
We had been driving for about 30 minutes
S-hey can you give us a hint or something
J- ok fine we get to take the thing home
N- is it a car
J- I'm not telling you if your right or wrong
N- fine
We started to slow down by a barn looking place.
S- where the hell are we
J- take these
He handed us blindfolds.
S- come on it's that serious
J- yes now put it on
We put the blindfolds on. I felt the car stop, Jaden opened my door and helped me out.
J- ok don't move I'm gonna get Noah out. After a few minutes he grabbed my hand.
J- ok walk slowly I'm guiding you to the location
I walked with him for about 10 minutes.
S- how far are we walking
J- we're almost there
We finally stopped.
J- ok take the blindfolds off
I uncovered my face and saw I was in a barn, we were in-front of a pen of puppies
I ran and started to pet all of them. I stopped when I realized
S- wait are we getting a puppy!!!!
J- yeah which ever one you guys want
N- look how cute they are
Noah came over and pet them with me. There were like 20 of them
S- how can I pick just one
N- yeah look at them Jaden they are giving us puppy eyes
Jaden looked over and aww at them.
J- I know it's a hard decision but we can only have 1
I looked at Jaden in the eyes. I gave him a sad smile and puppy dog eyes.
S- pwetty pwease Jaden
He thought for a minute and started at me. Noah looked at me and smiled.
N- Jaden please at least two of them
J- alright fine
He gave in and I got into the pen with the puppy's. They all came and snuggled with me and jumped on me. Noah started laughing when one tackled me.
S-Noah help I'm being buried in puppy's
I put my hand out and he helped me stand up. Me and Noah played with the puppy's and tried to decided which ones we wanted. After 10 minutes jaden came back over.
J- have you made your decision
N- I have I want the one with little circles by his eyes.
They both looked at me
S- ahhh I want....... all of them
J- come on Sophia
S- ok ok fine. I want the one who is the smallest
I pointed over to a little puppy in the corner, he looked as if he was the runt of the litter.
S- l've gotta help the little guy he looks like he's the runt

Jaden went and gave the old man the money.
Jaden can back over
J- their all yours
I picked up mine and walked to the car with Noah.
S- thank you so much Jaden this is the best surprise ever!!!
N- yeah man I've been pretty sad but this made my day
I got in the car and buckled. I took off my jacket and made a little bed for my puppy.
S- ok Jaden we need to go to the pet store so we can get stuff for the dogs.
J- you got it boss
We started driving back towards home. I decided to put on music on the way their.
S- 🎢she knows what I think about🎢
J- 🎢and what I think about,one love, two mouths🎢
S-🎢one love, one house🎢
J- 🎢no shirt, no blouse
We started full on jamming to that song. We jammed till we arrived at the pet store. I got out and carried my puppy and Noah carried his. I walked in and made a bed in the front of the cart for the dog. I walked over to the tag machine.
S- ok what to name you
I thought for a little bit while I stared at her.
S- how aboutΒ  Luna
She just stared at me
S- ok how about Thor
She just kept staring
S- fine how about blue
She continued staring
S- you are no help
I thought a little bit more
S- ok last offer Akira
She got really happy and shook her tail
S- finally
I put that on her tag and put down my phone number. After I got that I went around shopping. First I went for a dog bed, I saw a couple that I liked but Amira didn't. I picked this one

I continued to grab food and treats. I grabbed a collarΒ  and Leash too. Last was the toy isle. I walked through and Akira was wagging her tail supper fast and looked super excited. I grabbed a few off the shelf's and saw if she liked them. She did and I headed to check out. I payed and took her to the car. Jaden and Noah finished before me and were waiting. I got in and out the bed on my lap. She snuggled down onto it and got comfortable. Jaden started driving back to the house. When we got back I grabbed everything and took Akira inside.
S- DAD!!!!
He came running down
D- what did you ne-
S- do you like her
He came over and pet her.
D- she's adorable
S- Noah got one too
N- yeah

S- what did you name him
N- Loki
S- aww how cute
N-Β  what about yours
S- oh Akira
N- that's cool
I set up my dogs area in my room and let her explore. I followed her around. She nuzzled her way into Noah's room. He wasn't in there. She explored and stared pulling out something from the closet
S- what are you doing Akira
She has pulled out a hoodie. It was the hoodie Noah gave me the first day I was here. I smiled at her as she rolled on it.
S- how did you know
I picked her up and the hoodie. I took her to the living room and she explored downstairs. She jumped around and chased Noah around the house.
I was laughing my butt off.
S- im- ah sorry- AHHH
I couldn't stop laughing.
I finally pulled it together
S- come here Akira
She ran over to me and licked my face.
S- my good girl, always attack guys to assert dominance.
N- she just attacked me and your saying good girl
S- yeah remember the third day I was here I attacked you for stealing my nugget. Assert dominance
N- wow I just realized you did that
S- yep
I walked into the kitchen with Akira following behind. I put some food in her bowl. She ate as I made some dinner. I made this

I love broccoli and chicken!!!!
I made a plate for me and sat down on a stool. I ate and waited till Akira was done. She takes forever to eat. After she was done I played with her in the living room. I don't know where Noah went, after we got home he took Loki to his room and I ha I seen him since. I was kinda worried so I went to check on him.
S- hey Noah
N- what's up
S- can I come in
N- yeah
I walked in. He was on his stream.
I walked over and sat next to him.
N- what ya need
S- nothing I just didn't know where you went
N- ok, wanna chill on stream with me
S- sure
He patted his lap and I sat on his lap. He was playing Minecraft.
S- who else are you playing with
Then I heard people on his discord start talking.
K- it's Kio
V- vinnie
Jh- josh
A- Anthony
S- cool
I watched him play for about 30 minutes. I heard scratches at the door. I got up and it was Akira. I took her back over to Noah desk and she sat on my lap.
S- oh yeah btw guys this is Akira my new dog
N- yeah and I told you guys about Loki
I laid my head on his shoulder.
N- are you tired, you can lay down if you want
S- I'm *yawn* fine
He laughed and went back to playing.
S- I'm gonna change
I went to my room and changed

I came back and Noah was done streaming.
S- why did you end it
N- oh I wanted to play privately with the boys, we're working on a really cool building.
S- Oooo
I went over and saw they were building a hotel.
S- you should make me a room in there
N- ok
I walked and laid on Noah's bed. I watched him play and just smiled. He was finally happy again. I love his smile and I hate to see him sad.
S- I'm cold, do you wanna cuddle
N- ah not right now I'm trying to get josh from stealing all my diamonds
S- ok
I walked to my room. I decided to paint. It's been awhile since I have. I put my hair up and set everything up. Right when I picked up the paint brush I started to splatter and swoosh and blend a bunch of colors. I express my feelings through art, that's why I love it. I spent and hour painting. When I was done I took a picture and posted it.

@sophiahall._baddie$: everything happens for a reason, remember that

Brycehall: are you ok?
Kouvr: and don't forget, it will get better
Liked by creator
User204730: I still feel bad
Sunny.~hall: is this about the baby
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  -happy4U$: don't remind her

Not many people know I used to dance. I never tell anyone cause I wasn't the best at it. There was always someone better than me. People would bully me for it. I quit when I was 11. Maybe I should start again. I did have fun with Charli when we taught the mini dance class. I hung up my painting to dry. I cleaned my room from my sadness stage and decided to rearrange.

I got rid of a bunch of stuff and sold it. I wanted more room to do stuff. I was done and had nothing to do. I went back to Noah's room. He was asleep in his bed. I went over and kissed him.
S- I love you so much
He woke up
N- oh hey wanna come snuggle
S- no I think I'm gonna do a little dance in my room but I came to say goodnight
N- dance?
S- yeah I used to dance when I was little bit I stopped. I realized how fun it was to dance again and wanna start.
N- can I come watch
S- if you want.
He got up and followed me to my room.
N- wow rearranged?
S- yeah
I rolled up my rug and put it in the corner. I stretched as Noah sat on my bed.
I pulled out my playlist and started to dance to sweater weather. I love that song. Noah etched as I twirled and leaped and flipped around my room. He looked surprised when I was done.
N- why would you quit dance your obviously amazing at it.
S- idk
I laid on my floor breathe less.
N- hey you know it's 1 In the morning right?
S- yeah it's fine, if your tired you can go to bed I'm probably gonna stay up
N- ok
He crawled up and got under my bed covers.
I went to the bathroom and just looked at myself.
S- oh fuck it
I grabbed Noah's car keys ran outside and drove to target. I grabbed this and drove back home

I went to my bathroom and read the instructions. I did What it said and started to dye my hair. I set a timer and scrolled on my phone. I came across a video of people up at saddle ranch fighting.
S- ha idiots
I rinsed my hair and blow dried it.

I put my hair in a bun and went to go to sleep next to Noah. He'll see my hair in the morning and freak out. Wait I didn't think about that. What will dad think of my hair. I mean it's not bad but I was supposed to ask him first. You know what I'm done caring what people think. A wise person once told me it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I fell asleep at 3:27.
