
Dear diary'
I started online school and it's been a living hell. I'm in accelerated classes and it sucks. I hate my algebra teacher, it's like she is out to get me. I would say one thing wrong and she yells and me and gives me extra work. The rest of my teachers are fine though. Their actually really nice. They help me when I don't get something or give me extra points for no reason. Besides that my week went smooth. Me and Noah go on our first date tonight as I am sooooo excited!!! He won't tell me where we're going and I have been bugging him all day. I'm probably gonna we-

D- hey what you writing
S- ahh nothing
I hid my diary behind my back
D- come on show me
S- nooo it's my diary
D- since when did you have a diary
S- I've had it since I arrived at the orphanage, they gave us them so me can express our feelings.
D- so you have had the same diary for 6 years?
S- well no when we filled one up they would give us a new one
D- hey ah do you think you wanna read the old ones
S- oh no I already know my hand writing will be horrible and my sentences won't make since.
D- yeah I just thought you would wanna look back on your old memories
S- ahh I sorta don't wanna revisit that time in my life
D- oh yeah I forgot about that
S- it's fine I forget sometimes too, hey also have you seen Ellie
D- your elephant?
S- yeah I haven't seen her and I don't know where she is
D- idk I'll have the boys look around
S- ok well I'm gonna get dressed and ready for today
D- oh yeah I forgot you have a date tonight
S- your still cool with that right
D- of course
S- ok well get out I wanna surprise you with my outfit
D- ok, ok I'll get out
He left while I picked out my outfit

Then I did my makeup

I walked out my room to my dad clapping and hyping me up. I swear he is the best hype man ever.
J- why are you clapping
D- look how beautiful Sophia looks in her date outfit
J- yeah she's very pretty
N- what's all this l-
S- no no no you can't see me till our date it will ruin the surprise
He immediately turned back into his room
D- wait isn't that only a rule on wedding days
S- well yes but I'm using it in this case because this is my first date, my first boyfriend
J- and he was your first kiss
S- Jaden!! Shut it
D- ok ok well I'm gonna go do some work
S- k love you
Dad went to his room while I went back to my bathroom. I was sitting there thinking what I should do with my hair. I looked up some and decided on this one

I was looking so good when I heard a know on my door.
S- who is it
N- it's Noah are you ready
S- yeah just give me a sec I'm putting in my last Bobby pin
N- ok I'll be downstairs
I finished up and slowly walked downstairs making an amazing entrance
N- Damn, how did I get this lucky
S- I don't know, luck
We laughed as he took me to his car
S- soooo where are we going
N- speaking of that here
He handed me a blindfold
S- ahh come on
I put in on then we started to drive
He played music while I sang a bit then the car stopped
S- are we here
N- yes now let me get your door
He helped me out and walked me over to to what felt like a yard
N- ok open
I took of the blindfold to see a beautiful picnic set up with a bunch of food and cute decorative items
S- eeeee I love it
I jumped on him and we hugged for a bit
N- can we eat now in starving

First date with my baby❀️🧸@noahback
Brycehall, kouvr, and 990,571 others

@kouvr: omg he's so sweet I hope it's amazing
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@brycehall: my baby is growing up too fast, first dates already
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@blakegray: yasss you better treat her right
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N-so how is it
S- this is amazing. I'm glad my first date was with you, I wanted my first date to be special and it is
N- well I'm glad it's with me too and I'm happy
S- so I forgot to tell you and the boys something but my birthday is in 4 days
N- what?!? How did you forget to tell us
S- idk I just did
N- well what do you want
S- oh I don't want anything
N- ah come on you have to want something for your birthday
S- no because I know you guys are gonna spend way too much money on me and I want you guys to save it
N- well of course we're gonna spend a lot of money it your birthday
S- well don't
N- I can't make any promises
S- fine
I continued to eat when my phone started blowing up again.
N- what did you post that's making your phone go crazy
S- just us at the picnic why
N- ah I think it's more than that
He shows me his phone and it's us on TikTokroom.
S- omg well that explains it.
We finished eating, I was heading to the car while Noah cleaned up. I tried to help but he wouldn't let me. I was playing on my phone waiting for him. He open the door which startled me.
N- sorry
S- no it's fine
We drove home and sat in the driveway
N-so overall how would you rate your experience today
S- *giggle* umm a 10
N- score
I laughed at him while we walked back in. Everyone was there on the couch waiting for me.
S- what's up
K- oooo how was your date
Kouvr started dragging me to my room. I told her everything that happened.
K- aww I'm so glad
S- thank you
K- for what
S- for pushing us together and being the best his mother I could ask for.
K- awwww
She pulled me into a hub and we sat there
S- wanna watch a movie
K- sure
We ended up watching toy story 3. I fell asleep with kouvr and we slept until someone came and woke her up to take her home.
