Hospital p.2🦭

I woke up to my phone going offΒ  like crazy.
S- what the hell
I checked people were tagging me in another teatok post

A picture took by one ofΒ  Sophia's fans at the pier. Who's this new guyπŸ˜‰

Sophia-smiles$: it's probably just a friend
Hater629238: I knew she was a cheater
Noahbeck: that's Luke he's just her friend
Sophiahall._baddie$: I didn't wanna say anything yet but I joined a band and that's just my band mate@lukepatterson

I can't believe people think me and Luke date, we just met and I don't think he thinks of me like that. I got up and showered. Got ready for the day and put on

I went downstairs and made myself some avocado toast. I was eating and got a text from Luke.
Lukey bear🦭- hey are you down to practice today, around 2
S- yeah sounds great, need me to bring anything
Lukey bear🦭- you know what would be great, pizza
S- lol sure, pepperoni?
Lukey bear🦭- sounds good to me
S- ok see ya at 1:30
I went to the fridge and left a note.

I left to Luke's house to practice, I'll be home before 10. Love you ❀️

I decided to leave early cause I didn't wanna talk to Noah. He's been acting weird and he's been drinking more. I did find out from dad that the night he came in my room in his underwear, he was drunk. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the pizza shop. It was 1:00 so I had time.
S- hey can I get 2 large Pizzas
W- sure any dipping sauces
S- nope that's it
W- ok that's $14.78
I handed him the money and waited in the lobby. It took 10 minutes. I grabbed the pizza and carefully skated to Luke's house. I showed up at 1:45. I knocked and his dad answered.
S- ah hi I'm looking for Luke
?- ah I don't think he ordered pizza
S- oh no sorry I'm Sophia his new lead singer in his band.
?- oh I'm so sorry, I'm Mitch
S- hey
M- well they are in the garage I'll show you. He walked me out to the garage and opened it.
S- hey
He was excited to see me. But I think he was just excited cause I bought pizza.
L- your a life saver, I was starving
S- yeah that's why I came early cause you always seem hungry
He went back and acted offended
L- how dare you assume that, even though it's correct doesn't give you the right to assume
I laughed
M- well you two have fun, not too much fun.
I started laughing so hard
L- haha very funny
I could tell he was being sarcastic
I got off the floor and sat on his couch.
S- do what's the plan
I looked around and it was just me and him
L- umm Alex will be here at 2 and Reggie will be late cause he has a family cook off to go to.
S- ok then
I got up and looked around the garage. I wasn't like a normal garage with car parts and tools. There's had couches, music instruments. I found a little stair case.
S- hey what's up here
L- you shouldn't go up there
S- why
L- it's messy
S- ok and? Have you seen my room
L- I'm just saying don't move anything, that's my chill spot where no one can bother me.
S- Oooo what can Luke be hiding in his garage
I started to run up the stairs, Luke was right behind me. He grabbed my waist and pulled my back.
S- come on I wanna explore
L- just let me grab something first
He went in front and went to the little room. He came back down with a journal
S- Oooo Luke's got a diary
I tried to grab it but he held it up high
L- nope when I feel comfortable letting other people read it you can.
S- you suck
I walked up the stairs to the room. It was super cool and decorated

S-Β  wow it's so cool up here. I jumped on the bean bag and covered up with the blanket.
L- you like it
S- yeah, it smells like you up here
L- well I hope so, I'm the only one allowed up here
I looked up at him smiling at me
I got up and grazed along the guitar.
L- do you know how to play it
S- nope
L- come here
I walked over to him and headed it over.
L- there's a bunch of different notes for it and stuff but you can learn if you try.
S- lemme see it
I grabbed the guitar and started to act like a rock start. I jumped around with it and bopped my head
L- you little dork come on I think I heard Alex's mom pull up
I set it back on the wall and went down to the main part of the garage

I saw Alex walk in and look shocked I was here.
A- wow usually I'm first
S- not this time I slumped on the couch and pulled out my phone And posted

He said he was fashionably late, I call capπŸ˜‚
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I listened to Luke and Alex talk about they chorus of a new song.
L- and maybe we can add a little piano and go 🎢It's not what you lost, it's what you gain raising your voice in the rain🎢
S- 🎢Wake up wake up and make it true look out look in, inside of you🎢
L- wait how do you know it already
S- I may have saw the page for the song on the floor upstairs
L- gimme it
I pulled it out my pocket and put it in his hand.
A- wait how long has she been here
S- like 20 minutes
A- what were you guys doing
He gave Luke a funny look moving his eyebrows.
I started laughing my ass off
L- don't even say that
Luke came and picked me up over his shoulder
L- and even if we did I wouldn't tell you
Alex looked in shock while I was still laughing.
He ran over to the piano and set me down
L- ok calm yourself and listen
I stopped laughing like he said
L- ok so I need to know if you can play the piano
S- a little
L- what do you mean
S- like I did a performance before.
L- good enough for me
He took me over to the bench and showed me what notes to play.
L- no the last one
S- what do you mean I played the last one
L- let me show you
Luke sat next to me and grabbed my hand.
L- follow my fingers
He played as I put my hand under his. He stopped.
L- now repeat it
I did as he said and did that
L- see you got it
He helped me learn it while Alex was stringing a new guitar.
L- bro when is Reggie gonna get here, we need the bass to do this song
I got up and grabbed my phone. I texted Reggie

S- hey are you on your way
Reggie🎸-Yeah we just finished up here
S- ok see you in a minute

S- he's on his way
I got up and grabbed a piece of pizza.
A- wait there's pizza
S- yeah
Alex got up and grabbed a piece. I ate while Luke learned the piano part to teach me.
S- you know I can learn it myself
L- yeah but it's easier to learn it first then figuring out how to do it when you mess up.
I laughed and went back up to Luke's chill space
A- hey you probably shouldn't go up there
S- why? Luke let me earlier
He turned his head to Luke
A- since when are we allowed up there
L- you guys aren't allowed, she is, she helps write music
A- I'm telling Reggie
L- whatever
I went up to the chill room and snuggled under the blanket in the bean bag. I got a call from Noah.

Hey Sophia what's up
Nothing I'm trying to practice for our next show on Tuesday
Oh that's cool, I'm im sorry for the other night.
What do you mean
You know when I came in there naked
Yeah I just ignored it
Ok so we're cool right
Yeah I guess
Ok what time will you be home
I'm not sure, before 10 o'clock though
That means I won't see you
Yeah, but when you wake up you can
I have a flight in an hour
To where
Back to mg home town. I need to straighten myself up

I hung up and went back down to the main part of the garage

L- who were you on the phone with?
S- boyfriend, he told me he's going back to his home town
L- oh ok

I sat by the piano and practiced our new song. Reggie walked in as I finished
R- hey guys
A- hey
L- sup, I'm there's pizza if you want some
R- yessss the food at our family cook thing was trash. It was all stems, and soups
Reggie ate while I pulled Luke aside
S- hey Luke can I talk to you
L- sure what's up
S- so I was scrolling through Instagram this morning and people think were dating or something
S- yeah so can you post or something that I'm just a new band mate
L- sure
S- I commented on the post but I don't think they saw it
L- yeah gimmie a sec
He grabbed his phone. I decided to call my dad

Hey dad
What's up
I was wondering why Noah thinks he needs to go home
He said it was cause he wants to straighten himself out and get clean
Oh ok
So your at Luke's
Why didn't you ask
Well I left a note
That's not enough

I hung up and ran upstairs again

~Luke's POV~
I was posting a picture Sophia told me to when I heard her screaming on the phone
she stormed up to the chill space.
L- what was that about
A- I don't know
R- all I heard was her saying she left a note and then she screamed
A- maybe it was her dad
L- I don't know
I headed up stairs and saw her crying on the bean bag.
L- hey......
S- ah um hi
I saw her mascara running down her face.
L- are you ok
S- I'm fine, it's just my dad expects so much from me and I can't give him the perfect daughter
L- I think your perfect
She looked up and smiled
S- thank you Luke but unless you can convince my dad that I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I'm fine on my own then I don't think that will do much
I held my hand out and she grabbed it. I helped her up and gave her a big hug
~ Sophia's POV~
Luke helped me up and hugged me. He gives the best hugs. I stayed there and didn't want to let go. He was warm and comforting. I couldn't help but cry. I started to cry and he noticed.
L- Hey hey what's wrong did I do something
S- no not you just life
L- ok, do you want to continue hugging or...
S- oh yeah sorry,
L- it's fine just you seemed like you needed one
He held out his hand and I grabbed it.
S- thanks
L- for?
S- cheering me up
L- oh welcome I guess
S- can I tell you something
L- what's up
S- the only person that's seen me cry is my dad
L- really
S- yeah
L- not even your boyfriend
S- nope,
L- why did you let me see you cry
S- cause I know you won't tell anyone
He walked me back downstairs and Reggie was gone.
L- hey where's Reggie
A- oh he left, he said it was classified business
L- ok then
I rapped my arms around like and didn't let go
L- I'm confused
S- your warm
L- here
He gave me his jacket
S- yayy
I put it on and hid in it
A- oh Sophia are you ok
S- I'm fine, just my dad
A- you can stay at my house if you want, you know to get away from him
S- thank you but he would probably kill me
L- how old are you again
S- oh 17
L- in less than a year you can move out and do whatever you want
S- yep looking forward to it.
He laughed and came over and sat where I was
L- so everyone has been everywhere and we haven't really got to go through the song all the way
S- yeah and Reggie just left so we can't
L- Tomorrow?
S- yes a anything to get away from my dad
A- yeah I'm free
L- ok
I grabbed my stuff and went to leave
L- hey Sophia
S- what's up
L- um if you need to, you can always stay here, your always welcome
S- thanks
L- bye
S- bye
It was 7:45 and I started to head home. I was skating and I saw my dad driving around. I rode next to him
S- what are you doing
S- why
S- what the fuck did you just say
D - you heard me
S- wow
I skated off down the street as fast as I can. He was in a car so he sped up and caught up.
He got out the card and grabbed my wrist. I started to pull back
S- let go of me
He tightened his grip and pulled my arm
S- ow stop what's wrong with you
I saw Luke running down the street towards me. I waved to go back but he didn't.
Luke came up.
L- Sophia who is he
S- my dad now please go home, I don't want you hurt
D- oh so this is the guy your sleeping with
Dad went walked towards him.
L- look man I care for Sophia and I just saw a random guy pulling her in a car. I swear we're just friends
D- yeah that's what the last one said
He threw a punch at Luke and mocked him in the jaw
I ran and got on my dads back and stacked him. He was beating up Luke and punching him in the face.
I was hitting my dad and trying to get him off. A police officer drove by and saw what was happening. He flashed his sirens and got out the car. He got dad off of Luke and hand cuffed him. I ran to Luke and saw he was unconscious.
P- hey we need a medic down on west 5th street
I tried shaking him and waking him up.
I was balling my eyes out. A little later a medical truck came and put him on a stretcher.
M- mam we need you to step back
A medic held me back while they put him in the truck.
M- I'm sorry we need room to help him
They drove off and I immediately got on my skate board. I tried to keep up with the ambulance but they were drinking too fast. I lost them. I used my GPS to go the rest of the way. I arrived and ran in to the front desk
S- excuse me I'm looking for Luke Patterson
W- umm he is in surgery, how are you guys related
S- um we aren't I love him and he's my best friend
W- umm ok it'll take a few hours your welcome to sit in his room and wait, room 371
S- ok thank you so much
I found his room and sat in a chair. I waited about a hour till a doctor came in the room.
S- omg is he ok
L- Ah yes they are finishing up, but I would like to ask you to answer some of the policies questions, they need to know what happened, and what caused Luke to have a brain bleed.
S- ok
The officer came in and sat next to me.
O- hello I'm officer Wilson and I need for you to answer some questions
S- ok
O- ok umm why caused that man to get angry and attack Luke
S- well I was riding home on my skate board and I saw my dads car, I asked him what he was doing out, he started to get angry and call me names like slut. He said I was cheating on my boyfriend, which is his best friend. I told him no that Like was just a friend, many times. He then got out the car and tried to force me into the car. I guess Luke saw and thought I was being kidnapped or something. He came over and tried to understand who he was. Then dad went off and started beating on him. I tried getting him off but I was too little. Is Luke ok?
O- we think so. So what happened is called aggravated assault. Your father will probably do time but I'm sure you can stay with an aunt or Uncle.
S- I actually can't
O- can you explain
S- well bryce adopted me when I was 15 and I don't know any other family. So if he goes to jail, I go back to the orphanage.
O- I'm so sorry but we have to put him away. If he gets angry again and hurts someone else, it would be our fault for letting him free.

I started to tear up. I didn't want to go back. My life was a living hell and I don't wanna re live that.
S- I understand
I pulled out my phone and called the orphanage.

Hello Mrs Oakley's orphanage, how may I help
Umm hi it's me, Sophia hall
Oh hello
Umm what happened to the other worker there.
Oh she was fired
Oh well I'm Sophia and I used to live there, I might have to come back cause I'm pretty sure my dad is going to jail.
Oh dear, well I hope things work out, our doors are always open.
Ok bye

When I set my phone down I saw Alex with Luke's parents.
A- oh Sophia I didn't know you were an orphan
?- oh dear come here, I'm Emily, Luke's mother
She came up and hugged me. I started to sob cause I wanted to stay at sway I didn't want to go back.
Alex left the room and went on the phone with someone. Emily continued to hold me whil I cried. I fell asleep in her arms.
