will be ok, we can have a memorial for it and give it a name
S- but a girl name or boy
N- neutral
S- um how about Jordan
N- or tayler
S- or Alex
N- or Sam
S- or even Casey
He laughed and gave me another hug.
N- see we can get through this
D- with help from us
I looked up to see dad, Jaden, and josh at the door. They came in and sat around us
J- so how you feeling
S- I'm fine just soar
N- I'm fine I think Sophia got more of the impact.
Dad had McDonald's in his hand
S- Oooo gimme gimme
He laughed and handed me the bag.Β  I gave Noah half and we started to eat. I managed to eat one sandwich and half a hash brown till I was full.
S- Jaden do you want this.
J- sure
Me and Jaden have been getting closer through food. Everyone can eat way more than me. It sucks. When I was done in my thoughts I turned on the TV.
S- nah, nope, no, boring, not you, not you either, ah yes
I found Spongebob. I watched that for a while till another doctor came in.
D1- hello I'm here to talk to you about her release
S- I can go today right?
D1- ah no sadly
D- why is she ok
D1- Noah is released to go home, Sophia was hurt worse and we have to take her to surgery for her abdominal issue.
I knew what she ment, the baby, they need to take it out
S- it's the baby you need to take it out
D1- ah yes
N- I'm not leaving if she isn't especially because she has surgery.
S- it's fine Noah, go home take a shower and get yourself cleaned up. Come see me after surgery.
N- are you sure
S- yes
N- ok
TheyΒ  unhooked Noah and gave him his regular clothes back. He left with josh to go home. The doctors prepared me for surgery and I said good bye to my dad and Jaden. I was now sitting in the table in the OR. I saw the gas man reach for the mask and I prepared myself for darkness.
