Long recoveryπŸ€οΏΌπŸŽΈ

I woke up and I was on a cot. I was still in the hospital. Luke was next to me in the hospital bed. I looked up and he had wrapping around his head. I grabbed his hand and remembered all that happened. I kissed his hand and went to the bathroom. I came back and he was starting to wake up
S- L-Luke?
L- Sophia?
S- omg LUKE
I ran up and held his hands.
L- what happened
S- well when my dad punched you, you went unconscious and the medics came and took you here for surgery on your head, you had a brain bleed.

I started to cry again
S- why did you do that, I told you to go back, now your hurt and it's my fault
L- no Sophia don't say that. It was my choice and I choose to stay.
S- yeah but you didn't have to.Β  you should have went back
L- I wasn't gonna leave you with him, I saw he was angry
S- thanks but please, if this ever happens again, don't defend me, go back
L- never
I rolled my eyes and hugged him.
L- come here
He patted next to him and I crawled up beside him.
L- I will never leave you in danger
He rapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. His mom woke up and saw us.
E- oh sweetie your awake
She came on the other side and gave him a kiss.
E- I'm so glad your ok
She hugged him and held his other hand.
E- thank you Sophia for signaling the police, without you, my son might've died.
S- trust me if the police didtn get him off then I would've done everything i could to stop him.
L- oh yeah what happened to your dad
S- they took him away
L- oh, where are you staying
S- I actually have to go back to the orphanage
L- your kidding right?
S- no
He looked really sad and held me tight.
L- I won't let that happen
S- there's nothing we can do, I'll have to go back and stay there till I'm 18,which is in a few months.
A- nope not gonna happen
Alex came in the door.
L- omg Alex
A- hey man, I actually made a few calls and Sophia isn't going back
S- what do you mean
A- well if you want, my mother just set up a new room in the house and it can be yours if you say yes
I got up and ran to give Alex a hug
A- I figured it was better than an orphanage
S- way better
A- although my moms cooking might taste like orphanage food
I laughed and gave him another hug. The doctor came in.
D- hello I'm Luke's doctor-
S- doctor Helms?
D- Sophia hi how are you doing
S- um thanks to Alex great
D- that's wonderful
L- wait how do y'all know each other
S- she was my doctor when I had that concussion.
L- oh
D- well Like it looks like your labs are looking good and your vitals are fine
L- so can I go home
D- not so fast you have to stay here for recovery
L- how long is that
D- about 2 weeks
L- really?!?
D- yes
L- well what about our show on Tuesday
E- your gonna have to cancel sweetie
L- but we can't
E- why
A- we're playing the stadium
E- really
S- yeah we were gonna be the halftime performance
L- we have to figure out how to get me there
S- we can't there's no way
D- well Tuesday is in 5 days, and I can make you a deal
L- really what is it
D- on Tuesday if you wound Is healing well and your vitals are up where there supposed to be, I'll let you go to the performance, but one of my doctors have to go with incase
L- YES I'll take you up on that deal
L- thank you so much
A- maybe if we are quiet we can practice a little
D- well we are on the Pediatric floor so maybe if you think you are strong enough, your "practice" can be playing for the kids.
A- that would be awesome
S- me and Alex can go get the Instruments
A- yeah and I can call Reggie to see if he's done with..... whatever he's doing
L- Yeah Reggie has been acting weird
S- also I can grab clothes for you
L- that would be amazing, this gown doesn't exactly give the best coverage
S- yeah I can see your boxers
He hurried and covered himself with a blankets
L- go hurry and stop looking
I laughed and went to walk out. I peeked my head back in
S- hey Luke
L- what's up
S- Pizza?
I headed out and followed Alex. He drove me do their house. Alex went to the Garage. I went inside the house for clothes and stuff. I went to find Luke's room. I found it on the first try. His room was surprisingly clean and well kept

I found his closet and picked out an outfit for him.

I went exploring a little bit and found a secret box hidden under his bed. On the top it said Love and had hearts on it. I opened it and it had pictures of his family. I saw his mom and his dad. There was Alex and Reggie and some other people I don't know. On top was a picture of me......

It was from my Instagram before I dyed my hair. It was my favorite picture of myself. How did he find it. I ignored it and put the box back. I hurried out to the garage to help Alex. I walked in and most of it was packed up. I walked over and packed up the keyboard piano. I put it in its case and set it aside. I packed up the microphones and put them away. Alex had pretty much everything else. I started to put it in Alex's car. When we were finished we got back in the car. We headed to the pizza place and Alex ordered. He came back to wait in the car.
S- hey I have a question
A- what's up
S- what is it like at your house
A- well I live with my mom and my little sister
S- well now you have 2 little sisters
A- oh yeah, how old are you
S- I'm 17 I turn 18 in 5 months
A- ha I'm already 18
S- yeah your the oldest in the band, then Luke, then Reggie
A- yep
S- speaking of, where has Reggie been
A- I don't know, he said he has a classified business that he's not allowed to tell anyone
S- what do you think it is
A- maybe he is in the mafia
S- or he's a drag queen
We laughed , Alex went and got the pizza. We drove to the hospital. I texted Luke were here and he sent his parents down to help. We got it all to the floor after a few trips.
S- I'm gonna go find the doctor to see where we are doing this.
I walked around in the halls and looked around. I found her by the lab
S- hey I was wondering where we can set up our band stuff
D- oh you can set it up in the main hall
S- which is???
D- oh if you take a left by the main desk you'll see a sign and it tells you the directions to the main hall
S- thanks
I went back to Luke's room
S- ok Luke here's your clothes you get changed, me and Alex are gonna set up
L- ok, did you change
S- ah no I forgot, I'm fine
L- no go home get changed then come back
S- well I haven't packed up my clothes and stuff from sway
L- oh yeah, just grab clothes from my house
S- sure I guess
Luke's mom took me while Alex set up. We drove there.
E- hey so how did you and Luke meet
S- oh, i me him last week at the pier, I had ran from my dad and stayed there, he actually actually convinced me to perform with them that day.
E- wow he has told so many time they would never let a girl in the band, but I guess your special
S- yeah I guess
We got there and I went to Luke's room, I tried to find something girly but I wasn't having much luck. I decided on this

I went downstairs and saw Emily in the kitchen. She was baking something
S- what ya making
E- or before every performance I make Luke a special cookie
S- that's sweet
E- yeah he thinks that is what gives him confidence
S- well does it
E- no it's just a plain chocolate chip cookie
We laughed and waited for it to be done. Emily bagged it and took me back to the hospital.
E- so can I tell you something
S- what's up
E- any girl Luke hangs out with I don't like, but I like you, your different
S- well thanks, I think of you as a mother
Her eyes lit up
E- really
S- yeah I've had my real mom but she passed away. Your the first women that I've thought of being a mother figure to me
E- well I'm honored sweetie
She hugged me and we walked into Luke's room
L- ah yes your here we are set up and ready, also Reggie showed up
S- ok do you need a wheel chair or something to get there
L- I had brain surgery, I'm not crippled
He stood up and wobbled a bit
I walked over and sat him back down
S- except you forgot your brain controls your legs, and your brain is tired
I got him a wheel chair and pushed him into the main hall.
L- btw you stole my good luck hoodie
S- oh speaking of
I pulled his cookie out of my pocket
S- here is this, from your mother
L- ah this is my confidence cookie
S- oh really
I looked back at his mom and she was laughing
I pushed him there and he tried to stand up
S- nope take it slow
He huffed and me and grabbed his guitar. He rolled himself to where he wanted to be. I sat by the keyboard piano and put my microphone on a stand. I looked and it looked like the boys were ready. Then I started to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was amazing. Even though there was only kids and their parents it felt amazing to sing. I couldn't stop Luke from standing in the performance, I just let it go. We bowed and all the little kids clapped. I took pictures and some asked me to sign stuff. I have no clue why, we're not that big. I pushed Luke back to his room. Performing always cheers up Luke. He was so happy and I finally saw him smile.

Thank you East La hospital for letting us give a show to the kids🎢🎸

Sunnie.Taylor:they are so amazing for going
Jadenhossler: you should come get your stuff you left here lol

S- hey Luke, whenever your healed I need to pack up my stuff from Sway
L- we can do it tomorrow if you want
S- well you can't help then cause I'm not letting you get yourself hurt
L- I'm fine
S- nope what if you trip and hit your head
L- I won't
S- you don't know that, just stay here it it will take me only a few hours. I'll have Alex and your dad help me
L- ok but promise me your gonna come back
I put out my pinky
S- promise
We linked pinky's. I walked over to my cot and ate some snacks
L- Ooo are those cheez-Its
S- yeah, want some
L- Ah yeah they are my favorite
I handed him the box and he grabbed some.
Alex was still here. He was setting up his system from home so we can watch movies. We all planned on staying here overnight.
A- ok it's all set what do y'all wanna watch
S- Oh I vote grinch cause it's around Christmas
L- I vote Elf
We both looked at Alex
A- oh no you are not leaving it to me
S- I got an idea
I walked out and went up to the front desk.
S- excuse me this might be an odd question but what would you rather watch the grinch, or Elf
W- oh probably Elf, it's my favorite
S- ok thanks
I walked back
L- what did you do
S- Elf wins, I asked a random doctor which do they like more
L- yesss
Alex put it on. I was on my cot in the right sided Luke and Alex was on the left.
L- thank you guys for staying
A- I wasn't gonna leave you here with her, she's a little crazy
I acted offended
S- ah I am not, I wasn't gonna leave cause I didn't want you to be alone with crack head, he might bite you or something
A- so your assuming I bite people
L- I can tell you guys are gonna be a good brother and sister
We laughed and laid down. I ended up falling asleep halfway in the movie.
