Birthday πŸ’…πŸ»πŸ“Έ

I woke up to loud noises and shuffling around the house. I heard a couple of the boys in the hallway so I decided to snoop. I slowly walked to the door to listen.
N- so did you go pick up the cake yet
J- nah I pick it up at 2
D- hey do think we should wake her up it's like 10:30
N- yeah sure
I hurried back to my bed and acted like I was sleeping. I heard the door open and I squeezed my eyes shut.
D- how is she still sleeping
N- idk but shhh we're gonna jump on here in 3..2..1..
All the boys started jumping on my bed.
N- wake up
J- wake up
D- come
I got up and tackled my dad
S- ahhhh I love you
D- I love you too
S- thank you for adopting me, I couldn't have gone to a better home. I met my amazing dad, my wonderful boyfriend, and the best brothers and friends I could ever ask for.
D- well I'm also very happy that I adopted you. You made my life so much better.
N- ok hey I wanna have her too
Noah picked me up and held me bridal style.
S- baby I love you
N- love you too
J- ok ok that's enough lovey dovey stuff, come on it's your birthday
S- ok ok get out I'm gonna change and put on my birthday outfit
Tb- ok
I went and took a shower then did my skin care. I got my clothes that were in my closet. I have had this outfit picked out for like a week.

( you did your hair the same too)
Then I did my makeup

I was so happy with how I looked. I felt so confident and hot!! I headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. When I walked down the stairs I heard Noah whistle and the boys hyping me up.
D- hey that's my daughter
N- sorry but look at her
D- yeah she is very beautiful
J- Sophia so do you think your down for a "birthday party"
He made air quotes in the air which confused me.
N- he wants to throw a party
S- sure that's sounds wonderful
A- also alcohol??
S- duhhhhh
D- wait a minute that isn't responsible your 15 today.
S- I won't get smashed or anything just a couple drinks.
D- fine but that's it.
S- anyways I want ihop can we go
D- sure let me and the boys get ready and we can go.
I waited on the couch and scrolled through Instagram. Like 10 minutes later everyone came down stairs and got their shoes on. We headed to the car and got in we sat like this:
Dad Blake
Jaden Sophia
Anthony Noah josh
We were jamming to Disney songs the whole ride there. We pulled up to ihop and dad put our names in for our table. We waited 15 minutes
W- Bryce hall?
D- ahh yeah that's us
The lady walked us to our table
W- can I start you guys off with some drinks
D- yeah can I have a coke
J- same here
A- do you guys have Mountain Dew
W- yes
A- well then I'll take that
Jo- I'll just have sprite
S- I'll have water with a lemon
W- alright I'll get that for you
She walked back behind the counter and continued working
D- soo Sophia what all do you wanna do today
S- nothing much, maybe go shopping and have the party later
D- ok
Dad pulled out his phone and started texting someone
Jo- so I hope you get what you wanted for your birthday
S- I didn't want much, I don't like you guys spending money on me
N- did I not tell you josh
S- tell him what
Jo- it's nothing
They both laughed and kept telling little secrets. The waitress came back with our drinks. Then we ordered food. I got waffles bacon and eggs.
N- hey waitress it's her birthday
S- wtf Noah shhhh
W- wait it is, well I'll see what I can do about that
S- what have you done Noah
She came back with the whole crew and started singing " oh boy oh boy, this is a song for you, happy birthday from ihop crew, all the way to you, now take this special treat, for your pretty face to eat, and have a great birthday, there's nothing better to beat" all the boys laughed and recorded me. They lady handed me a brownie with ice cream.
D- she says thank you
I was so red and embarrassed I was hiding in my jacket.
N- come on don't hide it's fine everyone gets embarrassed
S- but has your whole family laughed at you and embarrassed you infront of a bunch of people
N- yeah we do this every birthday in my family
S- well I never do and this is embarrassing
I finally stop hiding and sit as everyone stares at me.
W- hey guys here is your food
She handed us our meals and we started eating.
~20 min later~
I was almost finished with my food but I couldn't do it.
S- guys I'm so full can I get a to go box
D- yeah
Everyone else was pretty much done too
We got me a box and started to head home.
I got out the car and went to straighten up my hair and then played COD with Blake.
B- you know your getting pretty good at this game.
S- yeah I know I'm almost a goo as you and Noah
B- well Noah's trash at it and I say your better than him
N- hey jack-ass I'm right here
B- sorry not sorry
S- hahaha get fucked
When Blake was distracted arguing with Noah I found where he was hiding and killed him.
B- aye that's now fair I was talking to Noah
S- so it just adds another tally to my score
B- whatever I'll let it slide
S- maybe your just are bad
B- ah what was that
I looked back at the screen to see that Blake killed me
S- were fair now
B- I guess
I played for a little longer till dad started calling me
D- Sophia come here
I walked downstairs into the living room where dad was.
D- the girls from hype wanna take you shopping
S- yay I love shopping
D- yep so get your stuff together their on their way.
S- k
All I had to do was grab my purse. I waited at the door till I saw the car pull up
S- thank you
I got in and sat down
I turned to see Avani, Charli, and Mia in the back seat
S- thank you guys
I tried my best to hug each of them, we were in a car after all
Kouvr started driving and we stopped at dunkin to get some coffee. We drove to the mall.
A- ok well where do you want to go first
S- maybe victorious secret
M- yassss
We went to victorious secret and got a few new bras, underwear and I bought a piece of lingerie, idk why maybe I'll need it in the future when I loose my virginity.
K- Oooo lingerie for who
S- idk probably Noah
C- so you guys already stared banging it out
K- well then why did you buy it
S- idk maybe for when I loose my virginity
M- wait your a virgin
S- yeah
M- good for you, make it special, mine wasn't
K- mine was
C- mine was too
A- same here
M- so maybe I am the only one who used to be a hoe but that's not the point
We all started laughing and walked down to forever 21. I bought new sweat pants, and more crop tops.
K- ok we have gone to 2 stores 2 more to go
S- what?
M- yeah I figured we would go to about 4 stores then head back to your house so you can start your party
S- oh yeah
We went to Spencer's and I got a new candle and jacket
A- Oooo what's this
Avani held a vibrator right in my face
S- a ew
K- ahh not ew I actually have that one
S- ahhhh I'm getting out of here before you guys make me buy a dildo.
We went and payed for our stuff and headed to American Eagle.
S- I love their jeans so much
C- hay is that Addison on there walk
K- yeah
S- cool
I bought 4 new pairs of jeans. We went to pay and my total was $254.31
S- omg your guys are gonna make me go broke
A- it's ok we will be broke with you
We laughed and started to head back to the car. It was already 5 by the time we were done shopping. I saw kouvr text someone right before we left.

~Bryce's POV~
I got a ding on my phone from kouvr
We're on our way back be ready
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Ok see you soon
I made sure everything and everyone was where they needed to be
D- cake
J- check
D- balloons
A- check
D- Alcohol
Jo- check
D- cups
N- check
D- chips
J- next to you
D- ok I don't think we need anything else but if all else fails I can go to the store, are you guys ready
I turn to the living room and see all that hype house chilling
T- yeah I think we're good
D- ok now we wait for here to get here
~Sophia's POV~
We were pulling into the drive way when I noticed the girls behind me whispering
S- what are you hiding from me
C- nothing
S- then why are you whispering
K- just wait come on we have to go set up for your party
S- fine
We walk together to the door. Charli pulls her phone out and recorded me.
S- what are you doing
C- open the door
I open it to see all my friends and family all there
S- omg!!!
I get so happy
S- I thought we were gonna do it together
D- nope
We all laugh as I run to get some chips. I ate a few then stood on the table.
S- Let's get this party started!!!!!
Everyone stared cheering, and dad stared blasting music. Noah helped me down, well really I jumped and he caught me.
N- do you like it
S- I love it
I kissed him and he let me down. I grabbed a white claw and started to drink it.
S- Ewww this is disgusting
D- ahh your the one who wanted alcohol
S- what eves I'll drink it
I dunk it anyways and danced around.
~1 hour later~
I had finished 5 white claws and my head hurt really bad. I was stumbling around
N- hey are you ok
S- I'm fine
N- your dad said to not get drunk are you sure
S- p-positive
Noah stayed with me and helped me walk
D- Sophia are you drunk
S- GiGlE noooo
N- yeah I'm gonna take her to her room
S- NoOoOo
D- yes Sophia I told you only a few and your full on drunk
S- I'm sorry
I start cry in the middle of the floor
S- I'm such a bad daughter and girlfriend
N- hey hey don't say that your an amazing girlfriend
D- and daughter
S- but I disobey you and now I'm gonna be put in the closet
D- the what..
S- yeah when I am in trouble I'm put in the closet
D- we would never do that, the most we might do is take your phone
S- r-really
D- yes
N- now I'm gonna take you up stairs and change you into some pajamas and get you some water
S- ok
I hid into Noah's chest as he carried me. He set me on my bed and went and picked some clothes for me. He got me grey Nike sweatpants and one of his hoodies.
N- now stay here while I get you water
I layer there and thought about how stupid I was. Noah came back and gave me some water.
N- do you need help changing
S- no I c-
I fell while trying to stand up
N- yep you need help
He undressed me and when I realized he was seeing me in my bra and panties I freaked out. I started backing up onto my bed and just stared at him
N- are... you ok
S- g- get away from me
N- wait Sophia what's wrong
S- n- no just go please don't hurt me
N- what
I started having a panic attack again and curled up in a ball. I stared having flash backs of kids at the orphanage.
He stared to back me into the wall
S-please don't do this I'm only 7!!!
G- shut up before I kill you
He pushed me in a corner and put his hand down my pants. I didn't like it I tried to get him off of me but I was too small and he was 13. I stared screaming and other kids heard me.
J- what are you doing to her!!!!!
It was Johnny my best friend
G- what do you think now leaving us alone
J- get off of her
Johnny pulled him off of me and held me. Johnny was 16 and he protected me at all cost. He said he knew my parents and that's why he protects me. I cried into his chest and fell asleep there
~Bryce's POV~
Noah came running towards me.
N- I think Sophia is having a panic attack again.
I ran to her room and saw her only in her under clothes and in a ball. I sat next to her and put her on my lap. I played with her hair and hummed a song from dumbo. She seemed to start calming down but not quite. This has been the worst on so far. I didn't know what else to do.
D- hey baby, daddy's here
I just held her till it was over.
S- he never stopped
D- who
S- G-grant
D- grants gone now
I mouthed to Noah "who's grant"
He just shrugged his shoulders
D- did grant do something to you
S- h-he touched me
D- well he's gone now and it will never happen again
N- is that why you freaked out when I was helping you get dressed
S- yeah I'm sorry
N- it's not your fault
S- can I get dressed now
D- yeah
~Sophia's POV~
The boys left so I can still get dressed. I was still a little shaky and I tried to stand I fell to the floor and just cried. I managed to get my pants on and laid on my bed. I didn't put on a shirt because I couldn't get to it. I reached for Noah's hoodie and grabbed it. I didn't put it on I just held it and cried into it
N- hey are you dressed
S- n-no but you can come in
He walked in and saw me crying he laid next to me and held me. I fell asleep in his arms.
~Noah's POV~
Sophia fell asleep in my arms. I ended up tearing up because she has been through so much. I want to protect her with my life and keep her safe. I fell asleep like 20 minutes later holding the women I love.
